literature had been developed and reached internal
Before Alisher Navoi, famous poets such as
Atoyi, Gadoyi, Sakkokiy, Lutfiy, Khafiz Khorezmi
wrote in the field of Turkish poetry, most of them are
mentioned by Navoi in his works. Atoyi’s divan
consisted only of poems in the genre of ghazals, while
the surviving copies of Sakkoki’s divan contained
about 40 ghazals and 11 (according to some reports,
13) qasidahs. Gadoyi and Lutfiy’s divans are
characterized by a wide range of lyrical genres. If
Gadoyi’s divan includes ghazal genre along with
mustazad, qasidah and qit’a genres, Lutfiy’s divan
includes genres such as ghazal and qasidah, tuyuq and
fard besides ghazal and qit’a. In Khafiz Khorezmi’s
divan we can see a total of 9 genres of the lyrical type:
qasidah, ghazal, mustazod, mukhammas, tarkibband,
tarji’band, marsiya (oda), qit’a, rubai.
Thus, Navai’s lyrics represent a completely new and
elevated stage in the history of Eastern lyric poetry
(even when considered purely in terms of genres).
Consequently, it is not enough to rely solely on the
legacy of Hafiz or a few Arab and Persian poets when
making general judgments about medieval Eastern
literature. It is necessary to consider, first of all,
Navai’s lyrics, a great achievement of Eastern poetry
at the moment, neither limiting the term’s meaning
nor the highest peak of Turkic poetry.
Navoi set out with the goal of perfecting Turkish
poetry across genres and successfully incorporated 16
genres in his divans. The introduction of some genres
into Turkish literature is connected with Alisher
Navoi, while the wide development of some genres is
connected with the poet’s literary activity.
Alisher Navoi’s works belong to the period when
poetic rules (canon) prevailed in Eastern, especially
Arabic and Persian, literature. At this point, the
science of poetics mainly covered three issues, each
of which was considered an independent science: the
science of aruz, the science of rhyme, and the science
of poetry. In the poetics of genres, a word was spoken
in the form of an appendix to the third part.
A number of categories that are specifically
studied as indicators of literariness in the literary
studies of the new period (although most of them are
present in the literature of the East and even at a high
level) are not found within this trinity of traditional
poetics. Among these are a number of issues such as
psychology, causality - determinism, depiction of
nature (landscape), drama, composition, space and
The literary value of Navai’s lyrics and the facets
of the poet’s skills are more clearly manifested in the
framework of their descriptive means and usage.
About 120 poetic devices are described in the
work “Badoye us-sanoye” (Literary Devices), by
Ataullah Khusayni, which is considered a literary
phenomenon in the poetics of the Eastern people.
There are more than a hundred poetic devices in
Navai’s divans, which have become a consistent
branch of the poet’s literary system.
We have categorisedthe poetic devices used in
Navai’s lyrics into the following conditional groups,
considering their nature in relation to their function
within the poetic text:
1. Allegorical-symbolic image methods (allegory,
metaphor, baroati istikhlal, irony).
2. Comparative methods (such as tashbeh, talmeh,
laff and nashr).
3. Argument of the opinion (such as husni ta’lil,
tamsil, irsoli masal).
4. Exaggerated image methods (exaggeration
(tabligh, ighrakh, ghuluv), appeal).
5. Syntactic-stylistic methods (such as tarse, tardi
aks, murabba).
6. Devices related to the internal and external
states of the word (such as tajnis, iykhom, ishtiqaq,
7. Contrast (tazod, the art of contrasting).
8. Devices related to classical rhyme (hajib, radd
ul-qafiya, rhyme with tajnis, zulqafiyatain, musajja,
We would like to emphasize the following point:
some of the poetic methods, used in Navai’s divans,
had been present before the poet in the Uzbek lyrics,
while others are completely new to classical lyrics,
and these new forms appeared through Navai’s lyrics.
Navoi’s lyrical legacy provides rich material for
special reflection on such issues. Indeed, these poetic
revolutions and concepts, although they bear relation
to European literary studies of the new era, are
specific categories for literary creativity in general,
and hold direct relevance to the work of Eastern
poetry and, in particular, its notable representatives
like Navoi. Therefore, studying these issues in the
context of Navoi’s lyrics serves, on the one hand, to
uncover new aspects of the poet’s literary skills and
innovation, and on the other hand, to identify Navoi’s
creative experiences, which are esteemed as the