use of both methods that separate each other is
ineffective. Based on this, the general direction of this
method can be expressed as a process from the form
of a work of art to the training of aesthetic reaction
and its general laws through the functional analysis of
its elements and structure.
As it turned out, an important feature of any element
in a work of art is associated with the emotional
attitude that arises from the reader. A necessary
aspect of the problem under consideration is to
familiarize the reader with the art. For many of them,
this connection is found in literature lessons, where
there is a need for aesthetic and aesthetic activities in
In our opinion, the content of aesthetic activity is
always a process of getting out of meaning. When
contacting a work of art, a task should be created that
contributes to the emergence of an emotional
reaction, and a response - generalization, an answer -
disclosure of personal meaning.
Comparison of literary phenomena allows you to
eliminate emotionality, indifference and slander,
stimulate, generalize reactions, reveal the meaning
provided for various authors and different readers.
When organizing work to identify and study relations
between national and world literature, the school
cannot take into account the age characteristics of
students. It is no coincidence that Binobarin, middle
school students often ask the question "why?," ask
about the sufficiency and validity of the supposed
concepts. Adolescents are an important stage in the
development of mental abilities. The thinking
activities of secondary school students are
independent. They trace the desire for generalization,
the search for general principles and laws behind
specific facts.
The period of secondary education is important in the
formation of analytical skills of students, since the
level of knowledge of children of this age is
insufficient, as in high school. Adolescents are
characterized by their own characteristics: activity,
insufficient understanding of the specific and
historical conditions in which the described events
took place, lack of life experience. So, there is always
an objective psychological impossibility of a direct
interpretation of realities, stability in aesthetic
assessment, solidarity with some types of human
experience. Therefore, high school students tend to
look for a path without defeat.
The development of the mind in adolescence is
closely related to the development of creative
abilities, including not only the development of data,
but also the manifestation of intellectual initiative and
the creation of something new. When explaining to
high school students about cultural ties, a certain folk
life should be studied in close cooperation with the
literature of this people, in this process it should be
brought to reflect the features of world literature.
Comparative study of literary connections and
literary influence is a common didactic method and
mental operation by which similarity and differences
things and phenomena can be determined,
resulting in a positive effect at all stages of education.
The psychological and pedagogical justification of
the comparison creates the basis for its operational
side, work with various materials.
Fiction is intended to describe not the decoration of
the life of the nation that seems exotic to others, but
the inner world, which reflects the most sacred lands
characteristic of the population of the nation. As for
the nation, it exists in the world of the psyche. As you
know, you cannot defeat a person with a strong spirit.
It can be physically destroyed, but it is impossible to
break and return out of the way. If this spirit belongs
to the whole nation, it becomes a powerful
insurmountable force.
Fiction differs from other spheres of social thinking
in that this irresistible force has the ability to indicate
the side of manifestation in each individual person.
Because for fiction, it is not the case that happened in
society that is important, but the spirit of the
individuals who took part in this event. As the
methodologist K. Yuldoshev noted in this regard,
"Literature is an art form that has unequal
opportunities to reflect the spirit of an individual
person. Because any people are made up of
individuals, their literature clearly shows the
peculiarities inherent in the spirit of a particular
Indeed, literature that can describe the
unique spirit of individuals has a high status in human
Literature collects rich cultural and spiritual values
of different eras, therefore it occupies a special place
in acquaintance with national and world culture.
Literate and intensive reading of works of art is
formed among students, mainly from school years. In
modern education, students are required not only to
tie the work studied to life, but also to compare it with
other works. As a result, the student forms ideas about
the surrounding world and a holistic worldview, the
ability to analyze general and particular aspects in the
essence of events is acquired.
In this regard, R. Niozmetova noted: "On the example
of life, the literary fate of the heroes depicted in the
literary work, readers (students) express social and
aesthetic relations between people... However, the
description of dialogue with the personalities of
different areas of life is reflected in fiction as part of