Methods of Comparative Analysis in the Study of Samples of Uzbek
and World Literature
Nurjan Abduvalitov
, Ergash Abduvalitov
and Baurjan Sayfullaev
Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Fiction, Comparative Training, Functional Analysis, Psychology of Creativity, Organic Relations,
Universality, Functionality, Generalizability, Compactness, Unity o Artistic Consciousness, Analytical Skills.
Abstract: This article examined the question of scientific and theoretical justification of the method of comparative
analysis of the study of Uzbek literature in combination with world literature. The issues of studying world
and Uzbek literature in harmony are also widely covered, on the one hand, students' mastering in organic
relations the most striking examples of world literature, on the other hand, the insufficient methodological
development of the problem of comparative study of Uzbek and foreign literature.
In recent years, the integration method of
comparative study of national and world literature has
been developing, since the identification of
multilateral dialectical ties between literature, other
types of artistic creativity and social activities can
enrich teaching with new pedagogical solutions.
Fiction develops in connection with the laws of
the development of social consciousness. Therefore,
the main methodological provisions characterizing
the interaction of literature - one of the main
phenomena of verbal art, are included in the
categories of philosophy, literary criticism,
psychology, pedagogy. The category of interaction of
literature is based on the general philosophical
category. The category of interaction is the most
important methodological principles of natural and
social phenomena. The general philosophical
meaning of the category of interaction is determined
by its ability to "explain the essence of the universal
human cause," which contains the idea of the literary
necessity of movement, which is the source of the
manifestation of the features of matter. Interaction is
the unity of artistic consciousness and the variety of
forms of expression.
The characteristic features of the manifestation of
interaction in artistic reflection are, first of all, the
personal reflection of reality, equally dependent on
the change in the object of artistic reflection and the
object under the influence of force. When studying
the interaction of literature, it is important to clarify
the features and essence of artistic reflection, since in
this process the essence of the interaction between the
reader and the work of art is revealed.
The problem of students' perception of a work of art
requires solving two problems. This is an objective
analysis of the text of a work of art and an objective
analysis of human feelings. In addition, these
problems provide for the consideration of all
literature in a broader framework. There are two such
approaches here: an objective analysis of the texts to
be compared and an analysis of the feelings resulting
from such a comparison in the reader.
The psychological study of literature is carried out in
one of these two directions. At the same time, firstly,
the psychology of the creator is analyzed in
connection with how it is expressed in a particular
work, and secondly, the experience of the reader
accepting this work is provided. In our opinion, the
Abduvalitov, N., Abduvalitov, E. and Sayfullaev, B.
Methods of Comparative Analysis in the Study of Samples of Uzbek and World Literature.
DOI: 10.5220/0012989500003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1649-1656
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
use of both methods that separate each other is
ineffective. Based on this, the general direction of this
method can be expressed as a process from the form
of a work of art to the training of aesthetic reaction
and its general laws through the functional analysis of
its elements and structure.
As it turned out, an important feature of any element
in a work of art is associated with the emotional
attitude that arises from the reader. A necessary
aspect of the problem under consideration is to
familiarize the reader with the art. For many of them,
this connection is found in literature lessons, where
there is a need for aesthetic and aesthetic activities in
In our opinion, the content of aesthetic activity is
always a process of getting out of meaning. When
contacting a work of art, a task should be created that
contributes to the emergence of an emotional
reaction, and a response - generalization, an answer -
disclosure of personal meaning.
Comparison of literary phenomena allows you to
eliminate emotionality, indifference and slander,
stimulate, generalize reactions, reveal the meaning
provided for various authors and different readers.
When organizing work to identify and study relations
between national and world literature, the school
cannot take into account the age characteristics of
students. It is no coincidence that Binobarin, middle
school students often ask the question "why?," ask
about the sufficiency and validity of the supposed
concepts. Adolescents are an important stage in the
development of mental abilities. The thinking
activities of secondary school students are
independent. They trace the desire for generalization,
the search for general principles and laws behind
specific facts.
The period of secondary education is important in the
formation of analytical skills of students, since the
level of knowledge of children of this age is
insufficient, as in high school. Adolescents are
characterized by their own characteristics: activity,
insufficient understanding of the specific and
historical conditions in which the described events
took place, lack of life experience. So, there is always
an objective psychological impossibility of a direct
interpretation of realities, stability in aesthetic
assessment, solidarity with some types of human
experience. Therefore, high school students tend to
look for a path without defeat.
The development of the mind in adolescence is
closely related to the development of creative
abilities, including not only the development of data,
but also the manifestation of intellectual initiative and
the creation of something new. When explaining to
high school students about cultural ties, a certain folk
life should be studied in close cooperation with the
literature of this people, in this process it should be
brought to reflect the features of world literature.
Comparative study of literary connections and
literary influence is a common didactic method and
mental operation by which similarity and differences
things and phenomena can be determined,
resulting in a positive effect at all stages of education.
The psychological and pedagogical justification of
the comparison creates the basis for its operational
side, work with various materials.
Fiction is intended to describe not the decoration of
the life of the nation that seems exotic to others, but
the inner world, which reflects the most sacred lands
characteristic of the population of the nation. As for
the nation, it exists in the world of the psyche. As you
know, you cannot defeat a person with a strong spirit.
It can be physically destroyed, but it is impossible to
break and return out of the way. If this spirit belongs
to the whole nation, it becomes a powerful
insurmountable force.
Fiction differs from other spheres of social thinking
in that this irresistible force has the ability to indicate
the side of manifestation in each individual person.
Because for fiction, it is not the case that happened in
society that is important, but the spirit of the
individuals who took part in this event. As the
methodologist K. Yuldoshev noted in this regard,
"Literature is an art form that has unequal
opportunities to reflect the spirit of an individual
person. Because any people are made up of
individuals, their literature clearly shows the
peculiarities inherent in the spirit of a particular
Indeed, literature that can describe the
unique spirit of individuals has a high status in human
Literature collects rich cultural and spiritual values
of different eras, therefore it occupies a special place
in acquaintance with national and world culture.
Literate and intensive reading of works of art is
formed among students, mainly from school years. In
modern education, students are required not only to
tie the work studied to life, but also to compare it with
other works. As a result, the student forms ideas about
the surrounding world and a holistic worldview, the
ability to analyze general and particular aspects in the
essence of events is acquired.
In this regard, R. Niozmetova noted: "On the example
of life, the literary fate of the heroes depicted in the
literary work, readers (students) express social and
aesthetic relations between people... However, the
description of dialogue with the personalities of
different areas of life is reflected in fiction as part of
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
a generalization of the qualities characteristic of each
person, and in the future many works are devoted to
these issues, which indicates that the feelings inherent
in people are ultimately beauty. "
Today, attention is increasing to strengthening the
sense of self-awareness in the hearts of students, the
issue of preserving their national characteristics and
on this basis mastering the advanced aspects of world
culture is being raised. In this regard, the creation of
conditions for the study of Uzbek and world literature
in the relationship and the introduction of effective
methods is required in secondary schools. The
combination and comparative study of national and
world literature can be considered the optimal way to
teach literature in general education schools.
The formation of universal values in the education
of a spiritually mature person requires a revision of a
number of principles in the process of literary
education. The formation of the artistic language of
students, the development of spiritual values is
encouraged through familiarization with Uzbek and
world literature. Understanding similar phenomena in
Uzbek and world literature will lead to an
understanding of a single literary process.
The study of Uzbek literature in combination with
world literature is closely related to the scientific and
theoretical justification of the method of comparative
analysis. This problem creates the basis for special
surveys due to the lack of methodological materials at
the reference level. In most theoretical and
methodological surveys, opinions are still
contradictory that the problem of studying the
literature of Uzbek and other peoples in connectivity
has been solved.
The question of the study of world and Uzbek
literature in continuity is connected, on the one hand,
with the mastering by students in organic relations of
the most striking examples of world literature, on the
other hand, with the insufficient methodological
development of the problem of comparative study of
Uzbek and foreign literature. The basis for the study
of Uzbek literature in connection with world literature
is not only literary connections or typological
rapprochements, but also a whole methodology of
comparative historical literary criticism. In the
dynamics of literary education for middle and high
schools, the need to create systemic instructions
before studying language relations became clear.
In his youth, the desire to specify methodological
directions, the study of the artistic word in art schools,
the unity of the world literary process associated with
interlanguage relations and correspondence in the
national literature of various peoples, corresponds to
the most modern concepts of the study of interethnic
literary relations.
The study of Uzbek literature in connection with
world literature will allow studying specific historical
conditions, national features and general laws of the
literary process. Teaching methodology, theoretical
justification of principles and ways of formation of
skills of independent comparative analysis of literary
phenomena in students (works of art, authors,
methods, etc.), at the same time it is advisable to take
into account age and comparable opportunities,
interests of students.
Comparative analysis is considered as a criterion for
the formation of skills and qualifications of students:
1) determination of psychological and pedagogical
conditions for using the comparison method in
literary analysis, as well as the psychological and
pedagogical impact of comparison as a stimulating
factor for independent educational activities of
2) identification of authors of Uzbek and world
literature and their works of fiction, the use of which
is effective;
3) implementation of the concept of comparative
study of the literature in terms of duality, taking into
account development factors;
4) determination of methods within the framework of
the comparison method and their application in the
study of the relationship between national and world
literature in the educational process;
5) coverage of the content in students of the technique
of forming ideas about the unity of the literary
process, artistry, writer's style;
6) development of a system of creative tasks for
comparison, analysis and perception of samples of
Uzbek and world literature;
The concept of creativity, educational (didactic)
analysis aimed at understanding the semantic layers
of the text, gives a result that was made on the basis
of effective approaches in literary education. These
approaches include the comparison method.
Comparative analysis is an effective tool for ensuring
the interaction of the literature.
The theory of using the method of comparative
analysis was developed by Russian scientists N.A.
Sobolev, N.I. Kudryashev, A.K. Kiselev, S.S.
Raspopova, O.I. Tareva. In particular, in the study of
N.A. Sobolev, the content of the comparison of the
method is aimed at a specific goal; at the base of
worthwhile and important features, based on logical
sequence, as well as an explanation of similarities and
The Russian methodologist S. Raspopova will put
forward the idea of creating an integral and suitable
Methods of Comparative Analysis in the Study of Samples of Uzbek and World Literature
system of literary education for schoolchildren to
study the literature of different peoples. Comparative
study of literature of different peoples will make it
possible to understand the unity of both national and
universal human values, to understand the general
criteria of moral, aesthetic, spiritual education and a
whole literary phenomenon.
The question of comparative analysis in the field of
teaching methods of Uzbek literature has been studied
in the direction of research topics of such scientists,
as M.Mirkosimova, K.Yuldosheva, K.Husanbaeva,
E.Abduvalitov. In particular, in the research work of
M.Mirkosimova on the formation and improvement
of the qualifications of literary analysis of students is
noted, that as part of a comparative study of works
created by different creators or individual writers, the
stages of their creativity growth will be identified,
color methods will be studied, the opportunity to get
acquainted with the creative process will be created.
The requirements of this method of comparative
analysis are:
1. First check that the work to be compared has been
read by students;
2. Drawing up a plan for organizing a lesson with the
study of the available opinions of students;
3. The teacher's ability to directly and targeted choose
important and acceptable episodes, dialogues, images
from works on the basis of which comparative
analysis is supposed, preparation of lecture
development, sending students for analysis;
4. How to use the comparative analysis method
during the lesson, the teacher clearly defines from the
very beginning.
– адабий асарни санъатнинг бошқа турлари билан
солиштириш кабилар
Methodologist K. Yuldoshev, relying on many years
of observations in comparison, noted that this
approach identified previously unexplained edges of
the text, expands the scale of comparable objects,
goes beyond the text of the work, images and their
prototypes, realism and expressiveness, the attitude of
critics to this bitics, this work speaking about the
coverage by aesthetic creatures of such aspects as
their typology, concludes:
- compare a work of art with its life basis, and images
- with prototypes;
- comparison of different versions of the work and
different editions;
- compare elements such as images, canvases,
landscapes and portrait images in a work of art;
- comparison of bits of different literatures or
individual elements in different works;
- comparison of views of different scientists on the
basis of one work;
- comparison of a certain work of one writer with
other bits of this author;
- comparison of works of different genres;
- compare a literary work with other types of art.
In the research of K. Husanbaeva on teaching students
independent thinking, the method of comparing new
knowledge is assessed as a comparison with previous
ones, as a type of independent study of new concepts.
"Based on the comparison of topics, it is very difficult
to choose educational material as a teacher, as well as
to occupy it with students. The reason is that this
method is always used in various situations,
situations. Comparative mastering of complex topics
will require ten who are not worried about gaining
knowledge, and then thought violence". The study
mainly focuses on the comparative study of the
images of the heroes of the work.
In the research work of E. Abduvalitov, devoted to
the study of the literature of fraternal peoples in close
contact with national literature, the essence of the
concept of
comparative study of literature or
comparative studies in literary criticism gives the
following conclusions: comparative study of
literature, but not the same phenomenon.
Comparative study of the literature of fraternal
peoples involves activities in accordance with
pedagogical logic. The essence of the works
compared in comparative studies is checked from a
philological point of view, and when comparative
study of the literature of fraternal peoples through a
comparative analysis of the studied works, students
form certain spiritual qualities”.
Author's style and skill of comparative study of
samples of Uzbek and world literature in the research
of S. Kambarova on the organization of independent
training; objectivity in the image of historical
conditions, events and artistic reality; the uniqueness
of the character of the heroes, or a certain continuity
in the presentation of landscapes of the historical and
social period. In particular, in the 6th grade, an
excerpt from P. Kodirov's work "Starry Nights" by
the German writer F. Würtlen "The Prince of
Andijan" was analyzed in terms of the character of the
heroes, historical conditions; In the 7th grade, the
theme and ideological proximity of N. Narkobilov's
work "Wild Horse" in the book "A wolf roamed the
valley" will be analyzed: problems of freedom and
courage, dedication and fidelity at the heart of the
actions of Horse and Wolf Chungalak.
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Our country has long been one of the centers of
mutual dialogue and exchange of experience between
various peoples and nations in the social, cultural and
economic spheres. This, in turn, may indicate the
spread of Uzbek literature, art and culture at the world
level and the occupation of its worthy place, or that
literature and culture of peoples influenced the
national thinking and spirituality of our people. The
study of the spiritual heritage of the peoples of the
world provides a basis for assessing and comparing
the possibilities of national literature. Experiments
and directions in the literature of the peoples of the
world are synthesized by the traditions of other
peoples, which also leads to the enrichment of
national literature and the improvement of the scale
of the image. Thus, any literary influence along with
the national traditions of a certain people and the
individualization of the creator is a phenomenon
based on rebirth, partially updates. These aspects are
especially noticeable on the example of wallets in the
plot of samples of world and Uzbek folklore.
Similarities in the plot of motifs or works
concerning a certain creative life are often found in
the oral and written literature of the peoples of the
world, including the Uzbek people. This is important
for the study of important signs of the biography or
creativity of the writer. For example, in the 5th grade
of secondary schools, a number of stories by the
famous Greek Freeman Aesop, which opened the
eyes of the author's artistic accent "I," allow you to
compare the plot of Uzbek folk tales or legends
common among the people. For example, it will be
possible to study Aesop's biography in accordance
with the following stories:
"When Aesop's master Xanthe orders him to buy
the most amazing thing in the world, he buys the
tongue of a pig. Roasts the tongue, roasts and cooks
in place of the snack.
When he asked: "What could be better and better
than language? After all, the whole world of
philosophy and science does not rely on language?
Without language, nothing can be done - neither get,
nor give, nor buy. Rules, laws, regulations in the state
- all because of language. The basis of our lives is
language. There's nothing like language in the world.'
The next day, when they ordered to make dishes
from the worst, Aesop prepares the tongue again. "Is
there anything in the world other than language?
Language brings
us scandals, intrigues, liars,
screams, envy, conflict, war: what else could be
worse than language?".
During the reviews, it became known that the
students are familiar with both Aesop's personality
and other plot works that correspond to the
worldview. In particular, in the legends of the ruler of
Lukmoni, famous for wisdom and wisdom among the
peoples of the East, when asked by his master, he
replied: "The sweetest meat is meat, heart, and
language", the received answers was that his words
will be narrated.
The national features of the creating people are
not only interdisciplinary similarities, but also the
teacher's instructions on the extent to which
differences in work, their beliefs, way of thinking,
dreams and important problems for that time are
reflected. - the expression of creativity, style and
poetic features of the work, as well as to a certain
extent the system of state management, the spiritual
appearance of the members of society will serve as
the basis for reading the fact that several centuries ago
everyone was in the spotlight. For example, in the
Eastern European fairy tale "Language and Heart," it
is noted that the interpretation of moral problems is
covered as follows:
"A man bought Lukman and persuaded to serve
him, testing his knowledge and wisdom from time to
time. One day by way of interrogation he ordered:
- Hey Lukman, kill for me a sheep and bring me
the best part.
"All right,”- said Lukman and killed the sheep,
and put its tongue and heart to his master.
After a significant period, the holder called him
again and said:
- Hey Lukman, kill for me a sheep and bring me
the worst part.
Lukman killed the sheep and raised its heart again
with its tongue.
Holder said:
- Why did you raise its tongue and heart even if I
ask the best part of the sheep?
Lukman said:
- Hey Holder, if it is pure, then nothing is better
than tongue and heart. If it is not pure, nothing is
worse than them ".
Apparently, the fairy tale clearly shows that our
ancestors did not ignore not only one-sided, but also
mutually exclusive features.
We can say that the works of different peoples
allow us to assess their vision in the literature of
peoples that differ in time and territory, in the form of
nomads in the plot, and in the other - testify to the
existing typological similarity between the works.
Thus, the roots of thinking in folklore works in a
certain sense serve as the basis for saying that they
Methods of Comparative Analysis in the Study of Samples of Uzbek and World Literature
arose as a result of interaction between different
If esoponic approaches can be regarded as a
phenomenon of creative feeding from the folklore of
the peoples of the world (a combination with the plot
of questions in Kalil and Dimna), then, on the other
hand, based on the plot characteristic of his work is
also a tradition in the work of writers of different
peoples. For example, in Uzbek literature, this
character can be traced in the works of Gulkhani. It is
noteworthy that in the work of Gulkhani, following
the Aesopian traditions will differ from the other in
the image of a system of images, the author's goal,
ideas. The question of exit plots in the 6th grade also
creates the conditions for comparisons when studying
Gulkhani's work "Zarbulmasal."
The event of the fruitful use of folklore traditions
faces a number of questions of Aesop's work. In
particular, when comparing Aesop's "Eagle, crown
and shepherd" with the Indian folk epic "Kalila and
Dimna," the language of the work, the system of
images or harmony in the conclusions will be
analyzed. Let's pay attention to the following
From the question "Eagle, crown and shepherd".
Eagle, brutally landed from a high crown, overturned
the lamb. Crown watched this, burned with envy and
came to him. Crown brazenly went and rushed into
the ravine: the paws wrapped in thick wool, failed to
take off or escape. Shepherd, seeing him eating in his
heart, immediately grabbed him: shaved his wings
and brought him to the children to drown himself.
When asked "What kind of bird is this?" the shepherd
replied: "I know what it is, but he considers himself a
At last, I'll mark you by lot and you can't do
anything if you laugh”.
From “Kalila and Dimna”:
'There was one washer. Every day he saw a
laundry room in the water lip and one eye that held
worms and sand in that water. One day, one lochin
grabbed a thick porridge and threw away leftover
meat. Looking at this, he said to himself: "- This bird
catches large birds with a small dwarf, and I go with
this form and admiration to small things. Now try to
catch more courgettes, heels.
At that point, one courgette wanted to sink into its
lip and the eye bounced off it. However, Pigeon flew
out from the left side. The eye fell on his lip and his
mouth sank. After trying to get rid, the laundry
rushed, ran and grabbed him and took him home. A
friend on the road asked him:
"What's in your hand?"
The washer said:
- Eyes who want to do one dirty job. Superfluous
than necessary, ran and destroyed his life. I put this
question so that you know: do not do your job, you
want to stick to a profession that you will not come
to, and the consequences will be the same.”.
Thus, similar plots give grounds to draw
conclusions from circumstances that have arisen for
certain reasons, or to promote ideas about what has
developed as a reflection of literary ties between
different peoples.
The process of comparative study of issues is
1. Familiarization of readers with the collatable
text of the work;
2. Preparation of questions and instructions for
the analysis of works;
3. Assessment of the authors' ability to visually
reflect opinion;
4. Identify important features of the images to be
5. Identification of leading features of issues.
Table 1: Comparative Characterization of Questions.
In "The Eagle,
the Crow and
the She
In “Kalila
and Dimna”
Language of the
Simple, short and easy to
Image system
Shepherd Washer
Eagle Falcon
Lamb Partridge
Shepherds’ kids Washer’s
The image of those who tried to
do something inappropriate, as a
result of which they found
themselves in a deplorable and
funny position, is carried away in
a gloomy wa
In questions, working on images, it is advisable to
point out various features of the human character so
that allegory is transmitted to readers in various ways,
which is typical for this genre. In this case, you can
use the possibilities of inter-factual integration.
Students can be given instructions to draw characters
who participated in questions, study descriptions and
descriptions characteristic of them from various
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
dictionaries. Then, when the author chooses an
image, those factors that serve as the basis for
comparison are also clarified. In particular, in this
regard, students may be charged with identifying
features characteristic of birds from the "National
Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan" and reflecting the
reasons for their causality in the table:
Table 2.
Figurative meaning
of images in
Their characteristic features
Biological Allegorical
Crow (Corvus monedula) – subfamily of ant subfamily.
Body length 30-39 cm. The color is mainly black, the
neck is grayish. There are 4 species. It is found in
Europe and Asia. Creeping bird. In Uzbekistan, a
child opens and hugs. It nests on side hooks, window
sills of houses or wooden buckets. In April it lays 4-6
eggs. Within 18-20 days, females emerge from their
eggs. It feeds on игвқ, butterflies and their worms,
lant seeds. Destroys insects and benefits.
The image of people who
cannot fully appreciate their
opportunities in life, wanting to
show themselves to others with
their dishonest behavior.
The question effectively uses
the function of "movement" in
the neighborhood.
Eagle (Aquila chrysaetus) - a bird from the family of
predators. The burugut is large, naked and strong.
Body length up to 95 cm. Wings reach 62-72 cm,
with a draft of 2 m. Characteristic signs are that the
nail on the toe of the hind leg is longer than 4.2 cm.
The color of the spot, the head of the brown. Eagle is
widespread in Europe, Asia and North America. It
lives on an island in Central Asia. It is found in
remote places of mountains and deserts, among
rocks, in saxauls.
Upon reaching adulthood, he is taken out to hunt
rabbits, foxes and even a wolf. Burgut loves his prey
from afar and flies quickly and rushes into it. It
destroys rodents and benefits agriculture. Eagle is
listed in the Red Book of Uzbekistan and other
Real features, such as clear
receipt of a neighboring
appointment, efficiency,
impartiality, stealth, manifested
themselves in the image of
business, thinking people.
Swan Pet swan - a species of bird of the utraximon family.
The physique of the eye is connected to the ankle,
long joint, floating toes. The shape of the fog is
diverse: straight, loose, elevated, etc. Some of them
have a dam above the nose. The color of the fingers
is white, gray, brown, penned, etc. The beak is
ellowish red, rarel
Point to those who don't think
about the consequences.
Falcon (Falco peregrinus) – A bird belonging to the family
of flacons, which is a member of the family of birds
of prey. More than 20 species of beetles are known.
The fashion is large, body length up to 49 cm,
wingspan up to 115 cm, weight up to 1.2 kg. Less
than Nari fashion. Desert and tundra deserts are
widespread in Central Asia.
The desert island lives on the island; the tundra flies
only for wintering. Birds and others feed. Hunting
irds from the desert and tundra.
The work is passionate about a
powerful and energetic way.
A deeper understanding of the meaning of the
contribution will help to combine the conclusions
emanating from Aesop questions with popular
articles. In this case, you can use the game "Find a
match." Students are given didactic materials in the
form of tables containing questions on the left, and
articles on the right. Adequate placement of
appropriate responses also indicates the degree of
mastery of the topic. For example:
Methods of Comparative Analysis in the Study of Samples of Uzbek and World Literature
Table 3.
Questions Proverbs
"Shepherd with wild
"Pull Your Feet
Toward the Bay"
"Weaver with a Deer" "When you'll see one
be thankful, when
you'll see other be
"Climb with the Wolf" "When you find a
new friend, do not
give up the old one,"
"Do not forget about
buzz when you wear
s with a Donke
" "Actionable
"Salt-laden donkey" "Bad for good"
"The Eagle, the Crow and
the She
"Under the weight,
over the lun
Correct answers:
Questions Proverbs
"Shepherd with wild
"When you find a
new friend, do not
give up the old one,"
"Do not forget about
buzz when you wear
"Weaver with a Deer" "Actionable guilt"
"Stork with the Wolf" "Bad for good"
"Frogs with a Donkey" "When you'll see one
be thankfull, when
you'll see other be
"Salt-laden donkey" "Under the weight,
over the lun
"The Eagle, the Crow and
the Shepherd"
"Pull Your Feet
Toward the Bay"
Comparing, schoolchildren form ideas about the
elements of universality, functionality, generalization
and compactness characteristic of questions.
It can be concluded that questions on various topics
that are widely found in the literature of the peoples
of the East and the West are of educational
importance at all times in terms of reflecting the
national color of a particular people. We see that joint
plots develop under the influence of the needs, values
and traditions of each people.
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Mirkosimova, M. M. (1995). Methods for the formation and
improvement of the qualification of literary analysis in
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Kazakh Satellite. (2020). Comparison-method of
improving the effectiveness of analysis. In Progress of
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of the IV traditional Republican scientific and practical
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Ahmedov, S., Ram, R., & Rizayev, Sh. (2020). Literature:
Textbook for the 5th grade of General Secondary
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Kalila and Dimna / Translator: Suyima Ganiyeva. (2014).
Tashkent: Generation of the New Century. (p. 243).
National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. (n.d.). Tashkent:
State Scientific Publishing House "National
Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan". Retrieved from library. (p. 74-75).
Husanboeva, Q. (2009). Literature is a factor in the
formation of spirituality and independent thought.
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Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. (p. 107).
Abduvalitov, E. B. (2020). Comparative study of the
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