Implementation of the Museum Shop in Museums of Uzbekistan
Munisa Muxamedova
, Jasur Jumayev
, Kurambay Matmuratov
, Fayzulla Kabilov
and Shuxrat Giyasov
The National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Museum Store, Fundraising, Museum Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Museum Marketing, Art Market, Museum
Hydraulic Structures, Traveling Exhibitions.
Abstract: This article discusses the implementation of museum store projects in the development of museum activities
and the improvement of museum management based on the experience of local museums in foreign countries.
The possibilities of the practice of fundraising in the practice of museums in Uzbekistan are also shown.
The problem of collecting museum objects and
passing them on to future generations has never been
as important for society as it is now. The increasing
level of globalization and radical transformations in
the surrounding reality change the place in the
material culture of man, his personality, and history,
and requires clarification of ways and conditions of
explaining and describing these changes. Museums
have always served as a platform for the ideological
development of generations, a source of knowledge,
upbringing, and education in different historical
The preservation and display of museum objects
has become one of the most important tasks in the
modern context of globalization, which means that
every nation has a deeper understanding of its history
and culture. In this regard, strengthening the material
and technical base of museums is one of the actual
issues. To this end, it is important to develop a
targeted plan for the construction, reconstruction,
repair, and equipping of state museums with modern
technology and improving the exposition and
collection capacity in 2023-2026.
The Agency for Cultural Heritage, the Academy
of Arts of Uzbekistan, and the Ministry of
Construction jointly should develop a standard design
for art galleries. It is important to organize an
exhibition hall, training, and creative rooms for young
people, a modern library café, and art workshops for
In a post-industrial society, the transformation of
cultural values into international goods is considered
a component of cultural and economic development
and an economic resource. Tourism, international
festivals, and museum projects are the main means of
establishing cultural exports. One of the most striking
processes of exporting the culture of a particular
people of the world is tourism. It is important to note
that the tourism business or the tourism industry does
not prepare a new product for the material needs of a
person. He "decorates", advertises, and sells the
culture of the nation.
The development and improvement of additional
services in museums have great importance in the
development of museum tourism and creative
entrepreneurship, attracting investment in museum
activities, introducing the practice of fundraising in
non-profit art institutions, managing cultural projects,
improving intellectual property relations, and
expanding the scope of art productions.
The international exhibitions and festivals “Sharq
taronalari” ("Sounds of the East"), “Asrlar sadosi”
("Sounds of Centuries"), and "Biennale" regularly
organized in the republic are significant not only for
Muxamedova, M., Jumayev, J., Matmuratov, K., Kabilov, F. and Giyasov, S.
Implementation of the Museum Shop in Museums of Uzbekistan.
DOI: 10.5220/0012963600003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1262-1266
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
their ideological and creative features but also for the
great influence they have on the development of
cultural exports. the "cultural (creative) industry"
widely used in the West. This, in turn, serves to
restore national values and thereby enrich cultural
resources. In the 21st century, which is considered the
age of information, the active activity and initiative of
museums in international festivals and large-scale
projects is important. At the same time, such issues as
the concept of museum development, and the
formation of museum marketing and management
will again intersect. Every year major festivals are
organized in Russia, such as "Children's Day in
Museums of St. Petersburg", "Night in Museums" or
"Contemporary Art in Traditional Museums". This
will certainly affect the cooperation of the country's
museums, and the exchange of experience and
Globalization of the economy, the uniqueness of
the post-industrial society, and dominance of the
service sector over the production sphere also
influenced cultural tourism and developed the art
market. In this context, a new type of tourism
appeared, i.e. Museum tourism (Skulmovskaya.,
2015). Internal mobilization of museum tourism and
adaptation to market conditions, formation of
business policy and determination of strategy,
establishment of external relations served as an
important tool in the development of marketing
policy of famous museums. Museums implement
new forms of interaction with the audience, paying
more and more attention to the common interests of
the museum audience in the development of their
The studies of P. Michael, M. Bryden, and J. Hall for
the first time were devoted to the economy of tourism
of the second half of the twentieth century in
European countries, recommendations on free
tourists, problems connected with the development of
projects in the organization of marketing system in
museum tourism. They mainly reflect the
development and problems of the souvenir trade in
museum tourism on the basis of many years of
observations and practical experience of the authors
in the sphere of tourism.
The description of extensive works in the field of
museum tourism, its planning, marketing, and
management of this sphere, as well as regional
features, forms of work with visitors, and specific
aspects of innovative tourism development, are
considered on the experience of European museums.
The significance of these studies served as an
important source for studying the prospects of
applying foreign experience related to the
development of museums in cultural and educational
tourism in Uzbekistan. The authors presented some
statistical and factual data on the adaptation of
museum objects to tourism, based on the conservation
of historical objects in the practice of musefication.
Within the framework of the study, the creation of
curatorial projects in the development of cultural
tourism, the study of museum communication, the
organization of museum and display festivals in the
system of ethnographic and art museums,
management and practical developments in the
financial development of museum stores as well as
dissertations conducted in such research centres as the
USA, England, and France. In the first half of the 21st
century, based on the experience of museums of
various specializations, modern areas of activity and
innovative solutions for the development of museum
tourism were investigated(Michael., 1969-
The development of museum souvenir products and
the expansion of its assortment are considered to be
one of the most significant problems today. It is very
difficult to classify the existing range of products for
tourists because it is important to constantly update
new objects and products that attract the attention of
tourists. Starting this year, state museums have
created opportunities to purchase copies of exhibits
and collections in their "museum stores". The world
of museum sales has undergone major changes in
recent years. "There are 104 museums and their
branches in the Cultural Heritage Agency system,
including 37 main museums and 67 branches. There
are 7 museum reserves and 12 house museums.
During 2020-2021 the development of the museum
industry focused on the active application of
information technologies in the digitalization
industry. In particular, in 2020, the electronic
catalogue system of the National Museum Fund
( was created, and 46 state
museums were added to the catalogue. In 2021,
229,677 museum objects and collections were
identified electronically. Using the latest IT
technology for the platform, museums
located in Tashkent digitized exhibits in 3D format in
a new quality standard - the size of 12K (the "Virtual
Museum" project). Filming was conducted in more
Implementation of the Museum Shop in Museums of Uzbekistan
than 18 museums and posted on the world's largest
platform, as well as
(TasIX). Since 2022, the practice of approving
calendar plans for exhibitions, traveling exhibitions,
cultural and educational events, forums, conferences,
and seminars organized in the museums of the
republic was introduced. There is also a system of
evaluation of museums' activities".
Also, the Agency of Cultural Heritage created a
working group to organize a "Museum shop" system
in museums and cultural heritage sites in tourist
destinations. This working group is developing
proposals to study the experience of such countries as
Turkey, China, France, USA on the organization of a
"Museum shop" and the introduction of their
advanced experience to Uzbekistan. It is planned to
develop unique brands and trademarks of museums,
replicas of unique museum items in "Museum stores"
in each museum.
Nowadays, the range of foreign museum stores
has expanded considerably, and they present not only
art albums, notebooks, toys, and fridge magnets, but
also clothing, designer types of furniture, selective
perfumes, electronic gadgets, jewellery, sculpture
copies, rare editions of graphics by subscription are
also available. Secondly, museum stores have begun
to operate as separate retail outlets. The New York
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) has six sales
offices: three in the United States, two in Japan, and
one in Hong Kong. Museum souvenirs are sold online
not only on museum websites but also in other tourist
markets. All of this has led to a rethinking of the role
of the museum exhibit and now museum stores form
the basis of the museum's marketing system. Through
logo souvenirs, museums promote their brand,
ideology, and values. According to the American
Association of Museum Stores, sales of memorabilia
bring museums from 5 to 25% of their annual income.
Despite the relevance of the issue of "souvenir"
products in the sphere of museum tourism,
fundamental scientific and practical studies on the
study and generalization of the multifaceted practice
of creating souvenir products with different
functionalities have not been conducted. The same
situation is observed in the marketing of souvenir
products (modelling, consumer evaluation, sales
culture, etc.).
Today, there is a rich and diverse range of
souvenir products for every tourist, based on his
financial capabilities, range of interests, etc. It can be
calendars, magnets, trinkets, stationery, badges,
phone cases, banners, stickers, etc., as well as folk art
products, clothing, jewellery and costume jewellery,
interior items, art albums, books, etc.
Among the traditional marketing tools used in
museums, the creation of museum souvenirs should
be emphasized, which is one of the additional
opportunities to advertise this institution and
subsequently increase its attractiveness. The main
functions of souvenirs (besides the functional purpose
of the object):presentation and advertising of the
brand, the formation of the image of the organization,
the formation of the image of the buyer of the
souvenir; aesthetic and artistic value; gift and
demonstration of loyalty to partner organizations.
The most common and sorted souvenirs in
museums are: items depicting museum symbols
(views of buildings, collectibles, or portraits of
historical figures related to museum activities);
souvenirs with the symbols of the museum's
territorial affiliation; souvenirs of a museum profile;
printed and multimedia museum materials (e.g.,
catalogues, books, manuals, CDs) are also souvenirs.
Many museums build and strengthen their reputation
in the research environment, acting as publishers.
Thus, by distributing their souvenirs, museums
expand their audience and attract visitors,
professional communities, and patrons.
Most of the museum souvenirs are devoted to the
main exhibition, in rare cases souvenirs dedicated to
specific events are created. A souvenir is a way to
communicate with the tourist, which is functionally
defined by the following aspects:
- Encouraging tourists to visit the museum again;
- focusing on folk art, traditional festivals and
rituals, handicrafts;
-creating demand for traditional production,
economic activities, and handicrafts(Hooper-
Greenhill., 1994- Culley., 2010)
In order to ensure the fulfilment of tasks specified in
the "Address plan" of additional services organized in
state museums for 2022-2023, approved by the
Annex to the Presidential Decree of May 27, 2022
"On measures to develop services in museums" since
June 2022, "Museum shop" and trade and craft
workshops were launched in a number of museums.
Bukhara State Museum-Reserve "ARK",
Regional Museum of History and Local Lore,
Museum of Applied Decorative and Applied Arts
"Sitorai Mohi Khossa", Museum "History of Ancient
Varakhsha and Pottery", Museum and Workshop
"History of Bukhara Blacksmithcraft", "Gilamboflik"
the museum was allocated 10 souvenir and gift shops,
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
craft workshops and trade outlets with a total area of
110 sq. m.
In the Shakhrisabz State museum reserve, 110
square meters of area were allocated, and 3 souvenir
and souvenir shops, craft workshops, and retail
outlets were opened.
In the Kokand State Museum reserve 1 - porch
1,60x3,10, 2 - porch on the passage 2,20x3,10, 3,
3,90x4,55 square meters from the gatehouse are
arranged craftsman workshop and retail outlets. The
stores and retail outlets sold various souvenirs made
from unique museum items, albums, and catalogues
published by the museum, as well as handicrafts and
other souvenirs.
In the foyer of the State Art Museum of
Uzbekistan on an area of 20 square meters, there is a
gift and souvenir store, a craftsman's workshop, and
sales offices. Here souvenirs of different types are
made from unique and special exhibits of the
museum. The store also has catalogues published by
the museum. To date, the following system of
merchandising related to museum activities has been
established in the souvenir stores of this museum:
- To the 100th anniversary of the State Art
Museum of Uzbekistan porcelain dishes with images
of Russian and Central Asian avant-garde works in
the museum;
- postcards of avant-garde works in the museum
for the 100th anniversary of the State Art Museum of
- Souvenirs with images of unique paintings of the
State Art Museum of Uzbekistan.
A souvenir store was also opened at the State
Museum of the History of Uzbekistan. This store is
located in the lobby of the museum, and its area is 7
square meters. Reconstruction of the building of the
State Museum of History of Uzbekistan is carried out
jointly with the Tashkent city council and specialists
of the Turkish company "Outdoor Factory". In a new
project of the museum building, it is planned to create
a souvenir shop and a "Book Cafe" that meets modern
requirements. Souvenirs of the museum are made on
the basis of museum items from the Bronze Age to
the Middle Ages. Currently, souvenirs are made on
the basis of more than 20 exhibits, and it is planned to
produce many copies of them.( Krivosheeva., 2016-
State Museum of History of Uzbekistan., 2022)
A catalogue purchased in a museum store, a gift, a
video, or even a special shopper can serve as
advertising. Leaving the museum, these emblematic
names do an important job of reminding the person
visiting the museum, and they remind everyone
passing by that the museum exists. A museum can
always expand its potential audience; in today's
world, there is no limit to the dissemination of
knowledge. Television, video, electronic catalogues,
and other communication technologies enable a
museum to reach its clients, bypassing geographical
barriers. Decentralization, refusal of directive
management, a fuller realization of the rule "work on
itself", i.e. separation of representatives of state
power from recipients of funds and distribution of
these funds through self-government of public funds
are observed in the practice of modern world
museums, thus, undoubtedly, financing of museums
and generally remains a priority principle of state
policy in the sphere of culture.
Akinfeeva, I. I., & Zheleznyak, O. E. (2015). Souvenir as a
cultural phenomenon: specificity and classification
features. Vestnik Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo
Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta, 5(100), 305–314.
Skulmovskaya, L. G. (2015). Museum activity as an
important tourist resource of the region. In A. V.
Korichko (Ed.), Culture, Science, Education: Problems
and Prospects: Proceedings of the IV All-Russian
Scientific-Practical Conference (pp. 84–85).
Nizhnevartovsk: Nizhnevartovsk State University.
Michael, R. (1969). International tourism: The economics
and development of the international tourist trade.
London: Hutchinson.
Bryden, J. M. (1973). Tourism and development: A case
study of the Commonwealth Caribbean. Cambridge
University Press.
Hall, J. (1974). The capacity to absorb tourists. Built
Environment, 8, 244-247.
Hooper-Greenhill, E. (1994). Museums and their Visitors.
Culley, S. (2010). Museums and Tourists: A Quantitative
Look at Curator Perceptions of Tourism (Master's
thesis). University of Waterloo, Ontario. (2022, February 1). Museum shops: Buying replicas
and copies of exhibits. Yangi O‘zbekiston.
Krivosheeva, T. M. (2016). Souvenir products in museums
as a tool for emotional communication with visitors.
Sovremennye Problemy Servisa i Turizma, 2, 29–37.
Republic of Uzbekistan. (2022, May 27). Resolution of the
President No. PQ-261. National Database of
Legislative Information, No.22/07/261/0456.
Bukhara State Museum-Reserve. (2022, June 17). Internal
Order No. 27/1: On the creation of a souvenir shop,
craft workshop, and retail outlets.
Implementation of the Museum Shop in Museums of Uzbekistan
Shakhrisabz State Museum-Reserve. (2022, July 28).
Internal Order No. 17: On the creation of a souvenir
shop, craft workshop, and retail outlets.
Kokan State Museum-Reserve. (2022, July 1). Internal
Order No. 76: On the establishment of a souvenir shop,
craft workshop, and retail outlets.
Uzbekistan State Art Museum. (2022, June 21). Internal
Order No. 2312: On the organization of the State Art
Museum of Uzbekistan, gift and souvenir shop, craft
workshop, and retail outlets.
State Museum of History of Uzbekistan. (2022, July 28).
Letter No. 305 dated 07/28/2022 to the Cultural
Heritage Agency as an inform.
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