Structural and Semantic Analysis of Social Protection Terms in
English and Uzbek Languages
Mohinur B. Nizomova, Maftuna D. Elmirzayeva, Maftuna A. Ashurova, Javohir B. Nusratov
and Ilyos D. Suvanov
Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Pension Systems, Social Cohesion, Social Protection, Expansion of Social Safety Nets, Old-Age Benefits,
Rights-Based Approach, Poverty, Rights-Based Approach, Data-Based Decision-Making, Social Protection,
Society, Social Insurance, Social Security.
Abstract: It is desirable to study not only the meaning of the terms of social protection but also the thematic proximity
of the terms in correlations and combinations formed by them. As a general basis for referring pedagogical
terminology to one or another thematic area, the presence of common components in both external design and
internal content is considered. We can give an example of terms that reflect a certain scientific and
pedagogical outlook, or cultural tradition. It made it possible to identify the terminological elements of the
English language related to this topic. We compare them with pedagogical terms in the Uzbek language. The
term "social protection" refers to a set of policies and programs aimed at reducing poverty and vulnerability
by promoting efficient labour markets, reducing people's exposure to risks, and increasing their ability to
manage economic and social risks such as unemployment, exclusion, and disease.
The main goal of this article is to analyse the
structural-semantic nature of social protection terms
in both English and Uzbek languages in a
comparative structural analysis. By systematically
studying the morphological, syntactic, and semantic
features of these terms, we aim to uncover insights
into how social protection concepts are linguistically
structured and expressed in these two language
systems. We emphasize that this analysis is important
in several key areas: First, understanding the
structural forms of social protection terms can
provide valuable insights into the conceptual
frameworks underpinning social security systems in
English-speaking countries and Uzbekistan. By
elucidating the linguistic mechanisms for expressing
social protection, we can gain a deeper understanding
of cultural concepts, values, and priorities related to
social welfare. In addition, this comparative analysis
allows for cross-cultural expertise, shedding light on
how linguistic and cultural factors shape the
formulation and interpretation of social protection
policies and programs. By examining similarities and
differences in the structural organization of social
protection terms between English and Uzbek, we can
identify areas of conceptualization convergence and
divergence, potentially informing culturally sensitive
and context-sensitive approaches to social policy
development and implementation. Overall, this
article seeks to contribute to the interdisciplinary
dialogue between linguistics, social policy, and cross-
cultural studies through a nuanced analysis of social
protection terminology in English and Uzbek.
Through this research, we aim to deepen our
understanding of the complex interaction between
language, culture, and social well-being, resulting in
greater inclusiveness and effectiveness of social
protection initiatives in diverse linguistic and cultural
Social protection includes a range of policies and
programs aimed at protecting individuals and
communities from risks and vulnerabilities that
threaten their well-being and livelihoods. It serves as
the main component of social policy aimed at
strengthening economic security, social cohesion and
Nizomova, M., Elmirzayeva, M., Ashurova, M., Nusratov, J. and Suvanov, I.
Structural and Semantic Analysis of Social Protection Ter ms in English and Uzbek Languages.
DOI: 10.5220/0012965800003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1317-1320
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
human dignity for all members of society. The
concept of social protection is based on the principles
of social justice and solidarity, and its origins go back
to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when
industrialization and urbanization caused significant
social and economic changes. The emergence of
labour movements and social reform movements
during thisperiod spurred the development of early
social protection measures such as workers'
compensation, social insurance, and social assistance
programs aimed at addressing the negative effects of
industrialization, poverty, and inequality. Over time,
the scope and nature of social protection has evolved
in response to changes in societal needs, economic
conditions, and political ideologies. Today, social
protection covers a wide range of activities, including
social insurance schemes (e.g. pensions, health
insurance), social assistance programs (e.g. cash
transfers, food assistance) and welfare services. (e.g.
education, housing). It is the main means of achieving
the goals of social development, poverty reduction
and fair distribution of resources. Language plays a
crucial role in shaping concepts, policies and
practices related to social protection. The way social
protection is conceptualized and expressed in
language can influence public debate, policy
development, and the implementation of social
welfare programs. In addition, language diversity
within and between communities can create
challenges for effective communication and
participation in social protection initiatives,
emphasizing the importance of linguistic sensitivity
and cultural competence in the development and
delivery of social policies and services. In this
context, a structural analysis of social protection
terms in different languages can provide valuable
insights into the conceptual frameworks, cultural
values, and socio-political dynamics that underpin
social welfare systems around the world. By studying
the morphological, syntactic, and semantic features of
social protection terminology in English and Uzbek,
we deepen our understanding of how these concepts
are constructed and interpreted in different linguistic
and cultural contexts, ultimately informing more
inclusive and effective approaches to social policy.
possible development and implementation.
The subject of this research is the structural analysis
of social protection terms in both English and Uzbek
languages. Social protection encompasses a wide
range of policies and programs aimed at protecting
individuals and communities from risks and
vulnerabilities that may threaten their well-being and
livelihoods. By analysing the structural features of
social protection terminology in English and Uzbek,
this study seeks to reveal how social welfare concepts
are linguistically structured and expressed in these
two distinct language systems.
Morphological analysis includes the study of the
internal structure of words, including prefixes,
suffixes, and root words. Syntactic analysis focuses
on the placement of words within sentences and
phrases, while semantic analysis examines the
meanings and connotations associated with these
After categorizing social protection terms, the
study compares and contrasts the structural features
of these terms between English and Uzbek languages.
This comparative analysis can reveal similarities
and differences in morphological patterns, syntactic
structures and semantic nuances, and shed light on
how social protection concepts are expressed and
understood in each linguistic context.
The results of the structural analysis are
interpreted and discussed in the context of wider
cultural, historical and socio-political factors that may
influence the formation and interpretation of social
protection terminology. This discussion explores the
implications of linguistic change for social policy
development and implementation, emphasizing the
importance of linguistic sensitivity and cultural
competence in promoting effective communication
and participation in social protection initiatives.
It is desirable to study not only the terms of social
protection in their correlations and combinations but
also the thematic proximity of the terms. As a general
basis for referring social protection terms to one or
another thematic area, the presence of common
components in both external design and internal
content is considered. We can give an example of
terms that reflect a certain social outlook, or cultural
tradition. It made it possible to identify the
terminological elements of the English language
related to this topic. For example: Gender-sensitive
Social Protection: Social protection policies and
programs designed to address the specific needs and
challenges faced by women and girls, including
measures to promote gender equality, address gender-
based violence, and enhance women's economic
empowerment. In Uzbek. Genderga sezgir ijtimoiy
himoya: ayollar va qizlar duch keladigan muayyan
ehtiyojlar va muammolarni hal qilishga qaratilgan
ijtimoiy himoya siyosati va dasturlari, shu jumladan
gender tengligini targ'ib qilish, gender asosidagi
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
zo'ravonlikni bartaraf etish va ayollarning iqtisodiy
imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish choralari.
It is known that compound terms are the most
relevant and controversial issue in the system of
scientific and technical terminology, and in several
works of linguists, the opinion that compound terms
appear compared to common words in a common
language is considered to be the priority.
In the course of our analysis, we analyzed about
800 social protection terms that appear without a
combination in the Uzbek language. In English, we
witnessed 1250 social protection terms that
appearwithout this combination. In the languages
where this indicator is used, we can observe the
priority aspect of English. Pension Systems:
Mechanisms for providing income security to
retirees, typically funded through contributions
during a person's working life and distributed as
retirement benefits.
In Uzbek. Pensiya tizimlari: nafaqaxo'rlarga
daromad xavfsizligini ta'minlash mexanizmlari,
odatda, insonning ish hayoti davomida badallar
hisobidan moliyalashtiriladi va pensiya nafaqalari
sifatida taqsimlanadi.
Social Cohesion: The degree of harmony,
solidarity, and inclusion within a society, which can
be fostered through social protection measures that
reduce inequality and promote shared prosperity.
In Uzbek. Ijtimoiy hamjihatlik: jamiyatdagi
uyg'unlik, hamjihatlik va inklyuziya darajasi, bu
tengsizlikni kamaytiradigan va umumiy farovonlikka
yordam beradigan ijtimoiy himoya choralari orqali
ta'minlanishi mumkin.
Social Exclusion: The process by which certain
individuals or groups are marginalized or
disadvantaged in society, often due to factors such as
poverty, discrimination, or lack of access to resources
and opportunities.
In Uzbek. Ijtimoiy himoya: ko'pincha
qashshoqlik, kamsitish yoki resurslar va
imkoniyatlardan foydalana olmaslik kabi omillar
tufayli ma'lum shaxslar yoki guruhlarning jamiyatda
chetga surilishi yoki noqulay ahvolga tushishi
Social Safety Nets Expansion: Efforts to expand
the coverage and reach of social safety nets, such as
cash transfer programs, food assistance, and social
pensions, to ensure that they reach all those in need
and provide adequate protection against poverty,
vulnerability, and social risks.
In Uzbek. Ijtimoiy xavfsizlik tarmoqlarini
kengaytirish: naqd pul o'tkazmalari dasturlari, oziq-
ovqat yordami va ijtimoiy pensiyalar kabi ijtimoiy
xavfsizlik tarmoqlarining qamrovini va qo'llanilishini
kengaytirishga qaratilgan sa'y-harakatlar, ularning
barcha muhtojlarga yetib borishini ta'minlash va
qashshoqlik, zaiflik va ijtimoiy himoyani ta'minlash.
Old-Age Allowances: Financial assistance
provided to elderly individuals to support their living
expenses and healthcare needs in retirement.
In Uzbek. Keksalik uchun nafaqalar: Keksa
odamlarga pensiyaga chiqishda yashash xarajatlari va
sog'liqni saqlash ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun
beriladigan moliyaviy yordam.
Rights-based Approach: A framework for social
protection that emphasizes the inherent dignity,
equality, and human rights of all individuals, ensuring
that social policies and programs are designed and
implemented in accordance with international human
rights standards and principles of non-discrimination
and participation.
In Uzbek. Huquqlarga asoslangan yondashuv:
barcha shaxslarning ajralmas qadr-qimmati, tengligi
va inson huquqlarini ta'kidlaydigan, ijtimoiy siyosat
va dasturlarning xalqaro inson huquqlari standartlari
va kamsitilmaslik va ishtirok etish tamoyillariga
muvofiq ishlab chiqilishi va amalga oshirilishini
ta'minlaydigan ijtimoiy himoya uchun asos.
Multi-dimensional Poverty: A measure of poverty
that takes into account multiple dimensions of
deprivation beyond income alone, such as access to
education, healthcare, housing, and social
participation, providing a more comprehensive
understanding of poverty and vulnerability.
In Uzbek. Ko'p o'lchovli qashshoqlik: ta'lim,
sog'liqni saqlash, uy-joy va ijtimoiy ishtirok etish
kabi daromaddan tashqari mahrumlikning ko'p
o'lchovlarini hisobga oladigan qashshoqlik o'lchovi,
qashshoqlik va zaiflik haqida kengroq tushunchani
Data-driven Decision-making: The use of data
and evidence to inform the design, implementation,
and evaluation of social protection policies and
programs, including the collection, analysis, and
dissemination of relevant information on beneficiary
needs, program effectiveness, and outcomes.
In Uzbek. Ma'lumotlarga asoslangan qarorlar
qabul qilish: ijtimoiy himoya siyosati va dasturlarini
ishlab chiqish, amalga oshirish va baholash, shu
jumladan benefitsiar ehtiyojlari, dastur samaradorligi
va natijalari bo'yicha tegishli ma'lumotlarni to'plash,
tahlil qilish va tarqatish uchun ma'lumotlar va
dalillardan foydalanish. In world linguistics, although
the work of organizing the terms related to the social
sphere has been carried out within the framework of
different systematic languages, until now, the terms
of this sphere have not been compared with the source
Structural and Semantic Analysis of Social Protection Terms in English and Uzbek Languages
of the English language, which is one of the world
languages, according to our national language -
Uzbek. Their structural-semantic, lexicographic and
translational problems have not yet been sufficiently
resolved. In particular, the criteria for regulating
terms related to the field of pedagogy have not been
developed. In this sense, proposals are made for
determining the structural and semantic models of
terms, analysing and researching the processes of
stabilization of international and native units in
national languages, improving translation methods,
regulating and standardizing the cases of synonymy
(variantity), polysemy and homonymy in these terms.
Terminology is the means by which this approach
is focused within the framework of practical
implementation. In the field of pedagogy, terms
include the processes in which the method occurs, in
the classroom, the enrichment and selection of
teaching content, the increase of the teacher's activity
and vocabulary, the role of the student, the materials
in the educational process, and the tasks used in the
classroom. and activities are all products of terms.
The term refers to the elements of technique, strategy,
and tactics used in the class. These conditions are
widely used in the life activity of every pedagogue,
they are taught and introduced in schools, and they
are the main genre of providing spiritual and moral
Social protection terms are an integral part of people's
way of life. It means the rise in the field of mental
activity of a person (nation) and mature results in
spiritual activity. The spiritual culture of each nation
is formed and matures on the basis of the leading
politics, economy, culture, ideology, and religion of
the country where it lives. The leading concept of
education in society is the formation of citizens who
are compatible with the prevailing ideology, support
the ideology, obey the existing laws and regulations
based on this ideology, and are ready to protect it
materially, morally, or militarily.
The study ends with a generalization of the main
conclusions and consequences of the structural
analysis of social protection terms in English and
Uzbek languages.
Based on these findings, research can provide
recommendations for strengthening intercultural
communication and cooperation in the field of social
protection, such as the development of bilingual
dictionaries or language training for policymakers
and practitioners involved in social welfare programs.
Terminology is the means by which this approach
is focused within the framework of practical
implementation. In the social field, the terms include
the processes that occur in the classroom, the
enrichment and selection of teaching content, the
increase of social activity and vocabulary, the role of
people, and materials in the process of living, and the
types of tasks and activities used in the classroom -
are all products of terms. The term refers to the
elements of technique, strategy, and tactics used in
the class. These conditions are widely used in the life
activity of every pedagogue, they are taught and
introduced in schools, and they are the main genre of
providing spiritual and moral knowledge.
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PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR