zo'ravonlikni bartaraf etish va ayollarning iqtisodiy
imkoniyatlarini kengaytirish choralari.
It is known that compound terms are the most
relevant and controversial issue in the system of
scientific and technical terminology, and in several
works of linguists, the opinion that compound terms
appear compared to common words in a common
language is considered to be the priority.
In the course of our analysis, we analyzed about
800 social protection terms that appear without a
combination in the Uzbek language. In English, we
witnessed 1250 social protection terms that
appearwithout this combination. In the languages
where this indicator is used, we can observe the
priority aspect of English. Pension Systems:
Mechanisms for providing income security to
retirees, typically funded through contributions
during a person's working life and distributed as
retirement benefits.
In Uzbek. Pensiya tizimlari: nafaqaxo'rlarga
daromad xavfsizligini ta'minlash mexanizmlari,
odatda, insonning ish hayoti davomida badallar
hisobidan moliyalashtiriladi va pensiya nafaqalari
sifatida taqsimlanadi.
Social Cohesion: The degree of harmony,
solidarity, and inclusion within a society, which can
be fostered through social protection measures that
reduce inequality and promote shared prosperity.
In Uzbek. Ijtimoiy hamjihatlik: jamiyatdagi
uyg'unlik, hamjihatlik va inklyuziya darajasi, bu
tengsizlikni kamaytiradigan va umumiy farovonlikka
yordam beradigan ijtimoiy himoya choralari orqali
ta'minlanishi mumkin.
Social Exclusion: The process by which certain
individuals or groups are marginalized or
disadvantaged in society, often due to factors such as
poverty, discrimination, or lack of access to resources
and opportunities.
In Uzbek. Ijtimoiy himoya: ko'pincha
qashshoqlik, kamsitish yoki resurslar va
imkoniyatlardan foydalana olmaslik kabi omillar
tufayli ma'lum shaxslar yoki guruhlarning jamiyatda
chetga surilishi yoki noqulay ahvolga tushishi
Social Safety Nets Expansion: Efforts to expand
the coverage and reach of social safety nets, such as
cash transfer programs, food assistance, and social
pensions, to ensure that they reach all those in need
and provide adequate protection against poverty,
vulnerability, and social risks.
In Uzbek. Ijtimoiy xavfsizlik tarmoqlarini
kengaytirish: naqd pul o'tkazmalari dasturlari, oziq-
ovqat yordami va ijtimoiy pensiyalar kabi ijtimoiy
xavfsizlik tarmoqlarining qamrovini va qo'llanilishini
kengaytirishga qaratilgan sa'y-harakatlar, ularning
barcha muhtojlarga yetib borishini ta'minlash va
qashshoqlik, zaiflik va ijtimoiy himoyani ta'minlash.
Old-Age Allowances: Financial assistance
provided to elderly individuals to support their living
expenses and healthcare needs in retirement.
In Uzbek. Keksalik uchun nafaqalar: Keksa
odamlarga pensiyaga chiqishda yashash xarajatlari va
sog'liqni saqlash ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun
beriladigan moliyaviy yordam.
Rights-based Approach: A framework for social
protection that emphasizes the inherent dignity,
equality, and human rights of all individuals, ensuring
that social policies and programs are designed and
implemented in accordance with international human
rights standards and principles of non-discrimination
and participation.
In Uzbek. Huquqlarga asoslangan yondashuv:
barcha shaxslarning ajralmas qadr-qimmati, tengligi
va inson huquqlarini ta'kidlaydigan, ijtimoiy siyosat
va dasturlarning xalqaro inson huquqlari standartlari
va kamsitilmaslik va ishtirok etish tamoyillariga
muvofiq ishlab chiqilishi va amalga oshirilishini
ta'minlaydigan ijtimoiy himoya uchun asos.
Multi-dimensional Poverty: A measure of poverty
that takes into account multiple dimensions of
deprivation beyond income alone, such as access to
education, healthcare, housing, and social
participation, providing a more comprehensive
understanding of poverty and vulnerability.
In Uzbek. Ko'p o'lchovli qashshoqlik: ta'lim,
sog'liqni saqlash, uy-joy va ijtimoiy ishtirok etish
kabi daromaddan tashqari mahrumlikning ko'p
o'lchovlarini hisobga oladigan qashshoqlik o'lchovi,
qashshoqlik va zaiflik haqida kengroq tushunchani
Data-driven Decision-making: The use of data
and evidence to inform the design, implementation,
and evaluation of social protection policies and
programs, including the collection, analysis, and
dissemination of relevant information on beneficiary
needs, program effectiveness, and outcomes.
In Uzbek. Ma'lumotlarga asoslangan qarorlar
qabul qilish: ijtimoiy himoya siyosati va dasturlarini
ishlab chiqish, amalga oshirish va baholash, shu
jumladan benefitsiar ehtiyojlari, dastur samaradorligi
va natijalari bo'yicha tegishli ma'lumotlarni to'plash,
tahlil qilish va tarqatish uchun ma'lumotlar va
dalillardan foydalanish. In world linguistics, although
the work of organizing the terms related to the social
sphere has been carried out within the framework of
different systematic languages, until now, the terms
of this sphere have not been compared with the source