because the same word can appear in different
syntactic forms. While Kurilovich considers syntactic
derivation to be related to important words,
Starodumova argues that a similar phenomenon
occurs in the field of auxiliary words
(Starodumovada, 2002).
English sources also point out that poly-
functionality is difficult to detect. Even linguistic
dictionaries such as the famous Brown and Miller
have no explanation for this term. N. Chancharu notes
that most of the authors who have used “multi-
functionality” do not dare to define it, and some
definitions are not enough. He put forward the
following definition: “poly-functionality is a
linguistic phenomenon in which one form has more
than one meaning. The meanings of poly-functional
units belong to more than one syntactic category.
Along with poly-functionality, the term “multi-
functionality” is found in the work of some linguists.
In particular, Lefebvre states that “a lexical element
that performs several grammatical functions is
multifunctional”. The term poly-functional and
multifunctional is used synonymously.
Based on research on poly-functionality in the
traditional direction of Uzbek linguistics, we will try
to solve the problem of poly-functional words for the
semantic analyzer linguistically, highlighting the
importance of localization in the filtering of such
words, highlighting the linguistic factors in the
semantic filtering of poly-functional words in the
Linguistic factors of poly-functional word
differentiation. In the process of analyzing the
existing work on poly-functional words in Uzbek
linguistics, it was concluded that the word belongs to
different groups with the series that occur in the
sentence and the function it performs: its series and
syntactic function take place within the sentence.
The development of languages indicates the
semantic-functional development of the word, which
is the central unit of its meaning, the need to apply the
popular trinity (semantic-morphological-syntactic)
criterion to each word or group of words in the
classification of polysemous, poly-functional and
homonymous words. . It is not correct to evaluate this
criterion as a perfect measure of word classification
and to treat it as always a “magic wand”. The criterion
is pragmatic. This pragmatism is manifested directly
in the context of the context. Because the analysis and
classification of language units using grammatical
rules is not always justified. As a language creator,
the interaction of linguistic and pragmatic factors
should not be overlooked for the realization of
language tools. In the analysis of poly-functional
words, which is the object of research, in addition to
linguistic factors, the speech situation, the importance
of the word environment should be taken into account.
Therefore, as noted by A. Botirova, “the semantic-
syntactic aspect of poly-functional words in the
Uzbek language from the point of view of
categorization is one of the most pressing problems in
our linguistics” (Botirova, 2018).
We observed mutually exclusive phenomena
when separating poly-functional words from ADUL
(Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language). That
is, although a word has a poly-functional character, it
is interpreted as a polysemous word (blind, deaf, sick,
healthy, emerald, steel). This is due to the lack of a
unified solution for the definition of poly-functional
words and the versatility of the word. It seems that the
change in the functional possibilities of word groups
has been one of the central problems of formal and
structural linguistics as a semantic-syntactic
development of a linguistic sign. The fact that the
expansion of word meanings can range from
polysemy to homonymy through poly-functionality
today raises the need not only to improve
grammatical interpretations and reform the teaching
of grammatical events in line with objective reality,
but also to reconsider lexicographic interpretations.
In order to observe the nature of positional
morphemes, Sh. Hamroeva cites the meanings of the
words zumrad, po‘lat, qum from the dictionary,
noting that the first meaning of these words is
material-mineral nouns, the second meaning is
adjective. The researcher concludes that these words
are positional morphemes, their meaning is realized
in the context of words in the text, and notes that the
differentiation of the meaning of such morphemes
takes place at the stage of semantic analysis.
Researcher U. Kholiyorov in the process of
forming the initial base of the morphological lexicon
of the Uzbek language found the following: word
groups in the Uzbek language have the following
There are 22599 nouns, 7172 adjectives, 3949
verbs, 1856 prepositions, 800 imitation words, 244
prepositional words, 182 rhymes, 132 modal words,
108 poly-functional words, 106 auxiliaries, 52
conjunctions, 45 prepositions, 30 numerals; the total
number of lexemes is 37,282. The author identified
108 poly-functional words.
The "Dictionary of Uzbek borrowed accented
words" prepared by the team of authors contains
Polyfunctional Words: Semantic Analysis and Interpretation