educational institutions and with juvenile offenders
for preventive purposes.
Marriage and Family Counselling: Providing
psychological counselling on marriage and family
issues, as well as offering psychological help to those
in need.
Sports Psychology: Working with psychologists in
sports societies and teams.
Training and Advanced Training: Involvement in
educational organizations for training and advanced
training of various specialists.
The demand for psychologists extends beyond
these specific areas, as the profession involves
creative work within small groups and teams.
Psychologists contribute to creating optimal socio-
psychological climates and improving the
functioning of these groups.
In the realm of professional activities,
psychologists engage in psychological diagnosis,
correction, consultation, psychological education,
and psychological prevention. The effectiveness of
these activities relies on the individual psychological
and personal characteristics of the psychologist, as
well as their communicative competence.
Communicative competence is deemed crucial,
defined as the ability to establish and maintain
necessary contacts with others. It encompasses
knowledge, skills, and abilities ensuring effective
communication. In the context of psychology,
communicative competence is considered a
professionally important personality quality,
indicating the ability to communicate adequately in
various situations.
The article explores the concepts of
communication and communications, emphasizing
their role in the professional life of a psychologist. It
delves into professional communication,
distinguishing it from general communication, and
highlights its significance in the context of services
provided by working specialists. The article also
discusses professional communication at different
levels – dyad, workgroup, and team – each
characterized by distinct communicative roles and
Communicative competence is viewed as a
system of internal resources necessary for effective
communication. It comprises communicative
knowledge, communication skills, and
communication abilities. Communicative knowledge
includes understanding the types and phases of
communication, methods, and techniques.
Communication skills encompass organizing
messages, speech skills, and overcoming barriers.
Communication abilities are individual psychological
properties ensuring successful communicative
A theoretical analysis of various concepts pertaining
to the professional communicative competence of a
psychologist and its structure leads to the following
The efficacy of a psychologist's professional
activities, as well as communication with individuals,
hinges significantly on the development of their
professional communicative competence. This
competence is fundamentally composed of
communicative knowledge, communication skills,
and communication abilities.
The distinctive nature of the psychologist's
profession and duties primarily revolves around
interaction and communication with individuals. This
necessitates a high level of professional
communication etiquette, well-developed
professional communicative competence, and
proficiency in communication skills, abilities, and
personal traits.
The formation and application of a psychologist's
professional communicative competence occur
during their engagement in professional
communication and interactions with people while
undertaking diagnostic, advisory, corrective,
developmental, educational, and psychoprophylactic
The successful outcome and effectiveness of an
individual psychologist's or a team's work with
people in small groups and teams are determined by
the implementation of their professional
communicative competence.
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