life", "Yes, you burned", "To the bad guys", "Keep
your roots deep", "Ode to a white poplar", "Leaf" etc.
works). The elegance of nature is influential in its
essence, which is aimed at beautifying the spirituality
of society. (1-48:50)
In our criticism and literary studies, literary-
critical works and studies were created, dissertations
were defended, covering various aspects of Shuhrat's
work. M. Shaykhzoda, O. Sharafiddinov, N.
Karimov, O. Ikromov, N. Khudoyberganov, B.
Fayziev, J. Khojimatov, O. Togaev, Q. Kahramonov,
J. Kamol, O. Ikromov, O. Some aspects of the
creator's personality and works are highlighted in the
articles of scholars such as Togayev and the
collections "A look at the work of the writer", "In
memory of contemporaries of fame", "Singer of a free
heart" . In this context, literary scholar, professor U.
Normatov, the literary portrait of Shuhrat has an
important place, as well as A. Azimov, N. Karimova,
Sh. Aldasheva, M. Yadgarova , who studied aspects
of Shuhrat's work as a research object . In particular,
it is necessary to emphasize that Nodira Soatova's
doctoral dissertation entitled "The role of fame in the
development of 20th century Uzbek literature" was an
important study in the overall study of literary
In the late 30s and early 40s, Shuhrat entered the
field of literature among a group of creative young
people such as Said Ahmad, Asqad Mukhtar, Hamid
Ghulam, and Mirmuhsin. From the beginning of his
work, the young poet gave a new spirit to our poetry
with his style and his lively voice, attracting the
attention of famous teachers such as Cholpon, Gafur
Ghulam and Usman Nasir. Even in the first poems of
Shuhrat, the thematic richness and diversity of his
work are clearly visible. In the first poems of the
young poet, it is stated with deep conviction and
determination that the main theme and the main
character are the lives of people and people. (1-69:70)
As is characteristic of the work of all great writers
in world literature, the main themes of Shuhrat's work
are singing about the Motherland, people, human
will, dreams, and happiness. Even in his first poems,
features such as deep vitality and strong meaning
attract the attention of readers. Shuhra's early poems
are also valuable because they show the vital sources
of the poet's creativity, including the fact that he was
nourished by examples of folk oral creativity and was
inspired by them to create mature poems in both folk
and devotional forms. As an example, if we take the
following lines of the poem dedicated to "Violet"
written in the folklore direction, we are fully
convinced of this:
Grown by the brook,
You pick sunflowers.
You pick it up.
You keep laughing.
He stayed in the sun,
The smile of your lips
"Yoring says happily:
A sign of love."
is clear from the form and content of the poems
that Shuhrat was really one of the poets close to the
people, and therefore his poems are full of folk tone.
As the researcher N. Soatova pointed out , in
Shuhrat's poetry, we can see the traditions of
parallelism in folklore, the common poetic aspects of
folk songs with them. (1-70:71)
In reflecting the events of the war, the writer poses
several important moral problems, and they are
adequately interpreted in the work from an
ideological and artistic point of view. Being ready to
make any kind of sacrifice for the people, for the
country, showing courage in the way of protecting
people's lives - these are the moral and aesthetic
criteria of the heroes of the Shinelli years. Praising
these qualities in them determines the educational and
aesthetic value of the novel in peacetime.
The fact that "Shinelli Years" was written by the
writer Shuhrat, who was a direct participant in the
Second World War, gives it another quality. In the
novel, the image of the war period is distinguished by
its realism and truthfulness. This quality of the work
is especially evident in the depiction of army life and
terrible battle scenes and in expressing the spirit of
the soldiers.
being war heroes, look at life themselves with
contempt. According to Durbek, one of the characters
of the novel, the meaning and purpose of the World
War is to save future generations from the scourge of
war, which is inherited from generation to generation.
The sincere friendship of the Uzbek Elmurad with the
German Hans also testifies to our nation's savage
sense of revenge and high humanitarianism. Shuhrat's
first novel, which covered the tragedies of war in our
literature, and his poems "Tomb of the Unknown
Soldier" with such a universal content, are similar to
the works of such famous writers as Konstantin
Simonov, Kaysin Kuliev, Vasil' Bykov and Ivan
Melezh, who participated in the battlefields of the
Second World War. gains mutual harmony and
and truthfulness reflected in famous novels in the
writer himself, in his creative, creative character, in
his approach to life, people, his writing and humanity,
his strong enlightened approach and noble justice.
The golden human qualities of Sadiq, the main
character of the novel “Altin Zanglamas”, such as