In the Footsteps of Magtymguly: Vamberi's Literary Mastery
Bahodir Karim
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: G. Vamberi, Magtymguly, Fragi, Scholar, Translator, Philologist, Literary Critic, Language.
Abstract: Men of letters and other remarkable individuals, who have glorified their nation, stand as feathers in its cap
on the global stage. Magtymguly Fragi, a poet and thinker, navigated the depths "on the ship of intellect into
the river of thought," earning reverence not only from the Turkmen nation but also from all Turkish-speaking
peoples. Exploring his life and creative legacy, which has secured a significant place in the hearts of millions,
has spawned a new scholarly pursuit known as "Magtymguly studies." This discipline delves into the poet's
contributions and influence, shedding light on his profound impact on literature and thought across cultural
This trend extended beyond national boundaries,
capturing the attention of scholars worldwide. The
poet's works, embodying a unique artistic
perspective, compelled global interest. When delving
into the artificial world of Magtymguly based on his
translated works, researchers invariably encounter the
name of the Hungarian scholar Germanicus Vambery
(1832-1913). In his publication "Travelling to Central
Asia," Vambery emphasizes the significance of
Magtymguly's poems, noting them as essential
examples of the pure Turkmen dialect. Furthermore,
Magtymguly provides detailed insights into the
content and spirit of Oriental peoples, a perspective
often absent in the works of other Oriental writers.
Although the information from this source is
familiar to specialists, Germanius Vambery's work
"The Turkmen Language and the Divan of
Magtymguly" has not received the specialized
attention it deserves in the study of Magtymguly's
creativity. Published in 1879 in Leipzig's "Journal of
the German Eastern Society" ("Zeitschrift der
deutschen Morgenhandischen Gezellschaft"), the
work comprises two parts. Accompanying the article
are 31 poems and 10 excerpts from Magtymguly's
poems, translated into German by Vambery himself.
The originals in Arabic alphabet, along with footnotes
explaining the meanings of nearly 100 words and
word combinations, enrich the exploration of
Magtymguly's literary contributions.
Employing the historical-functional method, this
research focuses on luminaries who have brought
prestige to their nations. Magtymguly Fragi, a revered
poet and philosopher, sailed "on the ship of intellect
into the river of thought," earning admiration not only
from the Turkmen people but also from Turkish-
speaking communities globally. This exploration of
his life and lasting legacy has given rise to the
academic pursuit of "Magtymguly studies." This
discipline meticulously examines the poet's
contributions and pervasive influence, illuminating
his profound impact on literature and thought
transcending cultural boundaries.
The given literary source is a proof of the high
intellectual level of G. Vamberi and the fact that he
was a connoisseur of the culture of Turkish peoples,
in particular, the composition of their tribes, their
everyday life, and geographical environment, as well
as the original character of the Turkmen language.
For example, the phonetic peculiarity of the
Turkmen language he explains in the following way:
“If we compare the Turkmen language with the
modern Seljuk language, and also with the language
of Osman Turk, then they could not even distinguish
them. First of all, in the phonetics of the Turkmen
Karim, B.
In the Footsteps of Magtymguly: Vamberi’s Literary Mastery.
DOI: 10.5220/0012956800003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1197-1201
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
language, as in the phonetics of the Osman Turks
language, we can see a frequent tendency to
palatalization. For example, the vowels «kaf» (ii) and
«kaf» at the end of the word, thanks to the existing
affixation, almost always turn into «g». So, as
derivatives of the verbs “dokmek”, “Ijilmak” the
words “dokmage”, “kylmaga” are formed, and also,
in the Osman Turks language instead of the word
“dejil” there is the word “deel”, Chigatayen «tegil» -
as “togul”. These peculiarities become more vivid
between dental sounds “t” - “d”. Here the sound “t”,
placed at the end and at the beginning of the word, is
changed into the sound “d”. For example, such words
as “turmek”, “tatli“, “toje” and others start to sound
like “durmak”, “dadli”, “doje”.
Such opinions are correct from a linguistic point
of view. Vamberi, glorifying Magtymguly, places the
emotions of his poems in one row with the works of
such geniuses of the Orient as Ahmed Yasavi, Fizuli,
Sufi Allahyar, and Mashrab. In fact, Magtymguly in
his poems reminds Mansur Hallaj, who once said:
«Апа-1-Нак», who got up in rags and tatters of Hoja
Ahmed Yasavi, generous Bahauddin Naksh- band,
Nasimi, who suffered severe tortures, Mawlan Jami,
and Hazrat Navoi.
In the poet’s opinion, following his way is
possible at some certain conditions, i.e., spiritual
advisors are required for the “dervishes, who follow
the way of truth”. Because this way is long, and while
passing it some genies and ghosts, tigers, wolves, and
other misfortunes may stalk to the travellers,
bitterness and disappointment may penetrate into his
soul. God forbid Satan to try to go too far afield, and
if he does it successfully, then all business and good
intentions may turn backward. On the assumption of
moral postulates, the poet calls to be courteous with
parents, contain themselves from gossips, renounce
from haughtiness, not to disclose one’s own secrets to
alien people, to be watchful and brave; he compares
insatiable passion with a dragon, scientists without
business - with a garden, deprived of fertility, life in
the corporeal - a temporary guest in it; he advises
everybody to reconsider the perfection of his
spirituality, not to be taken by the accumulation of
wealth without allocation of obligatory zakat
(purification donations), not to be a companion to a
mean man and not to present friendship affection to
those who have a “black soul”.
Magtymguly, who stated: “My word is my
admonition”, calls people to kindness, turns people
from the possibility to fulfill crimes. In this aspect
Vamberi’s statement that the poet’s gazels “in most
of cases dominate views on religion and morality” is
quite reasonable. Indeed, the meaning and the content
of Quran’s ayahs and blessed Hadises are laid in the
basis of Magtymguly creativity.
The key to the correct interpretation of such of his
lines as “Be with the hope, as Joseph”, “Be as
tolerable as Ayub”, “To be a sacrifice, a sacrificial
altar to Ismail, son of Halil”, “Suleiman is the king of
humanity and gins”, “Comfortably laid the dwellers
of a cave”, is concluded in the Koranic narrations. A
man who lived in two poles, in two cultural
environments, belongs by his mentality to nature -
this is one more acknowledgment of Vambery -
researcher of Magtymguly poems. He states: “It may
turn laughable that if we, in a society where stealing
and robbery prevail, start to recite poems against
stealing, or, notifying his countrymen about the harm
of smoking tobacco in his gazels, thus, trying to
arouse a feeling of fear”.
Such frank interpretations and true
acknowledgments may be put forward only by a
scientist who possesses a keen eye, who sees
something with his own eyes and who has deeply
researched the life of peoples of Central Asia from
within and having compared it with the way of life in
Europe. “In his poems, the poet narrates about the
effaced sand migrations of prophets, Saints, the topics
of paradise and hell in his own interpretation”. This
note is also natural because it underlines the width of
the topics of the author’s poems. From the other side,
as the scholar mentions, the oriental Muslim man
apprehends all concepts, which are related to divinity,
as real truth; this is the decree of his faith.
By the way, it is impossible to agree with G.
Vamberi’s opinion, set forth in his article, that “In
fact, in Magtymguly’s gazelles, one cannot find direct
references that he studied in the medrese”, and also a
statement that the poet did not receive an education in
the medrese. Because it is a well-known fact that he
studied in medrese Shirgazi in Khiva, which is
confirmed by a farewell poem “Medrese Shirgazi” to
this great abode. It begins with the lines:
Three years, each day, you shared salt with me, -
Farewell, I'm leaving, fine Shirgazi.
Probably, Vamberi did not know about this poem.
But the scholar pays attention to the key topic:
“Aiming at the harmony with the existing in the desert
customs, inspired Magtymguly in line with the moral
traditions, carols the combative spirit as well”. The
poet characterizes what type of person a fighter
should be, about his horse and armour; he praises
brevity and courage of the Turkmen tribes yomud,
goklen, teke. And these acknowledgments do not
cause claims. For, as it appears from the expressions
used in his poems, one only needs to proclaim:
“Mount, oh, you, mount!”, immediately a brave man,
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
on his playful horse, being armed with a sword with
two blades and other swords and shields, will rush
underway, as a tiger. His aim is to prevent the
enemy’s hand touch his flower. For a brave young
man Motherland’s freedom, honour, and dignity are
higher than everything”.
As well as G. Vamberi, appreciating the
peculiarity of the Turkmen language, personality, and
creativity of Magtymguly, acquaints the European
community with them; it should be apprehended as
his merit, display of respect, and objective attitude to
the culture of the Turkish-language people, in
particular, to the greatest poet. Because the scholar
himself modestly asks his work “ be considered
as the first and indecisive attempt”. Moreover, the
copy of the divan, with which he dealt, was
distinguished by big drawbacks. In this connection,
the scientist expresses his regret: “For this reason, it
is difficult and unreliable not only to understand a
gazelle but even to read it. For example, there are
orthographic mistakes in the spelling of the Arab
words: instead of ﺍﺪﻧﻭﺩ there is ﺍﺪﻧﺩ, and instead of ﺕﻮﻗ
ﺕﺍﻮﻗ . Probably, the rewriter-calligrapher was born
in Iran and related to the inscription of the Turkmen
words not with such responsibility. Maybe for this
reason, not only letters but even the whole words are
missed. This creates difficulties in the reading of the
whole words, which makes it difficult to read this
To our opinion, today the processes of the more
detailed reading and comprehension, analysis, and
comparative study of literary and historical source in
the named reputable in volume German journal are
called to elucidate the value of Vamberi’s merits as a
researcher and translator. The study of the German
text, as well as its free translation into German,
published by him, anyway, reveals new meaningful
layers of the poet’s poems. The comparison of some
lines of just one poem “Together with stones” may
serve as the proof of our idea. There are some
differences between its variants in Turkmen, Uzbek,
and the variant, which had Vamberi. These
differences made immense influences on the content
of the work. In Turkmen: “Garry dunya al içinda,
Adamzat hyyal içinde”. In the Uzbek language, these
lines are told differently: “Қари дунё қуради дом,
Инсон хаёл сурар мудом”. In Vamberi’s variant,
there is a difference in one word: “Қаро дунё ал
ичинда, Одамзод хаёл ичинда”.
Vamberi transfers the meaning of the word “ал
by the construction “der Trug", i.e., in the meaning
“lie, deception”. However, what is the world like:
dark (каро) or old (гарры)? And which of them is
closer to the outlook and philosophy of Magtymguly?
In the Arab alphabet, these words have a similar
inscription. Maybe in the West, the world is
characterized as consisting of dark color (In Trug est
diese schwarze Welt). But in the East, the world is
defined as “ancient, old”. Moreover, Magtymguly
uses the word-combination “old world”коnе
dunya»). And later, in the continuation of the poem,
there are moments that deserve special consideration.
In Turkmen: "Kop koyler bile oturdym, Bilmedim ne
iş bitirdim In the translation into the Uzbek language:
Кўп ўйлар суриб ўтирдим, Билмадим, не ишлар
битирдим”. Vamberi has it the following way: “Кўп
гўйлар лабима уйирдим, Билмадим, на иш
битирдим”. The first line has the meaning: “Many
words were uttered; many things were told”. Vamberi
transfers the meaning of the Persian wordгуй” as:
“die Rede”, i.e., as “speech, sentence”, which sounds
convincingly. There is one more example of
difference. In the Turkmen: Bikar goyma omur tagty,
Oyandyrsak uyumyş bagty - Maxtumkuly (1974). In
the Turkmen language, the word “уюмиш” has the
meaning “to sleep”, and it is just this, what was taken
into consideration while translating the word into the
Uzbek language: Бекор қўйма умр тахтин, Уйғот
ухлаб ётган бахтни - Makhtumkuli. (1992). In
Vamberi`s variant the word “тагт” is absent, instead
of it the word “саxт” is used, which has the meaning:
“exacting, strict, heavy”: Бекор қўйма умр сахти,
Унидиёрсан уймиш багти. The combination of
words “умр сахты” is translated as “das schwere
Leben”, which means '’strong, powerful life”. In the
whole, the meaning of the translation corresponds this
meaning. In fact, the word « уймиш
» contains the
meaning: «folding, gathering, submission,
following». In Magtymguly’s creativity this word is
very frequently used exactly in these meanings
нафсингга уйма», “Куръонга уйдим”). The word-
combination “уймыш багт” Vamberi translates as
«das gunstige Schickasal», i.e. «convenient fate».
The two lines in Vamberi’s variant correspond the
meaning: «Do not leave your life, which is full of
power and strength, without devoting it to a business,
do not be useless, otherwise, you’ll fall into oblivion
the happiness, which smiled upon your grant of fate».
Thus, a brief study of one poem with its translation
revealed few differences, which influence the
translation. Such serious versions, the cardinal
change of the content is met in the other poems also.
For example, let’s take one stanza of the poem “Meet
Field” («Мейдан ёлукса”) as an example, and
compare it. In Turkmen: “Yigit bardyr, sozun tapmaz,
surrudyr, Yigit bardyr, demi da§lar eridir. Jay yerinde
gayra galsa, garrydyr, Gog yigidin aty gaman
yoluksa” - Maxtumkuly (1974). In Uzbek: “Йигит
In the Footsteps of Magtymguly: Vamberi’s Literary Mastery
борки, сузи дилинг _ orpumap, Йигит борки, дами
тошни эритар, Узок, жойда ёлгиз к,олса к;аритар,
Мард йигитнинг оти чаман учраса” -
Makhtumkuli. (1992). Here is deep understanding
and craftsmanship, which is displayed by the
translator. The text, which served as a source text for
Vamberi, was a little bit different: The word-
combination “дами тошни эритар” (“his breath will
dissolve the stones”), In Vamberi’s variant appeared
in the derivative word “дамдоши , which is translated
into German in the meaning ‘ihre Umgebung
(Genosse), i.e. «those friends, who surround him».
Outside the text, this word Vamberi explains as “a
companion, a fellow who became a relative”. And the
word “ихрамок” he translates as “verachten in the
meaning: «hates, don’t respect». In all Turkmen and
Uzbek variants the word «ат» (“horse”) in the fourth
line means the name of a beast, intended for riding.
Vamberi by mistake appreciated it as a word, which
characterizes «name, fame, heroism of a young man»,
which is expressed by him in the German language.
The word «чаман» in his opinion, may correspond to
the German word «die Flur» - ’’flower garden”. In the
variant, which he uses, instead of the word кариш"
(become old) is the word “куриш” (to dry, to become
dry). For this reason, the meaning of this poem may
be understood as: “There are such brave young men,
who, if they do not know what to say, they without
fail will ask other people; and there are such mean
young men, who do not display respect even to their
close person, hating him. If a young man is a poor
wanderer and finds himself in foreign countries, and
even if he lives in a blossoming place, his glory and
his good name will fade, as a dried canal, where there
is no water”. another variant may be more powerful
and authentic than this one. Most likely that we
should believe the variant, which Vambery had.
Because both the art of “tazod" (тазод) (skilful usage
of antonyms in the poem), and the blame of the
wandering life in foreign countries are important
peculiarities, which are inherent to Magtymguly’s
poetry. Undoubtedly, there are differences in the
variants of the poet’s divan, which are rewritten or
issued at different times and on different geographic
latitudes. It was well known to specialists. Because
the existence of manuscripts is naturally determined,
and each time, rewriting them, each representative of
Turkish nations strived at adjusting them to his own
dialect. And it is not known whose variant is the one,
which Vamberi used. Comparing this variant (1879)
with the one of the last editions, which published in
(vol. I - 1992; vol. II - 1994) in Ashgabat, we found
many textual alternative versions. There are, for
example, such differences, which do not influence
them eaning, as: юрак- кунгил (heart or soul), аёл -
хотин (woman), ал - цул (hand), уят - х,аё (shame),
жушиб - тулиб (raging -overfilling^, “ах чекар -
ахдеяр” (gasp). Along with this, there are enough
differences which influence the content, melody and
meter: “царо дунё - цари дунё (dark world- ancient
world), амалинг надир - аслинг надир (what is your
trade - what is your origin) and so on. Such kind of
alternative versions occur also in the names of places,
and also in the names (For example: %омун - Харун\
Фаргона шах,рина - Дарганнтг шахрина). Of
course, one cannot but notice such like alternative
versions in the texts of Magtymguly poems. On the
other side, separate words, word-combinations and
even lines sometimes seem to be more well-grounded
even more than their contrasts in the copies, which are
the property of contemporary readers. For example:
Сирка айтур: “Бол манам”, зифт узини ёг саяр
(“Vinegar says: “I’m honey”, resin considers itself
butter”). In the Turkmen and Uzbek variants instead
the word “зифт” (from the Afab language - glue,
resin) the word “oil” (“nebit”) is used. Seriously
considering, logically correct is the definition of
boasting zift (glue, resin), which considers itself
“oil”, but having less value than oil, which is called
“black gold”. Another example: “Алцукму лиллац”,
Давлат бсщийсАпхукму лиллах,” - “Command
belongs to Allah”. “Алхамдулиллах,” - “Praise
Allah”. Because a person, who asks eternal richness,
expressing his thankfulness to Allah for goods, which
He presented him, can pray God for addition.
Secondly, he, who asks such wealth believing that all
people are given as much as they have deserved, may
become a Muslim, who will reconcile oneself to
destiny. In this meaning both Arab word-
combinations are equal, and for this reason the usage
of any of them is not considered as a mistake from
life, literary or scientific point of view and by Shariat.
In a word, the variant used by G. Vamberi, and his
translations, can assist in the training of the critical
text of Magtymguly’s “Divan” and also benefit those
who want to translate the poet’s poems into other
languages. Magtymguly is a great word, and his word
is sacred; for this reason, it penetrates deeply into the
hearts of people. Today, the number of researchers
studying Magtymguly abroad is growing day by day,
including in Uzbekistan. The work of each person
who has enough wisdom and skills to translate the
lines of the Great poet, transferring their true meaning
from the bottom of his soul, deserves praise. The
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
merit of each intelligent person lies in translating the
works of Fragy to save the wealth implied in them and
carry them to other people, thus widely publicizing it.
German Vamberi, a Hungarian scientist, is one of
Vamberi, G. (1865). Journey to Central Asia (Vol. 1, p.
159). St. Petersburg.
Quoted from the source: Validi, A. Z. (1913). Devoni
Maxtumkuly. Shuro Magazine, 13, 393.
Maxtumkuly. (1974). Selected - Turkmenistan (p. 42).
Makhtumkuli. (1992). Poems: It has three roofs (1st roof, p.
286, 101). Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
Makhtumkuli. (2013). Poems (pp. 48-49, 257). Tashkent:
Academic Edition.
In the Footsteps of Magtymguly: Vamberi’s Literary Mastery