Interpretation of Babur Mirza’s Character in the Epic “Kun Va
Yulduz A. Karimova
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Historical Person, Interpretation, Associativity of Images, Polyfunctionality of Details, Semiotic Key,
Historical Truth, Artistic Conception, Lyric-Epic Interpretation.
Abstract: This article discusses the artistic image of Bobur Mirzo, created by Barot Boykobilov, as well as his position
in writing and the influence of historical materials on his work. In the work “Kun va Tun”, the author, ignoring
the ideological restrictions of that time, pays attention to the human soul of Bobur Mirza as a loving person,
ruler and poet, builder and just ruler, also reveals the basic principles on which the culture and ideals of that
time were based, which inspired the author in his work.
Literary scholar Adhambek Alimbekov commented
on the creation of Muhammad Ali’s epic
“Gumbazdagi nur” and the idea of the work:
“Gumbazdagi nur” is about the mausoleum of Amir
Temur in Samarkand and the architects who built the
mausoleum, about our creative people. The author
aims to artistically express the fact that the nation will
never forget its most magnificent buildings and its
greatest children and keep everything in its bosom.
The original claim: despite the fact that the name of
Sahibqiran is taboo, achieving the glorification of
Amir Temur by means of the above. The owners
return to hearts began in the 60s of the 20th century.
“But the thoughts were chaotic and confused. In such
conditions, fiction began to fulfill its historical task,
he writes.
The scientist’s opinion, which we quoted above,
exactly confirms Zarifakhonim's information about
the reasons and factors for the introduction of the
subject of Amir Temur and Babur Mirza into the
works of Oybek. And the literary critic Adhambek
Alimbekov is absolutely right about one more thing:
although Sahibqiron and Babur Mirza both returned
to the hearts at the same time - in the 60s, many
people are unaware that the rotten chain has been
broken. , obedient as an elephant spinning around a
stake, numbed by the tragedy of “the years when the
owl came” (Zarifaxanim). That’s probably why, as
the scientist noted, thoughts are chaotic and mixed,
sometimes great courage was required even for
beautiful truths.
No one could guarantee that the sword of ideology,
temporarily in its scabbard, could not play again on
the head of the creator. But despite this, our writers
decided to take advantage of the warming of domestic
politics to write down the historical topics that have
been occupying their minds for a long time.
As noted by our literary experts: “The name of the
work of art is a semiotic key.” In this sense, it can be
said that the first information about the artistic
intention of the authors is conveyed to the reader in
the title of “Gumbazdagi nur” and “Kun va tun” epics
about Babur Mirzo by Barot Boyqabilov, which we
will analyze below. These names with polyphony,
deep poetic meaning, and artistic weight seem to be
the key to the concept that determines the essence of
In the title “Gumbazdagi nur” Muhammad Ali refers
to the dome of the Gori Amir mausoleum, the eternal
abode of Amir Temur.
In the ‘Islam” encyclopedia, the word “light” is
explained as “in the Qur’an, light means God himself
Karimova, Y.
Interpretation of Babur Mirza’s Character in the Epic “Kun Va Tun”.
DOI: 10.5220/0012976000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1471-1478
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(the light of the heavens and the earth), and light is
one of the many attributes of God.” If we consider this
comment, then we can witness the deep thinking of
the creator that the author has pointedly pointed out
the great truth, which was completely impossible to
say at that time, that the owner Amir Temur was
chosen among the chosen ones. After all, whether his
light is figurative or divine, it is the source of life. The
place where the light falls brightens, warmth begins,
and life begins. Amir Temur’s artistic life seems to
have started from this light.
Poet Barot Boyqabilov also called his epic about
Babur Mirzo, written in 1968, “Kun va tun”. In the
“Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language”, one
of the seven explanations given to the wordKun
indicates that this word means sun, and in another
place, it is explained as “the part of the day when the
sun rises”. So, the author equates Babur Mirza with
the sun, the owner of a unique personality who was
able to combine two completely opposite poles:
royalty and poetry with an incomparable grace. The
name “Kun va tun” means that the great children of
our nation like Babur Mirza illuminated the night in
which they lived - winter, the feudal past, with their
intelligence, activity, and high talent, and spread
warmth like the sun reaches the ages and teaches his
long generations about humanity, perseverance, will,
eloquence and maturity.
It is known that Mirza Babur, who attracted the
attention of the enlightened world for five centuries,
was viewed as an invader and a feudal ruler in his
homeland during the Shura era. As we mentioned
above, Barot Boyqabilov’s epic “Kun va tun” was
written at the time when the attitude towards our
national-spiritual heritage, the honour and personality
of our great ancestors softened.
From the first verses of the epic, thecautious author
emphasizes that the reader is introduced not to the
king, but to the world of the soul and spirit of the poet
Babur Mirza:
Andijon shahriga qo‘yganda qadam,
Bog‘ aro sezaman Bobur ruhini.
Za’faron devonin varaqlagan dam,
Tinglayman shoirning mungli ohini -
Boyqabilov B (1999).
Step into Andijan city,
I feel the spirit of Babur.
The time when the saffron leaf is leafed through,
I listen to the mournful voice of the poet.
The metaphors “zafaron devan” and “mungli oh” in
the passage taken from the work allow us to fully
imagine both the external and internal image of Babur
Mirza. The author masterfully materialized the
feeling of longing through yellow and saffron colors.
It is as if the reader feels the pain of Babur Mirza
saying, “I have no choice but to give you a lot, I have
no decision for one moment and one breath”. In
Hijran, the words poured out from the poet's heart,
bleeding from longing, make the Divan a saffron
color. Such poetic expressions exaggerate the tragedy
in the image and bring the mental scenes of Babur
Mirzo closer to the reader.
In the saga of Barot Boyqabilov, the priority trend in
creating the image of Babur Mirza in almost all
genres of Uzbek literature of the Shura period, that is,
the attempt to create the image of the poet Babur, not
the king Babur, is more noticeable. The author
emphasizes this in the introduction of the epic:
Ot surib Sayhundan Jamnaga qadar,
Taxt talash janglarin etmam hikoya.
Shoir yuragini tig‘lagan xanjar –
Hijron dostoniga erur kifoya.
Riding from Sayhun to Jamna,
The story of the battle for the throne.
The dagger that pierced the poet's heart -
It will be enough for the story of Hijran.
Knowing that a great test - an ideological test - is
waiting for the epic to be written, the writer knows
that Babur’s sufferings besieging his homeland, the
sorrow of the country, the longing for the motherland,
the idea of the epic pilgrimage of the homeland stuck
like a dagger in the poet’s heart, this is - He seems to
surround his work with the epic of Hijran.
The saga begins with the image of Babur Mirza’s
departure from the homeland.
In the picture, not only the tragic situation of the
Timurid prince “Dilsiyoh” who was leaving his
country “in the dark night” and “on a black horse” like
a leaf in the ravages of time, but also “Sayhun crying
below the flowing caravan”, “Like an orphan
“O’ksinar alam”, “A burning candle in the house of
hearts”, “A bright moon in the cradle of the sky”,
“Mountains cry out from the heart”, “Alam pours out
its young Sayhun the gloomy image of the
Motherland, which is separated from its most worthy,
smartest, bravest son, was also shown.
Both in history and today, there have always
been people who left their motherland and went far
away from their homeland due to the demands of fate.
But the departure of Babur Mirza and others from the
country was not a simple departure, it was a great loss.
The author’s talent is that he was able to make the
reader feel the pain of this great departure:
Gul-gul ochilmasdan bahor lolasi,
Fasli kuz dastidan bo‘ston ketadir.
Tog‘lar ko‘ksin teshar dildan chiqqan oh,
Ota qabrin tashlab o‘g‘lon ketadir.
Saltanat tojini tark aylab Bobur,
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Bilmadim, do‘stlarim, qayon ketadir?
Spring tulip before the blossoms open,
The season starts with autumn.
The mountains are blue, oh, from the heart,
The father leaves the grave and the son leaves.
Babur left the royal crown,
I don’t know, my friends, where will it go?
The rhetorical question in the quoted passage made it
possible for the author to use the method of
retrospection in the construction of the epic subject.
Because before showing where Babur, who is giving
up the crown of the kingdom, shows why he is leaving,
it ensures the consistency of the events and the
integrity of the subject. The writer goes back in
history - to the events of 1501 - according to the
retrospective method.
It is known that Babur Mirza appeared on the stage of
history as the last representative of the Timurids, who
ruled Transoxiana for 130 years. Babur Mirza wanted
to follow the example of the politics and state
management of his great-grandfather Amir Temur,
and he had a noble and auspicious goal of uniting
Central Asia into one powerful state. For this purpose,
he fought to put an end to the mutual extermination
wars between the Timurids. Shaibani Khan, the
enemy of the Timurid kingdom, faced an experienced
enemy. But the event is different, the fate is different.
Babur Mirza's noble dreams did not come true, the
19-year-old prince became lonely and weak in front
of the cruel games of history.
As a realist writer, the author of “Kun va tun” does
not limit himself to vivid description and artistic
expression of “Boburnoma” events but tries to reveal
their causal connections and essence. According to
the requirements of the genre, the writer artistically
perceives and interprets the most ideal points in the
life and character of Babur Mirzo.
In the epic, the pathetic situation of the people of
Samarkand, who were besieged for a long time, was
revealed in impressive scenes:
Chumoli singari tentirab nochor
Bir burda non izlar ko‘chama-ko‘cha.
Akasi ukaga boqmaydi bir bor
Domiga tortmoqchi qorong‘i kecha
It is helpless like an ant
There is a bread trail on the street.
Brother does not take care of brother
It’s a dark night.
Through such images as “The dry army is desperate,
the guards are guarding the gate of Konigil”, “There
is no food except for the rustling of the tree and the
leaves of the mulberry, for the horse and the crow”
shows that he is wandering around like a disaster,
When the Timurid kingdom was in complete danger,
the people whom Babur looked after, even the ruler
of the event like Husayn Boykara, said, “Send an
ambassador to Shaibani!”
So‘nggi umidlari so‘ngan Bobur Mirzo afsus-
nadomat bilan:
Sulton Husayn yanglig‘ qo‘li baland shoh,
Shayboniydan cho‘chib qolsa, netay men–
Babur Mirza, whose last hopes had faded,
regretfully said:
Sultan Husayn is a king with a high hand.
What should I do if he is frightened by Shaybani,
In these painful words spoken by Babur Mirza, we
seem to understand the circumstances that led the
Timurid state to an inevitable crisis.
The fact that the writer conveys the helpless situation
of Samarkand under siege to the reader through the
eyes and observation of Babur Mirza increased the
impact of the image: “Compassion covered his heart,
and he said from a humble state”: “Oh my Lord!”
In this situation, Babur Mirza made his last decision:
Qafasdagi qushday yashash na hojat,
Men ketsam, qamaldan qutular shahar.
No need to live like a caged bird,
If I leave, the city will be besieged.
After losing Samarkand to the enemy for the second
time, the author details Babur Mirza's battles with
Ahmed Tanbal to regain the throne of Andijan,
wandering around the country, waiting for help from
his uneducated khan uncles to save his position does
not illuminate.
In the depiction of the events of the siege of
Samarkand alone, the writer combines the inner
world of Babur Mirza, who was left helpless before
the judgment of history, with the external world of
reality in convincing pictures, and as we witnessed
above, the landscape of that time, the current social
and political situation, is integrated before the eyes of
the reader was able to show.
Literary scholar Pirmat Shermuhammedov: “There
are many complicated aspects of addressing a
historical topic. The writer must study the period in
which he was written, fully adhere to the historical
truth, and at the same time exaggerate the aspects of
historical events that are relevant to today. Otherwise,
there will be no point in referring to historical events”
- Shermuhammedov P (1981), – says.
In our opinion, the artist should show more deeply not
only the aspects of historical events that are relevant
to today, but also the universal and universal aspects
that are important for all times and eras. The basis of
turning to history and re-artistic perception of the
material of the past should be the writer's position and
Interpretation of Babur Mirza’s Character in the Epic “Kun Va Tun”
In “Kun va tun” we see such a clear position of the
writer, a socio-ethical concept that has become a
spiritual need of the writer. The plot, conflict, and
image system of the epic are also chosen according to
the author’s concept.
In all times, internal conflicts, conspiracies, not
seeing each other, disunity is a vice that destroys the
kingdom from the inside and easily opens the door of
the country to the external enemy. The inevitable loss
of one’s original children is interpreted in the work as
a great human pain and dream.
Several historical figures in “Boburnoma”: Khoja
Kalonbek, Qambar Ali, Nasir Mirza, Jahangir Mirza,
Muqimbek, Muhammad Husain, Mirza Khan,
Masuma Sultanbegim, Ibrahim Lodi, Khondamir
have their place in the story of the epic. Also,
according to the author’s artistic intention, there are a
number of textures in the epic: an old scientist from
Kabul, an old gardener, Indian king Singh, Krishnan
from Delhi, two lovers; he introduced the characters
of an Afghan boy and an Indian girl, and a widow
whose husband died in the battle of Panipat. Without
deviating from the principle of historicity, the writer
tries to reveal the relationship between Babur Mirzo
and his surrounding environment and conditions with
the participation of these characters.
It is known that Babur Mirza restored the structures
that supplied water to the cities of Kabul and Ghazna,
but later became useless. In order to ensure the safety
of trade routes from Agra to Kabul, he built
caravanserais and rabots. He gathered scientists and
poets around him, sponsored and encouraged their
creative research. Babur Mirza continued his creative
work in India, paying special attention to the
improvement of the cities of Agra and Delhi. He
directs the construction of palaces, palaces, public
baths, and gardens along the banks of the Jamna River.
He will eliminate the idle taxes that afflict the
working people.
In the epic “Kun va tun”, the author artistically
studies these historical facts, tries to interpret the life
of that time, all the contradictions of the environment
in which Babur Mirzo found himself through his heart.
Babur Mirza in the picture “Babur riding his black
horse with a whip, joyfully crossing the street of
Kabul” does not rise to the sky from his victory, but
looks at the ground, under his feet, where he is taking
refuge. Asri listens to the plea of the Afghan soil
saying ‘Water, water”, “My life is spent on the island,
Cancer is sticking a sword in my chest” and the fields
that need a sip of water. The dreams of Babur Mirza,
who entered the Afghan soil not as a conqueror, but
as a child, were transferred to the language of Mirza:
“If I don't care about Kabul, what do I need this bright
world?’ (p. 580)
Babur Mirza’s activities in India are more deeply
explored in the epic:
Tor-u mor aylagach Rano Sangoni
Qoshiga chorladi hind umarosin:
Tangri berdi menga katta dunyoni,
Endi rozi qilsak hind fuqarosin.
G‘ayri dinmiz, lekin topilg‘ay chora,
Mendan jabr-u jafo ko‘rmas xaloyiq
Siz agar jonimga kirsangiz ora
Ish tutsak, hindlarning ko‘ngliga loyiq.
Rano Sangoni after turning tor-u mor
The Indian asked him:
- God gave me a big world,
Now if we agree, you are an Indian citizen.
It's not our religion, but we can find a solution.
The people will not suffer from me
If you come into my life
If we work, we deserve the hearts of the Indians.
In this plaque, one can see the artistic expression
of the fact that the foundation of the Babur Empire,
which lasted for more than three centuries and played
an important role in the history of India, was built by
its creator from the very beginning on the basis of
love, humanity, mutual trust and equality.
Bunda oqar suv yo‘q, yo‘qdir bog‘-u rog‘,
Toshqin Jamna oqib yotur befoyda.
Ekinsiz mung‘ayib yotibdi tuproq,
Daraxt ham ko‘karmas suvi yo‘q joyda
There is no running water in it, there is no garden
or river,
The flood Jamna flows in vain.
The soil is languishing without crops,
Even a tree cannot grow where there is no water,
said Babur Mirza, according to his custom, he pays
attention to water and soil, which are the basis for the
well-being of the people. “The air of Ogra is
suffocating, there are few cool places in Delhi and
Dibolpur,” laments Babur Mirza. Thinking about the
country’s future, prosperity: “Digging a ditch is the
cure for this, I see that the country will have a garden
and a river together. If we build a bath in Delhi, Ogra,
if we dig pools, we will turn it into a flower garden”
leads to goodness.
Babur Mirza showed his optimism, tolerance, “far
from restrictions and bigotry like sectarianism” (J.
Nehru) and said, “It is difficult to do business in this
country without you, the palace needs ministers from
Indians”, and he named Shaikhora among the Indian
scholars appoints him as his minister. We can see that
Adib relied on historical truth in this image. Also,
through characters belonging to the Indian people
such as Roja Singh, Anand, Krishnan, the writer was
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able to convincingly create a generalized image of all
Indians who recognized a just, compassionate, vassal
ruler as their true leader and leader in the form of
Babur Mirza.
It is known that the enlightened world ranks Babur
Mirza’s pen talent second only to Alisher Navoi, and
nationalism policy to his grandfather Amir Temur.
In the epic, the author found an opportunity to tell this
truth, which was very rare for his time, in an artistic
way. In the play, Babur Mirza talks to the spirit of
Alisher Navoi and Amir Temur.
Babur Mirza, suffering from homesickness for his
motherland, seems to find solace in Navoi, as he
repeats the poet's lively verses about foreignness and
alienation, as if Hazrat himself appears in front of him.
Navoi Babur said that the kingship and poetry that fell
to Mirza’s fate were an unforgivable fate for him:
Qutlug‘ xazinaga uribsan panja,
Onda durri gavhar behad, behisob.
Sarf etsang yetgusi yetti tumang‘a,
Turkiy ila ayla umring sarhisob
You hit the lucky treasure with your paw,
Then there are countless gems.
If you spend, it will be enough for seven districts,
Summary of your life with Turki,
says. Navoi’s soul helps Babur Mirzo bravely
overcome the strange moments of the foreign country,
saying that his work in Turkish language is equal to
the content of his life, and predicts this service of the
poet to the nation by saying: “Show the dawn of the
ages, Jamal!”.
The conversation with the spirit of Amir Temur also
caused the image of Babur Mirza to become brighter
and fuller. Disturbed by the fact that the pillars of the
great state he built are falling one by one, the owner
says: ‘Temur kept saying, the world stands on its feet.
I have introduced my great nation to the world.’ In his
next words, the master says the reasons why he is
considered worthy of such honour and affection:
Adl janglar qildim zamon zayli-la,
Haqiqat yo‘lida tolmay kurashdim.
Muruvvat ko‘rsatib muslim ahliga,
Insonga yaxshilik qilmoqqa shoshdim.
I have fought fair battles, time has passed,
I fought hard for the truth.
Showing kindness to the Muslim people,
I was in a hurry to do good to a person.
Through the owner’s own words, the writer
Amir Temur impressively expressed the eternal
aspects of his genius.
At the beginning of the verses of the mentioned
poetic passage, the writer expressed in his own way
that the Adl, Haqiqat, Muruvwat were the solid
foundations of the sovereign state, and these
foundations were transferred to the policy of
nationalism without any change he was able to realize
his ideological and artistic goal.
The selected topic, its determination from history -
from the distant or recent past, the principles of
sorting historical materials, transferring them to an
artistic work, the principle of image in expression -
all of this depends on the character of the characters
of the creator, the nature of the genre: the subject,
composition, conflict of the work, we know that it
affects the language of the work and the style of the
writer. At a time when creative freedom is limited and
all kinds of ideological barriers are put up, the writer's
people should search for a way to express their
identity like a blinded spring, try to transfer what they
want to their language by using various artistic
methods and opportunities, and it is clear from
literary experiments that certain results can be
achieved in this case. But there are situations when
sometimes those results can justify themselves, give
a good artistic effect, and sometimes they can cause
objectionable situations.
In the literature of the Shura period, at one time, the
role of the individual in history, in particular, the
neglect of the services of the rulers and religious
leaders towards the development of the society and
the development of the nation, one-sided approaches
under the influence of ideology (Abdullah Qahhor’s
“Ashula to” written in 1962 about this problem)
caused a biased attitude towards their personality,
which in turn led to the emergence of mixed
interpretations, sometimes blurring the face of reality,
in works on historical topics.
In his book “Afterwords”, the poet Usman Azim
focused on the same issue, and the love story of Khalil
Sultan and Shodimulk was changed to Mirzo Ulugbek
and Feruza in the tragedy “Mirzo Ulugbek” by
Maqsud Sheikhzada, Mirzo Ulug He points out that
the principle of justice against historical figures was
violated in the debates between Bek and Khoja Ahror,
as well as in the presentation of Majiduddin as one of
the murderers of Momin Mirza in the drama “Alisher
Navoi” by Izzat Sultan and Uygun.
According to Usman Azim, “When you write a long
history, you feel free”, As you bring historical events
into a whole form within the framework of creative
appropriation - based on the demand of the subject -
you allow more or less art.
But this freedom has a moral and spiritual limit. This
limit avoids distorting the historical truth, requires a
fair approach to the actions of historical figures.
Leaving such a limit cannot be justified by the writer's
right to the artistic texture or by the superiority of
artistic truth over real life. The writer's fantasy of
Interpretation of Babur Mirza’s Character in the Epic “Kun Va Tun”
creating an artistic reality based on historical
materials will not offend the reader who has more or
less knowledge of modern events only if he does not
violate the principle of justice towards historical
figures” - U. Azim (2020).
Of course, there are objective and subjective reasons
for the origin of such situations, which, as Usman
Azim regrettably points out, cause an objection to the
intelligent reader. If the nation knows its historical
roots and sources of nourishment, if it receives
spiritual support, evil ideological forces, knowing
that it will be much more difficult to bend it, are
destroying our rich past, our historical figures, their
ways of life, political and social activities, complex
those who kept important information about the paths
of destiny in secret, “closed funds” and kept them in
secret, sometimes revealing them, sometimes secretly
prohibiting them when the time came. “...There are
still many pages of our distant and recent past that are
mixed up in the dust of history. In order to enlighten
them in the eyes of our contemporaries, our writers
and historians must do a lot of work in cooperation,
just as a writer must study history well, a historian
thinking about a work of art must also study literature
well” - Sultan Khairiddin (2019), the process itself
shows that the opinion is justified.
The solution to the problem lies in the human and
creative responsibility of the writer. Great Tolstoy
said: “I write for everyone.” With this idea, he
emphasized the public nature of fiction. At this point,
we should not forget to accept as a fact that the
majority of students, who make up a very large
audience of different levels, have read in a historical
work. In this regard, it would be fair to admit that
Usman Azim’s objections about the responsibility of
the writer in the artistic expression of the activities of
real historical figures who entered the artistic work
with their real names from the distant past, otherwise
today We are living and thinking in the wake of a
cruel era, which was once indifferent to the honor of
people, and in which great human destinies were
indiscriminately twisted by the will of the ruling
According to the author’s artistic imagination, there
is also a meeting scene between Babur Mirza and
Husayn Boygaro in the epic “Kun va tun” that we
analyzed. In the events of 1505-1506 of
“Boburnoma”, Babur Mirza: “Sultan Husayn Mirza
made a vow to Muhammad Shaybani Khan and
wished all his sons, my son is the son of Syed Sultan
Ali Hobbin Sayyid sent Afzal and wished. It was
necessary for us to worship the side of Khorasan in
many ways. On the one hand, the great king who sat
on the throne of Temurbek like Sultan Husayn mirza
gathered and blessed his surrounding and younger
sons and begs when you go with a sword, we go with
a head, and when a hand goes with a stick, we go with
a stone” - Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur. Kulliyat
(2021), he writes.
But Babur cannot meet with Mirza Husayn Boykara,
because he was waiting for it and had high hopes.
Because: “At the end of this year, in the month of Zul-
Hijjah, Sultan Husain took care of Mirza Shaibani
Khan and reached God’s mercy” - Zahiruddin
Muhammad Babur. Kulliyat (2021), informs in
After the death of Babur Mirza Husayn Boygaro, he
went to Herat at the invitation of his sons - mirzas. He
participates in the events dedicated to the memory of
the deceased by Khadikhabegim. Babur Mirza lived
there for a while.
In “Kun va tun” writer Babur connects the
arrival of Mirza to Herat with the love line of the
subject of the work. According to the artist’s artistic
imagination, Babur Mirza comes to Herat to see his
beloved Ma’sumabegy, who was forced to leave his
homeland after Samarkand fell into the hands of
Shaibani Khan. Hearing that Babur Mirza is coming
to Herat, Husayn Boykara and his sons go to Joyi Injil
to meet him.
The author describes Boykara’s portrait in
accordance with the tense social and political
situation of that time:
Husayn Boyqaro siymosi so‘lg‘in,
Xira ko‘zlarida g‘ussali armon.
Nogiron qalbida so‘nganday yolqin,
Asoga suyanib, boqar bedarmon.
Husayn Boygaro’s face is pale,
An angry dream in his dim eyes.
In the heart of a disabled person, the flame fades,
Leaning on a staff, he is sick.
Transoxiana completely lost, Khurasan is also in
great danger. In the epic, the portrait of the hero is
created according to the portrait of the era. “The
Persecuted Koragon Lineage”. The writer
summarizes the chaotic appearance of the entire
Timurid kingdom to the appearance of Boykara.
Father in the lines of Boykara’s portrait such as “A
gray table in the head...”, “A sad dream in his dim
eyes”, “His figure is bent like a sword”, “A poor man
leans on a staff”, “A cold wind pinches his face”, “A
life that casts a shadow on his eyebrows” Endless
conflicts between son and son, a broken atmosphere,
innocent blood spilled on the throne, innumerable
mistakes that cannot be corrected, the son of time lost
to the enemy, the pain and the traces of suffering are
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Through the meaning in the lines “Khurasan, which
is facing a crisis, is the support pillar of Guladi
Husayn”, we understand that the reason for such a
damaged state of Boykara is the absence of a support-
pillar - a loyal friend like Navoi.
Although he is much smaller than the subject of the
epic, Majididdin also occupies a special place. The
very image of “The cloudy sky riding on his palm,
Majididdin playing it in his hand” (Husayn Boykaroni
- Y.K.) evokes associations related to the work of the
minister in the mind of the student. It can be seen that
the creator of ‘Kun va Tun” also followed the
footsteps of the authors of the drama “Alisher Navoi”
in the lines of Majididdin’s image.
A legitimate question arises: for what artistic purpose
did the writer meet Babur Mirza and Husayn Boykara
in real life, face to face in a situation contrary to the
truth of history?
In our opinion, there were two real forces that could
have saved the Timurid kingdom in the unstable
socio-political situation during Shaibani Khan’s
invasion. One is in Khurasan - the greatest of the
Timurid rulers, “the valiant and experienced king”
Husayn Boygaro, as mentioned in “Boburnoma”, and
the other is the young, arrogant and noble prince
Babur Mirza in Transoxiana.
That is why Alisher Navoi, who was able to assess the
situation correctly and was well aware of the situation
of other Timurid princes, set his eyes on Babur Mirza.
When Babur Mirza took Samarkand from the hands
of Shaybani for the second time, he sent a letter, in
which he pointed to the name of Babur Mirza and
expressed that the capture of Samarkand this time was
typical of a tiger, that is, by a brave way - M.
It is a pity and a dream that these two brave forces
could not unite against the one evil, the reason for this
inability to unite was the inaction of Hossein Boykara.
That’s why Babur Mirza said: “A brave and
experienced king like Sultan Husain Mirza did not
help us and did not send us an ambassador, but sent
Kamaluddin Husain Gozurgahi to Shaybak Khan as
an ambassador during the siege” - M.
Kenjabek(2021) – he says regretfully.
Barot Boyqabilov, in the course of re-artistic
perception of these historical events, tries to show
once again the role of the individual in history in the
person of Husayn Boygaro. He destroyed his enemies
in dozens of battles. I don’t know anyone of
Temurbek’s descendants, it is as if Sultan Husayn
Mirza was drawn with a sword” - M. Kenjabek(2021).
When the fate of the whole country and kingdom was
being decided, the owner of the confessions was
wrapped in the shell of internal conflicts, laziness,
inaction, inability to distinguish the important from
the unimportant led to a crisis ending. It can be said
that this is why Husayn Boykara’s human destiny,
and the fate of the ruler did not end well in the end. In
order to show the dramatic end of such a life, Adib
includes the scene of Husain Boygaro and Babur
Mirza’s face to face in the plot. And in this scene, we
see not the ruler of Khorasan, “Ajabzamone”, who
was full of virtuous and incomparable people, and
flourished in every way, but Sultan Husain, whose
figure was bent like a sword due to the burden of his
mistakes and mistakes.
There is another delicate point in this scene, which
has a heavy artistic load and invites the reader to
Husayn Boygaro enjoyed the conversation of Babur
Mirza, who was full of determination and
–Qulluq, Bobur Mirzo! Navoiy go‘yo
Qoshimda turganday masrurmen bugun
Ash’oringiz bermish ko‘zimga ziyo,
Tangri tole’ingiz etmasin nigun
- Service, Babur Mirza! As if Navoi
I am proud to be with you today.
Your poetry is pleasing to my eyes,
God bless you.
he prays. Babur wishes to Mirza Boygaro, “My God,
Mirza, may your words come true, and may our
kingdom not fall.” While the author of the saga
depicted the decline of the Timurid dynasty in the
form of Husayn Boykara, who was old and weak at
the end of his life, in the form of the optimistic and
optimistic Babur Mirza, he points to the existence of
a worthy successor who will mark the new pages of
this glorious kingdom in the history.
Writer Khairiddin Sultan: “ a work of art, the
writer does not limit himself to the mere recording of
the historical fact “correctly”, on the contrary, he
analyses the essence of the historical fact... some facts
are interpreted in accordance with the artistic concept
of the work... the main thing is that the artistic image
corresponds not to the historical fact, but to the
essence of the historical fact”.
According to the author’s fantasy, through the scene
of the meeting between Husayn Boygaro and Babur
Mirza, the historical scene of the period, the dominant
political and social situation is so clearly and
impressively interpreted that it is the artistic concept
of the “Kun va tun” epic, as Khayriddin Sultan noted,
we can say that it fully corresponds to the essence of
the historical fact that has been interpreted (the night
is the crisis of the Timurid kingdom, the day is Babur,
who was able to show the survival of the honour of
the Timurids and the empire he founded).
Interpretation of Babur Mirza’s Character in the Epic “Kun Va Tun”
Barot Boyqabilov’s epic “Kun va tun” is the first
major work in Uzbek literature dedicated to the
lyrical-epic interpretation of Babur Mirza’s royal and
poetic career.
While the title “Kun va tun” served as a semiotic key
to the artistic concept of the epic, the historical period
reflected in the work was able to concisely and clearly
express the essence of the life of the historical main
Despite the ideological limitations of the Shura
period, Babur Mirza’s qualities as a charming human
figure, an unparalleled commander, a sensitive
creator, a creator and a just ruler are consistently
interpreted in the epic.
In the epic, the figurative interpretation of Babur
Mirza’s just, humane-based patriotism policy in the
Afghan and Indian lands was able to artistically
justify the fact that the accusation of “Babur is an
invading emperor” of the ideology of the Shura era is
completely wrong.
In the epic “Kun va tun” the priority trend in creating
the image of Babur Mirza in almost all genres of the
Uzbek literature of the Shura period, that is, the need
to pay more attention to the image of the poet Babur
and not the king Babur, is evident.
Boyqabilov B. “Kun va tun” epic. Source: Uzbeknoma. -
Tashkent: “Sharq”, 1999. -p. 571. (After this, the page
numbers of the extracts taken from this edition are
given in parentheses.)
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Literature and time. - Tashkent: Literature and Art
Publishing House, 1981. -p. 205.
U. Azim. Afterwords. - Tashkent: “Ilm-ziyo-zakovat”,
2020. - P. 342.
Sultan Khairiddin. The beauty of truth. - Tashkent:
"MASHUR - PRESS" publishing house, 2019. - p. 142.
Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur. Kulliyat. Volume 5.
Boburnama. Events of the Kabul period. - Tashkent:
"Zilol bulak" publishing house, 2021. -p. 58.
M. Kenjabek. Z.M. Babur. Kulliyat. Volume 4.
Boburnama. Events of the Fergana period. - Tashkent:
“Zilol bulak” publishing house, 2021. - P. 108.
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‘MASHUR – PRESS” publishing house. - p. 138.
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