Modern Teachers and Their Pedagogical Skills
Sora S. Burieva
, Gulchekhra S. Kabilova
, Zamira Sh. Suyarova
, Iroda R. Rakhimova
and Firuza E. Otamurodova
Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Didactic Skills, Academic Skills, Perceptive Skills, Speaking Skills, Organizational Skills, Authority Skills,
Communicative Skills, Authoritarian Skills.
Abstract: This article describes the modern pedagogue and his image, the requirements for a teacher, and what a modern
teacher should be. The teacher is the main participant of the society’s social order for the education of the
young generation. Pedagogical skill is an important component of the teacher’s quality. Language skills were
also discussed. The teacher is the engineer of the child’s heart.
It is known that all professions are first taught by a
teacher. The teacher also gives the first lesson. The
teacher also teaches the meaning and essence of the
first words Motherland. Therefore, among all
professions, the teaching profession is considered to
be very honourable and responsible. A question
naturally arises here. So, who is the teacher? What
qualities should he have? In particular, today’s
teacher should be armed with what qualifications, etc.
The teacher is the main participant of the society’s
social order for the education of the young generation.
In the teaching profession, he cannot be a good
mentor-teacher if he does not have deep knowledge,
ingenuity and passion to regularly develop his
professional skills. After all, the perspective of our
country is the positive solution of all the reforms
promoted by our President and this is the result of
many millennia of intellectual work. That is why, in
the conditions of today’s independence, the attention
and need for the teaching profession is increasing
more than ever. At the same time, the requirements
for the teacher are different. Because today
Uzbekistan is facing the world as an independent
country, it should not be forgotten that pedagogues
have their own place and their own essence in this
In class, the speech of a competent teacher is always
aimed at the students. Whether the teacher is
explaining new material, commenting on a student's
response, approving or reprimanding the students’
response, their behaviour or behaviour, whatever he
is doing, his speech is always credible, should be
distinguished by its internal power, such as
attractiveness. The teacher’s speech, his
pronunciation should be clear, simple and
understandable for students. The information given
should be structured in such a way that it activates the
students’ thoughts and attention at a high level. For
this, the teacher asks a question in the middle and
gradually leads the students to the correct answer,
activating the attention of the students. He uses words
and expressions like “Think, think again!” The
teacher’s speech should not use sentences, complex
verbal explanations, difficult terms, and different
definitions if it is not necessary. At the same time, the
teacher should also take into account that the short
speech of the teacher, which is broken, often becomes
incomprehensible to the students. The teacher’s
speech mixed with humour and a little sarcasm
expressing goodwill greatly enlivened the students
and was well received by the students.
The speech of a competent teacher should be
vivid, figurative, clearly intonation and expressive,
full of emotion, detailed, and there should be
absolutely no stylistic and grammatical errors. A
monotonous speech will tire the students very
Burieva, S., Kabilova, G., Suyarova, Z., Rakhimova, I. and Otamurodova, F.
Modern Teachers and Their Pedagogical Skills.
DOI: 10.5220/0012967200003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1386-1391
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
quickly, make them bored and frustrated. At the same
time, according to the physiological teaching of I.P.
Pavlov, such a speech becomes a permanent stimulus,
causing the inhibition process in the cerebral
hemispheres, making the student restless and sleepy.
The speed of speech largely depends on the individual
psychological characteristics of the teacher. Some
teachers speak quickly, while others speak slowly.
But the teacher should not forget that the speech at the
most convenient speed for students to acquire
knowledge is an average lively speech.
Hasty speech interferes with the acquisition of
knowledge, quickly tires children, and creates
protective inhibition. Too slow leads to laziness and
boredom. Loudness of speech - speaking loudly will
also result in similar points. Excessively harsh, sharp,
shouting speech gets on the nerves of the students,
makes them tired quickly and creates a protective
inhibition. Here, one of the Eastern thinkers,
Nasriddin Tusi, “...the teacher’s speech cannot be
poisonous, rude or harsh at some time and anywhere.
It would be very appropriate to quote his advice that
the teacher’s lack of self-control during the lesson can
spoil the work...” The teacher’s husky, slow voice
sounds bad. Speech gestures, various sharp
movements enliven the students. In this way, gestures
and actions are used in moderation by experienced
teachers. But too much of the same experienced
actions get on a person’s nerves.
Organizational ability is, firstly, the ability to
organize a group of students, to make such a group
cohesive, and secondly, to be able to properly
organize one’s personal work.
Students have different opinions about their
teachers. For example, some students: “...We love
Azim brother very much. They quickly organize a
business mood in our class and surprise us all with
their punctuality, neatness, dexterity and
entrepreneurship,” some students say: “Sabir brothers
return our loyalty and make money from our
disappointment. They try to do many things, but they
dont finish any of them... they say. Sometimes some
students say about their teacher: “...Nadira sisters are
busy with us like a mother hen. If we start to talk, they
will try not to notice. She was a wonderful woman,
but no one did anything in her class”.
A teacher’s ability to organize his work means
that he can properly plan and control his work.
Experienced teachers develop a special sensitivity to
time - the ability to properly distribute work and use
the allotted time. Of course, in many cases, it is
possible to waste time during the lesson. But this lost
time may be in cases where there is a need to correct
the lesson plan. Experienced teachers recommend
that the lesson plan or text be used to monitor time in
order to learn to sense time. In particular: during 10,
20, 30 and other minutes of the lesson, they give
advice on how to prepare additional materials for use
in case of unexpected time increase, or what material
can be left for the next lesson if there is time left.
Authoritative ability is the ability to directly
influence students emotionally and voluntarily, and
gain prestige in them.
Authoritative ability refers to the wilful qualities
of the teacher, such as honesty, wilful perseverance,
self-control, prudence, demandingness, as well as a
number of personal qualities, as well as a sense of
responsibility for the education of students, his faith,
to students it also depends on such qualities as the
belief that he was able to instil spiritual and
educational beliefs.
“He has a wonderful character - he can work
without any fuss and shouting’; “We admire him very
much for his seriousness, restraint and
demandingness. All the time, he only asks politely,
gently, but his request is so impressive that it is
impossible not to listen to him”; “Our math teacher is
punctual, calm, reserved, and at the same time has a
great influence on the whole class”; “Don’t ignore the
reputation of our chemistry teacher, he will achieve
what he says under any circumstances”; “Brother
Nigmat has a masterful influence on us. He doesn’t
demand anything, if they demand it, he won’t extort
it from him”, or the students’ opinions about their
teachers: “We were glad that brother Polvon left our
school. He tried to catch us by yelling, yelling, and
commanding us, but he only forced us to endure.” In
this regard, it would be appropriate to cite the very
regrettable comments of the President of the Republic
of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov about the state of affairs
in school education: “If a student objects to a teacher,
tomorrow he will who gets into a situation that he
doesn’t want. The teacher dominates the process in
schools. He requires the child to understand only what
he is explaining. The principle is also ready: what I
say means what I say”.
At the same time, the students criticize the
teacher’s qualities such as emptiness, laziness,
laziness, gullibility, laziness, over-observance, lack
of will: “he is a good person, but he is empty-headed:
there is no point in deceiving him”; “It is impossible
to understand: there is no such thing as a very strict,
demanding, sometimes very demanding”; “Too
loose, lazy: as soon as you try it, you will fall
Communicative ability is the ability to
communicate with children, to be able to find the
right way to help students, and to have a pedagogical
Modern Teachers and Their Pedagogical Skills
tact to interact with them in a pedagogically
appropriate way.
Psychologist I.V. Strakhov made a great
contribution to the study of pedagogical tact
psychology. In his opinion, it is important to find the
most convenient ways to influence students, to pay
attention to appropriate pedagogical measures in the
application of educational influence, to take into
account specific pedagogical tasks, the psychological
characteristics of the student’s personality and his
capabilities, and this it is necessary to take into
account pedagogical situations.
One of the obvious manifestations of pedagogical
tact is to be able to feel the measures applied to any
pedagogical effect. A resourceful teacher pays
attention to children, looks at them with intelligence,
calculates with their individual psychological
characteristics. “He has a surprisingly good
relationship with us, like wonderful close friends”;
“The strength of our history teacher is that the teacher
flatters the students”. Our zoology teacher, Farida,
was one of those: no matter what they did, she
flattered the children to make them look at her! Why
do they humiliate themselves so much? I was a house.
After all, they know their subject well”; ‘Brother
Ibrahim, you see that a person who has nothing would
hurt his heart, let him down, or fight in vain and leave
him alone.”
Regarding the issue of the teacher’s pedagogical
tact, it should also be said that when students talk
about the teacher’s positive qualities, they always put
the teacher’s fairness in the first place.
“In many cases, they act unfairly - they act
without thoroughly investigating an issue.” Pupils
have an attitude of demanding and pitiful towards
such a teacher’s character. The unfairness of the
teacher can lead to bad consequences. Each of us has
some idea about this from school practice.
In order to acquire the teaching profession, it is
necessary to develop physical and mental qualities
along with natural abilities. Otherwise, there will be
no benefit to society or others from such persons who
have chosen the teaching profession.
Pedagogical activity mainly refers to the special
activities of individuals who are responsible to the
people and the state for preparing the young
generation for life and work. To be more specific, the
work of teachers is a complex, conflicting and long-
lasting process aimed at educating a perfect person.
First of all, every person who has a teaching
profession should embody the characteristics of a
teacher’s personality; as well as having thoroughly
mastered the requirements for the teacher’s mental
and pedagogical preparation; It is very important to
have pedagogical skill, technique, tact, intelligence,
observation, and the ability to convey knowledge to
children within the required scope of the chosen
The teacher is the owner of beauty. You can say
that some dear people took a pen in their hands and
expressed their best wishes on white papers about
those noble and honourable professions. Life is
eternal, but alive with the younger generation. As
long as there is a generation, the loving river teachers
who give it education and training will live forever.
Life’s need for the owners of this honourable
profession is also eternal.
A teacher is a gardener. He is the gardener of the
flower of youth. School, educational institution is a
flower of education, young children are its priceless
sprouts, and teachers are intelligent, compassionate
and kind gardeners of this garden. He fights for the
fruits in his garden to be colourful and healthy. He
dreams of seeing every student happy. The tree is
decorated with sweet fruit, and the teacher is
decorated with an intelligent and well-rounded
“Teaching is a highly honourable profession.
This profession is not like any other profession. The
famous Russian pedagogue A.S. Makarenko gives a
very high assessment of the teaching profession and
defines it as follows: An educator must know how to
organize, walk, joke, be cheerful or angry, he he
should behave in such a way that his every action,
behaviour, and dress should educate the children'”.
From this definition, it can be concluded that a
pedagogue should be perfect in every way, an ideal
person for students. Even the dress of the teacher
should educate the children.
It is appropriate for teachers to pay attention
to clear and concise expression of their opinion in the
process of communication with students, parents and
colleagues. In the process of dealing with them, it is
necessary not to start the conversation with evidence
of negative situations, but on the contrary, to
recognize the successes of students (or colleagues,
parents), and to express confidence in further
enriching them. In the process of communication,
benevolence, sincerity, friendly attitude, and good
mood should be felt from the words of the teacher
towards the interlocutor ensures that it gains
Pedagogical technique is one of the components
of pedagogic skills, and it is a means of teacher’s
influence on students. A teacher who has sufficiently
mastered pedagogical techniques will have high
communication skills with students. Using the right
words and sentences at the right time, in the right
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
tone, how to look, quick and accurate use of gestures,
allows you to maintain calmness and the ability to
think clearly and analyse even in the most acute and
unexpected pedagogical situations. Pedagogical
technique consists of the following components:
speech skills; teacher’s mime and pantomime; be able
to manage his psychological (spiritual) state; acting
and directing skills. First of all, as a component of
pedagogical technique, it is possible to mention the
speech skills of the pedagogue, that is, to speak
literately, to express his speech in a beautiful and
understandable, impressive way, and to clearly
express his thoughts and feelings in words. According
to the calculations of scientists, approximately 1/4 -
1/2 of the time allocated for study is spent listening to
the teacher’s speech and PEDAGOGS international
research journal 103 Volume-3,
Issue-1, February–2022 used for their understanding.
So, the thorough assimilation of the educational
material by the students depends on the perfection
and brilliance of the teacher's speech. In fact, as A.
Avloni said, “The word is a scale that shows the level
and perfection, knowledge and grace of a person.
People with intelligence know their thoughts and
intentions, knowledge and strength, value and value
from what they say”. In particular, students pay a lot
of attention to the teacher’s pronunciation and speech
technique. Stuttering, introductions, imitations of
words such as “let’s say’, “well”, “so”, “so on”, “so”
or repeating the same word up to three times in a row
Unnecessary repetition of words like. It is a pity that
such a situation occurs not only among secondary
school teachers and students, but also among
professors and teachers of higher educational
institutions. Nowadays, a system of exercises on
speech technique has been developed. This system is
based on the experiences of theatre pedagogy and
consists of a training-methodical complex of skills
such as proper breathing, pauses and diction during
speech. Any person who has regularly worked on
himself to master this system, including teachers and
trainers of young people, can correct his speech. One
cannot agree with the opinion that a person's voice
and nature are unchangeable. Modern physiology
shows that it is possible to completely change the
quality of the voice. This is also proven by historical
facts. For example, the great orator Demosthenes
overcame his stammer through practice and became a
great orator of ancient Rome. Mime and pantomime
have their place and importance in pedagogical
activity. Pantomime. Body, arm and leg movements
are called pantomime. Skilled pedagogues use
pantomime actions to express their thoughts and
create images. Teachers should pay special attention
to body movements during the lesson. For example,
when greeting, keeping the body straight and holding
both hands as if to hug each student, the right leg
should be thrown 15-20 cm in front of the left leg, that
is, run and hug the students. means to press on,
humbly invite the students to sit down, emphasize the
important points of the topic being studied, lead
towards the students, walk forward with bold steps,
back when justifying their opinions, i.e. the class
should walk towards the board. Sidewalks are not
recommended. It is impossible to say that the teacher
should sit with his hands waving his palms towards
the students. Such a movement of the hands means let
your face be blessed. In general, all the teacher's
actions should be distinguished by their elegance,
simplicity and naturalness. Adhering to the aesthetics
of body posture, negative habits (swaying back and
forth, throwing weight from one leg to another,
holding the back of a chair, leaning over a table or
student’s desk with the palms of the hands, going to
class with hands they are required to be free from
carrying unrelated objects, head scratching, nose
picking, ear picking, etc. Mimicry. Mimicry is the art
of expressing one’s thoughts, feelings, and mental
state through facial muscles, eyebrows, eyes, and lips.
Sometimes, a teacher’s facial expression has a
stronger impact than his words. Gestures and facial
expressions increase the emotional impact of
information and cause it to be well received by the
student. Students learn the teacher’s thoughts from
his facial expression. Therefore, the teacher should be
able to hide his inner feelings. Mimic actions are
mainly used for educational purposes. In the process
of pedagogical activity, it is important for the
pedagogue to manage his psychological (spiritual)
state. It is a very important role for the teacher to have
the most comfortable emotional (creative)
seriousness, humaneness, optimism, benevolence,
joyous mood towards his students and other people
around him, and the ability to organize his own
emotional rest plays This skill ensures self-control of
the pedagogue in the course of his professional
activity, helps to maintain a healthy nervous system
for many years, to refrain from nervous breakdowns,
emotional and mental stress. In order to successfully
organize pedagogical interaction, the pedagogue
needs to master acting and directing skills. Actor (fr.
acteur, Latin actor) means performer, director (fr.
regisseur, Latin rego) means manager. In this regard,
our great-grandfather Abu Nasr Farabi (873-950),
who was glorified in the eastern countries and became
famous as “Al-Muallim as-Sani” (after Aristotle,
‘The Second Teacher’), “Aristotle of the East”,
needed the desire and will of the enlightened person
Modern Teachers and Their Pedagogical Skills
is the art of direction management,” he said.
Therefore, a skilled teacher learns the secrets of
acting and directing, acquires the skills to influence
not only their intelligence, but also their emotions
when dealing with children, bringing his professional
activity to the level of art output is required.
Pedagogical technique is assembled in such a way
that it helps the pedagogue to effectively influence
students in any pedagogical situations. The first step
is for teachers to acquire knowledge of pedagogical
skills, and their artistic application to professional and
personal activities with skill, mastery and dexterity is
the main goal. For example, in some teachers, we see
the ability to see the future and predict that “this
student will not become a good person in the future.”
In fact, this teacher should work on timely elimination
of the reasons why his student is a “bad’ person.
Because even that one child, when he reaches a
certain age, is required to support his parents, his
family, and bear the burden of the country.
Therefore, the fact that we teachers ignore one of our
students is a sin before God and a crime before
society, and he has an answer. Let’s also take the
constructive ability. We developed the project of the
lesson. If we conduct lessons based on this project,
we will know in advance which of our students will
not master the subject. So, this created lesson plan is
useless, we need to work on another perfect plan.
Because we teachers are responsible for equipping
each of our students with guaranteed knowledge at
the level of their closest intellectual development
Modern requirements for the professional activity
of a teacher, the purpose of the reforms implemented
in all spheres of the social life of our country is aimed
at ensuring the safety and well-being of a person and
his interests, as well as raising a mature generation.
The path of development that has been followed in a
short period of time after gaining independence is
gaining meaning and essence worthy of centuries. It
is known that the important issue of educating young
people as well-rounded individuals, who are
important subjects of social-political, economic,
cultural-spiritual renewal of the society, is important
in driving development and influencing the processes
taking place in life. The future of every society is
determined by the level of development of the
education system, which is an integral part of it and a
vital necessity. In order to increase the effectiveness
of education, to ensure that the individual is at the
centre of education and to ensure that young people
learn independently, they are well prepared for
educational institutions and, in addition to solid
knowledge in their field, they know modern
pedagogical technologies and interactive methods
teachers who know the rules of use in the organization
of educational and educational activities are needed.
For this, it is necessary to equip all science teachers
with pedagogical and information technologies,
interactive methods, and continuously improve their
skills in applying the acquired knowledge in
educational activities. The activity of the teacher of
the educational institution should be directed to the
creation of educational conditions in the process of
educating a person, to meet his needs, and to open and
develop his abilities. The qualification of a teacher of
an educational institution should have two sides,
illuminated by special and pedagogical sciences, and
he should always answer the questions “Why should
we teach?”, ‘How should we teach?” it is necessary
to find answers to these questions. These answers
should be interpreted in accordance with the basic
rules and laws of pedagogy, as well as based on
knowledge that takes into account the characteristics
of education. One of the important problems of
pedagogy is the development of the theory of the
pedagogical process, which must form the basis of the
teacher's specialization and activity. Pedagogues
should have the necessary knowledge of pedagogical
and psychological knowledge, technology and
teaching methods when entering the educational
process in addition to their existing knowledge in the
field of specialization. That is why, in improving the
qualifications of pedagogues: - formation of
pedagogical qualifications that ensure the
effectiveness of the teaching process; - formation of a
new professional mindset aimed at understanding
socio-economic, political, humanitarian knowledge; -
mastering the system of pedagogical knowledge as
the methodological basis of the teacher’s activity; -
the issues of mastering the teaching technology as a
system of methods brought closer to the professional
activities of teachers are defined as the main ones.
Requirements for knowledge and skills of modern
teachers, Teachers should be able to communicate in
accordance with the mentality of their students,
acquire modern pedagogical technologies and use
them in the educational process. Today, technology-
based education is not the only way to modernize
traditional education.
Usually, elements of several technologies are used in
education at once, because pedagogical technology is
a project that fully occupies the educational process,
integrity, result, i.e., a specific goal of the educational
process, taking into account the human and technical
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
capabilities, is a result-oriented process. The teacher
will learn the role of modern pedagogical
technologies in the educational process, their use, as
well as the ability to differentiate the concepts of
method, method and technology, “Brainstorming”,
“Networks” (Cluster), “Assessment” methods,
“Boomerang”, They should have knowledge about
“Skarabey”, “Charkhpalak”, “Resume”, “Case-
study” and similar technologies and be able to use
them in the educational process. In order to solve the
problems faced by the educational system in the
innovative processes taking place at the present time,
we need people who are able to absorb new
information and evaluate their acquired knowledge,
make necessary decisions, and think independently
and freely. That is why the role and importance of
modern teaching methods, i.e. interactive methods,
innovative technologies in the educational process of
educational institutions is incomparable. Pedagogical
technology and the knowledge and experience of their
use in education ensure that students acquire
knowledge and advanced skills. In order to be able to
see each lesson as a whole and imagine it, the teacher
should design the future lesson process. For this
purpose, the technological map of the lesson is drawn
up based on the characteristics of each subject, the
subject taught for each lesson, the capabilities and
needs of the students. Practical experience in the
modern education system shows that a well-planned
lesson in advance certainly makes the lesson
interesting for the teacher and the student, as well as
provides an opportunity to achieve a positive result
and increases the effectiveness of the lesson.
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Modern Teachers and Their Pedagogical Skills