Psychometric Techniques in Assessing Environmentally Responsible
Behaviour: Profiling Professionals for Propensity to Deviant Behaviour
Agzamova Elena Yurievna
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Adaptation of the Psychometric Technique, Psychology of Environmentally Responsible Behaviour, a
Tendency to Deviant Behaviour, Environmental Education, Specialist of the Extreme Profile, Reliability, the
Validity of the Test Questionnaire, Standardisation of the Test Questionnaire.
Abstract: The article explores the adaptation process of the psychometric methodology for assessing the inclination
towards deviant behaviour for the utilization by experts of the relevant category - extreme profile and
ecologically responsible behaviour. During the adaptation, a comprehensive examination of fundamental
characteristics of the psychometric technique, such as reliability and validity, is intricately detailed. The
particulars of the mechanism for translating the content of the psychometric technique into the Uzbek
language, followed by mathematical and statistical verification, are elucidated. Additionally, the
standardisation process is discussed to ascertain the norm for the target sample - specialists of the extreme
As you are aware, the effective professional conduct
of specialists in an extreme profile demands the
maintenance of a proper level of official discipline,
socially responsible behaviour, moral and
psychological reliability, moral stability, high
competence, mutual assistance, and dedication.
Conversely, deviant actions and behaviour among
specialists pose a rather dangerous and destabilizing
factor, negatively impacting the quality of task
performance and the moral and psychological well-
being of professional teams. Addressing these
concerns necessitates systematic efforts to prevent
deviant behaviour, with the issue of psychodiagnosis
of the phenomenon becoming a predominant aspect,
requiring a reliable, valid, and standardized
psychometric technique.
An analysis of the scientific literature reveals that,
to date, a relatively small number of psychometric
techniques have been developed, typically applicable
only for the psychodiagnosis of individual
manifestations of deviant behaviour among
specialists in an extreme profile. Additionally, A.N.
Orel presents a test questionnaire for determining the
inclination towards deviant behaviour, offering an
integrated approach to psychodiagnosis, considering
the gender characteristics of the subjects - Kleyberg,
Yu. A. (2004). This tool covers a broad spectrum of
deviant behaviour manifestations through relevant
scales, featuring two sets of statements (98 statements
for males, 108 statements for females), detailed
instructions, an appropriate processing mechanism,
and result interpretation. To address the issue of
prevention of falsification, i.e., conscious or
unconscious distortion of psychodiagnostics results
by subjects, the author introduces a reliability scale in
the traditional form.
Despite the advantages of this test questionnaire,
as pointed out by M.A. Shamanaeva, L.A. Dudko,
D.S. Statsenko, the tool possesses several
shortcomings that significantly restrict its application
in psychological and pedagogical practice -
Shamanaeva, M. A, & et. al. (2018). These limitations
mainly stem from a weak differentiating and criterion
function of the provided statements, the absence of
suitable recommendations, and requirements for the
qualifications and training level of a specialist
conducting a psychodiagnostics examination. Given
these circumstances, there is a pertinent need for a
specific study to adapt the test questionnaire for
determining the tendency toward deviant behaviour
for use within the relevant category - specialists of an
extreme profile.
Yurievna, A.
Psychometric Techniques in Assessing Environmentally Responsible Behaviour: Profiling Professionals for Propensity to Deviant Behaviour.
DOI: 10.5220/0012957200003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1207-1211
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
To adapt the test questionnaire for determining the
tendency to deviant behaviour, an empirical study
was organized and conducted, which was
implemented taking into account three main steps.
They are due to both the requirements for
psychometric tools as a whole and the conditions for
the activities of specialists in an extreme profile:
The first step is the translation of the content of
the test questionnaire into Uzbek with subsequent
mathematical and statistical verification of the
acceptability of the translation.
The second step is to determine the reliability, and
validity of the test questionnaire in order to study the
stability, and accuracy of psychodiagnostics results
regarding the phenomenon under study.
The third step is the standardization of the test
questionnaire to determine the norm regarding the
target sample, i.e. specialists of an extreme profile.
Thus, as part of the first step of the empirical
study, the instructions and statements of the test
questionnaire were translated into the Uzbek
language, which specialist philologists and
psychologists conducted. This process was focused
not on the literal but mainly on the semantic
translation. Further, to confirm the adequacy of the
translation, a psychological examination was
conducted on a test questionnaire on a bilingual
sample (n = 87) of both female (n = 43) and male (n
= 44) sex, aged 20 to 42 years (average age - 26.7
years). That is, first, respondents (specialists of the
extreme profile) were asked to answer the
questionnaire questions in Uzbek and then in Russian
language (original language) (Fig. 1)."
Figure 1: Empirical Study: Quantitative Analysis of Test
Questionnaire Translation Adequacy for Deviant
Behaviour Tendency in Uzbek, by Gender (n=87).
To enhance the reliability of the adequacy test for the
translation, a re-examination in the Russian language
was conducted after 6-7 days, minimizing the
likelihood of respondents memorizing the statements
of the test questionnaire. A specially designed answer
form and stencil-type processing key were employed
to streamline the examination procedure and initial
result processing.
The confirmation of the adequacy of the translation
relied on correlation analysis of the obtained results
(in raw scores) from the survey conducted in Uzbek
and Russian languages. Preliminary analysis, based
on the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov
criterion, revealed that the empirical data
significantly deviated from normal distribution.
Consequently, correlation analysis was performed
using the nonparametric Spearman criterion through
the SPSS software package.
Moving to the second step of the empirical study,
retest reliability for the test questionnaire assessing
the tendency toward deviant behaviour was explored
on the same sample of extreme profile specialists
during a second examination (after 7-8 days). A
correlation analysis was then conducted on the
obtained indicators. This phase involved 191
specialists of the extreme profile, comprising both
female (n = 87) and male (n = 104) participants, aged
20 to 44 years (average age - 26.9 years). Among the
total respondents, 98 individuals took the survey in
Uzbek, and 93 in the Russian language. Similar to the
previous stage, preliminary analysis, according to the
non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion,
indicated a statistically significant departure from
normal distribution. Therefore, correlation analysis
was performed using the nonparametric Spearman
criterion with the assistance of the SPSS software
package (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Quantitative characteristics of the sample of the
empirical study of the retest reliability of the test
questionnaire for determining the tendency to deviant
behaviour on the basis of sex (n = 191).
In the second step of the empirical research, the next
key indicator studied was the validity of the test
questionnaire. This crucial aspect was assessed by
comparing the results of the survey (the second round
with n = 191 for reliability) with the outcomes of
expert evaluations regarding the participants'
inclination towards deviant behaviour. The
assessment aligned with the specific feature,
mirroring the scales of the test questionnaire. This
alignment facilitated
the subsequent analysis to
determine the empirical validity coefficient.
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Sixty-four psychologists, comprising both female
(n = 34) and male (n = 30) practitioners with hands-
on experience working with extreme profile
specialists, participated in the expert evaluation. The
peer-review utilized a well-established form to assess
tendencies toward deviant behaviour in extreme
profiles. This form provided suitable evaluation
criteria, a ten-point rating scale, and a standardized
mechanism for processing the obtained results.
Preliminary analysis of the survey and expert
evaluation results, according to the non-parametric
Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion, revealed a
statistically significant deviation from normal
distribution. Subsequent correlation analysis
employed the nonparametric Spearman criterion
using the SPSS software package. As mentioned
earlier, the final phase of the empirical study, the third
step, focused on standardizing the test questionnaire
based on survey results from 976 extreme profile
specialists. This group included both female (n = 427)
and male (n = 549) participants, aged 20 to 45 years
(average age - 26.6 years) (Fig. 3).
Figure 3: Standardization of Deviant Behaviour Test Ques-
tionnaire: Quantitative Analysis by Sex in a Sample of 976.
Simultaneously, the standardization sample
formation was carried out randomly, employing a
generated table of random numbers. These steps
ensured a normal distribution of the acquired
psychodiagnostics data, confirmed through the
utilization of the non-parametric Kolmogorov-
Smirnov criterion. For the standardization process,
the widely adopted Stan scale, specifically the
Standard Tens proposed by R.B. Cattell - Nasledov,
A. (2004) - Sidorenko E. V. (1996), was employed.
Two versions of this scale were used - the original
version and an altered version where the ten-point
scale proposed by R.B. Cattell was transformed into
a four-point scale. Throughout the standardization
process, various mathematical derivatives such as the
mean (M), standard deviation (σ), asymmetry
indicators (A), excess (E), etc., were computed. These
calculations facilitated the graphical distribution of
raw scores according to standard estimates.
During the initial phase of the empirical study, the
outcomes of the correlation analysis substantiate a
noteworthy positive correlation in the examination
results across all diagnostic scales, including
sincerity. The mean statistical coefficient for
translation adequacy, applicable to both female and
male versions, stands at 0.83 with p < 0.05, a level we
find entirely acceptable, affirming the respondent's
accurate understanding of the translated instructions
and statements in the test questionnaire (Table No. 1).
Table 1: Average statistical coefficient of translation adequacy for both the female and male versions is 0.83 at p <0.05.
Names of comparison scales
Scale of sincerity (in Uzbek) & Scale of sincerity (in Russian)
0.87 0.85
Scale of propensity to overcome norms and rules (in Uzbek) & Scale of propensity to
overcome norms and rules (in Russian)
0.84 0.86
Scale of tendency to addictive behaviour (in Uzbek) & Scale of tendency to addictive
ehaviour (in Russian)
0.83 0.82
Scale of propensity for self-damaging and self-destructive behaviour (in Uzbek) & Scale
of propensity for self-damaging and self-destructive behaviour (in English)
0.74 0.75
Scale of propensity for aggression and violence (in Uzbek) & Scale of propensity for
aggression and violence (in English)
0.92 0.9
Scale of volitional control of emotional reactions (in Uzbek) & Scale of volitional control
of emotional reactions (in Russian)
0.88 0.9
Scale of propensity for tort behaviour (in Uzbek) & Scale of propensity for tort behaviour
(in Russian)
0.7 0.7
Scale of acceptance of the female social role (for women) (in Uzbek) & Scale of
acceptance of the female social role (for women) (in English)
0.84 0.86
Psychometric Techniques in Assessing Environmentally Responsible Behaviour: Profiling Professionals for Propensity to Deviant Behaviour
In the second phase of the empirical study, the results of the
correlation analysis provide clear confirmation that the
coefficient of retest reliability for the considered test
questionnaire averages 0.78 at p < 0.05. This includes the
female version in both Uzbek and Russian languages with
a reliability coefficient of 0.8 and the male version in both
Uzbek and Russian languages with a reliability coefficient
of 0.76. These figures represent acceptable indicators for
the reliability of the test questionnaire in question (Table
No. 2).
Furthermore, the results of the correlation analysis
between the survey results on the test questionnaire
and expert evaluation indicate that the average
coefficient of empirical validity for the test
questionnaire is 0.8 at p < 0.05. This indicator
strongly confirms the satisfactory accuracy of the
survey results, making it an acceptable measure of the
validity of the test questionnaire in question (Table
No. 3).
Table 2: Results of correlation analysis of the results of the survey on the test questionnaire for determining the tendency to
deviant behaviour (n = 191).
Names of comparison scales
coefficients at
in Uzbek language
n Russian languag
First Examination - Sincerity Scale & Second Survey - Sincerity Scale 0.82 0.79 0.81 0.8
First survey - scale of inclination to overcome norms and rules & Second
survey - scale of propensity to overcome norms and rules
0.77 0.76 0.79 0.76
First Survey - Addictive Behaviour Propensity Scale & Second Survey -
Addictive Behaviour Tendency Scale
0.79 0.76 0.77 0.76
The first survey is a scale of propensity for self-harming and self-destructiv
behaviours & The second survey is a scale of propensity for self-harming
and self-destructive поведению
0.75 0.72 0.75 0.71
First examination - scale of propensity for aggression and violence &
Second survey - scale of propensity for aggression and violence
0.84 0.82 0.83 0.83
The first examination - the scale of volitional control of emotional reactions
& the second survey - the scale of volitional control of emotional reactions
0.82 0.8 0.83 0.82
The first survey is a scale of propensity for delinquent behaviour & the
second survey is a scale of propensity for delinquent behaviou
0.8 0.71 0.8 0.7
The first survey is the scale of acceptance of the female social role (for
women) and the second survey is the scale of acceptance of the female
social role (for women).
0.79 0.72 0.77 0.71
Table 3: Results of correlation analysis of the results of the survey on the test questionnaire for determining the tendency to
deviant behaviour and expert assessment (n = 191).
Names of comparison scales
coefficients at
Examination by means of a test questionnaire - a scale of inclination to overcome norms
and rules & Ex
ert assessment - a tendenc
to overcome norms and rules
Test Questionnaire Examination - Addictive Behaviour Propensity Scale & Peer Review
- Tendenc
to Addictive Behaviou
Test Questionnaire Examination
Self-Damaging and Self-Destructive Behaviour Scale
& Peer Review
for Self-Dama
and Self-Destructive Behaviou
Examination by means of a test questionnaire - a scale of p
opensity for aggression and
violence & Ex
ert assessment - tendencies to a
ression and violence
Examination with the help of a test questionnaire - a scale of volitional control of
emotional reactions & Ex
ert assessment - volitional control of emotional reactions
Survey with a test questionnaire - a scale of propensity for delinquent behaviour &
ert assessment - a tendenc
to tort behaviou
Survey by means of a test questionnaire - a scale of acceptance of the female social role
(for women) & Expert assessment - acceptance of the female social role (for women)
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
During the final, third step of the empirical study,
tables were devised to translate raw scores on the test
questionnaire into a standardized scale and interpret
the results, considering all available
psychodiagnostics scales. Significantly, the
standardization process resulted in the development
of two options for interpreting the obtained results.
The first option (the conventional standardized scale),
primarily for psychological support, involves
interpreting the examination results on
psychodiagnostics scales. This means translating raw
scores into a standardized scale and interpreting them
based on the severity of the trait, considering each
psychodiagnostics scale. The second option
(modified stan scale), primarily for psychological
selection or the selection of specialists, entails
interpreting the survey results on the test
questionnaire as a whole. In this case, raw scores are
translated into a standardized scale, considering each
psychodiagnostics scale, allowing the formation of
one of four profiles that correspond to specific group
Hence, the systematically organized and executed
empirical study, aimed at adapting the test
questionnaire for determining the tendency to deviant
behaviour, essentially resulted in the creation of a
bilingual psychometric toolkit with satisfactory
reliability and validity. This toolkit provides two
standardized options for interpreting the obtained
results, deemed acceptable for practical application in
the ongoing efforts to prevent deviant behaviour
among specialists of an extreme profile.
Simultaneously, various studies advocate the
combined use of such methods with other
psychodiagnostics tools and techniques. This
collaborative approach not only yields a more reliable
and scientifically grounded outcome but also
significantly diminishes the risk of erroneous
conclusions while fostering the development of more
effective practical recommendations.
Kleyberg, Yu. A. (2004). Social psychology of deviant
behavior: A textbook for universities. Moscow, Russia.
Nasledov, A. (2004). Mathematical methods of
psychological research. Analysis and interpretation of
data. Tutorial. Saint Petersburg, Russia: Rech.
Sidorenko, E. V. (1996). Methods of mathematical
processing in psychology. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Shamanaeva, M. A., Dudko, L. A., & Statsenko, D. S.
(2018). To the question of the quality of diagnostic
tools for identifying a tendency to deviant behaviour
(on the example of the analysis of the textbook).
Scientific journal "PEM: Psychology. Educology.
Medicine", 3, 123-139.
Psychometric Techniques in Assessing Environmentally Responsible Behaviour: Profiling Professionals for Propensity to Deviant Behaviour