mysticism) created by our ancestors and contributed
to the development of world civilization for centuries.
Professor Najmiddin Komilov, an eminent scientist,
and doctor of philology, devoted his life to the fields
of science, education, and religious education in
Uzbekistan. N.Komilov took an active part in
spiritual reforms as a scholar with his articles on
national identity, national spirituality, and religious
values. The main task should be to rediscover his
spiritual treasure and bring it into the life of our
people: "Especially, after Uzbekistan gained
independence, Navoi became more dear and close to
us. After all, Navoi himself is a symbol of national
independence, national unity and national pride,
national self-awareness. The great poet fought for this
goal throughout his life, dedicated his life to it. With
his immortal works, he showed the power of the
Turkish language to the world and brought Uzbek
literature to the status of world literature. It was a
great courage, an incomparable service to the nation.
With the rich scientific heritage of the hard-working
scientist, doctor of philology, professor Najmiddin
Komilov - specific features of the literature of Eastern
and Western peoples, mutual literary relations,
comparative literary studies (comparative studies),
Sufism literature and Navoi studies, and the most
relevant topics of translation studies. is important.
Especially in the scientist's historical-philosophical,
moral-artistic, and logical observation, pieces of
evidence, and conclusions about the proper place and
share of the literature of Eastern and Western peoples
in the multi-thousand-year human civilization
(civilization) recognized by scientists. It is known
that the one-sided views of Eurocentrism
(Eurocentrism) dominated many times world science,
including world literature, and its negative
consequences, unfortunately, are still present today in
one or another sphere of world science and social life.
'y shows. While criticizing the one-sided views of
Eurocentrism that the world culture was created only
on the basis of the culture of Western nations,
Professor N. Komilov, with his deep thinking, broad
outlook, and logical conclusions in his scientific
research on Uzbek and world literary studies, the
study of Eastern and Western cultures, scientifically
justified its huge share in civilization. In his research,
the scientist praised the perspective of humanity, the
friendship between peoples, interethnic harmony,
justice, prejudice, sincerity, truthfulness, patriotism,
honesty, and universal ideals such as modesty,
decency, and scientific knowledge. Representatives
of Homer, Aristotle, Socrates, J. Boccaccio, V.
Shakespeare, Dante, and N.G. Chernyshevsky
studied the works of thinkers such as A. Beruni, Ibn
Sina, Al-Farghani, J. Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Hafiz
Shirazi, Fariduddin Attar, Alisher Navoi. The
scientist's scientific research in this regard was
published under the title "Tafakkur karvanlari" with
the foreword by the great literary critic and historical
scholar, doctor of philological sciences, Professor B.
Kasimov entitled "Nobility".
It is known that A. Palacios, M. Pidal, A. Arberry, I.
Krachkovskii, I. Orbeli, V. Zhirmunsky, I. S.
Braginsky, who studied Eastern and Western culture
and literature in world science, H.G. Scientists like
Korogli created major scientific taboos. In particular,
academician N. I. Konrad's "Zapad i Vostok" and
professor F. Sulaimanova's "East and West" are
among the most important fundamental studies. The
culture, literature, and art of the peoples of the East,
especially Central Asia, and the West are
comparatively studied, and their literary relations,
and issues of interaction are analyzed.
As one of the impartial, scientific thinking and
evidence-based studies in this context, it is necessary
to highlight the work of Najmiddin Komilov entitled
"Caravans of Thought" dedicated to the comparative
study of the culture, spirituality, literature, and art of
the peoples of the East and West. The main content of
this study is as follows, the share of Eastern and
Western peoples in the world civilization is equal, this
civilization was created based on many millennia of
cultural relations and interaction of mankind, in
which the peoples of all regions have a worthy
contribution. The research consists of the foreword by
Professor Begali Kasimov entitled "Asillik" and the
introduction entitled "East and West", chapters
entitled "From Homer to Beruni", "Ibn Sino and
Dante", "Boccaccio's Fairy of Inspiration",
"Khayomnoma", "Chernishevsky and the East".
consists of As can be seen from the introduction and
section names, the literature of Eastern and Western
nations is studied on the basis of comparative
Professor Najmiddin Komilov's profound scientific
observations and views in "Caravans of Thought"
indicate that the scientist is a scholar of the East and
the West. The scientist is a science of comparative
literary studies (comparative studies) formed in
Europe in the 19th century, a non-scientific study
influenced by the schools and French comparative
literary scholars such as Paul Azar, Georg Brandes,
Ferdinand Bruneter, Paul van Tieghem, and their
"Eurocentrism" ideas. analyzes their views. N.
Komilov criticizes the biased, unscientific views of
the European comparativist scientists that the world
civilization arose and is developing only based on the
European culture, and in his research, he emphasizes
the great contribution of Eastern culture to the world