Linguistic Analysis of National Novels with Divine Motifs by Chingiz
Aitmatov and Uzbek Authors
Umida T. Mukhtorova
, Faxriddin N. Yarmanov
Dilnavoz A. Toxirova
Malohat P. G'aybullayeva
and Bobur B. Latipov
Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Motive, Prose, Dialectic of Life, Artistic Synthesis, Socialist Realism, Socialism, Tendency, Brotherhood,
Spiritual Shortcoming, Mute, Mythological Images, Aytmatov Mythologist, Philosophical Belief, Solidarity,
Exposition, Myth.
Abstract: This article is about the scientific works and research carried out in the world and Uzbek literature on the
study of the work of Chingis Aitmatov. This article explored the artistic synthesis of motifs and narratives in
Uzbek national literature. Furthermore, compared some samples of the work of Chingis Aitmatov with
analytical comparative evidence with Uzbek works and sources. Also, the directions in Uzbek and world
literature related to divine-religious motives, and methods of using mythology are scientifically based. In the
analyzed works of Chingiz Aytmatov and other Uzbek writers, the mythological plot, image, and other
elements are not just a means of form, but a form of perception of the world of a certain creator, a means of
expressing his ideological concept, a poetic idea like other individual components participation as an
important part of the presentation is shown. It has been scientifically proven that such literary phenomena as
building the structure of the entire work based on religious-mythological narratives, artistic perception of real
reality in parallel with distant narratives and bringing mythological images into real-life events are widespread.
Literature and dialectics of life are assigned by the
degree of reading of people in world literary studies.
That is, they must first read those works to get
acquainted with noble ideals, for members of society
and human ideas in fiction, to take an example from
them. Representatives of Uzbek prose have put in the
center of their works important spiritual and moral
issues that are relevant for all times. They clearly
demonstrated in the medium of real-life realities what
tragedies various inhuman vices lead to. each of their
works is a mirror and a sign to human members.
Chingis Aitmatov as one of the brightest
representatives of World prose of the 20th century, a
writer whose works have been translated into many
languages of the world and read with pleasure, has
become the focus of World Literary Studies, a huge
number of different monographs, dissertations, and
articles have been created in dedication to the life and
work of writer - Gachev G (1982). An important
component of Aitmatovism, which arose in World
Science, is also widely studied at the level of world
and Russian and Uzbek literary studies - Voronov V
(1976). Notable in this matter is the selfless work of
Chingiz Aitmatov’s loyal translator, literary scholar
is professor Asil Rashidov.
By comparing the problem of artistic synthesis of
divine motives and narratives in the works of Chingis
Aitmatov and some Uzbek writers, it consists in
assigning the specifics of works that came to the field
in the 20th century as a derivative of the perception
of the universe in philosophical-artistic harmony, as
well as defining their principles of perspective in
national thought. “Literature begins with a myth and
Mukhtorova, U., Yarmanov, F., Toxirova, D., G’aybullayeva, M. and Latipov, B.
Linguistic Analysis of National Novels with Divine Motifs by Chingiz Aitmatov and Uzbek Authors.
DOI: 10.5220/0012965700003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1312-1316
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ends with a myth,” says Jorge Luis Borges, one of the
great Latin American scholar - Levchenko V (1983).
In other words, any art, including the art of artistic
words, begins with folklore and progresses along with
folklore” - Rashidov A (1981), emphasizing the
literary scholar with a compelling Eshonqul.
The use of myths has existed in all eras, when the
creator wants to tell the truth about the political-
social, and economic life of his time, he usually uses
myths. This can be observed in the works of Hazrat
Alisher Navoi, in particular in the epic “Khamsa”, the
fact that the statesman slaughtered his time a genius
writer like Navoi with the language of myths
confirms the existence of a conflict between the
creator and the era.
Chingiz Torakulovich Aitmatov, one of the
greatest writers of world literature in the 20th and 21st
centuries, is a famous word among great Turkish
artists such as Yusuf Khos Hajib, Alisher Navoi,
Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, Makhtumquli-
Faroghii, Abay, Berdaq, Abdulla Qadiri, Abdurauf
Fitrat. is an artist. As the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev stated in the
Resolution "On the wide celebration of the 90th
anniversary of the great writer and public figure
Chingiz Aitmatov" (April 2, 2018), "The great writer
and public figure Chingiz Aitmatov is not only a
Kyrgyz At the same time, he was a dear and valuable
figure for all Turkic countries, including the Uzbek
people, and a great friend of Uzbekistan".
This historic decision summarizes the important
aspects of Chingiz Aitmatov's creative genius, and it
is emphasized that he is always of great leadership
importance in strengthening Uzbek-Kyrgyz brotherly
relations: "A new era has begun in the history of
relations between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan." At
present, the immortal artistic legacy of Chingiz is
becoming more important for our people. His works
aimed at strengthening the ideas of humanity and
goodness, national and universal values, mutual
respect, and solidarity between different nations and
peoples are published in millions of copies in our
country. The permanent exhibition "Chingiz
Aytmatov and Uzbekistan" established at the
National University of Uzbekistan is operating"
In fact, Chingiz Aitmatov was a writer and a great
public figure who, with his writings, was a great
organizer and leader in strengthening the unity of the
Uzbek-Kyrgyz people, as well as all the Turkic
"Uzbeks and Kyrgyz have been brothers since
ancient times and will remain so forever," Ch.
Aytmatov wrote in his interview with A.
Zhoraboyev entitled "Uzbek's pain - my pain":
Uzbeks are a great nation. I believe that this nation,
which rocked the cradle of world civilization, also
has great patience".
Indeed, the literature of the Soviet period, as a result
of political molds and religious restrictions, retained
to some extent the folkloric traditions-the folk art,
although the religious was not supported with the
ideas of Koran and did not resort to divine motives.
Neomifs-were created in this period of Uzbek
literature along with the famous myths of the Turkic
peoples, the Uzbek nation, myths of a new nature
legends - Rashidov A (2011). In particular, the
narratives in the novel “Sycamore” by Askad
Mukhtar, one of the literary figures of the Soviet
period’s popular writers. There is a function of the
five narratives on different themes that take place
from the novel, assigned to the idea of the work and
the writer himself according to his artistic purpose.
The writer symbolically instills in the catchphrase of
myths that cannot be said or written in the time of the
show. The same boss, in myths, the exact space and
time are not recorded, in this context, it is a
convenient way for the writer to use myths or create
a neormif that suits his opinion that he wants to say.
Askad Mukhtar also feels the need for myths in
his work, and when the place comes, he gives a hint
to his idea with neomyphs, which reflect the purpose
of literary. This is how the compelling Eshonkul
comments on myths. It should be noted that in fiction,
myths do not know boundaries and do not talk about
the past, but rather the motive refers to the present
through the means of images and symbolic
representations, speaks from the present.
The novel “Maple” by Askad Mukhtar, which is
retrospectively fictionalized in a unique style, is
written in a new form reminiscent of eastern literary
traditions. The novel tells about the ancient, near past
and today. That is, before the depiction of the passing
of the child and grandchildren (sometimes himself) of
the hungry grandmother, a story and narration are
brought up, expressing its meaning, which helps to
better understand the content, the artistic purpose of
the writer.“The myth is not only the past of a person,
the delusions of ancestors, but also their mood and
experiences that he himself has not realized, but is
absorbed in the brain. It is necessary to look at the
myth not as a wild fantasy or shepherds of ancestors,
but as a gift of the human psyche, for this reason, the
myth is not the echo of the past, it is the embodiment
of yesterday, today and tomorrow, the landscape of
Linguistic Analysis of National Novels with Divine Motifs by Chingiz Aitmatov and Uzbek Authors
the human psyche. A myth coexists with a person,
while a person lives he creates a myth on his own.
However, not everyone “reads” the myth created by
their own brain - Rashidov A (2007), which justifies
their scholar the compelling Eshonkul. The opinions
of the literary critic help to correctly understand the
essence of the narratives in the novel “Sycamore” by
Asqad Mukhtar.
The first narration, which takes place in the novel
“Sycamore”, is about one of the distant ancestors of
the grandfather namely Ochil who planted the
plantain in the year of the plague, and it is predicted
by the luminaries that this plantain will burn when it
turns a thousand years old, but the prophecy will not
come true. On the second Friday of the month when
the Sycamore should burn, the villagers witness that
the grandfather stood upright under the Sycamore
until dawn. That night, the Sycamore does not burn
and goes into the tongue and says, “when I burn, the
time will be the end”. In the narrative, the maple tree
acquires a symbolic meaning and is reflected as a
symbol of Eternity. The writer refers to the
immortality of the religion of Islam in the image of
the eternal Sycamore, The eternity of God in the
hearts. The forgotten religion of Islam, culture,
eternal history of the nation, which survived so many
“floods”in the time of the invading Chingisians, the
authorrefers to these truths in the image of Ochil, who
believed that even one day from the oppressions of
the tributary era, peaceful days will come.
Through this neomive-narrative created by
Mukhtar himself, Askad made his way even in the
strict period, implying that he was opposed to the
policy of the Soviet period on the basis of the
mythological model. The writer is embodied before
our eyes as a creator who, on the example of the
image of Ochil buva, was able to show who he was
and who was on his side, stood firm in his faith,
adopted the light of faith in his soul. “The American
scientist Erich Fromm argues that the language of
symbols, a common language that everyone is
obliged to know, is the myth, one of the most
necessary and only means in interpreting art in
general” - Rashidov A (1972).
This mythological analysis requires a new
perspective on the analysis of “Sycamore” by Askad
Mukhtar. The writer instilled his main opinion not in
the development of events in the novel, but precisely
in the composition of five narratives on different
topics. In the modern literary process, we witness that
the first and most beautiful example of prose works
based on the mythological model, which today is
considered a novelty and is influenced by Western
literature, was created by Askad Mukhtar in Uzbek
literature, as early as the middle of the 20th century.
Each social political period affects to some extent
the development of literary art, the ideological poetic
scope, images and methodological situations. It will
cause its development, renewal. For example, the
development of the former macro literature, including
Uzbek literature, in an environment that has reached
the days of independence for the new era, having got
rid of the compassionate oppression, political molds
of socialist realism, began to harmonize with the
principles of the most progressive world literature.
Such qualitative and formative changes are
manifested, first of all, in the activities of creepy and
partially middle-aged creators by nature. Such
changes, first of all, are noticeable on the example of
large-scale novel samples, such large-scale works as
a reflection of the national spirit, the glorification of
national values, the restoration of established national
spiritual principles, its characteristics of commonality
with Universal ideological qualities.
As scholar Damin Turayev admits: Uzbek art
prose has experienced serious updates, changes in the
next years in terms of life themes, creative style color,
spiritual and philosophical analysis, character
interpretation. Theoretical reflections in literary
criticism frequently mention the concepts of
traditional prose and modern literature. In particular,
the works of Uzbek scholars who followed literary
currents such as symbolism and surrealism in
Western literature, Franz Kafka, Alber Camus, Jean
Paul Sartre, Louis Borges, James Joyce, are
considered to be related to modern prose” - Rashidov
A (2018).
Hamidulla Karomatov, a devout and courageous
scholar who has devoted himself to the deep study of
the harmony of Uzbek literature and Koranic
teachings as early as Independence, also writes about
the literature of this period: “in 20th century literary
studies, religious ideas and topics that had a certain
influence on the occurrence of the works of our great
This is evidenced not by the fact that Uzbek literary
critics did not understand the laws of the literary
process, but by the repression of the dominant
ideology in the Soviet era. Some Uzbek literary
scholars and writers have been torn between reality
and personal security, and their lives have also been
In modern national novels, such directions as non-
realistic reality, a parallel depiction of mythological
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
plots with a divine interpretation real reality, which
were banned in the previous period, began to be
brightly visible.
Both in Uzbek classical literature and in modern
Istiqlal period literature, the interpretation of divine
motives, the image of mythological events and, above
all, the Kuran is directly related to the appeal to the
ideas, plots of it. “In the composition of Oriental and
large– scale world literature, Uzbek literature has
mastered the Koran in different ways over the
centuries and has created tuhfa works based on its
themes,” writes, professor Hamidulla Karomatov.
Koran phrases have been absorbed into the Uzbek
language and embodied in literature and folk
Proverbs. The scientific and cultural heritage of the
Movarounnahr scientists not only remained the
property of the Islamic world, but also enriched the
culture and treasure of science of the West and the
whole universe. The work of our great gods brought
the Renaissance to the surface and laid the foundation
for our cities to be known to the whole world as
Bukhara and Samarkand ”.
The issue of the Koran and fiction gained its status
as a divine phenomenon, which in the years of
independence was absorbed into spirituality, cultural
life. “Progress begins with the original culture and
literature and receives a life-giving feed from it. The
study of the influence of Quranic themes in the
development of Uzbek literature promotes the
restoration of our values and is a factor in the correct
understanding of our past history and literature”. In
the literature of the national independence period, a
complete process of evolution and a new process of
imagination arose in the perception and interpretation
of the national spirit. Such principles inherent in the
euro of artistic thinking have become evident in the
search for Romanianism of young modern writers.
This process is reflected in the unique artistic
directives in Uzbek national Romanianism, the use of
colorful poetic elements in the image of reality,
changes in genre and style. This literary phenomenon
first draws attention to the fact that in the
interpretation of the character of an artistic hero,
national spirits and values are embodied among
themselves. Also, today the bottomless and apparent
world of the nation's man, his expanses of thought,
interests, lifestyle, the process of realizing the
national identity, his active attitude to social life, faith
in tomorrow and his enthusiasm for strengthening
independence find their large-scale artistic expression
in the samples of the novel genre. Literary aesthetic,
ideological artistic updates such as Omon Mukhtar,
Khurshid Dostmuhammad, Nazar Eshonkul, Ulugbek
Hamdam, Isajan Sultan, Halimurod Rustam, Asad
Dilmurod, Ahmad A’zam, Shoyim Boutayev are
manifested in their novels, short stories and stories. It
should be noted that the works on this subject attract
attention even with the literary traditions inherent in
the work of jamhonshumul adib Chingis Aitmatov.
Examples of folk art prose, including products of the
genre of the novel, have a wide range of possibilities
in this regard, reflecting in their bosom both various
historical events and ancient traditions and udums
that have become the mirror of the people’s psyche,
and the botinian evrations that have taken place in the
hearts of the nation's people. Therefore, the study of
the issues of the use of divine motives and
mythological research in the artistic interpretation of
the national attitude and national psyche within the
framework of the analysis of prose samples provides
an opportunity to make new theoretical
generalizations in the system of problems of the era
of the hero’s character, as well as creative skills.
In the study of world literature, the methodology
of scientific research, and the study of folk epics,
works of individual style as examples of literary
commonality from the point of view of immutable
literary regularities have been created and formed. In
such fundamental studies, first of all, the famous
writer A.P. Chekhov's advice to the young Maxim
Gorky: "Learn from all creators, but do not imitate,
literary communication is only balanced in its free
and correct essence." The scientific method of
interpretation is analyzed. According to A. Bushmin's
interpretation, literary works may be similar in terms
of image, idea and pathos, style of expression, even if
the creators do not know about each other and has not
read the corresponding famous work; and the task of
a literary critic is to be able to correctly assess
imitation, influence and typological similarity, to
correctly show the uniqueness of an artistic work.
According to V. Belinsky, all great artistic writers, for
example, Homer or Shakespeare, Byron or Cervantes,
W. Scott or Goethe, George Sand or Balzac, are
studied in any case, whether they are observed in
terms of literary commonality or literary connection. ,
still, they will remain as great as Benazir.
Only Chingiz Aitmatov, among the representatives of
Turkish literature, is currently at the top of the list of
writers in the world. Today, researchers acknowledge
that the author's works have been published in world
languages and have more than a million copies. This
fact makes the name of the writer the most and most
discussed art of words of the 20th century, such as J.
Sartre, A. Camus, M. Frisch, Dürrenmatt, G. Marquez,
Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, Kanzaburo Oye.
indicates that he is among the Titans.
Linguistic Analysis of National Novels with Divine Motifs by Chingiz Aitmatov and Uzbek Authors
As a conclusion, it should be said that Homer, Dante
one of the literatures of the ancient Greco-Roman
period to the Renaissance, which serves as a general
example, giving the basis for the development of
world literature. Bokkachcho, classical works
belonging to the pen of representatives of eastern
artistic thought such as geniuses Abu Rayhan Beruniy,
Abu Ali ibn Sino, Saikaliy, Ibn Rushd are also
considered jewels of the divine universe, appeal to
noneal life, the method of making good use of
mythological motives.
The masterpieces in Oriental literature created by
Ahmad Yassawi, Naziruddin Rabghuziy, Suleiman
Bakirghani, Sofi Olloyor, Abdurahman Jami, and
Alisher Navoi are beautiful examples of divine and
mythological poetics. Importantly, it is especially
valuable for such qualities as the saatqar, the most
ardent propagandist of the moderate Islamic
Enlightenment, the Kuran, and the Hadith, as well as
the compassion of the creators of today’s
independence period in these matters and the guiding
2. In their methodological studies, 20th-century
Uzbek writers began to write works with a
mythological plot, in which religious-educational,
divine-Iranian motives were artistically synthesized,
based on the experience of masterpieces of eastern
classical literature and world classical writers.
Significant in this regard are the works of Asqad
Mukhtar, who continued the tradition of the
mythological model after classical literature. The
mythological creations of the foundations of the
literature of the Istiqlal period are delighted with the
boldness of progress towards a nearly global society.
3. In particular, mythological works based on the
divine motif and myth, narration are found in the
work of the adibiz, associated with other peoples,
which enriched modern Uzbek prose such as Askad
Mukhtar, Omon Mukhtar, Ulugbek Hamdam,
Khurshid Dostmuhammad, Isajan Sultan with new
forms, styles and figurative research. the fact that
such works have increased in modern literature is
Deaconess to say actions towards understanding the
history, religion, and identity of the nation.
Chingiz Aitmatov (1928-2008) wrote several stories,
9 short stories, and 4 novels throughout his life. In
each of his works, he discussed eternal problems
related to the inner world of man and society. He
described the most painful and the brightest feelings,
experiences, and destinies that are inside and on the
tip of the tongue of people. Each of his works
resonated all over the world as soon as they were
announced. A spiritual awakening has begun in the
hearts of millions; hatred and rebellion against evil,
vices, effort, and struggle. A bitter longing for the
future, a movement against all depression and doubt.
He predicted and warned about major social,
economic, and spiritual catastrophes and human
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Voronov, V. (1976). Chingiz Aitmatov: Drama Works.
Levchenko, V. (1983). Chingiz Aitmatov: The Problem of
Poetics, Genre, Style. Moscow.
Rashidov, A. (1981). The Word Stars (Literary Port
Chingiz Aitmatov). Tashkent: Publication of Literature
and Art, 161-249.
Rashidov, A. (2011). The Universe of Chingis Aitmatov.
Tashkent: "Critic".
Rashidov, A. (2007). Clear Path of the “White Ship”:
Scientific Collection. Tashkent.
Rashidov, A. (1972). From the Love Gimmick to the
“White Ship” (Vol. 2). Uzbekistan.
Rashidov, A. (2018, April 20). Ministry of Public
Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan People’s
Khan, A. M. (1992). Talent Charm. Tashkent: "Science".
Khan, A. M. (1993). Perfect Human Hope. Tashkent:
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR