Reality and Fantasy in the Oeuvre of Navoi: A Combination of
Interpretation and Analysis
Safo Matchonov
and Saodat Kambarova
Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Chirchik, Uzbekistan
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Literary Education, Analysis, Literary Text, Figurative Analysis, Emotional and Figurative Imagination,
Graphic Image, Life-Science Symbols, Imaginary Images.
Abstract: The task of literary education at school is not limited to achieving understanding and assimilation by students
of the ideological content of a work of art, but also called upon to educate them as independent and figuratively
thinking, spiritually mature people. This article highlights the importance of independent reading of the works
of Alisher Navoi in secondary schools and teaching them with the help of cognitive analysis of images.
Figurative analysis serves to develop students' skills to describe how an object looks like, based on the features
reflected. The discovery by the poet of artistically embodied scientific figurative symbols in the epic “Xamsa”
swithin the framework of the possibilities of figurative analysis lays the foundation for understanding the
essence of reality in the image.
The acquisition of knowledge is a human duty and the
source of all good deeds and virtues. This is because
knowledge leads to self-awareness and the
acquisition of impeccable manners, which are
focused on a noble goal: the happiness of the people,
a prosperous life, and the development of the country.
In the spiritual and moral views of Alisher Navoi, a
special place is occupied by such real human qualities
as patience, humility, decency, generosity, diligence,
correctness, honesty, kindness, fidelity, and mercy. In
addition to describing these qualities, the works of the
thinker are useful in that they encourage people to get
rid of their opposite vices, such as hypocrisy,
oppression, deceit, and impatience.
From this point of view, it should be noted that
Alisher Navoi has for centuries, through his oeuvre,
contributed to the upbringing of a perfect person. As
the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sh.M.
Mirziyoyev, has said, "The greatest wealth is the
mind and knowledge, the greatest heritage is a good
education, and the greatest poverty is ignorance."
Therefore, for all of us, the acquisition of modern
knowledge, becoming the owner of true
enlightenment and high culture should become a
constant vital need. In this regard, the works of
Alisher Navoi are an invaluable treasure for the
development of intellectual potential, spiritual
maturity, and artistic and aesthetic thinking of the
younger generation.
It is well known that teaching students how to work
with literary texts in literature classes plays an
important role in developing their skills in literary and
aesthetic analysis. The analysis of a work of art is the
process of tracing the creative path of the author in
the process of creating the work, sharing the thoughts,
feelings, and conclusions of the writer, while also
being inspired by their creative achievements,
expressing a critical attitude to their shortcomings,
and developing a culture of reading. Therefore, the
organization of literary analysis requires teachers to
plan their activities purposefully, with creativity and
pedagogical skills, while being aware of the latest
educational reforms. This is necessary to ensure that
teachers are constantly working to improve their own
skills. Literary analysis is a creative activity that does
not tolerate negligence, as it is associated with artistic
and aesthetic thinking.
Matchonov, S. and Kambarova, S.
Reality and Fantasy in the Oeuvre of Navoi: A Combination of Interpretation and Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012992200003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1686-1690
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In the system of general secondary education,
figurative analysis is an effective tool for studying the
work of Alisher Navoi due to its close connection
with both cognitive and creative processes. It is
assumed that the application of figurative analysis,
which is widely popular in the field of world
philosophy and linguistics, to the teaching of
literature, and in particular to the study of the works
of Alisher Navoi, will positively affect the
development of cognitive processes in students.
he use of figurative analysis helps to enrich
emotions, stimulate the mind, feel the meaning and
charm of the text, and develop figurative and logical
thinking. This type of work on text is an activity that
involves using the possibilities of drawing with a
brush and color to create a graphic image based on the
mastered fragments. In this regard, Professor R.
Niyozmetova rightly notes that "with the right choice
of teaching methods, the student gets acquainted with
the content of the work of art, the idea presented in it,
the style of images, how the author sees the reality of
life, and if he learns, he will be able to imagine and
understand its essence" (Niyozmetova, R.Kh. 2007.).
The main goal of acquaintance with a work of art
is not only to master the plot, but also to raise students
to the level of perception of artistic images in it. When
reading and studying a work, the image and
figurativeness embodied in it come to life in the
reader's imagination and remain in their memory, but
the essence of the work is not yet fully understood.
Therefore, this stage is considered the stage of
perception. To understand a work of art and its
images in the process of analysis, a general
description of the artistic image is given and the initial
representations are stabilized. That is, the "hidden"
form of analysis consists in creating a picture based
on the content of the work that came to life in the
reader's imagination, because drawing is an approach
that leads to a deeper study of the content of the work.
Based on this, the reader tries to find in the text of the
work the unclear aspects of the image.
In the course of analytical work on the text of a
work of art, the artistic image, processed by the reader
in their imagination, turns into a subjective image and
contributes to the improvement of the perception
process. It can be seen that in the process of studying
the work, the student's drawing activity serves, firstly,
the perception of the artistic image as a whole, and at
the end of the analytical and synthetic activity, the
perception of the generalized meaning of the image.
The task of depicting characters, events, or details of
a work in signs, forms, or certain lines teaches
students to influence these images, to understand and
evaluate the facts, the actions of characters.
In essence, such an approach, embodying the goal
of creating an educational product, is mainly aimed at
guiding the understanding and imagination of the
object, gives the teacher its effectiveness in the right
direction of students' activities, creating a convenient
pedagogical and psychological environment. It is
worth noting that in the method of visual perception
it is a priority to penetrate deeper into the essence of
the person, the thing-object or reality being studied
through the emotional-figurative and mental
imagination of the student, to feel it as a whole, to
strive to know it. As a result, a situation arises when
the understanding of the object and the
implementation process are mutually harmonious in
the same situation. As a result, the external and
internal portrait of a certain object comes to life in the
student's imagination, an image of emotional and
colorful life scenes appears. Conditions are also being
created for comparing and generalizing knowledge
between different disciplines and for a deeper
understanding of the essence of reality.
Figurative analysis mainly consists in drawing an
image reflected in words, signs, figures, real objects,
and determining the relationship between their
symbols. This approach consists in interpreting the
meanings of signs, colors, or shapes; characterization
of symbols; it is focused on the goal of revealing the
reasons why an object is compared with such images.
It is known that the works of Alisher Navoi are
planned to be included in the curriculum of "Liter
When setting tasks typical for the analysis of images
for senior classes, students are invited to identify
science fiction symbols in dastans, study them and
interpret their meaning through graphic images.
For example, students can identify the modern
types of tools used by such masters as the architect
Boni, the painter Moni, and the stone carver Koran in
the dastan "Farhad and Shirin." In particular, students
can be tasked with describing, explaining, and
depicting graphically with what devices the picture of
Navoiy's dreams today is the quarry of Koran, which
melts stones like wax.
To do this, students will need to closely examine
the work, determine the appearance and
characteristics of the details being analyzed, and draw
their shape based on indications of their advantages.
The following words of Koran to Farhad provide
some insight into the form and meaning of the stone-
cutting tool:
Reality and Fantasy in the Oeuvre of Navoi: A Combination of Interpretation and Analysis
"I have a tool that can cut through stone like wax.
It is made of the finest steel and has a very sharp
blade. I use it to carve intricate designs into the
By closely examining the text and using their
imagination, students can create a graphic image that
represents the quarry of Koran and the tools that he
used. This activity can help students to develop their
critical thinking skills and to gain a deeper
understanding of the dastan "Farhad and Shirin."
To establish research on the modern analogue
of the throne, made by the jeweler Zayd Zakhhab in
the plot of “The Story of a Stranger Brought from the
Second Belt” from the dastan “Sabai Sayyor.”
Based on this, students can be directed to explore
the noble ideas of Navoi for the common good and set
the task to express in line how he imagined this
device. For example, Navoi describes the throne as
"This strange throne had eight legs, four at the top
and four at the bottom. The staircase of this throne,
decorated with pearls and jewels, also had eight legs.
It was arranged in such a way that when the king
wanted to ascend the throne, the legs descended one
on top of the other. The throne could be moved to any
location with a slight gesture of the king's hand."
(Alisher Navoi. Hamsa, 2013).
Students can be asked to research the modern
analogues of this throne. For example, they could
research the following:
Do any modern thrones have eight legs?
Are there any modern thrones that are decorated
with pearls and jewels?
Are there any modern thrones that can be moved
to any location with a slight gesture of the hand?
By researching the modern analogues of this
throne, students can gain a better understanding of
Navoi's vision for the future. They can also explore
the noble ideas of Navoi for the common good.
In the dastan, the hero of “The Story of the
Wanderer Who Came from the Fourth Belt” Jon had
a horse that quickly galloped on the ground, and his
name was “Sari us-sair”. This horse, capable of going
a week’s journey in one day, lightning could not equal
in speed, and the heavenly birds could not overtake
him. (Alisher Navoi. Hamsa, 2013). In the
imagination of the reader, getting acquainted with
these pictures, the image of today's high-speed trains
or planes will certainly arise according to the
characteristics of the horse. Depicting them in certain
forms or symbols, students create figurative graphics
of the object.
Cognitive strategies aimed at determining the
process of perception of fantastic scenes in the dastan
“Saddi Iskandari.” This approach to the interpretation
of symbols, based on a combination of real life and
fantasy in a work, is important for readers to realize
that the author puts forward the idea that any
discovery is a product of human intelligence. This is
evident through images of a mirror presented to
Alexander by Chin Khan, an astrolabe studying
science about the stars, a glass chest in an underwater
journey, and a mirror warning about the events of the
whole Earth.
Both sides of the mirror presented by Xoqon were
clear as day. Wise men used one side of it when two
pretenders came to the king. The crowd took the place
of a witness. If a person was telling the truth, his face
was visible, but the face of a liar was not visible. The
other side of the mirror was used during parties. If the
face of a person who began to get drunk began to
twist, then the person who saw this situation would
immediately stop drinking. It can be noted that some
elements of the mirror today resemble a device for
checking whether certain foods have been eaten or
Readers will be able to acquaint themselves with
the content of the wonders of the sea voyage through
the analysis of Alexander's entry into the glass
container. The images of the sovereign, being in a
glass dish for several months and observing
underwater scenes, such as the appearance and living
conditions of thousands of different fish, provide
motivation to refine his imagination, expand his
creative thinking and creativity in the genre of
landscape based on the adventures of Alexander.
According to the Russian methodologist M. G.
Kachurin, “... each work “teaches itself to read itself”.
The task of the teacher is to catch the “signals” that
the work sends to the reader with the title and
originality of style, which indicate its different
character. The writer not only addresses the witty
reader, but also educates him, directs him
imperceptibly and objectively, telling him what to
pay attention to, what to think about, what to compare
with, what impressions to return to (Kachurin, M.G.
Based on these ideas, when independently
reading the teachings in the works “Khairat ul-Abror”
or “Mahbub ul-Kulub” in the middle classes, this is
done through tasks for students to understand the
virtues and vices that are glorified in them, in the
process of working on the text and interpreting them
with different symbols. For example, based on such
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
descriptions asSaxiy bulutdur – ishi xirmon, balki
maxzan bermak. Baxil mo‘rdur – da’bi xo‘sha balki
dona termak. Himmat ahlig‘adur saxovat ixtisosi va
bu ikki sharif sifat valoyat xosi. Saxovat odamig‘a
badandur va himmat anga ruh va himmat ahlidin
olamda yuz ming futuh. Himmatsiz kishi er sonida
emas, ruhsiz badanni kishi tirik demas. Oliy himmat
shohbozedur baland parvoz va behimmat sichqon
sayyode yurutachi toz. Shunqor maskani shohning
bilagi, yurutachi maqomi o‘laksaning sassig‘ badani
va so‘ngagi” (Ahmedov, S., Kochkarov, R., Rizayev
Sh. 2017) (Meaning: “The cloud is generous, giving
a great harvest threshing floor, what a treasure; the ant
is stingy, collects grain, ears of corn… A generous
person is a high-flying falcon, and the ignoble one is
a hawk hunting a mouse”), in the student’s
imagination, certain forms, signs or pictures
characteristic of these features are reflected in the
As a result of analytical work on a literary text,
the process of recreating artistic images takes place.
In this process, the student compares the work with
the picture they have drawn, observes their own
attitude, uses their life experience, and at the end of
the synthesis process, their perception of the image in
the work turns into a subjective image-imagination,
to which they add their personal comments.
(Niyozmetova, R.Kh. 2007.). It becomes clear that
the expression of the essence of a literary text through
drawings serves not only the development of visual
imagination and thinking, but also the development
of the student's oral speech in the process of
familiarization and expression of the content of the
“work” “opened” by him.
It can be noted that such approaches help students
to present a specific object under study through
various forms and symbols, create an image of an
object in their imagination, and realize the nature of
causes and effects between events and objects.
Figurative analysis is a method of literary analysis
that focuses on the use of figurative language, such as
metaphor, simile, personification, and symbolism. By
analyzing the figurative language used in a text, we
can gain a deeper understanding of the author's
meaning and the work's overall message.
The analysis of the works of Alisher Navoi within
the framework of figurative analysis can be a valuable
tool for teaching reading comprehension. By
analyzing the figurative language used in Navoi's
works, students can learn to identify and interpret
figurative language in their own reading. This can
help them to better understand the meaning of literary
texts and to appreciate the power of language.
In addition to genre characteristics, the analysis of
Navoi's works should take into account the specifics
of the internal structure and nature of the work. This
is because Navoi's works are often complex and
multilayered, and they can be interpreted in a variety
of ways. By taking into account the internal structure
and nature of the work, we can gain a more nuanced
understanding of its meaning.
Algorithmizing an activity based on the above
methods can create the basis for the upbringing of
educated youth who are decisive, enterprising,
creative, and strategically thinking. This is because
figurative analysis can help students to develop their
critical thinking skills, their creativity, and their
ability to think strategically.
In conclusion, the analysis of the works of Alisher
Navoi within the framework of figurative analysis can
be a valuable tool for teaching reading
comprehension and for the upbringing of educated
youth. By taking into account the specifics of the
internal structure and nature of the work, we can gain
a deeper understanding of Navoi's works and their
meaning. This can help students to become more
critical thinkers, more creative, and more strategically
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PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR