Parde-ye panjare - window curtain; parde-ye ' aroq -
the difference between the tone of Iraq is very big.
These one of words to each other near near-meaning
signs don't care. This from each other long meaning
signs are homonyms. But in dictionaries of the word
this meaning amen as is not considered. Accurate
indicators for distinguishing differences between
homonyms with closeness of meaning in polysemous
words have not been developed. This topic is one of
the current problems in Persian lexicology that is
waiting for its solution is one (2,18).
Discussion. As a result of the analysis of the
examples, a similar problem was encountered in the
example of the verb ﻥﺩﺭﻮﺧ xordan 1) to eat; 2) to
drink; 3) to win; 4) mouth. to speak unintelligibly; 5)
to acquire; 6) sports. to lose 7) fall to the target; 8) to
crash; 9) to touch; 10) mouth. means to fit. In our
opinion, the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th meanings of
this verb are fundamentally different from its main
meaning, and it is appropriate to separate it as a
separate homonym, but this issue requires a separate
By analysing the meanings of words, it can be
observed that all words have a mono semantic
character at the initial stage. They are used to express
certain things and events. Later they are also used for
the purposes of expressing other objects and events.
As a result, further meanings of the words arise.
Formation of figurative meaning plays an
important role in the phenomenon of polysemy.
Transferred meanings arise in the process of
transferring the term of one category of reality to
another category of reality. For example: ﻮﻗﺎﭼی ﺩﻼﻓ ﻦﻳ
(čāqu-ye fulādin) – steel knife; ﺩﻻﻮﻓ ﻩﺩﺍﺭﺍ ﻦﻳ (erāde-ye
fulādin) – steel willed. Here, in the first combination,
" steel " is used literally, and in the second
combination, it is used figuratively, that is, in the
sense of " strong ", and " bending " (2,9).
Scientists divide the factors causing polysemy
into two. 1. Linguistic factor. 2. Non-linguistic
factor. They interpret the phenomena of ellipsis,
phonetic change of word form, and semantic kalka as
being formed with the help of linguistic factors.
In fact, if a component is omitted from the
composition of a language unit equal to a
compound, and the entire meaning is expressed
through the remaining part, this phenomenon is called
the ellipsis phenomenon.
In the phonetic change of the form of the word,
the word-former or form-former in the content of the
word is omitted during the speech process, but
nevertheless, the expected meaning emerges.
Linguistic factor using meaning to move next the
way semantic kalka is counted. Semantic kalka
method foreign from their languages is changing
words exactly translation will be done. This is a
translation in the language from time immemorial
used bride words _ at the expense of done is
increased. By itself _ newappearancer has been
word to the previous one relatively second meaning
being will remain.
It is also observed that a new meaning is formed
as a result of synonymous, antonymic, and paronymic
relations of words.
In general, various factors can serve as the basis
for the phenomenon of meaning transfer.
The change of meaning is the fact that the name
of an object (or event) later has the characteristic of
meaning another object or event.) is based on the
relationship between For example, the root meaning
of the breath lexeme is " air taken in and out of the
lungs ", but when you say take a deep breath, the
breath lexeme means " speech " and not " air ". and
express " intention ", because without breathing and
exhalation speech cannot be formed, and without
speech, thought-intention cannot be expressed:
breath, speech, thought-intention This is the
connection between the breath and the breath caused
the loss of meaning in the content of the lexeme.
The creation of new meaning by non-linguistic
method is carried out in 4 different ways.
1. Metaphor, 2. Metonymy, 3. Synecdoche. 4.
In the phenomenon of polysemy, special attention
is paid to the fact that, in the figurative sense, the
name of an object, event or event is transferred to
another similar object or event. As a result, an object,
or event, which does not have its own name in the
language, gets a new name and remains synonymous
with the previous name. The first of these is the
nominative, the second is the nominative.
A metaphor is a transfer of meaning based on the
similarity between an object or an event - events
(Latin metaphor means transfer).
Similarities between subjects can be based on
their various aspects.
For example: of a person's nose-geographical
nose, shirt _ the foot of the river skirt, the moon in
the sky is like the moon on the flag. This is the place
of subjects external in terms of similarities separately
importance given _ Also their _ internal similarities,
functional _ differences also based on meaning will
be moved. An example clean the shirt is clean man,
right the way is the right thing, my friend came - water
came like _
A metaphor method with meaning move _ event
noun, verb, adjective word in categories a lot occurs.
For example, attention let's give: gold fall, iron
discipline, steel will _ sweet talk, bitter the truth is
long conversation; conversation hot, hearty it got
cold, the conversation dragged on. Attention if given,
all in places similarity the first to the plan coming out
and metaphor to the body is bringing feel can _