Exploring Artistic and Scientific Thinking in Uzbek Novelists of the
Period of Independence
Zulfiya Pardaeva
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Novel, Novelist, Style, Method, Poetics, Literary Studies, Research, Artistic-Aesthetic Thinking, Scientific
Abstract: This article talks about the achievements of Uzbek novelists in the period of independence and the researches
devoted to them. The first stage of Uzbek novelism during the period of independence - the magnificent novels
of Amon Mukhtar, created in 1990-2000. “Otamdan qolgan dalalar” “Fields left by my father” by Togay
Murad, “Lolazor” by Murad Muhammed Dost, “Bazar” by Khurshid Dostmuhammed, “Goroguli” by Nazar
Eshankul, “Muvozanat” by Ulug’bek Khamdam, Kapalaklar o‘yini” “The Game of Butterflies” by
Tokhtamurod Rustam and “Cholpon” by Naim Karimov, created in the second stage - from the 2000s to the
present. Khurshid Dostmuhammad’s “Donishmand Sizif” The Wise Sisyphus”, Asad Dilmurod’s “Fano
Dashti Kush”, Isajon Sultan’s “Azod”, Erkin Samandar’s “Tangri Kudugi” were given special attention.
H.Dostmuhammad’s novels “Bazar”, “The Wise Sisyphus” are the reflection of the artistic-aesthetic thinking
of the society, which is artistically interpreted in the novel thinking, at the same time, it is also a representation
of the ancient Greek myth and the “Myth of Sisyphus” by the French writer Albert Camus. In the period of
independence, the novels created by Uzbek novelists were interpreted and analyzed, and the researches carried
out by Z.Pardaeva, Y.Solijonov, Sh.Doniyorova, Ya.Islomov, M.Omonova and the issues considered in them
were also highlighted.
The reforms carried out in the socio-political and
cultural life of our republic during the years of
independence have naturally found their reflection in
the field of fiction. The entry of our country into the
community of developed countries has expanded
opportunities for communication, attention to
languages has led to the reading of literary works in
the original, translation from the original into Uzbek,
and has also activated and enriched the fields of
In its history of more than three centuries of
development, the novel as a genre shows its viability,
excellence, and close connection with people and
society, while the Uzbek novel, founded by A. Qadiri
in the 20th century, is also creating annals of strong
works that can compete with the world’s novels.
As the novel as an epic genre emerges as a
reflection of the artistic and aesthetic thinking of the
society, it is natural that the causes and consequences
of development and decline characteristic of man and
society are artistically interpreted in it (we mean
artistic novels). It must be admitted that Uzbek
novelists and novelists have developed parallel to
each other. It is not wrong to say that the silence in
the Uzbek novel in the first years of national
independence was the period of a series of struggles
in the mind of the creator. It took years for the
interpretation of the idea that occupied the writer’s
mind, while the admiration and gratitude that passed
in the heart and soul echoed in the mind.
Comparative-historical, comparative-typological and
structural-semantic research methods were used in
the interpretation and analysis of the development of
Uzbek novelist in the period of independence
Pardaeva, Z.
Exploring Artistic and Scientific Thinking in Uzbek Novelists of the Period of Independence.
DOI: 10.5220/0012966800003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1353-1361
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
according to the issues of artistic and scientific
It is not wrong to say that the Uzbek novel of three
decades of independence is literally rising in the
process of poetic renewal. We propose to study the
novel of this period in two stages. The first stage -
1990-2000, the second stage - from 2000 to the
It is an exaggeration to say that novels such as
Amon Mukhtar's magnificent novels, Uncle Murad’s
“Fields left by my father", Murad Muhammad Dost’s
“Lolazor”, Khurshid Dostmuhammad’s “Bozor”,
Nazar Eshonqul’s “Gorogli”, Ulug’bek Khamdam’s
“Muvozanat” are artistic novels of the renewal period
- Bakhtin M. (1979) - Buronova, Zh. (2022) -
Vladimirova N V (2011) - Garipova G. T. (2012) -
Garipova G T (2012).
“Cholpon” by Naim Karimov, “The Wise
Sisyphus” by Khurshid Dostmuhammad, “Kush in
the steppe of Fano” by Asad Dilmurod, “Sultanat of
Tilsim” by Salomat Vafa, “The sufferings of a
wanderer”, “Azod” by Isajon Sultan, “The Well of
God” by Erkin Samandar were created in the second
stage. 14, 15] as an achievement of Uzbek novelists
facing the world, the poetics of his novels presented
various colorful forms like a mosaic in different
genres and styles. Remarkably, these novels found
their readers, critics, and researchers as soon as they
were published.
Along with the traditional novels that are
flourishing in our independence era novels, non-
traditional novels are also on the way to development,
our writers have realized that the minds that have
lived under pressure for years will be freed and each
novel will be individual along with having their own
individual styles. As it is revealed in the example of
non-traditional novels that the novel does not fit into
any pattern, it is natural that new novels are created
as a product of a new spirit and a new way of thinking
in the times that are renewed under the influence of
fundamental reforms. After all, each era forms artistic
and aesthetic thinking in society according to its
needs and demands. In the same place, Kh.
Dostmuhammads novel "Bozor" is also a reflection
of the artistic and aesthetic thinking of the society,
which is artistically interpreted in the new thinking of
the novel.
In the process of analysing the novels of the
period of independence, in the works of O. Mukhtar,
H. Dostmuhammad, T. Rustam, unconventional
novel poetics is formed in different ways, and the
style used by each writer is individual, and each novel
shows its own poetic system. Retrospective and
associative plots are mainly used to reveal the
conceptual idea of the novels, and their wide
possibilities are revealed in the artistic interpretation
of the inner world of the characters and their
emotional experiences.
The use of non-traditional methods of
interpretation in current Uzbek novels is of great
importance in the artistic renewal of the poetics of the
Uzbek novel. It must be acknowledged that the
influence of not only Western modern novels, but also
classical Uzbek literature and traditions of folk art is
significant in the formation of non-traditional ways of
interpretation. Philosophical observation in O.
Mukhtar’s “Man in front of the mirror”, “Plato”, H.
Dostmuhammad’s “Bazar”, psychological analysis in
“A Thousand Faces”, “Ruin on the Hill”, T. Rustam’s
“Butterfly Game” as an example of today’s absurd
idea revealing shows that the reality, we live in has a
special place in the emergence of non-traditional
styles in our novels.
The most important factor in the emergence of
non-traditional novels in our novel is the demand for
the gradual development of the genre, and the renewal,
reformation, and manifestation of the components of
historical poetics specific to the genre are also
characteristic of the Uzbek novel. It represents not
only the dynamics of the Uzbek novel, but also the
development of the novel genre in general.
Russian literary critic M. Bakhtin, who
emphasized that in the analysis of poetics, attention
should be paid not only to the universal aesthetic rules,
but also to the source itself, and that linguistics is an
auxiliary field in the creation of the art of words,
bases the essence of art, the dynamics of its
philosophical-aesthetic components on the basis of
dialectical law. Theoretical analysis of poetics is
interpreted as a “source of aesthetic analysis” and
three methodological tasks of aesthetic analysis are
First, to understand the purely artistic originality
and structure of the aesthetic source; M. Bakhtin
refers to this concept as the architecture of the
aesthetic source;
Secondly, the aesthetic analysis should be carried
out without depending on the basis of creation of the
work, and its structure does not depend on the
aesthetic source. In this case, the researcher should
know and analyze this knowledge perfectly, that is,
he should also be a geometrician, physicist, anatomist,
physiologist, linguist;
Thirdly, the task of aesthetic analysis should be
understood as a technical apparatus for improving the
aesthetic analysis of the source of the work.
The artistic evolutions in the novel of the present
period, while indicating a certain activation of the
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literary process, do not fail to affect the poetics of the
novel as well. It is the novel that develops the level of
artistic and aesthetic thinking of our society as well as
in the societies where the analysis of novels and its
related debates and scientific research has developed
shows that it gives. “The genre is similar to its era and
its author: it not only describes the era it belongs to,
but also adds clarity to it,” writes literary critic N.
Dulova - Doniyarova, Sh. K. (2012) - Dulova N.
(1996)- Dostmuhammad, H. (2016). Therefore, the
novel of the Independence period not only describes
the period to which it belongs, but the artistic-
aesthetic thinking of the society of the time is formed
as the thinking of the novel. Various changes, global
problems, natural disasters, political conflicts,
devastating wars, and the series of self-realization
taking place in the human mind are transferred to the
novel language as the “I” of the hero, and the
description of the changing human nature similar to
the autumn air does not fit into the framework of the
poetics of traditional novels, for this reason writers
also refer to the poetics of a complex system of novels.
This process was somewhat consistent especially in
the last decade of the 20th century, but it became
particularly active in the first quarter of the 21st
century. It is appropriate to use the methods of
integrative analysis in the interpretation and analysis
of the novels that reveal such a complex systematic
poetics. In particular, the use of systematic synergistic
analysis methods expands the possibilities of literary
studies to study the novel culturally in an
interdisciplinary relationship.
Uzbek novels of the period of independence are
not renewed in form, but the logic of thinking in them
is changing in essence, the structure of poetics is
being renewed, universal human values are being
interpreted based on nationality. In the first decade of
the period of national independence, the new artistic
methods and styles that appeared in the works of O.
Mukhtar, H. Dostmuhammad, T. Rustam cannot but
have a positive effect on the poetics of the Uzbek
O. Mukhtar’s novels, which do not repeat each
other, both in terms of subject matter and poetics, are
similar to the writer’s artistic research. A writer in
constant creative search discovers something in style.
If we take a deeper look, we realize that we, our
identity, the Eastern thought have been artistically
developed through the expression, theme, and even
style that seemed unnatural to us. It is not wrong to
say that the artistic expression of reality through the
means of “unnatural” artistic images from the point
of view of man and the universe, man and society
revealed the principle of unconventional novels in the
classification of Uzbek novels. The writer Amon
Mukhtar has a place in the formation of the non-
traditional novel genre in Uzbek novels.
Time is passing, times are changing, so people's
minds are also changing. A work that caused a stir
yesterday may not satisfy the reader today. By this,
we do not mean to say that any work will become old
and out of use over time. On the contrary, the real
value of a work of art is sometimes determined by the
distance of time. The fate of the novels of Marcel
Proust, James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Nathalie Sarrot,
John Updike, Paulo Coelho, Gabriel Marquez can be
understood in most cases where the reader is not
ready for the philosophical debate offered by the
Analysing the development of Amon Mukhtar’s
novels, the novels “Maydan” and “Plato” differ from
each other in terms of the method of interpretation,
the solution of the interpretation of reality, but they
are common in terms of the source involved in the
interpretation and the problem being absorbed into
the idea of the novel. In the process of reading the
novel “Maydan”, we understand that the artistic
components typical of the novels The Day of the
Age” and “Eleven Negro Children”, which are
masterpieces of world literature, are also
characteristic of “Maydan”. Also, we will hear the
essence of the story about “Three Muslims and a Girl”
as if we heard it in “Maydan”.
Inspired by the novels “A Thousand and One
Faces”, “The Man in the Mirror”, “The Ruin on the
Hill”, the story about the man who couldn't bear to be
locked in his mouth and came to the square with a
rope to hang himself, saying that it would be better to
die today, is a symbol of the idea of this trilogy. will
also be. O. Mukhtar’s non-traditional novels created
in the way of conditional-symbolic artistic
interpretation have a positive effect on the Uzbek
novel genre that is being formed and updated in our
national independence period novel genre.
Along with the traditional novels that are flourishing
in our independence era novels, non-traditional
novels are also on the way to development, our
writers have realized that the minds that have lived
under pressure for years become free, and each novel
is individual, along with having their own individual
style. As it is revealed in the example of non-
traditional novels that the novel does not fit into any
pattern, it is natural that new novels are created as a
product of a new spirit and a new way of thinking in
Exploring Artistic and Scientific Thinking in Uzbek Novelists of the Period of Independence
the times that are renewed under the influence of
fundamental reforms. After all, each era forms artistic
and aesthetic thinking in society according to its
needs and demands. In the same place, H.
Dostmuhammad’s novel “Bazar” was a reflection of
the artistic-aesthetic thinking of the society, which
was artistically interpreted in the newly formed novel
thinking, while the universal philosophical
observation typical of the writer’s novel “The Wise
Sisyphus” is revealed through the representation of
the ancient Greek myth.
Analyzing the novel “Butterfly Game” by T.
Rustam, we understand that the absurd life is the
source of the interpretation of the absurd novel. In
Badal Armon’s memoirs and their analysis, an
interpretation of an inevitable tragedy emerges every
time. A bitter truth lies behind the fact that Badal lives
a “western” life and Uzbek girls turn into “night
butterflies”. The conclusion of each story evokes an
absurd feeling in the hero. Philosophical observations
about life bring pluralism to the standard of
psychological analysis. The ideological and artistic
content of the novel serves to reveal that the hero is
an absurd vision of life, and Badal Armon is formed
as an absurd hero, and the absurd is a search for
meaning from meaninglessness at any time and in any
situation. At the same time, there are some
abstractions in the poetics of “Butterfly Game”. In the
novel, logical analysis sometimes alternates with
obsession with the "modern" direction. Unnecessary
repetitions only have a negative effect on the essence
of the novel. In the “one artistic breath” paragraphs
typical of the modern interpretation style, it can be
felt that the writer is not “breathing”, and the length
of the paragraph is straining.
The importance of the novel “The Game of
Butterflies” is that through this novel, Uzbek
novelists have somewhat approached the principle of
the absurd novel in the style of modern interpretation,
created in the direction of an unconventional genre.
This, of course, provides diversity in the development
of the novel genre.
In the process of analysing the novels of the
period of independence, in the works of O. Mukhtar,
H. Dostmuhammad, T. Rustam, unconventional
novel poetics is formed in different ways, and the
style used by each writer is individual, and each novel
shows its own poetic system. Retrospective and
associative plots are mainly used to reveal the
conceptual idea of the novels, and their wide
possibilities are revealed in the artistic interpretation
of the inner world of the characters, emotional
The use of various interpretation methods in
current Uzbek novels is of great importance in the
artistic renewal of the poetics of the Uzbek novel. It
must be admitted that the influence of not only
modern Western novels, but also classical Uzbek
literature and traditions of folk art is significant in the
formation of non-traditional ways of interpretation.
Philosophical observation in novels such as O.
Mukhtar’s “A Man in Front of the Mirror”, “Plato”,
“Bazar” by H. Dostmuhammad, psychological
analysis in “A Thousand Faces’, “Ruin on the Hill”,
absurd idea in T. Rustam’s “Butterfly Game” that the
monand is revealed based on the essence of time and
space shows that the reality we live in has a special
place in the emergence of new styles in our novels.
The most important factor in the emergence of
new-style novels in our novels is the demand for
gradual development of the genre, and the renewal,
reformation, and manifestation of historical poetic
components specific to the genre is also a
characteristic of the Uzbek novel. It represents not
only the dynamics of the Uzbek novel, but also the
development of the novel genre in general.
Another artistic feature characteristic of Uzbek
novels of the period of independence is the creation
of mythopoetic novels. Sh. Botaev’s “Shokh”,
“Ettinchi tong”, which are considered serious
achievements of Uzbek prose, belong to this category.
The novels “Bazar” by Kh. Dostmuhammad,
“Donishmand Sisyphus”, “Gorogly” by N.Eshonqul,
“Isyan itoat” by U. Hamdam, “Baqi Darbadar” and
“Azod” by I.Sultan belong to it.
It should be pointed out that the issues of
mythopoetics in Uzbek literary studies have been
researched by literary critics N.Vladimirova,
G.Garipova, S.Kamolova, N.Sizdiqboev,
M.Kochkarova. J. Boronova’s doctoral dissertation
on “Artistic Mythology in Contemporary Russian and
Uzbek Prose” was completed in the field of
comparative literature, and the issues of mythopoetics
in Russian and Uzbek prose were reflected in Temur
Polatov’s “Mulk”, “Libra Tortoise”, Hamid Ismail’s
“Mbobo”, Stories and novels such as Amon
Mukhtar’s “Four Sided Qibla” and Khurshid
Dostmuhammad’s “The Wise Sisyphus” have been
comparatively studied. In carrying out this study, the
researcher used comparative-historical, comparative-
typological and structural-semantic research methods.
Khurshid Dostmuhammed’s “The Wise Sisyphus”
differs from the mythopoetic novels created in this
period by its complete representation. Referring to the
ancient myth of Sisyphus, the writer creates his
updated (neo-mythology) myth, uses many Uzbek
proverbs and expressions in the interpretation process,
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
the image of Sisyphus is depicted as a symbolic
interpretation of human pains, thoughts and worries.
Since the novel is a reflection of the artistic and
aesthetic thinking of the society, it is natural for it to
become an object of artistic interpretation as a
reflection of the real reality of a person who is
evolving in order not to break spiritually, emotionally
and materially in the conditions of the market
economy, which is showing its complexities day by
day. The artistic achievement of the novel “Bazar”
written by Kh.Dostmuhammad is the creation of an
artistic model of real reality. In the writer’s
philosophical novel “The Wise Sisyphus”, the writer
uses postmodernism techniques in the representation
of the image of Sisyphus with artistic skill. True, in
the poetics of the novel, the methods and methods of
the Western stream of “consciousness” are felt, but
there is a logic of thought between the source of the
work’s interpretation and the method of interpretation,
and the interpretation of Eastern thought was
introduced into the novel, all the methods used
logically complement each other, Greek myth, essay
by a French writer It acquires a new meaning in the
writer’s interpretation.
It is not wrong to say that the novel “The Wise
Sisyphus” raised the modern Uzbek novel to a higher
level, being new both in terms of genre and style.
With his artistic success, he attracted many literary
experts, researchers, and readers. Controversies arose
about the novel; scientific conclusions were
expressed. With its artistic charm, the novel stood out
as a “bright” among modern Uzbek novels. Because
of this, the relationship was different.
Not only Uzbek novelists created works of artistic
value, Uzbek novelist scholars also conducted
research on the novel genre based on various
problems of literary studies. “Poetics of the Uzbek
novel” by A. Rahimov (1993), “The problem of
thought and skill in modern Uzbek novels (1960-80
years)” by D. Toraev, “The reality of life and the
concept of man in modern Uzbek prose” by H.
Karimov : 1970-80 years" (1994), U. Kasimov’s
“Study of Literary-Aesthetic Thinking”: traditionality,
inheritance, originality (in the case of the works of
Abdulla Qadiri, Abdulla Kahhor and Togay Murad)”
and A. Kholmurodov’s “Psychologicalism in the
novels of Adil Yakubov” (1991), I. Samandarov’s
“Artistic depiction of human relations in Uzbek
historical novels” (based on the works of M. Dost, G'.
Khotamov, O. Otakhan, 1994), “The aesthetic ideal
of the writer and the image of women” by H.
Lutfiddinova (1994), Artistic depiction of human
relations in O. Iskandarov’s novels “Religion” and
“Doomsday” (1995), M. Olimov’s “The Problem of
Pathos in Contemporary Uzbek Literature” (1995), A.
Boboniyozov’s “Visual tools and linguistic art in
Abdulla Kadiri’s novel “Past Days” (1995), Z.
Mahmudova’s “National identity of Abdullah
Kadiri’s novel “Past Days” (1996), T. Kurbanov’s
“Odil Yakubov’s skill of creating a portrait” (1997),
U. Musaeva’s “Plot and conflict features of
Khudoyberdi Tokhtaboev’s novels” (1997), Z.
Zhalmatova’s "Commonality and originality in
urbanistic works (in the case of comparative analysis
of P. Kadirov’s “Diamond belt”), (1999), A.
Kahramanov’s poetics of the novel “Mehrobdan
Chayan” (2000), Z. Rahimov’s “Poetics of Odil
Yakubov’s novel Old World” (2000), N. Soatova’s
“Traditions of epic depiction in Abdullah Qadiri’s
novel “The Past Days” (2001), Sh. Isaeva’s “Methods
of depicting the psyche of characters in Uzbek
historical novels” (2001), In candidate dissertations
such as “Interpretation of personal tragedy in Abdulla
Qahhor’s novel “Sarob” (2004) by K. Hamrokulova,
specific issues related to the works created in the pre-
independence period were studied.
Z.Pardaeva’s doctoral work on the topic
“Development Principles of Contemporary Uzbek
Novels” (2003) focuses on the research of novels
created immediately after independence. In this study,
the dissertation researcher has compared issues such
as the presence of novel-like artistic thinking in
Uzbek literature, the manifestation of its
characteristic stylistic expression, the ideational and
artistic nature of the work’s poetics, plot and
composition, and stylistic formation with world prose.
Also, in his dissertation, the researcher defines the
leading principles of the development of Uzbek
novels and observes the formation of a new attitude
towards modernism. In the analysis of current Uzbek
novels, he refers to the experiences of the world
school of novels, relying on the novel theory of
Mikhail Bakhtin and the modernist novel theory of
Jose Ortega-i Gasset. The poetics of the novel
“Remaining Fields” is extensively researched.
In Y. Solijonov’s doctoral work on the topic
“Poetics of artistic speech in Uzbek prose of the 80s-
90s of the 20th century”, the role of prosaic speech
types in artistic creativity, the position of the author’s
speech, the role of the character’s speech, the role of
the character’s speech, dialogue, internal speech,
polyphony of speech, and the introduction of
polyphonic novel into Uzbek literature are researched.
Exploring Artistic and Scientific Thinking in Uzbek Novelists of the Period of Independence
In M. Pirnazarova’s candidacy work entitled
“Methodological research in contemporary Uzbek
novels (on the example of the novels of Amon
Mukhtar, Kh. Dostmuhammad, U. Hamdam)”, the
essence of methodological research in the works of
the above-mentioned authors published in the post-
independence period from national literary traditions
in epic prose to mythological imaginations and he
tried to find his own interpretations from the basis of
religious and moral views. at the same time, he tried
to study the updated style by connecting it with the
internal dynamics of the novel.
Literary critic Sh. Doniyorova’s doctoral
dissertation on the topic of “National Spirit and
Heroic Problem in Uzbek Novels of the Independence
Period” was written on the eve of independence and
during independence, “Mother Falcon’s Farewell” by
P. Kadirov, “Life in a Dream” by O’. Hoshimov,
“Dinosaur” by Sh. Kholmirzaev, O. Mukhtar’s
“Ruins on the Hill”, “Ishq ahli”, “Plato”, T. Murad’s
“Fields left by my father”, “You cannot die in this
world”, Muhammad Ali’s “The Great Kingdom”, Kh.
Dostmuhammad’s “Bazar”, U. Hamdam’s Novels
such as “Equilibrium”, “Rebellion and Obedience”
and other novels that vividly reflect the issue of the
national spirit and hero have been researched.
Literary critic Muhabbat Sharafutdinova’s
research on the topic “Specific features of the
narrative style of 20th century Uzbek novels (in the
context of world literature)” - this problem, which
occupies an important place in the poetics of the novel
genre - the process of renewal in the structure of the
national novel, in the context of world literature -
through comparative analysis with rare examples of
world novels goes. Literary critic Umarali Normatov
described this research as "this research aimed at
researching the narrative style of the 20th century
Uzbek novel in the context of world literature, relying
on the views of M. Bakhtin, H. Ortega-i-Gasset, the
master novelists of the 20th century, aroused a sense
of pride in a person; It once again confirms that
despite the tyranny of the Shura period in Uzbek
literature of the 20th century, the new era created
works that can easily be compared to rare examples
of world literature, and that our national literature is
not just a “component of multinational Soviet
literature”, but developed as an integral part of new
world literature... ” - highly appreciates.
The joining of our country to the community of
developed countries has expanded the opportunities
for communication, the attention to languages has led
to reading literary works in the original, converting
from the original to the Uzbek language also activated
and enriched the fields of science.
In today’s process of globalization, fiction,
especially novels, play an important role in improving
human culture, increasing intellectual potential, and
educating the young generation as a well-rounded
person. New methods and approaches, as a result of
the consistent improvement of literary and aesthetic
principles, scientific concepts related to the gradual
development of artistic thinking are considered
important factors of ensuring the development of the
fields of literary studies, which creates the need to
base the scientific and practical conclusions of
research on the problems of novel writing.
The sources that were a factor in the emergence of
methodological updates in Uzbek novels of the period
of independence are the renewal stage of Uzbek
novels in the interpretation of the national spirit,
which combines literary and artistic traditions and the
advanced researches of the world art of words, and
the artistic synthesis of Eastern and Western literary
traditions. The doctoral dissertation on the topic
“Artistic synthesis of Eastern and Western traditions”
is of great scientific importance.
In the study,Bird in Fano Dashti by Asad
Dilmurod, “Bazar” by Khurshid Dostmuhammad,
“Ffu”, “Plato” by Amon Mukhtar, ‘Man Left on the
Street’ by Abbas Said, “Azod” by Isajon Sultan, “Biqi
Darbadar” by Nazar Eshanqul, created during the
period of independence. In the novel poetics of
tradition and artistic synthesis, which appeared in
novels such as “Gorogli or life water”, Ulugbek
Hamdam's “Rebellion and Obedience”, “Sabo and
Samandar”, ‘Na’matak”, Ahmad Azam’s “Dream or
Journey to Ghuliston”, Luqmon Borikhon’s “People
in the Heat” a new way of thinking, ways of
expression, methodological peculiarities were widely
and thoroughly studied, analytical analysis,
comparative-typological, historical-comparative,
hermeneutic, psychological, sociological methods
were used in the research process.Sabo and
Samandar’ novel by U. Hamdam with A. Navoi’s
“Layli and Majnun” by A. Navoi, ‘Rebellion and
Obedience” novel with Paolo Coelho’s “The
Alchemist”, I. Sultan’s “Eternal Darbadar” by Ch.
Aitmatov and ‘Signs of the End Times” by the
dissertation ” was successfully compared with.
In the thesis, the author tried to cover as much as
possible the remarkable events of the artistic
synthesis of the East and the West in the Uzbek novels
of the Independence period. In particular, the
influence of classical literature, the adoption of A.
Navoi’s epic work by novelists was a factor in the
positive resolution of the issues of writer’s artistic
skill in new Uzbek novels. Also, the works of western,
Latin American, and Russian writers, who influenced
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
the stylistic diversity of Uzbek novels, were subjected
to historical and comparative analysis, the expansion
of the field of translated works expanded the creative
possibilities of Uzbek novelists, “in this sense, it is
positive for efforts to learn from the achievements of
world literature in the modern literary process. should
be considered as a process. As a result, different
views, content-rich and formative expressions and
methodological updates are emerging in the literary
process. Because an artist who gets to know and learn
about the literary heritage and culture of other nations
in detail improves his ideas and views about his
people and contemporaries, and expands the
possibilities of discovering new methodological
The changes in genre requirements and artistic
standards in the current literary process include the
premiere of “The Return of Mangu Darbadar’ in I.
Sultan’s novel “Baqi Darbadar”, the organization of
the trial in the theater in N. Eshonqul’s novel
“Gorogli”, the hero of E.Azam’s novel “Shovqin” by
cinematographer Farhad Ramazan’s Sharq. In his
literature, such as the creation of the work “Ishq
Isyoni” based on the plot of the famous story of
Sheikh San’an, the researcher clarifies that theater
performances were introduced as an introductory
episode to the plot of novels.
. This artistic element is an example of the
theatricalization of the novel genre. A similar process
can be observed in the works of M. Bulgakov, V.
Nabokov, B. Pasternak in contemporary Russian
literature. It is naturally a positive phenomenon that
the processes taking place in world literature also take
place in current Uzbek novels.
Opinions, scientific-theoretical generalizations
related to the problems of novel poetics in literary
studies, I. Yakubov’s doctoral dissertation on the
topic “Poetics of Uzbek novels of the period of
independence” devoted to the research of poetic
updates in Uzbek novels of the period of
independence is also of special scientific importance.
After all, as the issues of novel poetics in world
literary studies show new features as the genre is
updated, there is still a need to study, research, and
draw generalizing scientific-theoretical conclusions
about it in the context of the literary process. The
artistic discoveries of Uzbek novels in the 20th-21st
centuries, the achievements of literary and aesthetic
schools, artistic concepts, interpretation styles, plot-
composition, character system, peculiarities in form
and style in the poetics of national novels also
changed the requirements for their scientific and
theoretical foundations.
I. Yakubov, a literary critic of the period of
independence, wrote: “Next to the tradition of
interpreting literary events based on cause-and-effect
relationships, the principle of proceeding from the
result to the cause was added, the weight of symbolic-
figurativeness in the poetic image increased, and the
metaphorically deepened; the image subject and
artistic modes have been updated; in artistic
expression, the attention to the modes of irony,
tragedy, satire, and drama increased”, - he describes.
In the research of the literary critic, during the period
of independence, the Uzbek national novel was
defined as ‘novel-pentalogy, novel-tetralogy,
narration-novel, mystic-novel; scientifically
substantiates the creation of the genres of science-
fiction novel, educational-biographical novel, essay-
novel, satirical novel, novel-discussion, novel-
journalism, “mini-novel”.
In order to reveal the problems related to the
poetics of the Uzbek novel during the period of
independence, to identify the new way of thinking,
creative concepts, expressions, plot-composition,
system of characters, peculiarities in the form and
style, which are manifested in the poetics of the
national novel, the researcher focuses on the renewal
of the poetics of the Uzbek novel between the 20th
and 21st centuries. “God’s Well” (Erkin Samandar),
“Cholpon” (N. Karimov), “The Wise Sisyphus”
(Khurshid Dostmuhammad), “Connected Worlds”
(Kh. Shaykhov), “Rozy Choriev’s Last Will” (N.
Normatov) ), explores the novels “Kallakhanali
yigitcha”, “Musavvir” (Alisher Mirzo), “Gorogli”
(Nazar Eshonqul), "Na’matak” (Ulug’bek Khamdam),
“Azod” (Isajon Sultan), and compares their poetics
with novels of Uzbek and international literature
comparative analysis and interpretation. In the
process of research, the use of sociological, historical-
cultural, historical-comparative, comparative-
typological approaches of complex analysis,
contextual analysis, as well as comparative,
biographical, psychological, hermeneutic,
hypothetical methods and structural and stylistic
methods of immanent analysis serve as an important
factor in illuminating the poetics of novels does. The
researcher conditionally divides the novelists who
were of special importance to the development of the
Uzbek novel in the period of two centuries into two
groups - writers indirectly related to the imitative
stage of poetic thinking and writers whose poetic
thinking is led by pure hermeneutic attitude. It is
studied that only the writers belonging to the second
group contributed to the emergence of new internal
forms of the national novel, unique artistic
Exploring Artistic and Scientific Thinking in Uzbek Novelists of the Period of Independence
The researcher involved in the work noted that “in
the novels, there is an increase in the appeal to the
ancient themes found in national and world literature,
in fact, synthesis is not a phenomenon that can be
explained within the framework of certain cultural-
historical, artistic-aesthetic canons, but is a product of
a hugely comprehensive, universal poetic thinking
with an emphasis on essence” comes to the
In the semantic-structural layer of Uzbek novels
created between the 20th and 21st centuries, the scope
of essays has expanded and the possibilities of poetic
expression have increased. At the same time, the
features of non-fiction and essay genres characteristic
of Latin American, Western and Russian novels
entered the novel genre, which did not fail to have a
positive effect on the synthesis of the literary and
aesthetic traditions of the West and the East.
As the novel evolves as a genre, all its elements,
that is, components, change. It is natural to think: is
the newly created novel gradually different from the
novels created before it? An idea born in the artistic
thinking of every novelist, matured and reached the
status of a conceptual problem, reveals the
possibilities of the writer’s artistic skills. The author’s
conceptual idea is not revealed until the work reaches
artistic perfection. Does the newly created novel
really differ in artistic excellence? Did the chosen
topic, used artistic possibilities reveal the author’s
intention, and most importantly, did he find his
reader? Such questions naturally arise in relation to
each novel. What if the novel is about Islam and its
leaders? “I know the religion of Islam, the Holy
Qur’an, the life and history of our Prophet
Muhammad Mustafa, may God bless him and grant
him peace, and the traditions of the leaders of the
Islamic religion - the sheikhs of the guardians.”
should be ready. In this sense, researcher Mubora
Omanova’s PhD thesis on the topic “Artistic
interpretations of the character of sheikhs in the
Uzbek novels of the period of independence” is of
great importance due to the scientific research of such
complex processes of artistic creation. This
dissertation is one of the studies focused on the
conceptual study of the masterpieces created in the
direction of researching the artistic interpretations of
the character of sheikhs in the Uzbek novels of the
period of independence based on the methods of
literary studies, and it is important because it is
dedicated to the actual theoretical problem. In the
period of independence, the Uzbek romances
developed the practice of combining the principles of
artistic re-embodiment of the world with images of
Farb with Eastern-Islamic literary and aesthetic
traditions, the truths of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith
of our writers, Sufism and Islamic philosophy,
scientific-literary heritage, complex personality and
environment of our writers. The fact that he studied
widely and created artistic and powerful prose works
in the way of understanding God also means that the
spiritual and religious roots of our people are strong.
The story of Bahauddin Naqshband”, Isajon Sultan’s
historical biographical novels “Alisher Navoi” can be
an example of this. According to Orientalist E.E.
Bertels, “It is impossible to have an idea of the
cultural life of the medieval Muslim East without
studying Sufism literature. Without being aware of
this literature, it is difficult to understand the East
Scientific-theoretical sources related to the
research topic: Holy Quran, Hadith Sharif and Sufism
literature, Najmiddin Komilov, Ibrahim Haqqul,
Kamal Eraslon, Nasafi (Evgeniy Efimovich
Berezikov), Zuhra Mamadalieva, Uzok Dzhorakulov,
Orinboev B., Aziz Qayumov, Batorkhan
Valikhojhaev, Sultanmurad It is also significant
because it is based on the scientific ideas and
conclusions covered in the works of scientist
Hamidjon Hamidiy, Usman Qabilov, Hamidulla
Boltaboev, Aziza Bektasheva, Nodirkhan Hasan,
Hamidkhan Islami.
If we assume that the novel is a reflection of the
artistic-aesthetic level of the society, the novels
created in the period of independence are a reflection
of the artistic form of a person who is searching for
his identity in the conditions of globalization and
struggling with the laws of “survival”. No matter how
difficult the “condition of survival” is, today's novel
hero strives for the truth - staying true to himself. As
the mysterious experiences and spiritual experiences
of the hero pass through the writer’s artistic thinking
in the harmony of life reality and artistic
interpretation, he brings out the novelistic thinking
only if the criteria of life and the criteria of art
coincide with each other. The Uzbek novels that we
have sorted above based on the possibility of an
article and the debates and discussions about them,
the researches have been carried out mainly on the
basis of the selected works. Novels that have not
repeated each other, their researches based on the
methods and achievements of world literary studies,
different issues of literary studies indicate the
development of novels of the Independence period,
updates in the poetics of novels, and the level of
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Uzbek artistic and scientific thinking. Yes, indeed,
the roots of our national artistic and aesthetic thinking
are strong, and our inheritance is continuous. No
matter how different the world is, our national values
have remained the main themes of Uzbek novels.
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Exploring Artistic and Scientific Thinking in Uzbek Novelists of the Period of Independence