Timurid period in three ways: 1. Seeing them
(visually). 2. Physical state - holding a page by hand,
looking at it with a light beam and using a magnifying
glass. 3. Macro photography using a special photo
NO. TG-4 photo camera).
The whole world recognized the peak of art and
culture during the Timurid period in Central Asia.
Contemporaries also noted that during the period of
Timur and Timurids, magnificent constructions and
various types of art flourished in Central Asia, and
this situation was manifested in a new way. Historian
Ibn Arabshakh notes that the structures built by the
Timurids in Samarkand were “built in a new style.”
The development of the art of literacy in Central
Asia is connected with the development of science,
culture and enlightenment, especially poetry. Papers
popular at the end of the 15th century and the
beginning of the 16th century were called “Hitoyi”,
“Samarkandi”, “Bukhari”, “Baghdadi”, “Isfakhani”,
“Kashmiri” and others. In the Middle Ages, many
articles were written about the world-famous
“Samarkand” paper, and it was studied to some extent
by scientists.
Calligraphy and miniature painting, closely
related to the art of reading in the Middle Ages,
flourished especially in the XV-XVII centuries.
Along with calligraphy and painting, miniatures were
considered one of the main decorations in the
decoration of manuscripts, pages and covers.
These rare manuscripts were prepared for use in
the personal libraries of the rulers of their time. When
turning the pages of the books, one can see the quality
of the paper the book is made of, the decoration of the
covers and covers, the miniatures depicted in it, and
the skillfully written letters of the calligraphers.
It can be seen that the issues related to the
preparation of books and their decoration required
hard work and a lot of money. Spiritual and artistic
sultans, ministers and governors of their time engaged
in this work and sponsored their training. Miniature
painting, which is an integral part of kitobot art,
which deserves to be recognized as court art, is
widespread in the countries of the East.
Kitobot art flourished at the end of the 15th
century in the city of Herat, the capital of the
Timurids, and was performed at a high level by the
skilled masters of the palace library. According to
many historical sources, manuscript books were the
result of collective work and cooperation of palace
workshop employees. Several specialists participated
in the creation of a manuscript book: a paper cutter, a
calligrapher, a muzaxkhib (a gold giver), a lavvoh (a
designer of titles and tables), an artist, a painter, and
a sahaf (cover maker). Based on the above
information, the manuscript fund of the Institute of
Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of
the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
“Zafarnoma” by Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi (item number
#3440), Alisher Navoi. Navodi run-nihoya (item
number No. 1995, No. 11 675.), Husain Vaiz Kashifi.
Morality is Muhsini. (item number 2116),
Abdurahman Jami. “Kulliyat” (item number 1331),
Alisher Navoi. “Devon” (item numbers #3984;
#2197; #790; #7463; #7701; #3479).
Sharofiddin Ali Yazdi, Zafarnama. (item number
#3440). First of all, we should mention that the size
of these manuscripts is very large. There are
ornaments and pictures. They consist of titles and
patterns made in the tradition of the Hirot school,
which are very beautiful. There is a miniature
painting in the form of a large two-page architectural
drawing and a printed graphic composition of a battle
scene. An equestrian figure was completed to the far
right of his miniature but was later erased. A human
portrait, some parts of a horse have been preserved.
The manuscript was created at the end of the 15th
century, in the city of Khirot. The quality of the paper
is thick, good, and full, the quality of the repair papers
is a little low. Calligrapher Sultan Ali Mashhady. The
cover is made of cast cardboard.
Figure 1: A photo of the title page of the manuscript.
Figure 2: A photo of the manuscript’s miniature drawing
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