easy to understand, regardless of the language they
are derived from (Begmatov E. 1965.). Euphemistic
intentions and social reasons must conform to the
generally accepted rules of society, unwritten
linguistic norms, and cultural laws (Begmatov E.
1965.). The beauty of a name should not be limited to
a specific language; it should be appreciated globally,
reflecting the achievements of the Uzbek nation
(Begmatov E. 1965.).
Moreover, it is essential to dispel the notion that
"whatever a baby sees in their eyes at birth becomes
their name." Such primitive ideas should not spread
on a global scale (Begmatov E. 1998.). In Uzbek
tradition, there are etiquette standards that discourage
mentioning the names of spouses, parents-in-law, and
other relatives, favoring special nicknames and
euphemisms (Begmatov E. 1998.). For instance, in
Uzbek families, spouses may refer to each other by
the name of their eldest child, as seen in the novel
"Mehrobdan Chayon" (Scorpio from the Altar)
(Begmatov E. 1998.).
The study of Uzbek names reveals ancient beliefs,
high cultural-aesthetic taste, creativity in name
formation, and the effective use of the language
lexicon (Begmatov E. 1998.). It involves an
understanding of the belief in the magic of words and
the influence of names on a person's fate, health, and
prospects (Begmatov E. 1998.). Both euphemisms
and dysphemisms are occasional phenomena that are
continually evolving and flexible (Begmatov E.,
Dosimov Z., Nafasov T., Qorev S. 1991). Over time,
euphemisms may become established linguistic units
and lose their euphemistic character due to frequent
use (Begmatov E., Dosimov Z., Nafasov T., Qorev S.
1991). On the other hand, dysphemisms retain their
negative force and do not transform into orthophemes
(Begmatov E., Dosimov Z., Nafasov T., Qorev S.
1991). In summary, the study of Uzbek names
highlights the intricate interplay of cultural,
linguistic, and social factors (Begmatov E., Ulukov
N. 2005.), and underscores the importance of using
names that embody respect, aesthetic appeal, and
positive intentions for the well-being and identity of
individuals and the Uzbek nation (Begmatov E.,
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