on the informative content of the characters' dialogue.
The most significant both in terms of emotional
impact and in terms of conceptual meanings is the use
of this onomatope, determined by the nature of
interpersonal impact - a dialogue of emotional impact
based on the convergence of the style of techniques
(convergence in one place, a bunch of stylistic
techniques performing a single stylistic function). In
this part of the fragment, the effect of intensification
is achieved by the convergence of stylistic devices:
homonyms, metaphors, metonyms, syntactically
stylistic means, inversions, exclamatory sentences,
nominative sentences, and many types of repetition.
The saturation of this example with stylistic devices
(phonetic, lexical, syntactic), expressive means of the
language and stylistically differentiating the
vocabulary (slang, dialect, vulgarism) contribute to
its accentuation in the text, creating a certain contrast
with the general content of the entire fragment,
thereby increasing the influencing effect and
conceptual the importance of means of
intensification. In our case, homotope. This
onomatope is of great interest because it has a
symbolic meaning that helps the author convey an
individual picture of the world or represents the
structure of knowledge embedded in the conceptual
meaning of this onomatope, that is, it is not only the
sound emitted by a pick, it also symbolizes pain,
anger, rage, resentment, hatred, hopelessness, all
representatives of the working class on the verge of
the collapse of life circumstances. Thus, the repetition
of this onomatope serves to accentuate the
circumstances, emphasizing the semantic content.
The dialogues of the characters, as we see in this
example, carry a great emotional sense with an
exclamation mark, indicating the emotionality of the
statement, expressing strong feelings such as
indignation, surprise, annoyance, and so on.
Such a phonetically stylistic device of
intensification as italicization of words, and even
entire sentences, is widely represented in Faulkner's
novel Light in August.
He did not believe that he could bear to see her
again, even look at the street, the dingy doorway,
even from a distance, again, not thinking yet. It's
terrible to be young. It's terrible. Terrible.
In numerous internal monologues of the
character, often in order to achieve the realism of the
emotional state of the hero and to convey the internal
struggle and contradictions as accurately as possible,
the author uses italics. Words and sentences
highlighted in this way acquire a special emotional
coloring, which is intensified in this example by the
repetition of the word terrible. It helps the author to
convey to the reader the point of view of the
character, his vision of the world, his assessment of
certain events.
Consider the following example of using word
Yesssss! Yessssss! Daniel Cleaver wants my
phone no. Am marvelous. Am irresistible Love
Goddess. Hurrah!
This passage is characterized by expressiveness
and evaluativeness. The author used short sentences
that reveal the emotional state of the main character.
To achieve the effectiveness of the impact, a number
of stylistically marked units are used. Along with
word stretching (Yesssss! Yessssss!) exclamatory
sentences are used (Yesssss! Yessssss! Hurrah!);
inversion (Am marvelous); use of capital letters
(Love Goddess).
This poem has an ironically humorous style. The
author uses diverse phonetic means, such as: non-
standard spelling of words, with the deliberate
replacement of certain letters with obviously
incorrect ones (Nentis Nan, Wid mabel syrub, tick an'
sweed, Pip-pip-ooray!); omission of some letters (do
im each chanz I gan, in the lan)
The above techniques facilitate the perception of
the verse by the children's audience and enhance the
comic effect of the situation. The extraordinary
design of the lines serves to achieve the author's
intention to recreate the most realistic picture. The
pragmatic attitude of the author correlates with the
graphic and phonetic accentuation of the semantic
content of the poem.
Thus, the phonetic means of the Category of Intensity
occupy a special place in the linguistic representation
of the individual author's picture of the world. The
Category of Intensity can act as one of the means of
accentuating the most significant conceptual
information characterizing the author and character in
terms of their inner emotional state and spiritual
world. The linguistic explication of the phonetic
means of the Category of Intensity is stylistically
marked. Language means used to emphasize
information: onomatopoeia, alliteration, graphic
means (scanning, highlighting part and all of the word
in italics, stretching the word).
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