Ummatali's life path is very complicated, his past is
tragic, but he does not stay in the whirlpool of
tragedies for a lifetime, he fights for the truth and sees
the celebration of the truth, the victory of honesty
over cruelty, albeit with difficulty. We will be a
witness. It is true that the life of a hero is not full of
joy and celebration, he never forgets the complexity
of life, that there are sad events as well as happy
events in life. y-true shows. At this point, it is worth
quoting the opinions of a literary scholar about the
image of Ummatali: "It seems that conflicts between
positive characters and negative characters are built
in the novel. The task assigned to the main character
Ummatali is not enough. In the composition of the
work, there is also ideological disunity" - Yakubov H
In our opinion, we cannot agree with this objection of
the literary scholar. When we observe Ummatali, one
of the leading characters in the novel, we see that the
writer gave many ideas and ideals in her image. In the
work, the events of Ummatali's life are described very
interestingly and convincingly. Ummatali's wife,
Kimmat Khan, is unfaithful and goes into perverted
ways, which is why Ummatali renounces her. Now
for Ummatali, her home and family are completely
alien, at this fragile moment she does not become
"noble" like the heroes of some works, she cannot
forgive the sin of "lost wife", the sensuality of youth
and the pride of humanity do not allow this. , he is
afraid of this place and leaves it completely, he finds
his personal happiness among kind people and builds
a beautiful family with Nafisa. Writer Ummatali's
attitude to work, his poetry is captured when he talks
about his work, the writer poeticizes the labour of
work and his work with great passion. In the work
chapter, the writer's hero is also a poet. He considers
work as creativity, his love for work is combined with
his love for the country, he burns with the desire to
enrich the table of the country, to turn the face of the
mother earth into a paradise, which is being forgotten.
He devotes his life to preserve, increase and restore
the wonderful traditions of our people in the field of
fruit growing. At this point, it is worth quoting the
recognition of literary scholar S. Mirvaliyev: "... the
writer praises and honours the positive qualities
characteristic of people of our time, and first of all he
tries to prove that they are natural, real people. For
this, the writer first of all shows them in the lap of
honourable work" - Mirvaliyev S (1969).
One more characteristic aspect of the writer should be
noted. When he creates images, he does not follow
the path of characterizing them superficially,
attaching the label "good" to them, but tries to reveal
their own "philosophy", "idea". This activity is often
revealed in the process of social work. So how did
Ummatali retrace his derailed life. In the play, it is
vividly revealed that the director of the state farm
Azimkhojayev had a great influence on Ummatali's
broken life. That is, the romantic enthusiasm, elation,
and the desire for innovation characteristic of
Azimkhojayev's image are realistically reflected in
the work. As described in the novel, Azimkhojayev is
a hardworking, humane, intelligent, selfless person
who works tirelessly on himself as a perfect person.
About this image, the writer himself says: "The image
of Azimkhojayev is presented in a slightly different
form. The exact prototype of this image is life today.
Will be our neighbor. His real name is Saidkhoja
Azamhojayev. At one time, he took a backward plot
and raised it to the level of the most advanced and
productive collective farm among the oblast's farms
thanks to his honourable work. In short, I want to
describe a man with a wide spiritual world, sharp
observation, active, humane, initiative, hardworking
employee, whose virtues and image are clear to you".
In the novel, the writer consistently revealed the
activities of the heroes, the moments of joy and happy
situations that happened in them, as well as the
moments of depression and difficult moments in their
psychology. In particular, Nafisa is a woman who
suffered a lot in life. He grew up as an orphan, and
when he was just trying to figure out his life, he met
the innocent Azam and fell into his trap, an oppressor
whose life was ruined. In the novel, Nafisa's delusions,
mistakes and delusions are convincingly described by
the author. Azam puts her through a lot of hard times,
humiliates her, tramples on her feminine sensuality,
takes her abroad and leaves her in isnad. After that,
Nafisa moves along the paths of life, but does not get
depressed, looks to the future with hope and
confidence and finds happiness among kind people
like Ummatali, with their help she can fix her
marriage. In the novel, the writer described
Ummatali's personal life with Nafisa’s complete,
sincere, unselfish love for human kindness with
special excitement and affection.
In the novel “Paradise Seekers” the theme of national
revival in foreign countries, striving for freedom
against colonialism is reflected in a wide and truthful
way. Drama in the novel is expressed not only in the
form of intense mental states, but also in the form of
conflicts between characters. In the novel "Paradise
Seekers", ideological rivals often cut each other's tails
by cunning, and throw stones at each other while
standing in shelters. The conflicts between Azam and
Koplonbek, Koplonbek and Haji, Haji and Clark
develop in the same way. At the same time, there are
open conflicts between the characters in the novel.