tone, how to look, quick and accurate use of gestures,
allows you to maintain calmness and the ability to
think clearly and analyse even in the most acute and
unexpected pedagogical situations. Pedagogical
technique consists of the following components:
speech skills; teacher’s mime and pantomime; be able
to manage his psychological (spiritual) state; acting
and directing skills. First of all, as a component of
pedagogical technique, it is possible to mention the
speech skills of the pedagogue, that is, to speak
literately, to express his speech in a beautiful and
understandable, impressive way, and to clearly
express his thoughts and feelings in words. According
to the calculations of scientists, approximately 1/4 -
1/2 of the time allocated for study is spent listening to
the teacher’s speech and PEDAGOGS international
research journal 103 Volume-3,
Issue-1, February–2022 used for their understanding.
So, the thorough assimilation of the educational
material by the students depends on the perfection
and brilliance of the teacher's speech. In fact, as A.
Avloni said, “The word is a scale that shows the level
and perfection, knowledge and grace of a person.
People with intelligence know their thoughts and
intentions, knowledge and strength, value and value
from what they say”. In particular, students pay a lot
of attention to the teacher’s pronunciation and speech
technique. Stuttering, introductions, imitations of
words such as “let’s say’, “well”, “so”, “so on”, “so”
or repeating the same word up to three times in a row
Unnecessary repetition of words like. It is a pity that
such a situation occurs not only among secondary
school teachers and students, but also among
professors and teachers of higher educational
institutions. Nowadays, a system of exercises on
speech technique has been developed. This system is
based on the experiences of theatre pedagogy and
consists of a training-methodical complex of skills
such as proper breathing, pauses and diction during
speech. Any person who has regularly worked on
himself to master this system, including teachers and
trainers of young people, can correct his speech. One
cannot agree with the opinion that a person's voice
and nature are unchangeable. Modern physiology
shows that it is possible to completely change the
quality of the voice. This is also proven by historical
facts. For example, the great orator Demosthenes
overcame his stammer through practice and became a
great orator of ancient Rome. Mime and pantomime
have their place and importance in pedagogical
activity. Pantomime. Body, arm and leg movements
are called pantomime. Skilled pedagogues use
pantomime actions to express their thoughts and
create images. Teachers should pay special attention
to body movements during the lesson. For example,
when greeting, keeping the body straight and holding
both hands as if to hug each student, the right leg
should be thrown 15-20 cm in front of the left leg, that
is, run and hug the students. means to press on,
humbly invite the students to sit down, emphasize the
important points of the topic being studied, lead
towards the students, walk forward with bold steps,
back when justifying their opinions, i.e. the class
should walk towards the board. Sidewalks are not
recommended. It is impossible to say that the teacher
should sit with his hands waving his palms towards
the students. Such a movement of the hands means let
your face be blessed. In general, all the teacher's
actions should be distinguished by their elegance,
simplicity and naturalness. Adhering to the aesthetics
of body posture, negative habits (swaying back and
forth, throwing weight from one leg to another,
holding the back of a chair, leaning over a table or
student’s desk with the palms of the hands, going to
class with hands they are required to be free from
carrying unrelated objects, head scratching, nose
picking, ear picking, etc. Mimicry. Mimicry is the art
of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, and mental
state through facial muscles, eyebrows, eyes, and lips.
Sometimes, a teacher’s facial expression has a
stronger impact than his words. Gestures and facial
expressions increase the emotional impact of
information and cause it to be well received by the
student. Students learn the teacher’s thoughts from
his facial expression. Therefore, the teacher should be
able to hide his inner feelings. Mimic actions are
mainly used for educational purposes. In the process
of pedagogical activity, it is important for the
pedagogue to manage his psychological (spiritual)
state. It is a very important role for the teacher to have
the most comfortable emotional (creative)
seriousness, humaneness, optimism, benevolence,
joyous mood towards his students and other people
around him, and the ability to organize his own
emotional rest plays This skill ensures self-control of
the pedagogue in the course of his professional
activity, helps to maintain a healthy nervous system
for many years, to refrain from nervous breakdowns,
emotional and mental stress. In order to successfully
organize pedagogical interaction, the pedagogue
needs to master acting and directing skills. Actor (fr.
acteur, Latin actor) means performer, director (fr.
regisseur, Latin rego) means manager. In this regard,
our great-grandfather Abu Nasr Farabi (873-950),
who was glorified in the eastern countries and became
famous as “Al-Muallim as-Sani” (after Aristotle,
‘The Second Teacher’), “Aristotle of the East”,
needed the desire and will of the enlightened person