Prospects for Interregional Collaboration in Central Asia and
Southeast Asia
Tolibova S. R.
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Central Asian Region, Economic Relations, Development, Countries of Southeast Asia.
Abstract: The article highlights the critical role of fostering international cooperation to maintain and enhance peace
and stability in Central Asia. It emphasises the need to strengthen mutually beneficial relations between
Central and Southeast Asian countries. By collaborating on economic, political, and security issues, these
regions can address shared challenges and promote regional development. The article argues that such
cooperation is essential for ensuring long-term stability and prosperity. It discusses various initiatives and
frameworks that can support these efforts, including diplomatic dialogues, trade agreements, and joint security
measures. The importance of inclusive and sustainable development is also underscored as a means to prevent
conflicts and build trust among nations. Ultimately, the article calls for a comprehensive approach to regional
cooperation, highlighting its potential to create a more peaceful and prosperous future for Central and
Southeast Asia.
In recent years, the Central Asian countries have been
paying special attention to the formation of an
environment of peace, stability and security in the
region, as well as the development of close
neighbourhoods and mutually beneficial relations in
their foreign policy. In this regard, along with
cooperation with permanent trading partners (CIS
countries, China, USA, Turkey, Korea, etc.), the
countries of the region pay great attention to
strengthening mutually beneficial relations with other
developed countries in Asia.
In recent years, the processes of regional
integration have created a number of facilities for
ensuring mutual economic relations between the
countries of the world. In this regard, with the
acceleration of integration processes in Central Asia
and interregional cooperation, Southeast Asian
countries and their regional organization - the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are
increasingly considered as such potential partners.
The cooperation between the countries of Central
Asia and the ASEAN organization goes back to the
long history of the Great Silk Road. It can be said that
both regions have their own characteristics,
similarities and differences. This can be explained as
Geographical location is one of the important
factors determining the priorities and goals of
their foreign policy. Central Asia and
Southeast Asia are geostrategically and
geopolitically unique regions. In particular,
Central Asia in the Eurasian region, and
Southeast Asia in the Asia-Pacific region are
such geopolitical regions.
ASEAN countries are one of the major
economic centres of the world. As of 2017,
their GDP was 2.8 trillion. dollar and the
annual growth was 4.7%. South-East Asian
countries occupy the fourth place among
exporting regions (7% of world exports), and
as one of the global centres of world
consumers, 5% of international imports come
here. In particular, according to 2018, the
GDP of the Central Asian countries
S. R., T.
Prospects for Interregional Collaboration in Central Asia and Southeast Asia.
DOI: 10.5220/0012975100003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1453-1455
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
amounted to 286 billion dollars, while in
2019 this figure increased to 1,026 billion
In the system of foreign relations, both
regions have the same interests in the fight
against religious extremism, terrorism,
organized crime and drug trafficking;
The presence of economic potential and
demographic diversity in the countries of
both regions;
The countries of Central Asia are one of the
oldest places of civilization, inhabited by
representatives of many ethnicities and many
religious beliefs. Such a similarity can be
seen in the countries of South-East Asia;
The presence of commonalities in the
religion, spiritual world, customs and
traditions of people of Southeast and Central
Asia serves to develop mutually beneficial
As noted by Frederic Starr, a well-known American
expert on Central Asia, "Central Asia is geopolitically
important for the countries of Southeast Asia, because
the region is surrounded by nuclear powers and is a
connecting link between great powers in international
relations". ASEAN countries are also interested in the
development of stability in Central Asia, and this can
be done through constructive cooperation that helps
prevent economic dependence or external hegemony
in Central Asia [2. P.2-3]. In turn, Central Asia sees
the ASEAN countries as a market with wide
opportunities for its products and interesting investor
Both regions are interested in avoiding the
influence of actor states and economic dependence in
their foreign policy, encouraging new market
opportunities, and expanding the geography of
cooperation. The cooperation between the countries
of Central Asia and the ASEAN organization started
in the early period of independence and the relations
continue consistently.
Both regions are active in International relations
and have a long historical connection. In recent years,
as a result of the meetings of the heads of government
of the countries of the two regions, inter-
parliamentary cooperation, political activity of the
embassy and friendship societies, the cooperative
relations of the countries of Central Asia and the
ASEAN organization have taken a new form.
Nevertheless, the cooperative relations between the
countries of Central and South-East Asia have
developed differently in terms of the countries, the
areas of cooperation established by them and in the
years. The countries of Central Asia have cooperative
relations in the economic, socio-political and cultural-
humanitarian spheres with the leading countries of the
Southeast Asian region, such as Singapore, Malaysia
and Indonesia.
The development of relations between the
countries of Central Asia, in particular, the Republic
of Uzbekistan, and each ASEAN member state has
specific goals and objectives determined by political
and economic conditions [4. P. 75-77]. It should be
noted here that the distance between the countries of
Central Asia and South-East Asia has an effect on
mutual economic relations. Especially, the
development of cooperation in this regard with
Uzbekistan, which has no access to the sea, is getting
In recent years, as a result of the initiatives of the
governments of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to
liberalize the economy and build a more open,
internationally integrated and competitive market
economy among the countries of Central Asia, trade
and economic relations with the countries of
Southeast Asia have entered a new stage of
development. (See table).
Table 1: Trade of ASEAN and Central Asian countries
(million USA).
2015 year
2020 year
It can be seen that in 2015, the mutual trade volume
between the countries of Central and Southeast Asia
amounted to 554.2 million US dollars, and by 2020,
it had increased to 947 million US dollars. This shows
that the trade turnover has doubled in five years. In
2020, the economic crisis caused by the pandemic led
to significant changes in these indicators. It can be
seen in the table that there is economic activity in
Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan from Central Asian
countries. However, in relations with Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, this situation remains
relatively lower. However, in the future, there are
opportunities for further development of cooperation
between the countries of Central and South-East Asia.
In particular, the creation of the format "ASEAN+5"
(ASEAN countries + Central Asia) and the scope of
this format is the "Roadmap" for the official meetings
of the heads of government of Central Asia and
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
ASEAN countries, the development of political,
trade-economic, investment cooperation,
development, strengthening cooperation within the
framework of China's "One Belt, One Road" (BRI)
project, applying the rich experience of Singapore
and Indonesia to the diversification and
modernization of the economy in Central Asian
countries, agriculture and fisheries with Vietnam and
Cambodia. It is desirable to improve the food industry
and develop the food industry under the "halal" brand
with Malaysia, in turn, to create new opportunities for
the export of cars, dried fruits and other national
products to these countries.
It should be noted that the events which are taking
place in the international arena today have a direct
impact on interregional relations, as well as on
conducting a mutually reliable and beneficial, open
and pragmatic foreign policy, as well as on economic,
cultural and humanitarian relations. In the current
period of such political complexity, there are the main
factors that contribute to the activation of relations
between the two regions, which are as follows:
The desire of Central Asian countries to
strengthen relations with South-East Asian
countries and diversify their economic
The West's shift towards East Asia following
the sanctions against Russia is encouraging
the strengthening of relations between
Central and South-East Asia.
The central role of Central Asia in China's
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has attracted
the attention of Southeast Asian countries
seeking access to Central Asian and
European markets.
The ASEAN model is recognized as one of
the important directions in the integration of
Central Asia.
In general, at the moment of intense struggle and
clash of interests, it is necessary to develop specific
measures to further develop the political and trade-
economic relations of both regions and to strengthen
interregional cooperation. In this case, the similarity
of the principles in the foreign policy of the countries
of the region, the harmony of approaches and views
on all issues in international relations, and the support
of the principles of peace-loving, equality, openness,
and constructiveness in relations is the basis of
cooperation between the countries of Central and
South-East Asia, and also this serves for equal
development. In our opinion, the use of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
model will be beneficial in the integration of Central
Asia in the future.
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Prospects for Interregional Collaboration in Central Asia and Southeast Asia