Polysemy of Simple Verbs in the Persian Language
Dilfuza Akhmedova
, Kholida Alimova
, Dinara Azimdjanova
, Nodir Nuriddinov
Nargiza Azimbayeva
and Zokir Arifdjanov
Tashkent state university of oriental studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Oriental university, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Polysemy, Mobile Meaning, Conveying Meaning, Lexical Meaning, Simple Verb, Usual and Occasional
Meaning, Metonymy, Metaphor, Synecdoche.
Abstract: Polysemy is a language phenomenon that needs to be studied both theoretically and practically. Its theoretical
solution is connected with the logic of language, it is connected with the solution of the laws of communication.
Its practical side is the structure of dictionaries such as translation and explanatory dictionaries. Polysemy is
studied from the point of view of the semantic structure of the word. The semantic structure of a word is its
aspect associated with objective existence. When studying the polysemy of a language, attention will be paid
to the historical development of these people, the scale of thinking and point of view. This network of
linguistic richness, taken as a whole, is no longer the object of study. Despite its theoretical and practical
significance, such a problematic issue still remains unattended in the linguistics of all nations. Iranian linguists
have also conducted research on verb ambiguity, especially the meanings of simple verbs. Lexical meanings
in the semantic structure of a word are initially divided into two large groups - current lexical meanings and
previous lexical meanings. The current lexical meaning is characteristic of the current stage of language
development, and previous lexical meanings are characteristic of past stages of language development.
Therefore, the current lexical meaning is studied in descriptive semasiology, and the previous lexical
meanings are studied in historical (diachronic) semasiology. Among them is the question of polysemy of
simple verbs in the Persian language, which is the subject of our topic.
Language is a social phenomenon; it serves to
establish mutual communication between people.
That is why the language changes depending on the
society, its new laws are created. Polysemy plays an
important role in any language. Language richness is
measured not only by words and phrases but also by
lexical meanings of words. So polysemy, the
polysemy of words, has its place in the wealth of
language (1,3).
The purpose of the subject. Studying the phenomenon
of polysemy in simple verbs in the Persian language
is to shed light on the interrelationship of the
meanings attached to these verbs.
Level of study of the subject. In addition to the
information given in introductory textbooks on
lexicology, semasiology or linguistics, some
scientific works or articles have been published on the
study of certain aspects of polysemy.
1966, T. Alikulov did a candidate's thesis on the
phenomenon of polysemy in the Uzbek language on
Akhmedova, D., Alimova, K., Azimdjanova, D., Nuriddinov, N., Azimbayeva, N. and Arifdjanov, Z.
Polysemy of Simple Verbs in the Persian Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0012976100003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1479-1488
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the topic " The phenomenon of polysemy in the noun
family". In 1995, M. Mirtojiev published a
monograph entitled " Polysemy in the Uzbek
language" (1). In Russian linguistics, there are many
works devoted to polysemy. The issues of the
phenomenon of polysemy in the Persian language are
covered in the books "Leksikologiya sovremennogo
persidskogo yazyka" by L. Peysikov and "
Lexicology of the Persian language " (2) by A.
In Iranian linguistics, it is possible to observe a
number of works devoted to the phenomenon of
polysemy in verbs. Of these, Shahlo Sharifi “Barrasi-
ye ma’no-ye af’ol-e morakkab andom-e bonyod az
didgoh-e ma’noshenosi-ye shenoxti” (5), Ebrohim
Morodi “Barrasi-ye ma’noi-ye fe’l-e morakkab dar
zabon-e farsi” (6), Rohele Gandomkor “Ruykardi-ye
shenoxti be mas’ale-ye hamma’noyi-ye bofti dar
sath-e af’ol-e zabon-e farsi” (7), A’li Safari
“Ma’noshenosi-ye zamine va tanoveb-e fe’lho-ye
morakkab dar zabon-e farsi” (8), Leylo Sharifi
“Ruykardi-ye shenoxti be yek fe’l-e chandma’noi-ye
farsi (9), Hamid RabiiAnoser-e moaser dar
tagyir-e ma’no-ye fe’l” (11) it is necessary to
enumerate the works.
Tasks of the subject. - verbs with polysemantic
properties were separated from the total simple verbs
in Persian;
- polysemantic in verbs lexicon meaning
development results studied;
- lexicon meaning development, as a result,
Persian in the language simple verbs meant meaning
quantity in terms of separate to groups divided;
- the interrelationship of the meanings combined
into one lexicon was determined
Results. The lexical meaning of a word is not a
fixed, immutable phenomenon, although it is quite
stable, it can change over many years under the
influence of certain factors. The factors causing such
changes are of two types: 1) extralinguistic (non-
linguistic) factors - socio-economic life, development
of consciousness, thinking, etc. For example, the
word "leg " was originally named one of the human
limbs, and later it began to refer to the "leg" of
furniture such as a couch, a chair, a table, a chair, a
bed: the leg of a couch, the leg of a chair, the leg of a
table. foot, like the foot of a bed. This is due to the
appearance of various types of furniture in the
environment in which people live, the emergence of
new ideas in the human mind, and finally, the
complex relationship between language and social
life, consciousness and thinking. was; 2) linguistic
(linguistic) factors - relations of language units within
the language system. For example, clear and open
lexemes in the vocabulary of the language can be in
relation to contextual synonymy: like speaking
clearly and speaking openly, but " open door " cannot
be " clear door ", because of the semantic properties
of clear and open lexemes originality, their valence
possibilities do not allow. Therefore, the lexical
meaning of the lexeme changes under the influence
of the above-mentioned factors, which is what is
meant by the development of the lexical meaning.
The ways of such development are also different: the
migration, expansion and narrowing of the meaning,
and changes in its size and volume are among them.
Whether a language is rich or poor depends not
only on the number of words in that language but also
on the number of meanings the words convey.
Language units have monosemantic and
polysemantic properties.
Lexicon monosemy (Greek: monos - " one " +
semia - " symbol ") is a lexeme only one to the
meaning have b to die. For example, in Uzbek in the
language rice lexeme » from rice justified removable
oshlik don » means forever _ lexeme means " eternal,
constant ", night lexeme « day from sunset day He
died from dusk to dawn _ _ part » meaning represents
_ These lexemes another meaning.
Famous nouns are also conditional respectively
monosemantic lexemes to the line q will increase.
Monosemy phenomenon Uzbek _ in linguistics is
also called meaningfulness. Ambiguity _ k o' more to
terms, new created or another from the language new
mastered _ of lexemes first use _ _ to the period is
Newly created or newly acquired lexemes from
another language can turn into multi-meaning words
under the influence of various linguistic and non-
linguistic factors.
Lexicon polysemy (Greek: poli -« k o' p »+ semia
sign ») a lexeme one how many to the meaning
to have _ _ _ For example, the lexeme of salt semantic
in the composition the following lexicon meanings
there are: 1) « acid contained hydrogen instead of
something metal take over as a result the product will
die chemical compounds » (main salts, sulfate acid
salts); 2) « chemical don't join food for used one type
" (salt); 3) don't change: " someone's". another to a
person gave, ate and drank food " (salt give salt _ eat);
4) No change: logic, meaning, content.
relies on the existence of a meaningful connection
between lexical meanings in the semantic structure of
one lexeme, and differs from lexical homonymy by
this feature. The occurrence of lexical polysemy is
determined by the quality of meaning.
According to Prof. A. Kuronbekov, it is very
difficult to distinguish the homonyms formed in
polysemy from other signs of meaning. For example::
“parde” - "curtain ", "screen", "work of art", " music
curtain ". Between these meanings, " window curtain
" and " sound curtain " can be called homonyms with
different meanings. This difference between them is
only syntactic and semantic in valency known will be
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Parde-ye panjare - window curtain; parde-ye ' aroq -
the difference between the tone of Iraq is very big.
These one of words to each other near near-meaning
signs don't care. This from each other long meaning
signs are homonyms. But in dictionaries of the word
this meaning amen as is not considered. Accurate
indicators for distinguishing differences between
homonyms with closeness of meaning in polysemous
words have not been developed. This topic is one of
the current problems in Persian lexicology that is
waiting for its solution is one (2,18).
Discussion. As a result of the analysis of the
examples, a similar problem was encountered in the
example of the verb ﻥﺩﺭﻮﺧ xordan 1) to eat; 2) to
drink; 3) to win; 4) mouth. to speak unintelligibly; 5)
to acquire; 6) sports. to lose 7) fall to the target; 8) to
crash; 9) to touch; 10) mouth. means to fit. In our
opinion, the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th meanings of
this verb are fundamentally different from its main
meaning, and it is appropriate to separate it as a
separate homonym, but this issue requires a separate
By analysing the meanings of words, it can be
observed that all words have a mono semantic
character at the initial stage. They are used to express
certain things and events. Later they are also used for
the purposes of expressing other objects and events.
As a result, further meanings of the words arise.
Formation of figurative meaning plays an
important role in the phenomenon of polysemy.
Transferred meanings arise in the process of
transferring the term of one category of reality to
another category of reality. For example: ﻮﻗﺎﭼی ﺩﻼﻓ ﻦﻳ
(čāqu-ye fulādin) steel knife; ﺩﻻﻮﻓ ﻩﺩﺍﺭﺍ ﻦﻳ (erāde-ye
fulādin) – steel willed. Here, in the first combination,
" steel " is used literally, and in the second
combination, it is used figuratively, that is, in the
sense of " strong ", and " bending " (2,9).
Scientists divide the factors causing polysemy
into two. 1. Linguistic factor. 2. Non-linguistic
factor. They interpret the phenomena of ellipsis,
phonetic change of word form, and semantic kalka as
being formed with the help of linguistic factors.
In fact, if a component is omitted from the
composition of a language unit equal to a
compound, and the entire meaning is expressed
through the remaining part, this phenomenon is called
the ellipsis phenomenon.
In the phonetic change of the form of the word,
the word-former or form-former in the content of the
word is omitted during the speech process, but
nevertheless, the expected meaning emerges.
Linguistic factor using meaning to move next the
way semantic kalka is counted. Semantic kalka
method foreign from their languages is changing
words exactly translation will be done. This is a
translation in the language from time immemorial
used bride words _ at the expense of done is
increased. By itself _ newappearancer has been
word to the previous one relatively second meaning
being will remain.
It is also observed that a new meaning is formed
as a result of synonymous, antonymic, and paronymic
relations of words.
In general, various factors can serve as the basis
for the phenomenon of meaning transfer.
The change of meaning is the fact that the name
of an object (or event) later has the characteristic of
meaning another object or event.) is based on the
relationship between For example, the root meaning
of the breath lexeme is " air taken in and out of the
lungs ", but when you say take a deep breath, the
breath lexeme means " speech " and not " air ". and
express " intention ", because without breathing and
exhalation speech cannot be formed, and without
speech, thought-intention cannot be expressed:
breath, speech, thought-intention This is the
connection between the breath and the breath caused
the loss of meaning in the content of the lexeme.
The creation of new meaning by non-linguistic
method is carried out in 4 different ways.
1. Metaphor, 2. Metonymy, 3. Synecdoche. 4.
In the phenomenon of polysemy, special attention
is paid to the fact that, in the figurative sense, the
name of an object, event or event is transferred to
another similar object or event. As a result, an object,
or event, which does not have its own name in the
language, gets a new name and remains synonymous
with the previous name. The first of these is the
nominative, the second is the nominative.
A metaphor is a transfer of meaning based on the
similarity between an object or an event - events
(Latin metaphor means transfer).
Similarities between subjects can be based on
their various aspects.
For example: of a person's nose-geographical
nose, shirt _ the foot of the river skirt, the moon in
the sky is like the moon on the flag. This is the place
of subjects external in terms of similarities separately
importance given _ Also their _ internal similarities,
functional _ differences also based on meaning will
be moved. An example clean the shirt is clean man,
right the way is the right thing, my friend came - water
came like _
A metaphor method with meaning move _ event
noun, verb, adjective word in categories a lot occurs.
For example, attention let's give: gold fall, iron
discipline, steel will _ sweet talk, bitter the truth is
long conversation; conversation hot, hearty it got
cold, the conversation dragged on. Attention if given,
all in places similarity the first to the plan coming out
and metaphor to the body is bringing feel can _
Polysemy of Simple Verbs in the Persian Language
The word metonymy is derived from the Greek
word metomumia - renaming, and gives a new name
to an object, or an event, not on the basis of similarity,
but on the basis of interrelationship.
Metonymy main views _ as the following show
can _
1. Someone's subject or this is the name in the
event of the part it will rot. For example city - people
g' uj living, cultural the centre Whole city moved _
came out in the sentence while in the city living
people mean being held The head is a man of the body
from the shoulder high part _ My head hard left in the
sentence while the brain the meaning is giving So it's
like that cases subjects between _ meaning transfer
for criterion by doing is taken.
2. Someone of the thing name that's it to
something based on measure _ of unity name as is
taken. Day - sun, day - 24 hours measure _ unit, hour
- day times sure showing giver mechanism, watch -
clear time, moon - in the sky planet name, month -
year piece _
3. One subject name that's from the subject
harvest done to something it will rot. For example, tea
is a plant, tea is a drink, water is a natural liquid, and
water is a liquid. different industry products etc. _
4. Sign name so sign there is to something will
rot; bitter (taste, taste) - spicy (pepper), scorpion
(poisonous insect) - scorpion (serjahl, bad man),
poison (poison) - poison (disease man) and that's it
such as
5. Something subjects name known one
behaviour action as a result mutually _ relationship
the way with harvest done, but this method diachronic
to the character have of our language today's stage
does not occur. Folding - making the dough layer by
layer to put as a result, toy - to get full from the verb,
kirindi - to cut from the word made _
6. Babur I memorized America I met Navoi flip
and I saw such relatedness in units as well as event is
considered to exist.
Synecdoche part through the whole, the whole
through while part to express is counted. Synecdoche
method based on subjects between relationship lies _
Therefore _ to him of metonymy one appearance _ it
is also possible to evaluate as, but this in relation the
whole piece relationship always obvious apparently
stands _ For examples attention let's give
Hoof feed (goods or sheep _ feed), to nail like zor
(to a child). in appearances part through whole is
being expressed.
Uzbekistan _ won, Ferghana came in phrases
while one person or group was caught. Such in places
while the whole through part is expressed.
Meaning to move again one method functional to
move is called Someone in the literature to him
responsibility based on meaning It is also called
migration. of this method essence from that is that the
meaning two subjects between _ duty similarity based
on will be moved.
For example: leg human standing _ for service
who does anatomical organ. of the chai,r This is what
we call a leg to the function based on
Man's eye is the window eye (har both of them to
see for), of the bird the wing of an aeroplane wing
(hap both to fly for) also in examples of duty based
on meaning to move our observation can _
And that's special telling tooth _ OK, someone
cases one of time in itself metaphorical - functional,
metaphorical - metonymic or metonymic - functional,
metaphoric - synecdoche methods manifestation
being remains. An example for blue - sky, blue - top,
top, head - head, head - one _ couple in cases from
metaphor except metonymic there is also a case. In
general, the word the meaning of migration is
complicated and a lot edged event is counted.
Lexical meanings in the semantic structure of the
word are initially divided into two large groups -
current lexical meanings and previous lexical
Current lexical meaning is specific to the current
stage of language development, and previous lexical
meanings are specific to past stages of language
development. Therefore, the current lexical meaning
is studied in descriptive semasiology, and the
previous lexical meanings are studied in historical
(diachronic) semasiology.
Current lexical meanings, in turn, are divided into
types such as the main meaning and the derived
meaning, which according to the context requires the
correct meaning and figurative meaning, nominative
(nominative) meaning and figurative also called
meaning, free meaning, and associated meaning (or
connected meaning). In the language lexicon
polysemy is this head and derivative meanings of the
system are based on
Derivative meaning from the original meaning
progressive reached came out is the meaning. For
example, a fox's _ derivative meaning " O" took sly,
crafty " man ". This is the meaning of some of the
people's behaviour of the fox to trickery simile,
comparison _ through (metaphorically with death) to
the surface quoted: Indeed while this foxes him they
S is your derivative meaning context from
demand come don't go out _ meaning (the meaning of
s _ in a sense expressed from things another that the
names of things have died for), figuratively meaning
(abstract concept or ideas concrete image through to
express service that he did for), bo g ' meaning
(realization known context, s ' own environment with
limited for) said names is also called with.
The old lexical meaning is the meaning of the
lexeme that was used in the past and is now archaic.
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Etymological lexical meaning is the initial
meaning that forms the basis of its content plan at the
origin of a lexeme. It is called the etymology of
Usual meaning is the lexical meaning found in the
content of the lexeme. It is recognized by the people
who own the language, so it is a meaning that is
understandable to many people. For example,
the verb raftn has the following lexical (common)
meanings: 1) to walk; to leave to lead 2) to approach;
3) flow; 4) sink; 5) to draw, resemble (someone); 6)
turn off; 7) commit
An occasional meaning is an artificial meaning
that is not specific to the meaning of the lexeme in the
language, and is created as a result of the speech
situation of some person (the author) and gives a new
"feel" to the meaning of this lexeme. It is individual
in nature and understood only in context.
ﺪﺑﻻ ﺯ ﺖﻓﺭ ﻥﻮﺘﺒﺷﺭﺩﺎﮐﺮﻳ ﺎﻬﺑﺍﻮﺨﺘﺧﺭ (3, 262)
" Maybe your bed sheet laundry between coming
in may be gone."
raftan the above sentence means " to disappear
". In fact, this meaning is not in the content of the verb
rftn, it is a lexical application discovered by the
author of the work for methodological purposes.
So: a) common meaning is a language unit
(lexical meaning), and occasional meaning is a
speech unit (lexical use); b) casual meaning (or
meanings) is formed before the context, and the
occasional meaning arises in the context itself, it is
attached to the lexeme only within this context; c)
casual meaning is associated with the lexeme's
naming of an object or event (it may or may not
contain imagery), while the occasional meaning does
not name, only imagery is expressed in it; g) casual
meaning takes place in the vocabulary of the
language, and occasional meaning is a potential
possibility that can enter the vocabulary over time
(which has not yet entered). This possibility may or
may not occur.
The results of the development of lexical meaning
are twofold: 1) the amount of meanings in the
semantic structure of the word increases, that is, the
quantity changes, which leads to polysemy (multiple
meanings) and homonymy. 2) in the semantic
structure of the word, the volume of meaning
changes. In this case, the number of meanings does
not increase, only the scope of one meaning expands
or narrows. Expansion of meaning is the occurrence
of a shift in the meaning of a lexeme from a narrow
meaning to a broad meaning.
Simple verbs in Persian are divided into the
following groups according to the amount of
Two meaningful verbs;
Three meaningful verbs;
Four meaningful verbs;
Verbs with five or more meanings;
The interrelationship of the meanings combined
into one lexeme is of two types:
1) meaning one from the second grow-up came
out will be
2) the meanings do not grow from each other
Verbs whose meanings have grown from one
another can be studied from several perspectives:
A) meanings were way connection in terms of
B) meanings progressive carry on methods in
terms of approaching;
a) approach in terms of how verb meanings are
1. Ambiguous verbs.
Among the simple verbs we analyzed, ambiguous
verbs made up the least part.
almost the main part of these verbs, the second
meaning has grown from the first.
ﻦﺘﺧﺍﻮﻧ1 ) to play; 2) beat;
ﻥﺩﺮﻣ1 ) to die; 2) turn off;
ﻥﺩﻭﺰﻓﺍ1 ) to multiply; 2) multiply;
2. Three meaningful verbs.
In many of these verbs, the meanings have grown
from each other.
When the number of meanings increases by two,
of course, their connection also becomes
complicated. In this respect, the connection of the
verb meanings is two different:
1) The meanings are mutually connected.
In this case, the connection of meanings is in the
form 123.
ﻦﺘﺧﺎﻨﺷ šenāxtan
1) to know (someone); 2) recognize
(something); 3) to understand, to understand;
2) each of the following two meanings is
independently related to the first meaning:
1 │→2
1 │→3
ﻥﺪﻴﺳﺮﭘ porsidan
1) to ask; │→2) get information;
1) to ask; │→3) to receive information about
ﻥﺪﻳﻭﺩ davidan
1) to run; │→2) mouth. hurry;
1) to run; │→3) chase;
3. Quadrilaterals.
In the following four-meaning verbs, the
meanings are derived from one another. In this case,
the connection of meanings is as follows:
1) Next three of meaning each one by itself the
first to the meaning will be connected. This will look
like this:
1 │→2
1 │→3
Polysemy of Simple Verbs in the Persian Language
1 │→4
ﻦﺘﺸﮐ koštan
1) kill │→2) erase
1) kill │→3) suppress
1) to kill │→4) to extinguish
2) have two meanings: they are connected to each
other and independently:
The second and third meanings of these verbs are
related to the first meaning, and the fourth meaning is
related to the third meaning:
1 2
1 │→ 3 4
ﻥﺪﻧﺎﻣ māndan
1) stay; │→2) stop;
1) stay; │→3) survive; 4) to be preserved;
4. Five and from him more than meaningful verbs.
As the number of meanings of simple verbs
increases, the relationship between the meanings of
these verbs becomes more complicated. Such a
situation can be seen in verbs with five or more
meanings. The meanings of these verbs are related to
each other in the following ways:
1) All meanings of verbs are connected to the first
meaning and have the following form:
1 │→2
1 │→3
1 │→ 4
1 │→ 5 and h.
ﻥﺪﻳﺮﭘ paridan
1) fly, flutter; │→2) fly away;
1) fly, flutter; │→3) jump;
1) fly, flutter; │→4) jump up;
1) fly, flutter; │→5) disappear, shine
(odor, liquid);
1) fly, flutter;│→ 6) tremble, fly
(eye fly);
ﻥﺪﻴﺸﮐ kešidan
1) pull; │→2) stretch;
1) pull; │→3) draw (line, picture);
1) pull; │→ 4) pull (wire);
1) pull; │→5) to take out;
1) pull; │→ 6) to cut off;
1) pull; │→7) attract;
1) pull; │→8) to measure;
1) pull; │→9) squeeze;
1) pull; │→10) put (food);
1) pull; │→11) endure;
1) pull; │→12) to continue, to stretch;
1) pull; │→13) six to six;
1) pull; │→14) eat and go;
1) pull; │→ 15) to smoke.
ﻦﺘﺷﺍﺬﮔ gozāštan
1) put;│→2) touch;
1) to put;│→3) to mark;
1) to put;│→ 4) to put a guard;
1) to put;│→5) to give (uniformly);
1) to put;│→6) to leave;
1) to put;│→7) to allow;
1) to put;│→8) to grow hair, beard;
ﻦﺘﻓﺭ raftan
1) to walk; to leave to set off; │→2) to approach;
1) to walk; to leave to set off; │→ 3) leak;
1) to walk; to leave to set off; │→4) sink;
1) to walk; to leave to set off; │→5) draw,
(to someone);
1) to walk; to leave to set off; │→6) turn off;
1) to walk; to leave to set off; │→7) to make a
ﻦﺘﺷﺬﮔ gozaštan
1) pass (time, event), pass away; │→2) to cross;
1) pass (time, event), pass away; │→3) pass;
1) pass (time, event), pass away; │→4) pass by;
1) pass (time, event), pass away; │→5) to flow;
1) pass (time, event), pass away; │→6) past
to leave
2) have two meanings: they are connected to each
other and independently:
The second and third meanings of these verbs are
connected to the first meaning, and the rest of the
meanings are connected to the third or subsequent
meaning and have the following forms:
1 2
1 345 and h.
1 │→2 3
1 │→ 4
1 │→5 6
ﻥﺪﻴﺑﺍﻮﺧ xābidan
1) to sleep; │→2) lie down;
1) to sleep; │→3) return (tumor return); 4) to
stop; 5) calm down;
ﻦﺘﺧﺎﺳ sāxtan
1) prepare, produce;│→2) build, create;
1) prepare, produce;│→3) falsify (documents);
4) go out (with someone);5) conspire;
ﻦﺘﺧﺍﺪﻧﺍ andāxtan
1) shoot; │→ 2) chop down trees; 3) to walk;
1) shoot; │→ 4) write (table);
1) shoot; │→ 5) peel off; 6) overturn;
B) meaning progressive carry-on methods in
terms of approach
A comparative study of the meanings of verbs
shows that there are two main ways of their
1) Application method.
The meaning of the verb arises as a gradual
continuation of the line of the existing meaning, as a
result of its development. Such a development of
meaning cannot be equated with any transfer (such as
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
metaphor metonymy) that leads to the development
of meaning. This method is based on application, not
transfer. The meanings developed in this way are the
majority. The meanings of the following verbs belong
to the group of verbs with meanings related to the
main meaning, not the transitive meaning:
ﻥﺪﻳﺮﭘ 1 ) fly, flutter; 2) fly away; 3) to jump; 4)
jump up, 5) disappear, shine (smell, liquid); 6)
tremble, fly (eyes fly).
The original meaning of this verb is " to fly ". All
its meanings are related to flying
ﻢﻳﺪﻳﺮﭘ ﺘﻓﺭ ﻭ ﻥﻮﻤﺣ ﻪﺧﺮﮐﻭﺩ ﻭﺭﻢﻴ (3, 261)
" To our bikes jump sit down and go we got off."
ﻥﺁ ﺩ ﺖﻔﺷﺁ ﻲﻬﺑﺍﻮﺧ ﺢﺒﺳ ﺎﺗ ﺐﺷﻡﺪﻳ ﺮﭘ ﻭﻡﺪﻳ . (4, 67)
" That's it at night until morning bad dreams
seeing and startled wake up I left."
ﻥﺪﻴﺸﮐ 1 ) to pull; 2) stretch; 3) draw (line, picture);
4) pulling pass (wire); 5) to take out; 6) to disconnect;
7) to himself attraction do not _ 8) to measure; 9)
squeeze; 10) put (food); 11) endure; 12) continued to
reach, to stretch; 13) to six warm _ 14) eat to go 15)
to smoke.
All the meanings of this verb are related to its
main meaning "to pull". The meanings of the verb
ﺸﮐ ﻥﺪﻴ given in the following sentences show that they
all depend on the main meaning.
ﺍﺮﻴﻫﺎﻣ ﺸﮐﺪﻴ ﻟﺎﻗ ﻭﺭ (4,263)
" He took the fish on the carpet ";
ﻦﻳﺍ ﻤﻧ ،ﻡﺩﺮﮐ گﺭﺰﺑ ﻝﺩ ﻥﻮﺧ ﺎﺑ ﺍﺭ ﻪﭽﺑ ﺎﺗ ﻪﺳﻢﻧﺍﺪﻴ ﺸﮐﻡﺪﻴ (4,
" What I didn't see until I raised these three
ﻩﺮﻳﺍﺩ ی ﻭﺭ ﺎﻗﺁ ﻪﮐی ﺸﮐ ﻪﺘﺨﺗ ﻩﺪﻴ ﻮﻠﺟ ﺩﻮﺑ ی ﺧﺮﭼ ﻢﻤﺸﭼ ﺪﻴ
" The circle drawn on the blackboard began to
spin before my eyes ";
یﺍﺮﺑ ﺸﮐ ﻮﻠﭘ ﺵﺩﻮﺧﺪﻴ ﺏﺎﻘﺸﺑ ﻮﺗ (3,270)
" He put pilaf on his plate ";
ﻪﺷﻮﮔ ﻠﻗ ﺩﺭﺍﺩ ﻭ ﻪﺘﺴﺸﻧ ﻕﺎﺗﺍﻥﺎﻴ ﺪﺸﮑﻴ (4,266)
" He is sitting in the corner of the room smoking
a hookah ";
Cases of such development of meaning can be
seen in the example of the following verbs.
ﻦﺘﻓﺭ raftan1) to walk; to leave to set off; 2) to
approach; 3) flow; 4) sink; 5) to draw, resemble
(someone); 6) turn off; 7) to make a covenant;
ﻢﺘﻓﺭ ﺣ ﻮﺗﻁﺎﻴ ﺎﭘی ﺮﻴ (4,255)
" I went to the water pipe in the yard ";
ﻦﮕﻴ ﺮﺑ ﻦﻳ ﻫﺎﻣ ﺭﻮﺨﺑﻦﻳ (4,257)
" They say go and eat fish ";
ﺍﻮﻫ ﺖﻓﺭ ﻢﺳﺎﻧﺮﺧ ﮏﻤﮐ ﻢﮐ (4,254)
" I started snoring slowly ";
ﻥﺪﻴ xābidan 1) to sleep; 2) lie down; 3) return
(swell); 4) stop; 5) calm down;
یﻭﺭ ﺑﺍﻮﺧ ﺖﺨﺗﻡﺪﻴ ﻡﺪﻧﺎﻣ ﺮﻈﺘﻨﻣ ﻭ (3,189)
" I lay down on a tie... ";
ﻢﻤﮑﺷ ﺑﺎﺴﺣ ﺑﺍﻮﺧ ﺵﺭﻮﻗ ﻭ ﺭﺎﻗ ﻭ ﺩﺮﮐ ﻡﺩﺪﻴ (3,254)
" My stomach stopped growling ";
ﻦﺘﺧﺍﺪﻧﺍ andāxtan 1) throw; 2) chop down trees; 3)
to walk; 4) write (table); 5) close; 6) peel off; 7)
overturn; 8) mouthing (cheating); 9) mouth. to leave
ﻻﺎﺣ ﻟﺎﻗﺍﺮﻴ ﺣ ﻮﺗ ﻁﺎﻴ ﺩﻮﺑ ﻪﺘﺧﺍﺪﻧﺍ (3,261)
" Andy threw the carpet into the yard ";
ﻥﺯ ﺎﻗﺁی
یﺭﺪﻴ ﺖﺧﺍﺪﻧﺍ ﺍﺭ ﻩﺮﻔﺳ (3,269)
" Agoye Haydar's wife set the table ";
ﺑ ﺪﻣﺁ ﻪﻧﺎﺧ ﺭﺩ ﺯﺍ ﻭ ﺵﺮﺳ ﺖﺧﺍﺪﻧﺍ ﺍﺮﺷﺭﺩﺎﭼ ﻥﻭﺮﻴ (4,265)
" He threw his tent on his head and left the house
ﺍﺮﻤﺑﺍﻮﺨﺘﺧﺭ ﺑﺍﻮﺧ ﻭ ﻢﺘﺧﺍﺪﻧﺍﻡﺪﻴ (3,266)
" I was laying down ";
ﻥﺩﺭﻮﺧ xordan 1) eat; 2) to drink; 3) to win; 4)
mouth. to be incomprehensible; 5) to master; 6)
sports. to lose 7) plan; 8) to hit; 9) to touch; 10)
mouth. straighten up
یﺯﻭﺭ ﺭﻮﺨﺑ ﻢﻫ ﮓﻨﻬﻧ ﺎﺗ ﻪﺳی یﺰﻴ ﻤﻧﻪﺸﻴ (4,256)
" Even if you eat three snacks a day, nothing will
happen ";
ﺶﻘﺣ ﺎﭼ ﺎﺗ ﻭﺩ ﻪﮐ ﺩﻮﺑی ﺎﻣﺮﭘ ﻪﻳ ﺭﻮﺨﺑﻢﻳ ﺩﺭﻮﺨﻧ ﻪﮐﻢﻳ (3,255)
" We had to drink two cups of bitter tea, but we
didn't ";
ﻡﺩﺭﻮﺧ ﺏﺁ ﭗﻠﻗ ﺪﻨﭼ (4,255)
" I drank a couple of sips of water ";
ﺮﺳ ﺎﻬﺘﺸﮕﻧﺍﻢﻳ ﻫﺎﻣ ﻪﺑ ﺩﺭﻮ (4,270)
" I caught a slow fish (my fingers touched the fish)
2) Transfer method.
The meanings developed by this method are less
than those developed by the applied method. In the
development of verb meanings, there is only one way
of transfer - metaphor. In this case, the action specific
to one object is transferred to another.
The meanings of the following verbs also include
transitive meanings. We can see this through the
given examples.
ﻦﺘﺸﮐ koštan 1) to kill; 2) delete; 3) suppress; 4) has
meanings such as extinguish. But in the following
sentence, it can be seen that kill is used figuratively,
not literally.
؟ﺎﺒﺻ ﺍ ﻮﺗ؟ﯽﻳﺎﺠﻨﻳ ﺘﺸﮐ ﻮﻨﻣ ﻪﮐ ﻮﺗ (4,182)
Sabo, are you here? You said you will kill me.
ﻪﮐ ﻡﺩﺮﮐ ﺶﻧﺎﺟ ﻪﺑ ﻥﺎﺟ ﻢﺘﺸﮐ ﺍﺮﻣﺩﻮﺧﮏﻳ ﺖﺷﻮﮔ ﺯﺍ ﻩﺭﺫ
ﻫﺎﻣ ﺶﻧﺎﻫﺩ ﻮﺗ ﺩﺭﺍﺬﮕﺑ (3,274)
" I begged him to taste a piece of fish meat."
The verb ﻥﺩﺮﻣ mordan has the meanings to die and
to switch off. But in this example, it means not
physiological death, but to worry, to suffer.
ﻢﺘﺷﺍﺩ ﻧﺍﺮﮕﻧ ﺯﺍ
ﻡﺩﺮﻤﻴ (3, 183)
" I couldn't find a place to hide myself from
ﻦﺘﺧﺎﺳ sāxtan 1) to prepare, produce; 2) build,
create; 3) falsify (documents); 4) to go out (with
someone); 5) has the meaning of agreeing. But it is
true in the following examples it can be seen that it is
used in the sense of coming.
Polysemy of Simple Verbs in the Persian Language
ﻦﻳﺍ ﺍﺰﻴ ﻤﻧ ﺎﻣ ﻪﺑﻩﺯﺎﺴﻴ (3,257)
" Such things do not suit us ".
ﺮﻫ یﺰﻴ ﻤﻧ ﺲﮐ ﺮﻫ ﻪﺑ ﻩﺯﺎﺴﻴ (3,271)
" Not everything suits everyone."
ﻥﺪﻧﺍﻮﺧ xāndan verb 1) to read; 2) to learn; 3) to
sing; 4) to call; 5) mouth. to kiss 6) name; 7) has the
same meaning as measuring. Its figurative meaning
of pain is seen in the following example.
ﻢﻴﺴﻧ ﺯ ﻡﺍﺪﻣ ﻢﻫ ﺮﻳ ﻣ ﻢﺷﻮﮔﺪﻧﺍﻮﺨﻴ :... (4,71)
" Nasim was also constantly suffering...".
šekastan verb1) to break (to break), to
break (to be broken) of the verb шФстн; 2) break the
law; 3) disturb the peace; 4) has meanings such as
temperature drop. From his in the following sentence
right not to break, but the figurative meaning is
ﺎﺑ ﻦﻳ ﯽﻠﻴ ﻧﺩ یﺎﻴ ﺎﺒﻳ ﺖﺴﮑﺷ ﻢﻣﻮﺼﻌﻣ ﻭ (4,74)
" That's it a slap with my innocent and beautiful
my world destroyed did ".
ﻦﺘﻓﺭ raftan the verb 1) to walk; to leave to set off;
2) to approach; 3) flow; 4) sink; 5) to draw, resemble
(someone); 6) turn off; 7) in addition to its meanings
such as to make a covenant, its prolific use in a
figurative sense can be seen in the following
ﯽﺴﮐ ﻭﺮﺑﺁ .ﺎﻤﺷ ﻪﻧ ،ﺖﺳﺎﻤﺷ ﺮﻫﻮﺷ ﻩﺩﺮﮐ ﺍﺭﺪﺑ ﺭﺎﮐ ﻪﮐی
؟ﺩﻭﺮﻴ (4,77)
" Bad work did your husband, you it's not. Whose
reputation will it spill? "
ﻻﺎﺣ ﺮﺑ ﻪﮐ ﻪﺸﺘﻗﻭ ،ﺪﻧﺍ ﻩﺪﻣﺁ ﻪﻤﻫ ﻪﮐﻢﻳ ﺐﻠﻄﻣ ﻞﺻﺍ ﺮﺳ (3,196)
" When everyone gathers, it's time to move on to
the real goal."
ﺍﻮﻫ ﺖﻓﺭ ﻢﺳﺎﻧﺮﺧ ﮏﻤﮐ ﻢﮐ (3,254)
" I slowly began to snort."
ﺐﻅﺍﻮﻣ ﺵﺎﻬﻐﻴ ﺎﺑﻮﻬﻳ
ﻥﺮﻴ ﺕﻮﻠﮔ ﻮﺗ (3,270)
" Be careful not to let it go down your throat”
ﺪﺑﻻ ﺯ ﻪﺘﻓﺭ ﻥﻮﺘﺒﺷﺭﺩﺎﺮﻳ ﺎﻬﺑﺍﻮﺨﺘﺧﺭ (4,262)
" Maybe your bed sheet laundry between coming
in maybe gone."
In the above sentences, we can see that the verb
ﻦﺘﻓﺭraftan is used in the meaning of pouring out the
reputation, moving on to an issue, making a sound,
leaving something somewhere, something entering
ﻥﺩﺎﺘﻓﺍ oftādan verb 1) to fall; 2) to fall; 3) to go
down; 4) to miss; 5) has the meaning of losing. But in
the following sentences, we see that this verb is used
in a figurative sense.
ﮏﺸﮐ ﻥﺎﻧ ﻥﺎﺟ ﻪﺑ ﻡﺩﺎﺘﻓﺍ ﻖﺷﺎﻗ ﺎﺑ (4,252)
" I took down Nonekeshk ".
ﺖﺳﺩ ﻭﺭ ﺩﺎﺘﻓﺍ ﻢﻠﻌﻣی ﻢﭙﭼ ﻪﻧﺎﺷ (4,254)
" Teacher to my left shoulder down remained ".
andāxtan verb 1) throw; 2) chop down
trees; 3) chop wood; 4) write (table); 5) close; 6) to
shed skin; 7) overturn; 8) mouthing (cheating); 9)
mouth. has the meaning of leaving. The following
example shows its figurative meaning.
ﻡﻮﻠﮔ ﻮﺗ ﻢﺘﺧﺍﺪﻧﺍ ﺍﺮﻣﺍﺪﺻ (3,252)
" I shouted."
We can see the transitive meaning of the verb
ﺳﻮﺑ ﻥﺪﻴ busidan " to kiss " in the following example.
ﺵﺍﻮﻳ ﺵﺍﻮﻳ ﺳﻮﺑ ﺍﺮﺘﻟﺎﺠﺧﻡﺪﻴ ﺍﺮﺑ ی ﺸﮐ ﻮﻠﭘ ﻡﺩﻮﻡﺪﻴ (3,272)
Slowly pushed aside the embarrassment and put
myself in a pile of pilaf ".
ﻦﺘﺸﻧ nešastan verb 1) sit down; 2) to cover; 3)
sink; 4) sink; 5) to land; 6) live; 7) decrease; 8) has
meanings such as calm down. We can see its
figurative meaning through the following example.
ﻢﻌﻁ ﻫﺎﻣ ﺏﻮﺧ ﻭﺭی ﺖﺴﺸﻧ ﻢﻧﺎﺑﺯ (3,272)
" I felt the sweet taste of fish."
ﻥﺪﻴﺸﭼ češidan“ to taste is used in the following
sentence in a transitive sense.
ﻢﺘﺷﺍﺩ ﺎﺳﺁ ﻩﺰﻣﺍﺮﺸﻳ ﻡﺪﻴﺸﭽﻴ (4,187)
" Peace Nashida I would drive."
ﻥﺪﻳﻭﺩ davidan verb 1) to run; 2) mouth. to rush; 3)
has the meaning of chasing. The following sentence
uses its figurative meaning.
ﺪﻳ ﻥﺎﻴ ﻢﻓﺮﺣ (4, 252)
" That's enough."
ﻥﺩﺭﻮﺧ xordan the verb 1) to eat; 2) to drink; 3) to
win; 4) mouth. to speak unintelligibly; 5) to acquire;
6) sports. to lose 7) to the destination to descend 8) hit
to leave; 9) to touch; 10) mouth. right to come has
meanings like The following sentence expresses its
figurative meaning:
ﯽﮑﭘ ﺯ ﺪﻧﺩﺯﺮﻳ ﺪﻧﺩﺭﻮﺧ ﺍﺮﻧﺎﺷ ﻩﺪﻨﺧ ﺩﻭﺯ ﺎﻣﺍ ﻩﺪﻨﺧ (4,272)
" They laughed, but quickly suppressed
themselves ";
ﻥﺪﻴﺸﮐ kešidan verb 1) to pull; 2) stretch; 3) draw
(line, picture); 4) pulling pass (wire); 5) to take out;
6) disconnect to take 7) to himself attraction do not 8)
to measure; 9) squeeze; 10) put (food); 11) endure;
12) continue to reach, to stretch; 13) to six warm 14)
eat to go 15) along with the meaning of smoking, it is
also used in the following figurative sense:
یﺎﻗﺁ یﺭﺪﻴ ﺸﮐ ﺍﺮﻓﺮﺣﻩﺪﻴ ﻥﺩﺭﻮﺧ ﺍﺬﻏ ﻪﺑ ﺩﻮﺑ (4,255)
" Agoye Haydari turned the conversation to food
ﺍﺮﻀﻳﺮﻣ ﺎﺿﺭ ﻥﻭﺪﺑﺖﻳ ﺯ ﺵﺮﻫﻮﺷ ﺮﻳ ﻎﻴ ﺸﮐ یﺪﻴ (4,113)
" You brought the patient under the knife without
her husband's consent ";
ﻪﻧﻮﺧ ﺸﮐ ﺪﻨﮔ ﻪﺑ ﻭﺭیﺪﻴ (3,259)
" You smelled the whole house ";
ﻡﺪﻴﻨﺷ ﺯﺎﺑ ﻞﺧ ی ﺩﺭﻭﺁ ﺭﺩ ی ﺸﮐ ﻮﺘﮔﺭﺰﺑﺭﺩﺎﻣیﺪﻴ ﻪﺳﺭﺪﻣ ﻮﺗ
" I heard that you did something stupid and
brought your grandmother to school";
There are very few simple verbs whose meanings
do not grow from each other. Such a complex
relationship of verbs with one meaning is found
mainly among verbs with three or more meanings.
But such a relationship is also observed in the double-
meaning verb ﻥﺪﻴﺸﺨ baxšidan 1) to give, to give; 2)
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
means to forgive. The meaning of this verb can be
expressed as follows:
ﻖﺷ ﻫﺍﻮﺧ ﺕﺭﺬﻌﻣ ﺮﻫ ﺎﺑ ﻡﺩﻮﺑ ﻡﺮﻫﻮﺷ ﺶﻣﺪﻴﺸﺨﺒﻴ
" I loved my husband very much and I forgave
him every time he asked for forgiveness."
The relationship of the meanings of the verb
ﻦﺘﺴﮑﺷ šekastan can be expressed as follows:
1││→ 2 3
ﻦﺘﺴﮑﺷ šekastan
1) break (break), break (break); 2) break the
law; 3) disturb the peace;
4) drop in temperature;
The second and third meanings are based on the
first meaning. But the fourth meaning of this verb is
not observed to be related to any of the above
The meaning of the verb ﻥﺩﺎﺘﻓﺍ oftādan is
expressed as follows
1 │→ 2 3
4 │→ 5
ﻥﺩﺎﺘﻓﺍ oftādan
1) to fall; │→2) to fall; 3) to descend;
4) to miss; │→ 5) to lose;
Polysemy is widespread not only in nouns and
adjectives, but also in verbs, including simple verbs.
In Persian, simple verbs mean from two to ten. Most
of these are verbs with five or more meanings.
There are two types of relations of verbs that are
combined into one meaning: a) one is derived from
the other, b) one is not derived from the other. Many
polysemantic verbs have the first meaning
relationship. Sometimes the meanings of
polysemantic verbs reflect both relationships.
In the case of verbs whose meanings have grown from
each other, the following meanings are connected to
the first meaning one at a time or each of them is
connected independently.
The development of meaning in verb polysemy
follows two methods, the application method and the
transfer method. These two methods are almost equal
(sometimes the application method prevails). In verbs
with three or more meanings, progression by both
methods is also reflected.
In the polysemy of the verb, the main meaning and
the artificial meaning are also distinguished. In the
connection of one of three or more meanings, one can
talk about the primary meaning and the relative
meaning (artificial meaning).
In ambiguous verbs, the problem of primary meaning
and artificial meaning is solved very easily.
If the polysemantic verb does not create homonymy,
there is no room for controversy in defining the main
meaning. If a polysemantic verb creates homonymy,
different ideas can arise in determining the main
The meaning that is the basis for the main meaning
(or meanings) of the verb is called the main meaning,
regardless of whether it creates homonymy. We refer
to the meaning born with the development of the main
meaning as artificial meaning.
In verbs with three or more meanings, the main
meaning and artificial meaning are determined
differently. The primary meaning of the verb is the
primary meaning. The rest of the meanings are
artificial in relation to this meaning. But only if the
subsequent meanings have grown from the first
meaning, the relationship of meaning is two-stage
(primary meaning - artificial meanings).
If the meanings are connected to each other, the
meaning in the middle is a false meaning compared
to the previous meaning, and the main meaning is
compared to the next meaning. So, the meaning itself
grew out of another meaning and at the same time
became the ground for the development of a new
meaning. From this, it can be seen that the main
meaning is in the absolute situation and in the relative
In simple verbs, the primary meaning is usually the
correct meaning.
The meaning of a verb whose meanings have grown
from one another has two meanings: 1) if it has grown
by the method of transfer, it is called a portable
meaning, 2) it has moved by the method of
application if there is, it is evaluated as a gradual
(evolutionary) meaning.
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