events and happenings, and various movements. It is
also possible to fly, change shape, and recreate in its
magical world. The results of this are also noticeable
in the animated films created in our country.
As a result of the work carried out in Uzbekistan
to develop the industry, animated films in 2D and 3D
technologies are being created using special effects.
Based on the achievements of Uzbek animation over
the past period, over the past decade, Uzbek
animation has begun to create films using modern
technologies, in particular, special effects in
computer graphics.
E. Popov, a researcher, writes about the
application of modern technologies in the art of
animation, “a modern animated work as a wonderful
symbiosis represents all possible types of art and
technological innovations. These high concentrations
are artistic images and scientific achievements that
have a high impact on the spirit of the audience as a
stream that penetrates deep into the mind through
various ideas” [8.3]. For the modern animation screen,
special effects are used to create images, images,
events and happenings, and various movements. For
example, various cataclysms in nature (sudden
changes in nature, social life, upheavals, catastrophes,
catastrophes), fantastic fantasy characters, fictional
events, happenings, and actions - says M.Stepanova
[9.5]. Also, computer animation and special effects
for animators in the creation of animated films, the
pursuit of the ability to use new modern technical
means will further develop the industry.
According to Belgian director R.Serve, the
stylistic possibilities of computer animation are still
very limited and it will not replace the traditional
forms of animated films, but will evolve with them.
Animation is a form of visual thinking in which the
artist’s work is inextricably linked to his or her
professional technical knowledge.
The development of world animation and the
ongoing creative and technical processes have also
affected the art of Uzbek animation. A clear example
of this is the mastery of modern technical means for
the art of animation by the creators of our country.
This is a peculiar evolutionary process. Taking into
account the achievements of Uzbek animation over
the past period, in the next ten years, Uzbek animated
films will move to the creation of films using modern
technologies, in particular, special computer effects.
Focusing on the importance of special effects in
computer animation, the researcher S.Soltani writes
that at the initial stage, special effects of the computer
were a novelty that was surprising to the audience,
attracting attention and benefiting filmmakers.
Against this background, the special effects of the
computer are, on the one hand, a tool for enjoyment
and, on the other hand, an integral part of the
formation of a new type of human thinking. In this
sense, special effects have become an integral part of
modern cinema. Several animated films with special
effects are being created by existing animation
studios in our country. In particular, the fact that
private studios are creating films rich in special
effects and the growing demand for it is developing
healthy competition among existing studios. As a
result, the number of animated films rich in special
effects is growing. Examples are “The Cat with the
Light” (2), “Zoroaster” (2005), “The Fat Lover”
(2009), “The Brave Chef” (2018), “The Adventures
of Aqltoy” (2014), “Rustam” in 3D animation. and
Said ”(2015) and“ Kenja Botir ”(2017).
Among these films, the animated film "Dovyurak
Oshpaz" (2018) by director N.Tulahodjayev uses a
special effect to increase the sensitivity of the
characters. The first appearance of this in the work is
reflected in the film's exposition, in the effect of
"steam" coming out of a boiling kettle in the kitchen
- "fire" burning underneath. The use of effects in the
plot of the film is expressed following the style of the
work. Through these effects, the film's director, artist,
and editor tried to convey the plot dynamics of the
work more clearly and understandably. The film is
interpreted richly and interestingly in the fairy tale
genre. The protagonist of the picture, the Traveler,
remains able to understand the language of animals
due to a mysterious event. As a result, they come into
contact with animals such as mice, sparrows, cats,
ants, and turtles, which appear in the allegorical
The film is about moral qualities such as kindness,
mutual assistance, love, and honesty. In the character,
movement, and dialogues of the protagonists of the
work, the actor is impressively expressed through the
rhythm of the voice, special effects, and music.
Among these tools, special effects are of particular
importance and serve to increase the sensitivity in the
expression of plot events. As S. Stoltani writes in his
research, special effects are technical tools used in
cinema that serve to create images that are not present
in reality on stage and can create the illusion of reality
in the viewer. For example, various natural disasters,
fantasy characters, random non-existent events,
happenings, and actions.
The Artistry in Uzbek Films Based on the Works of Alisher Navoi