plots with a divine interpretation real reality, which
were banned in the previous period, began to be
brightly visible.
Both in Uzbek classical literature and in modern
Istiqlal period literature, the interpretation of divine
motives, the image of mythological events and, above
all, the Kuran is directly related to the appeal to the
ideas, plots of it. “In the composition of Oriental and
large– scale world literature, Uzbek literature has
mastered the Koran in different ways over the
centuries and has created tuhfa works based on its
themes,” writes, professor Hamidulla Karomatov.
Koran phrases have been absorbed into the Uzbek
language and embodied in literature and folk
Proverbs. The scientific and cultural heritage of the
Movarounnahr scientists not only remained the
property of the Islamic world, but also enriched the
culture and treasure of science of the West and the
whole universe. The work of our great gods brought
the Renaissance to the surface and laid the foundation
for our cities to be known to the whole world as
Bukhara and Samarkand ”.
The issue of the Koran and fiction gained its status
as a divine phenomenon, which in the years of
independence was absorbed into spirituality, cultural
life. “Progress begins with the original culture and
literature and receives a life-giving feed from it. The
study of the influence of Quranic themes in the
development of Uzbek literature promotes the
restoration of our values and is a factor in the correct
understanding of our past history and literature”. In
the literature of the national independence period, a
complete process of evolution and a new process of
imagination arose in the perception and interpretation
of the national spirit. Such principles inherent in the
euro of artistic thinking have become evident in the
search for Romanianism of young modern writers.
This process is reflected in the unique artistic
directives in Uzbek national Romanianism, the use of
colorful poetic elements in the image of reality,
changes in genre and style. This literary phenomenon
first draws attention to the fact that in the
interpretation of the character of an artistic hero,
national spirits and values are embodied among
themselves. Also, today the bottomless and apparent
world of the nation's man, his expanses of thought,
interests, lifestyle, the process of realizing the
national identity, his active attitude to social life, faith
in tomorrow and his enthusiasm for strengthening
independence find their large-scale artistic expression
in the samples of the novel genre. Literary aesthetic,
ideological artistic updates such as Omon Mukhtar,
Khurshid Dostmuhammad, Nazar Eshonkul, Ulugbek
Hamdam, Isajan Sultan, Halimurod Rustam, Asad
Dilmurod, Ahmad A’zam, Shoyim Boutayev are
manifested in their novels, short stories and stories. It
should be noted that the works on this subject attract
attention even with the literary traditions inherent in
the work of jamhonshumul adib Chingis Aitmatov.
Examples of folk art prose, including products of the
genre of the novel, have a wide range of possibilities
in this regard, reflecting in their bosom both various
historical events and ancient traditions and udums
that have become the mirror of the people’s psyche,
and the botinian evrations that have taken place in the
hearts of the nation's people. Therefore, the study of
the issues of the use of divine motives and
mythological research in the artistic interpretation of
the national attitude and national psyche within the
framework of the analysis of prose samples provides
an opportunity to make new theoretical
generalizations in the system of problems of the era
of the hero’s character, as well as creative skills.
In the study of world literature, the methodology
of scientific research, and the study of folk epics,
works of individual style as examples of literary
commonality from the point of view of immutable
literary regularities have been created and formed. In
such fundamental studies, first of all, the famous
writer A.P. Chekhov's advice to the young Maxim
Gorky: "Learn from all creators, but do not imitate,
literary communication is only balanced in its free
and correct essence." The scientific method of
interpretation is analyzed. According to A. Bushmin's
interpretation, literary works may be similar in terms
of image, idea and pathos, style of expression, even if
the creators do not know about each other and has not
read the corresponding famous work; and the task of
a literary critic is to be able to correctly assess
imitation, influence and typological similarity, to
correctly show the uniqueness of an artistic work.
According to V. Belinsky, all great artistic writers, for
example, Homer or Shakespeare, Byron or Cervantes,
W. Scott or Goethe, George Sand or Balzac, are
studied in any case, whether they are observed in
terms of literary commonality or literary connection. ,
still, they will remain as great as Benazir.
Only Chingiz Aitmatov, among the representatives of
Turkish literature, is currently at the top of the list of
writers in the world. Today, researchers acknowledge
that the author's works have been published in world
languages and have more than a million copies. This
fact makes the name of the writer the most and most
discussed art of words of the 20th century, such as J.
Sartre, A. Camus, M. Frisch, Dürrenmatt, G. Marquez,
Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, Kanzaburo Oye.
indicates that he is among the Titans.