Periodical Press of the Ferghana Valley on the Eve and During the
Second World War
Dildora Alinazarova
National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Cyrillic, Ferghana Valley, Central Committee, Military Journalists, Photojournalists, Freelance
Correspondents, Newspaper.
Abstract: The article examines the periodical press of the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan on the eve and during the
Second World War. The functioning of regional periodicals during the war years is analysed. The activity of
military officers, photojournalists, freelance correspondents, as well as lino typists and typesetters of printing
houses is considered. Based on archival data, new names of military journalists who served at the front and
in the rear have been revealed.
The population of Uzbekistan, after heavy losses
during the period of collectivization and kulaks, as
well as the policy of mass repression, in the late 30s
and early 40s of the 20th century, in the conditions of
a temporary peace, gradually withdrew and engaged
in active creative activity. During this period, the
appearance of Uzbek villages and cities began to
change. On January 15, 1938, 5 regions were initially
formed as part of the Uzbek SSR, including the
Fergana region. March 6, 1941 Andijan and
Namangan regions were separated from the Fergana
Further modernization of cotton growing and
other branches of agriculture in the conditions of
Uzbekistan was closely connected with the solution
of the water problem. Given the importance of this
issue, on the basis of the decision of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan
and the Council of People's Commissars of the Uzbek
SSR on practical measures for the construction of the
canal dated June 6, 1939, the Great Fergana Canal
began. On August 1, 1939, 160,000 people went to
hashar - the laying of the Great Ferghana Canal. The
Great Ferghana Canal was built by the Khashar in 45
days, that is, August 1 - September 17, 1939. The
Great Ferghana Canal named after Usman Yusupov
is a major irrigation canal in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
and Tajikistan. Built in 1939-1940, it was one of the
largest hydraulic structures of the former USSR -
Alinazarova, D.V. (2020) - Bolshoy Ferganskiy kanal.
(1939) - Yefimov Yu. (1989).
Thanks to the construction of the Great Fergana Canal
together with the Southern Fergana Canal (in 1940-
1941), the volume of irrigation in the Fergana Valley
increased significantly. The cotton harvest in the
region has doubled. Of course, from the very
beginning of work at the GFC, printed publications
were organized to cover the construction of the canal
- the newspapers «На Сталинской стройке» («On
the Stalin Construction») and «Stalincha qurilishda»
in Russian and Uzbek.
As an organ of the Central Committee and the
Ferghana Regional Committee of the CP(b) of
Uzbekistan for the construction of the Great Ferghana
Canal, newspapers have been published daily since
1939 and distributed free of charge. And although in
1939 a commission was established under the Board
of the People's Commissariat of the Uzbek SSR to
Alinazarova, D.
Periodical Press of the Ferghana Valley on the Eve and During the Second World War.
DOI: 10.5220/0012967000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1369-1375
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
develop the Uzbek alphabet based on Cyrillic, the
newspaper «Stalincha qurilishda» in Uzbek was still
published in Latin. In addition, on February 17, 1940,
the newspaper «Northern Ferghana Canal», the organ
of the Central Committee and the Ferghana Regional
Committee of the CP(b) of Uzbekistan for the
construction of the Northern Ferghana Canal, began
its activity.
The newspapers «На Сталинской стройке»,
«Северный Ферганский канал» (On the Stalinist
Construction Site and the Northern Ferghana Canal)
introduced their readers to the works of each
collective farm separately. In addition to the official
and interesting sections of the newspaper, there was a
section «Board of Honor», where the newspaper's
editorial office constantly entered the names of
workers for exemplary and selfless work on the
construction of the Ferghana Canal and, of course,
introduced its readers to such news. Similarly, in the
newspaper «Stalincha qurilishda» in Uzbek, there
was a column called «Hurmat Tahtasi». Also, a
number of articles were constantly cited on page 3
under the heading «With a huge rise, builders are
approaching the completion of earthworks». A great
merit in the colorfulness and highness of these
newspapers, photojournalists like A.Shaikhet,
M.Penson, M.Albert, G.Zilmu, D.Nazarov, etc.
The Second World War forced the residents of the
Fergana Valley to take up such hard work at such a
time!? Of course, the command to start the
construction of the Great Ferghana Canal (GFC) was
given from Moscow in order to develop new lands for
cotton. The heroic work of the builders was highly
appreciated by the government. By the Decree of the
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated
April 28, 1940, 448 builders were awarded orders and
medals. The sign «Participant in the construction of
the Great Ferghana Canal» was established. Hundreds
of leaders were awarded this badge. In a word, the
construction of the BFC has become a nationwide
construction site.
In addition to the special newspapers «На
сталинской стройке» and «Сталинча қурилишда»,
«On the Stalinist construction site» and «Stalincha
qurilishda», republican, regional, city and district
newspapers were also introduced to all the
achievements and details of construction. According
to the Central Statistical Office under the Council of
Ministers of the UzSSR, 32 newspapers were
published in one Fergana Valley as of January 1,
1940: 2 regional, 8 city and 22 district newspapers.
Almost all of these newspapers during this period
create new headings covering the construction of the
BFC and its employees. It is safe to say that the
construction of the BFC has entered our history as one
of the greatest examples of labour feat and has
become a symbol of the heroic labour of the Uzbek
people. On June 22, 1941, Hitler's Germany launched
an offensive against the USSR. For the peoples of the
Soviet Union, including the peoples of Uzbekistan,
the time has come for severe trials and selfless
struggle against the Nazi invaders.
One of the important sources by which the history
of the Second World War can be traced is newspapers.
The contribution of mass media workers, journalists,
correspondents of our country to the historic victory
over Nazi Germany in the 1941-1945 war was
enormous. The press was the sharpest weapon of
ideological and political education of the masses
during the war years. At that time, 200 newspapers
were published in Uzbekistan, 124 of them in Uzbek.
In addition, there were 52 magazines in the country,
19 of which were also published in Uzbek. The one-
time circulation of newspapers in Uzbekistan was
900,000 copies, and in Uzbek - 600,000 copies. In
addition to regular coverage of the situation on the
fronts on the pages of newspapers and magazines, the
journalistic pen covered the lives of those who
worked tirelessly in the rear for a glorious victory,
enduring hardships and suffering in the industrial and
agricultural, educational and cultural spheres of the
After the separation of the Andijan and Namangan
regions from the Ferghana region on March 6, 1941,
the number of regional newspapers increased from 2
to 6. In 1941, the number of newspapers increased by
almost 9 compared to 1937 and reached 38. The one-
time circulation of regional newspapers over the years
increased from 11569 to 51,565 thousand copies.
During the war, 38 newspapers were published in the
Fergana Valley alone, 32 of which were in Uzbek.
There were 14 newspapers published in the Ferghana
region (2 regional, 2 city and 10 district). This is
evidenced by the data of the Central Statistical Office
under the Council of Ministers of the UzSSR on
January 1, 1942. There were 13 newspapers published
in the Andijan region (2 regional, 11 district) and 11
newspapers in the Namangan region (2 regional, 9
district). They reflect the materials of both central
and local news. The number and work of wall
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
newspapers, battle sheets, lightning sheets and photo
newspapers has increased significantly. The role of
war correspondents is increasing, the number of
freelance correspondents is growing.
During the Second World War, such regional
newspapers were published in the Ferghana Valley
as: «Сталин ҳақиқати» and «За Коммунизм»
(«Stalinist Party» and «For Communism») - the organ
of the organizational bureau of the Central Committee
of the CP (b)Uz in Namangan region, City Committee
of KP(b)Uz and the organizing committee of the
Supreme Soviet of the UzSSR, «Ферганская
правда» и «Коммуна» («Ferghana Pravda» and
«Commune») - the organ of the Ferghana Regional
Committee and the City Committee of the
Communist Party of Uzbekistan, the regional and city
Council of Workers and «Сталинское знамя» and
«Коммунист» («Stalin Banner» and «Communist») -
the organ of the Andijan Regional Committee and the
City Committee of the Communist Party of
Uzbekistan, the regional and city Council of Workers'
Deputies. The pages of these newspapers constantly
published articles about the heroic deeds of our
people at the front and in the rear.
3.1 Review of the Periodical Press of
Namangan Region during the
Second World War
The regional daily newspaper of Namangan region
«Stalin haqiqati» began to be published from 1936 to
1958 in Uzbek. Its circulation during this period
increased to 4 thousand. The first editors of the
newspaper were T. Fatkhulin, Y.Koraev, and during
the Second World War and after its end at different
times were K.Uzokov, S.Tilla, T.Soatov,
S.Otazhonov, A.Hamroev and A.Madumarov,
T.Fatkhulin in the first years, one of the first went to
war, as a war correspondent.
One chapter of the work of T.Ernazarov and
A.Akbarov «The History of the press of Uzbekistan
(1925 1952)» is called «The creation and
strengthening of the front of the war of the press in
the Uzbek language». The authors noted that in 1943,
on the fronts of the Second World War, 13 frontline
and 3 divisional newspapers were published in
Uzbek: «Dushmanga qarshi olga» («Forward against
the enemy») on the 1st Baltic Front, «Suvorovchi»
(«Suvorovets») on the II Baltic Front, «Vatan Uchun»
(«for the Motherland») on the 3rd Baltic Front, «Front
haqiqati» («The Truth of the Front») on the I-th
Belorussian Front, «Qizil askar hakikati» («The truth
of the Red Soldier») on the 3rd Belorussian front,
«Vatan sharafi uchun» («For the honor of the
Motherland») on the I-th Ukrainian Front and others.
Many Uzbek journalists served in frontline
newspapers published in Uzbek and, seeing firsthand
the military exploits of their compatriots, wrote
poems and essays about them. In this, of course, the
role of the editor of the Namangan regional
newspaper Fatkhulin is great. He wrote articles for
both frontline and regional newspapers. In the most
difficult military year of 1941, B. Zhonboev was
appointed the responsible editor of the newspaper
«Stalin haqiqati». Under his leadership, the
newspaper was printed daily, on all days of the week,
delivering information to the people.
During the war, the seal served as an important
and powerful spiritual weapon of the Soviet state in
mobilizing the people and the army to fight, in raising
the morale of soldiers on the battlefields. Of particular
note is the contribution to the great victory of the so-
called «unarmed soldiers» drafted from the Ferghana
Valley into the army in 1941-1945, their heroic but
tragic life and fate.
After the approval of the resolution of the Central
Committee of May 24, 1943 «On the reorganization
of the structure of party organizations in the Red
Army and strengthening the role of front-line, army
and divisional newspapers», political organizations
did a lot of work on educating journalistic personnel,
promoting new fresh forces from soldiers and officers
capable of journalistic and literary activity.
The business and moral qualities of every military
journalist were subjected to a thorough analysis, and
people unworthy of holding such a high rank were
expelled from the editorial offices. The requirements
for the military knowledge of front-line
newspapermen and their combat skills have sharply
increased. Journalists persistently studied what was
needed in the war, passed tests according to a certain
A lot of information about military journalists
who have made a great contribution to the
development and prosperity of the periodical press of
the Fergana Valley can be found in the documents
stored in the 796th fund of the State Archive of
Namangan region. Raphael Ivanovich Myaskov
proved himself to be a courageous and skillful
military journalist correspondent of «Stalinist»,
who wrote to the newspaper from the front. In
particular, in the article Y.Egamberdieva
«Moskvadagi bosh muhbirimiz» («Our chief
correspondent in Moscow”), dedicated to the
activities of R.I. Myaskov, writes: «... Here lives the
real son of our Namangan, one of the ardent agitators,
veteran journalist Rafael Ivanovich Myaskov. His
Periodical Press of the Ferghana Valley on the Eve and During the Second World War
childhood, life and work are mostly closely connected
with our flourishing city and the destinies of people
with an open soul».
In 1944, at the turning point of the Second World
War, R.I.Myaskov was sent to the front to write
articles for the newspaper «Stalin haqiqati». At the
front, R.I. Myaskov, together with experienced
journalists such as K.Uzokov, I. Yusupov, I. Aliyev,
jointly mobilized the people to achieve the great
victory. His excellent knowledge of the Uzbek
language, culture and traditions of the Uzbek people
greatly helped him in his journalistic frontline
activities. After the war, working as a correspondent
for «Komsomolskaya Pravda», then in the
newspapers «Soviet Russia», «Izvestia», traveled all
over Uzbekistan. But wherever he was, R. Myaskov
did not forget his homeland, his magnificent city of
Namangan and its simple, hospitable people.
The Central Committee of the CPSU (b), together
with the leadership of the Main Directorate of
Political Propaganda, entrusted the representatives of
party bodies in the Red Army with responsibility for
minimizing problems in the work of war
correspondents, as well as how to use all available
resources to help them. So, by the beginning of
September 1941, all representatives of the largest
army publications were provided with cars. In
addition, all of them were given special passes that
allow them to go to the front line in order to receive
accurate and timely information about what is
happening on the front line. Also, the pass made it
possible to request from the command of the units the
necessary assistance in finding materials and
information. Another important change in the work of
journalists of army publications was the creation of a
mobile photo lab - thanks to this innovation, TASS
photographers accompanying the authors could
process the pictures in the shortest possible time. This
allowed us to speed up the process of preparing future
All representatives of the military press received
weapons, uniforms, and the issue of their nutrition
was resolved. It was also decided to organize regular
visits of war correspondents to meetings of the
headquarters of army formations to obtain
information about the situation at the front and the
formation of topics most in need of coverage in army
The years of the Second World War had a
significant impact on the state budget of the country,
however, the circulation of newspapers published in
the valley only increased. If we consider the example
of «Stalin haqiqati», then at the beginning of 1941 its
circulation was 4 thousand, in 1945 it reached 6,300
copies. The responsible editor in the last years of the
war was a colleague and friend of R.Myaskov -
journalist K.Uzokov.
The second regional newspaper of Namangan
region during the Second World War was a
newspaper published in Russian «For
Communism». It was published from 1941 to 1958,
the responsible editor of which was R.Pommrich,
after him Glanstein worked in this position.
The outbreak of the Second World War required
the restructuring of the press in a military manner. On
the second day of the war, by a joint resolution of the
Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the SNK of
the USSR, the «Soviet information byurosidan» was
created and a front-line press system was created in a
short time, which was multinational in nature. In all
regional and district newspapers, the heading «Soviet
information byurosidan» («From the
Sovinformburo») became a permanent heading,
where morning and evening news from the front and
rear were published.
Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
of the USSR on awarding fighters for feats in the fight
against fascism were published on the front pages of
regional and district newspapers. In particular, in the
issue of the newspaper dated August 5, 1941, there is
information about D.A.Zaitsev, I.I.Ivanov,
N.A.Dobnov receiving the title of Hero of the Soviet
Union together with the Order «Lenin» and the medal
«Oltin Yulduz» («Gold Star»). You can also read the
decree on awarding the 72nd and 108th cavalry
regiments and the 12th separate cavalry Artillery
Division with the Order «Dogwood Bayrok» Red
Banner») for heroic deeds in the fight against German
fascism and for courage. The fourth page of the
newspaper published mainly photographs from the
fields and battlefields.
On January 1, 1942, an interesting article entitled
«New Year's gifts to the defenders of the
Motherland», written by special correspondents of the
newspaper, was placed on the front page of the festive
issue of the newspaper. It was reported that the
collective farmers of the Papsky district of Namangan
region sent New Year's gifts to the soldiers of the
active army, where representatives of different
nationalities fought side by side - Russians and
Uzbeks, Tatars, Ukrainians and Belarusians and
many others - dried fruits, nuts, almonds, apricots,
shag, soap, woolen mittens, socks, towels,
handkerchiefs with their own embroidery, etc.
The collective farm “Pravda”, the Village Council
sent 134 kg of sugar apricot, 15 kg of kishmish, and
many other dried fruits to the valiant soldiers of the
Red Army. The collective farm «Syr-darya», Sangsky
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Village Council, sent 260 kg of dried fruits to the
front-line soldiers, the collective farm “Yangi-
Davlyat” - 187 kilograms. Workers and employees of
the Gulbach state farm contributed over 2,600 rubles
to the acquisition of gifts to veterans. And the staff of
the newspaper «For Communism» regularly provided
this kind of information on the front pages of the
newspaper under the general heading «From the
Soviet Information Bureau».
In the article A.Viktorov's «The Feat of Shura
Moskovtseva» could be read about the strong-willed
and courageous girl Shura, who, without fear of death,
was able to obtain information about the location of
mine zones, as a result of which 800 German mines
were neutralized. Official reports from the front,
decrees, publications of letters from the front and to
the front, aviation news, publication of military songs
and poems, literary notes from the front - such was
the diverse subject of all published newspapers in the
Ferghana Valley.
3.2 Review of the Periodical Press of
Andijan Region during the Second
World War
Another of the main official newspapers of the
Ferghana Valley published during the Second World
War was the Stalinist Banner, the predecessor of the
Andijan Pravda. Since 1918, the newspaper has been
published under the name «Izvestia», since 1921
«Party Fortnightly», since 1930 «Official Bulletin
of the Andijan City Council of Workers, Dehkan and
Red Army deputies», since 1941 – «Stalin's Banner»,
and since 1954 – «Andijan Truth».
The editors of the newspaper, in addition to A.
Chaikin, were P.Sheremetyevsky, A.Agapov,
N.Kovalenko, P.Pyshkin, M.Sviridov, T.Sigalov,
I.Gerasimov, R.Safarov, N.Kondratenko, I.
Navozhenin, N. Korkin.
During the war, the newspaper reported from the
front, wrote about the contribution of Andijan people
to the fight against fascism, called for labor feats in
the name of the Great Victory. In the course of our
research, we came across an interesting article
published for the 70th anniversary of the Andijan
Truth. It reads: On the anniversary of the newspaper,
it is quite natural to remember its veterans, those who
witnessed the formation and development of the
«Andijan Pravda».
A significant place in the materials characterizing
the heroism of Soviet people at the front was occupied
by articles and correspondence, essays and
summaries of war correspondents and linotypists,
such as L.Grishnin, E.Ya.Dorosh, A.G.Gorbushenko,
N.A.Gryatsenko, Z.Usmanova, L.Sharovatova and V.
Zakharov and H.Ermatov.
Leonid Andreevich Grishnin is an Honored
Worker of Culture of the Uzbek SSR, a member of
the Union of Journalists of the former USSR. The
work experience of L.A.Grishnin is estimated in tens
of years. He is the story of the newspaper itself. He
came to the “Andijan Truth» during the difficult years
of the war. And before that, he worked as a locksmith
at a cotton factory in Tashkent, was a working
correspondent for «Pravda Vostoka». The injury
received at the factory, which made him disabled for
life, did not allow him to go to the front. However,
Grishnin no longer had a chance to work in
production. Then I decided to become a professional
newspaperman, because I had more than one year of
cooperation with editorial offices, that is, I had some
journalistic experience.
In August 1941, Grishnin arrived in Andijan.
«The newspaper was the size of «Pionerskaya
Pravda», Leonid Andreevich recalls, «it was printed
on coarse paper, whatever it was - green, blue, gray,
even on a candy wrapper. The set was made by hand,
letter by letter. Now the publishing house has modern
technologies, machines, equipment, high – quality
raw materials in its arsenal - it is immeasurably easier
to work. And then it was much more difficult. Every
day is a summary of the Council of Information
Bureau - detailed, thorough, alarming, but also
optimistic. She was received by radio-teletypes, you
know, there hasn't been a word about her yet. Then,
without the slightest delay, the report was sent to print.
We were in a hurry: the newspaper should never be
late with the issue», - L.A. Grishnin noted.
In the first year of the war, evacuees began to
arrive in the city of Andijan, Andijan region. Among
them was the writer Yefim Yakovlevich Dorosh, who
worked for several years in the Andijan press. It was
here that his book of essays «Village Diary» was
conceived and written in draft form.
And also, in the newspaper «Stalin's Banner»
worked a talented publicist, a demobilized front-line
soldier, an excellent journalist A.G. Gorbushenko.
The staff of the modern editorial office has not
had such a position for a long time - a radio operator-
typist. And yet this position was once one of the
necessary ones. Some of the elderly people probably
remember the unhurried, measured voice of the
announcer, who sounded on the radio every day at a
certain time, pronouncing names and difficult words.
These radio stations broadcast government messages
to newspaper editors. It was the duty of the radio
operator-typist to accurately accept such a text on a
typewriter. Nina Afanasyevna Gryatsenko, a war
Periodical Press of the Ferghana Valley on the Eve and During the Second World War
veteran, a veteran of labour, began working in the
editorial office of Stalin's Banner shortly after the war.
Behind was the service in the evacuation hospital,
hundreds of kilometres of frontline roads. She came
to Andijan with her husband, an officer transferred to
the local military enlistment office. For conscientious
long-term work, Nina Afanasyevna was awarded two
Honorary diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme
Soviet of the Uzbek SSR in commemoration of the
50th and 60th anniversary of the Andijan Truth,
several commemorative medals, and for participation
in the war - the Order of the Patriotic War II degre.
A number of journalists of the newspaper
«Stalinist Banner» Zoya Usmanova, linotypists
Lyudmila Sharovatova and Vladimir Zakharov
enjoyed well-deserved authority in the team. Largely
thanks to these people, the regional newspaper has
repeatedly won prizes in the republican competition
for the best printing performance.
3.3 Review of the Periodical Press of
Ferghana Region during the
Second World War
It did not differ by hard work during the war from
previous newspapers - the organ of the Ferghana
regional Committee and the City Committee of the
Communist Party of Uzbekistan, the regional and city
Council of Workers «Ferghana Pravda» was
published from August 20, 1938, and the regional
newspaper in Uzbek «Commune» from December 1,
1930 in Ferghana.
Representatives of the advanced intelligentsia -
Uzbek journalists - actively cooperated with the press
in those years. One of them, Ruzimatova Khalisakhon,
born in 1927, during the war (1941-1945) worked in
the editorial office of the regional newspaper
«Commune» (now «Ferghana Pravda»). A faithful
wife, a great mother and a patriot of her homeland,
like H.Ruzimatova, with her creativity, made a
feasible contribution to the cause of the Great Victory
over the German invaders, publishing interesting
articles that raised the spirits of our fighters and home
front workers.
Military journalists have had no equal in the entire
history of the world. Writers, publicists, poets,
journalists, playwrights, together with all the people,
stood up for the defence of the Motherland. Military
journalism, diverse in form, individual in its creative
embodiment, is the focus of greatness, boundless
courage and devotion of the Soviet people to their
The problems of Soviet journalism during the war
years are extremely diverse. However, several
thematic areas remained central: coverage of the
military situation in the country and the fighting of
the Soviet army; a comprehensive manifestation of
the heroism and courage of the people of this period
at the front and behind enemy lines; the theme of the
unity of the front and rear.
V.Muzaffarov's research notes a valuable find, a
participant in the Second World War, a veteran of the
regional newspaper «Ferghana Pravda». The author
was personally given this find, i.e. a notebook with
sketches and correspondence, by the son of the war
correspondent of «Ferghana Pravda» V. Isaev. And
the editorial board of the newspaper decided to
acquaint its readers with the correspondence of the
front-line journalist V. Isaev, who wrote down
sketches, correspondence in a notebook under the
headings «Valor of a conscientious officer», «United
Family», «Battle for the ferry», «Warrior agitator»,
etc. He mentions in his sketches that 26 nationalities
fought in one unit alone, it happened that they did not
understand each other, but they knew the teams by
heart. The only desire was to defeat the enemy sooner.
Another article «The Seventh Attack» by
Yu.Efimov, a veteran of the newspaper Ferghana
Pravda, tells about the Hero of the Soviet Union
Mansur Abdulin, who worked in the Ferghana Valley
from 1938 to 1940.
Soldiers from Uzbekistan made a worthy contribution
to the victory over the Nazi Germans. For courage,
227 people were awarded the highest award Hero of
the Soviet Union, 75 of them were Uzbeks. From
among the Ferghana participants of the Second World
War, more than 12 thousand people were awarded
orders and medals, 13 people received the title of
Hero of the Soviet Union.
Yuri Pavlovich Efimov - for about a quarter of a
century, he was engaged in the search for Heroes of
the Soviet Union, whose lives are connected with the
Fergana region. If at the very beginning of his work
the names of 16 Heroes of the Soviet Union were
known, now there are more than 50 people on this list.
For his great research work and participation in the
military-patriotic education of young people, he was
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
awarded the badge «Excellent Student of Cultural
Service over the Armed Forces of the USSR.
In the periodical press, the names of another
former typesetter from Fergana, Pyotr Mitrafanovich,
who fought for Lithuania, have been preserved. The
list can be continued for a long time, but on the basis
of such articles, we learn more about the professional
activities of journalists of the Fergana Valley
(military officers, photojournalists, freelance
correspondents, linotypists and typesetters in printing
houses, etc.).
From the above it can be seen that the periodical press
of the Soviet period contributed to the creation of the
cult of Stalin's personality with all its activities. His
personal merits consisted in victories in the first five-
year plans, in the democratic gains proclaimed in the
new Constitution of the USSR, in the success of the
construction of socialism.
But, despite this, the analysis of articles preserved
in newspapers on the eve and during the war gives a
lot of invaluable information about the contribution
of our people to the Victory in World War II, in
general, on the history of the periodical press of the
Fergana Valley. During the war, the press workers of
the Ferghana Valley showed dedication, fortitude,
and every article they wrote was imprinted on the
pages of the history of Uzbekistan.
Alinazarova, D.V. (2020). History of the Development of
Periodical Press in the Namangan Region in the 1940s-
50s of the 20th Century. Xorazm Ma’mun Academy
Journal of Information. 2020(2/2), 24-27.
Alinazarova, D.V. (2020). A Worthy Contribution to the
People of Uzbekistan in the Victory Over Fascism in
World War II (Based on the Press of Fergana Valley).
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,
24(05), 1475-7192.
Bolshoy Ferganskiy kanal. (1939, 21st August). Pravda
Vostoka, 191.
GANO, f.796, op.1, d.44, l.20.
Yefimov, Yu. (1989, 5th May). Sedmaya ataka.
Ferganskaya pravda.
Yefimov, Yu. (1989, 5th May). Sedmaya ataka.
Ferganskaya pravda.
Periodical Press of the Ferghana Valley on the Eve and During the Second World War