Spanish Skills for Tourist Guides: Enhancing Communicative
Abdunazar Kh. Juraev
, Munira Ch. Tuychieva
, Solikha A. Anorboyeva
Nilufar A. Sabirova
and Sojida S. Akhadova
Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Communicative Competence, Tourism, Guides, Speaking, Monolog, Matching, Vocabulary.
Abstract: This article underscores the significance of communicative competence among tourist guides in Uzbekistan,
a nation renowned for its allure along the Silk Road. With the recent decree by the Uzbekistani president
facilitating visa-free travel for tourists from over 100 countries, the role of tourist guides has become
increasingly pivotal. The newfound accessibility has rendered the profession more appealing and demanding
a higher level of proficiency. Within academic circles, particular emphasis is placed on equipping students
with proficiency in the Spanish language to meet the evolving demands of the tourism sector. Through this
article, we present the findings of our research, shedding light on the imperative need for effective
communication skills among tourist guides to cater to the growing influx of international visitors to
The global demand for proficiency in foreign
languages is steadily increasing, necessitating the
enhancement of lexical competence alongside other
skills. Despite being the most populous country in
Central Asia, Uzbekistan has seen a comparatively
modest number of students learning Spanish as a
foreign language in its universities. However,
initiatives such as teaching Spanish in educational
institutions worldwide, including the UK, USA, and
Russian MGIMO, highlight the growing importance
of Spanish language proficiency. Pedagogical
technologies, particularly online resources like "El
portal Español," play a significant role in fostering
communicative competence, with a focus on common
Spanish verbs. In Uzbekistan, reforms aimed at
nurturing well-rounded individuals stress the
importance of foreign language education and
communication skills. Collaborative efforts with
UNESCO and DGP Research & Consulting
underscore the commitment to higher education
development. This research aims to enhance students'
communicative competence in Spanish, aligning with
global trends and educational priorities.
The research involves examining a wide array of
literature spanning linguistic, psychological,
psycholinguistic, pedagogical, and methodological
domains. It focuses on investigating lexical
synonyms in Spanish through a comparative
typological approach. Additionally, it includes an
assessment of the current state of Spanish language
instruction through questionnaire surveys with
students and teachers, as well as observations of
teaching practices, tests, and the development of
instructional materials. An experiment is conducted
to evaluate the efficacy of proposed exercises, with
results analysed using mathematical statistics. The
objective is to enhance the teaching of synonyms
Juraev, A., Tuychieva, M., Anorboyeva, S., Sabirova, N. and Akhadova, S.
Spanish Skills for Tourist Guides: Enhancing Communicative Competence.
DOI: 10.5220/0012987700003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1604-1607
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
among students at a higher educational institution,
while the subject pertains to refining the meaning,
form, methods, and tools for communicative
competence development, particularly through
synonyms, among Spanish language learners as a
second foreign language.
The research utilises various methods including
theoretical, diagnostic, and pedagogical experiments,
along with mathematical tools for statistical analysis.
Key findings include revealing lexical concept
relationships between Spanish and Uzbek,
determining typological difficulties in using Spanish
synonyms, and enhancing didactic support for
synonym usage.
Reliability is established through theoretical
frameworks, methodological tools, and practical
applications, validating the research outcomes.
The significance lies in improving students'
communication skills in Spanish through developed
exercises and recommendations for text drafting and
oral speech enhancement.
Exploring communicative competence reveals its
importance in foreign language teaching theory and
practice, stemming from linguistic theories of
Chomsky and Saussure to Hymes' introduction of
communicative competence.
In Uzbekistan, students improve their Spanish
communicative competence through vocabulary-
based text composition and dictionary usage, yet the
development of oral speech remains underexplored.
Linguistic competence development criteria,
including lexical competence, are outlined in state
education standards, underlining the importance of
synonyms in language learning.
Understanding synonymy aids in choosing precise
concepts in conversation, enhancing communication
skills, with absolute and partial synonyms playing
distinct roles in language acquisition
Methods of Teaching Synonyms:
Overview: The chapter outlines areas of
teaching synonyms, difficulties in
assimilation, technology integration, and
lexical exercises.
Concepts: Describes concepts of
independence, correspondence, and partial
correspondence in Spanish and Uzbek.
Interpretation: Illustrates cases of
complete coincidence, partial coincidence,
and complete difference between Spanish
and Uzbek concepts.
Synonym Selection and Teaching:
Selection Process: Highlights the selection
of common synonyms from Spanish speech,
with a focus on verbs.
Complexity: Identifies verbs as the most
challenging aspect of learning Spanish
Learning Stages: Describes a two-stage
process for presenting and practicing
vocabulary, considering lexical skills.
Assimilation and Exercise Design:
Vocabulary Groups: Categorizes Spanish
vocabulary into easy, relatively difficult, and
difficult groups for exercises.
Exercise Structure: Explains exercises for
real vocabulary assimilation, receptive and
reproductive skills, and various lexical units.
Implementation: Discusses in-class and at-
home exercise formats and the importance
of repetition.
Interference and Learning Difficulties:
Typological Analysis: Analyzes lexical
synonyms and identifies interference points
between Spanish and Uzbek.
Challenges: Details difficulties in phonetic-
graphic connections, meaning, grammatical
forms, and correct usage.
Resolution: Proposes addressing
interference through systematic vocabulary
Experimental Study on Communication
Purpose: Defines practical aims including
vocabulary's role in communication skill
Implementation: Details organization,
analysis, and discussion with students and
teachers across multiple universities.
Challenges: Notes difficulties due to limited
synonyms in textbooks and manuals.
Quantitative Analysis of Student
Pre-Experiment Analysis: Evaluates
speaking skills before the experiment in
control and experimental groups.
Spanish Skills for Tourist Guides: Enhancing Communicative Competence
Post-Experiment Analysis: Compares
speaking skills six months after the
experiment in both groups.
Final Sample Analysis: Examines speaking
skills at the end of the experiment for
conclusive insights.
Outcome and Effectiveness:
Results: Show improvement in speaking
skills among students in the experimental
group post-experiment.
Conclusions: Attribute effectiveness to
modern teaching technologies and
Implications: Suggests positive impact on
communication skills through systematic
vocabulary exercises.
The research underscores the pressing need to address
the challenges inherent in teaching Spanish
vocabulary, a crucial aspect in enhancing students'
communicative competence. By analysing classroom
dynamics, pre- and post-experiment assessments, and
educational materials, it becomes evident that a
tailored curriculum, aligned with CEFR standards, is
essential. The study reveals that students' proficiency
in Spanish significantly increases through targeted
vocabulary exercises, emphasizing the importance of
a systematic approach to vocabulary acquisition.
Moreover, the integration of synonyms as a
pedagogical tool proves to be highly effective,
fostering linguistic sensitivity and expanding
students' lexical repertoire.
The findings highlight the significance of macro
comparative analysis in language teaching,
particularly in comparing the lexical systems of
Spanish and Uzbek. This approach not only enhances
students' understanding of linguistic nuances but also
facilitates cross-cultural communication. The
experimental experience validates the efficacy of
developed exercises in enhancing students' speaking
and writing skills in Spanish. Through consistent
practice with synonyms and other linguistic exercises,
students demonstrate marked improvements in their
ability to articulate ideas fluently and accurately.
Furthermore, the study unveils the pivotal role of
active teaching methods, such as role-playing and
design games, in bolstering interest and proficiency
in the Spanish language. These interactive approaches
not only engage students actively in the learning
process but also provide practical opportunities for
them to apply their language skills in authentic
contexts. Importantly, the research identifies a
growing interest among students and educators in
mastering Spanish, driven by its status as the second
most spoken language globally. This underscores the
increasing importance of Spanish proficiency in
Uzbekistan's educational landscape, reflecting
broader trends in globalization and intercultural
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Spanish Skills for Tourist Guides: Enhancing Communicative Competence