Strategies for the Sustainable Development and Efficiency
Enhancement of Small Enterprises
Azimjon Adashev
Namangan Institute of Engineering and Construction, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Small Company, Economic and Social Dynamics, Modernization, Economic Growth, Financing Availability,
and Competitiveness.
Abstract: Small businesses are seen as the backbone of the economy, and their growing socioeconomic significance in
all facets of Uzbekistan's socioeconomic development—including its expanding technical, technological,
economic, and social content—makes scientific research on the field's evolution all the more pertinent. The
paper looks at how small company organizations may grow sustainably and increase their efficiency.
Pertinence of the study subject. "A specific area in the
Constitution should be reserved for introducing free
market mechanisms, maintaining healthy competition
and the inviolability of private property, and
encouraging entrepreneurship. You are all aware of
the radical changes that are occurring in today's world.
the world's complex geopolitical environment, the
growing need for food, the depletion of energy
resources, and the rising cost of financial resources.
We will resolutely continue economic reforms, fully
utilize domestic capabilities, and further help the
private sector in such a situation, no matter how
challenging it may be. First and foremost, significant
responsibilities have been established to expedite
reforms aimed at enhancing the business environment.
In order to accomplish these goals, work on assuring
the steady growth of small businesses in the economy
and boosting their productivity must be accelerated.
Scientific research on the sector's development is
more pertinent now than ever because of the growing
socioeconomic significance of private
entrepreneurship and small businesses in all spheres
of Uzbekistan's socioeconomic development, as well
as the growth of technical, technological, economic,
and social content.
Posing a problem for science. In the context of the
economy's modernization, it is crucial from a
scientific standpoint to create suggestions that will
enhance sustainable development and boost the
effectiveness of laws and regulations governing the
growth of small businesses.
The study's objective. An examination of
strategies for the efficient growth and development of
small businesses. explanation of their usefulness in
the economy.
The essence of science. The information gathered
for this article is examined to identify the purpose(s)
of scientific inquiry, upon which the approaches and
strategies (possibilities) for accomplishing the
purpose of the study were decided.
Economic-statistical techniques, systematic analysis,
grouping comparison, comparison, scientific
abstraction, and selective observation techniques
were employed as research methods after scientists'
opinions regarding how to increase the efficiency of
small business entities and promote sustainable
development were studied.
Maintaining high rates of economic growth and
bolstering macroeconomic stability are priorities for
Uzbekistan. Through economic stimulation of the
Adashev, A.
Strategies for the Sustainable Development and Efficiency Enhancement of Small Enterprises.
DOI: 10.5220/0012966600003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1339-1341
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
development of small business entities, special
emphasis is made to the comprehensive and
proportionate socio-economic development of
regions, districts, and cities.
The growth of small businesses positively impacts
the development of the nation's economy in many
sectors, yet small businesses risk failing in the
absence of government support. (Table 1).
Table 1: Year-Wise Impact of Each Industry
Networks 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 (+,-)
Industry 62.4 56.0 55.7 54.9 51.8 -10.6
Construction 37.4 25.8 27.9 27.0 25.9 -11.5
Employment 73.2 75.8 72.5 72.4 71.6 -1.6
Export 76.3 76.2 74.5 74.4 74.6 -2.3
Import 27.2 27.0 20.5 22.3 29.5 2.3
The figure indicates that 29.5% of imports come from
small businesses and individual entrepreneurship. It
is evident that, in comparison to other years, the share
of industry, construction, employment, and export
indicators has dropped.
Since small businesses play such a significant role
in the nation's economic and social landscape, most
nations are creating policies and legislation to support
the growth of small businesses. As of right now, there
are substantial differences between the small
company assistance systems created in various
nations with regard to the basic principles of
economic policy, the determination of priorities, the
allocation of cash, and the budgetary resources
One of the most important issues in increasing
employment today is the rapid development of small
business entities, providing them with ample
opportunities and privileges, and comprehensive
support and encouragement of small business entities
is considered the most important direction of
reforming the real economy.
Figure 1: The number of jobs in small business and private
entrepreneurship in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Of course, the use of small businesses is of great
importance in positively changing the employment of
the population in the labor market. In this regard,
small businesses can mitigate and, if necessary,
reduce many problems related to the impact of socio-
economic factors in the field of employment.
Given the significance of small businesses to the
economy, the state's middle-class policy strives to
establish and foster as many effective, quickly
growing small businesses as it can. In addition to
addressing the aforementioned issues of guaranteeing
population employment, this work aims to
accomplish the objectives of the regional anti-
monopoly policy and the environmental protection
policy. A high degree of healthy competition is
ensured by a large number of small businesses.
Additionally, a large number of small businesses can
help prevent or limit the excessive concentration of
political and economic power in the hands of a few.
At the moment, small businesses in the Republic
of Uzbekistan are actively involved in helping to
resolve a variety of regional economic and social
issues. Its operations support the economy's
restructuring, the formation of new ownership entities,
the middle class, the creation of a competitive
environment, the supply of goods and services on the
market, and the resolution of employment issues. The
market economy, which is distinguished by unique
mobility, flexibility, and high efficiency, depends
heavily on small businesses.
Small business entities are given access to special
programs and structures that are funded by the state
budget to help them implement promising scientific
and technological advancements, re-equip small
businesses with modern equipment, and train and
retrain staff members for small and medium-sized
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
enterprises. The government's initiatives to strike a
balance between the interests of the state and business,
to create the best possible environment for business
operations, and to boost small business
competitiveness must be closely monitored in the
development of small businesses and private
entrepreneurship. Each small business entity's unique
organizational characteristics are defined not only by
its content and structure but also by the way the
production process is set up in terms of time and space,
the kinds of products it produces, and its overall
structure. The government's initiatives to strike a
balance between the interests of the state and business,
to create the best possible environment for business
operations, and to boost small company
competitiveness must be closely monitored in the
growth of small businesses and private
entrepreneurship. In addition to content and structure,
the organization of production processes in terms of
time and space, production types, enterprise
production structure, and other organizational and
economic factors all play a role in determining the
unique characteristics of how each small business
entity organizes its activities. Relying on the system
of conceptual approaches to the category of stability
in small business entities is essential for the
organization and enhancement of the production
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Strategies for the Sustainable Development and Efficiency Enhancement of Small Enterprises