One of the most pressing issues, according to our
nation's first president, I. Karimov, is the growth of
the tourist industry and the efficient exploitation of its
opportunities: “Tourism, in simple terms, means
understanding the world, understanding the world,
and at the same time going to the world stage...
Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Our cities like
Margilon, Shahrisabz and Khiva have a history of
2500-3000 years. This is a great spiritual wealth,
which can be turned into material wealth by
developing tourism.”
Travelers who are interested in the history,
culture, folklore, ethnography, archaeology, and
lifestyle of other people engage in cultural tourism. In
order to introduce tourists to the cultures of different
countries, local theatres and locations that showcase
folk and national art are given additional emphasis
during cultural tourism. Given that it's the greatest
opportunity to learn about the local way of life, some
visitors even go so far as to stay as guests in the homes
of locals.
Travelers that are interested in artifacts that have
been passed down to us from ancient people, such as
tombs, paintings, madrasas, mosques, working
equipment, dishes, coins, military weaponry,
buildings, castles, towns, and burials, engage in
historical tourism.
In Uzbekistan, there are plenty of chances for the
growth of historical and cultural tourism, and this
tourism's development advances Uzbekistan's foreign
policy. Our people's ties to other countries are
strengthened by the advancement of international
relations, which also provides a solid foundation for
the expansion of bilateral cooperation and the rise of
tourism in our country.
History teaching begins with the creation of
accurate images and representations of historical
Historical imagination and concepts are
inextricably linked with each other, concepts are
formed only when students have a sufficiently
complete and accurate idea of historical processes. As
a result of deepening students' imaginations in the
process of teaching history, the ground is created for
the formation of concepts. Concepts, in turn, help
enrich imaginations with content. Methodical
methods of generating imagination and concepts are
similar to each other in most cases.
In history teaching, the use of vivid and vivid
images is of great importance in forming a good
picture of social life in the past. It is necessary to
achieve this, that every historical fact, geographical
name and activity of the person described should be
figurative. Imagery is one of the necessary conditions
for the scientific thoroughness of students' knowledge
of history, prevention of modernization of historical
events, and an important means of creating the
necessary conditions for arousing interest in history
and analysing and summarizing historical facts. Here
is an example of analysing historical facts:
In history courses in schools, students are
consistently exposed to the development of society
from the earliest times to the present day.
Students will be armed with a scientific
understanding of development decisions based on the
examination and generalization of specific historical
facts and events.
In the process of teaching the subjects “History of
the Ancient World” and “History of Uzbekistan”, the
improvement of the mekhna of primitive people is
instilled into the minds of the students, how the
mekhna brought about changes in their lives.
As the historical process of development is
explained, they cannot imagine the life of primitive
people without a tool to show them. It is important to
explain the primitive period of human development
only by showing the monuments of this period or
using colour pictures.
In this regard, organizing an excursion to the
Museum of the History of Uzbekistan or other city
and district museums of geography will ensure
accurate and thorough thinking of the truth. The tour
guide introduces the stone tools of the Old Stone Age
found in Teshiktash cave, Oktash, Khujakent, Kui
Buzsuv settlements. He shows pictures of “hunting”
and “blacksmithing” where the people who lived at
this time spent their lives hunting, gathering fruits,
and finding roots. After that, the attention of the
visitors is drawn to the cut-out pictures of Teshiktash
and Oktash caves, as well as to the materials of the
12th-7th millennium BC. Attention is drawn to the
fact that at this time, a person knows how to make a
bow and arrow, and the first domestic animal, dogs,
hits him.
In conclusion, it should be said that visitors will
remember the life of ancient people and their working
tools in the museum of history for a lifetime. The
teacher gives the students abstract writing
assignments after they get back from the museum.
Some of the topics they are asked to write about are
"Changes in human life due to the improvement of
cocktail weapons" or "Cocktails create a person,"
"How did inequality among people arise?" and "The
role of nature in the improvement of people's life."
In the formation of historical imaginations, methods