To adapt the test questionnaire for determining the
tendency to deviant behaviour, an empirical study
was organized and conducted, which was
implemented taking into account three main steps.
They are due to both the requirements for
psychometric tools as a whole and the conditions for
the activities of specialists in an extreme profile:
The first step is the translation of the content of
the test questionnaire into Uzbek with subsequent
mathematical and statistical verification of the
acceptability of the translation.
The second step is to determine the reliability, and
validity of the test questionnaire in order to study the
stability, and accuracy of psychodiagnostics results
regarding the phenomenon under study.
The third step is the standardization of the test
questionnaire to determine the norm regarding the
target sample, i.e. specialists of an extreme profile.
Thus, as part of the first step of the empirical
study, the instructions and statements of the test
questionnaire were translated into the Uzbek
language, which specialist philologists and
psychologists conducted. This process was focused
not on the literal but mainly on the semantic
translation. Further, to confirm the adequacy of the
translation, a psychological examination was
conducted on a test questionnaire on a bilingual
sample (n = 87) of both female (n = 43) and male (n
= 44) sex, aged 20 to 42 years (average age - 26.7
years). That is, first, respondents (specialists of the
extreme profile) were asked to answer the
questionnaire questions in Uzbek and then in Russian
language (original language) (Fig. 1)."
Figure 1: Empirical Study: Quantitative Analysis of Test
Questionnaire Translation Adequacy for Deviant
Behaviour Tendency in Uzbek, by Gender (n=87).
To enhance the reliability of the adequacy test for the
translation, a re-examination in the Russian language
was conducted after 6-7 days, minimizing the
likelihood of respondents memorizing the statements
of the test questionnaire. A specially designed answer
form and stencil-type processing key were employed
to streamline the examination procedure and initial
result processing.
The confirmation of the adequacy of the translation
relied on correlation analysis of the obtained results
(in raw scores) from the survey conducted in Uzbek
and Russian languages. Preliminary analysis, based
on the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov
criterion, revealed that the empirical data
significantly deviated from normal distribution.
Consequently, correlation analysis was performed
using the nonparametric Spearman criterion through
the SPSS software package.
Moving to the second step of the empirical study,
retest reliability for the test questionnaire assessing
the tendency toward deviant behaviour was explored
on the same sample of extreme profile specialists
during a second examination (after 7-8 days). A
correlation analysis was then conducted on the
obtained indicators. This phase involved 191
specialists of the extreme profile, comprising both
female (n = 87) and male (n = 104) participants, aged
20 to 44 years (average age - 26.9 years). Among the
total respondents, 98 individuals took the survey in
Uzbek, and 93 in the Russian language. Similar to the
previous stage, preliminary analysis, according to the
non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion,
indicated a statistically significant departure from
normal distribution. Therefore, correlation analysis
was performed using the nonparametric Spearman
criterion with the assistance of the SPSS software
package (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Quantitative characteristics of the sample of the
empirical study of the retest reliability of the test
questionnaire for determining the tendency to deviant
behaviour on the basis of sex (n = 191).
In the second step of the empirical research, the next
key indicator studied was the validity of the test
questionnaire. This crucial aspect was assessed by
comparing the results of the survey (the second round
with n = 191 for reliability) with the outcomes of
expert evaluations regarding the participants'
inclination towards deviant behaviour. The
assessment aligned with the specific feature,
mirroring the scales of the test questionnaire. This
alignment facilitated
the subsequent analysis to
determine the empirical validity coefficient.