the teacher makes adjustments to the lesson plan
based on the results of the lesson process. This form
of interaction is implemented in the person-oriented
education system
In this form, it implies not only the active
interaction between the teacher and the group of
students, but also the interaction between students.
Since the above-mentioned interaction is very
effective in the teaching process, it is called an
interactive form of teaching in the teaching
methodology. This form of teaching can be reflected
in the process of using “game technologies”, “project
methodology”, “problematic teaching” and other
Innovative pedagogical technologies can be
implemented maximally effectively if all the above-
mentioned forms of interaction between teachers and
students are harmoniously used in the course of the
lesson. The use of these methods and methods in a
specific situation in the teaching process, as well as
adherence to the balance between them, is one of the
first-level issues. The use of specific methods and
methods of teaching depends on the selected
pedagogical technologies and the level of training of
the teacher.
According to M.I. Makhmutov, “teaching
methods (tools, methods, information methods,
management and control of students' cognitive
activities), learning methods (tools, methods,
methods of mastering educational material,
productive and reproductive methods of learning and
self-control) and their interrelationship play great
role, “teaching methods” means the transformation of
teaching and learning goals at one or another stage of
teaching in the implementation of the goals of
teaching, upbringing and development of students
based on an orderly set of didactic methods and tools.
Modernization of pedagogical education has
created the need to create an effective and highly
functional mechanism.
Many educators around the world emphasize the
importance of project-based learning (PE) in the
learning of chemistry, both in and out of the classroom
[6]. Project-based learning allows students to acquire
and develop academic skills and content knowledge.
This educational approach provides students with the
skills necessary for future success and the personal
freedom needed to deal with critical life situations.
Meanwhile, various models and guides for PE have
been developed by experts and organizations in recent
years, designed to provide a common framework for
teacher development worldwide.
In order for any educational process to be effective, it
should be able to meet the interests and needs of the
learner. This applies to learners of all ages. Students
usually attend classes in order to learn new things,
learn new teaching methods and technologies, and
satisfy their professional needs. However, each
student's academic needs are different. This is a
natural state. A topic presented to 25 students
gathered in one audience may be interesting for
someone, meet the needs of someone, and not at all
useful for the rest. In the end, the student will not be
equally satisfied with the course. For this, it is
necessary to study the needs of students to improve
their inventive-methodical competence, to create an
individual inventive-methodical development
trajectory for each of them.
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