In the system of general secondary education,
figurative analysis is an effective tool for studying the
work of Alisher Navoi due to its close connection
with both cognitive and creative processes. It is
assumed that the application of figurative analysis,
which is widely popular in the field of world
philosophy and linguistics, to the teaching of
literature, and in particular to the study of the works
of Alisher Navoi, will positively affect the
development of cognitive processes in students.
he use of figurative analysis helps to enrich
emotions, stimulate the mind, feel the meaning and
charm of the text, and develop figurative and logical
thinking. This type of work on text is an activity that
involves using the possibilities of drawing with a
brush and color to create a graphic image based on the
mastered fragments. In this regard, Professor R.
Niyozmetova rightly notes that "with the right choice
of teaching methods, the student gets acquainted with
the content of the work of art, the idea presented in it,
the style of images, how the author sees the reality of
life, and if he learns, he will be able to imagine and
understand its essence" (Niyozmetova, R.Kh. 2007.).
The main goal of acquaintance with a work of art
is not only to master the plot, but also to raise students
to the level of perception of artistic images in it. When
reading and studying a work, the image and
figurativeness embodied in it come to life in the
reader's imagination and remain in their memory, but
the essence of the work is not yet fully understood.
Therefore, this stage is considered the stage of
perception. To understand a work of art and its
images in the process of analysis, a general
description of the artistic image is given and the initial
representations are stabilized. That is, the "hidden"
form of analysis consists in creating a picture based
on the content of the work that came to life in the
reader's imagination, because drawing is an approach
that leads to a deeper study of the content of the work.
Based on this, the reader tries to find in the text of the
work the unclear aspects of the image.
In the course of analytical work on the text of a
work of art, the artistic image, processed by the reader
in their imagination, turns into a subjective image and
contributes to the improvement of the perception
process. It can be seen that in the process of studying
the work, the student's drawing activity serves, firstly,
the perception of the artistic image as a whole, and at
the end of the analytical and synthetic activity, the
perception of the generalized meaning of the image.
The task of depicting characters, events, or details of
a work in signs, forms, or certain lines teaches
students to influence these images, to understand and
evaluate the facts, the actions of characters.
In essence, such an approach, embodying the goal
of creating an educational product, is mainly aimed at
guiding the understanding and imagination of the
object, gives the teacher its effectiveness in the right
direction of students' activities, creating a convenient
pedagogical and psychological environment. It is
worth noting that in the method of visual perception
it is a priority to penetrate deeper into the essence of
the person, the thing-object or reality being studied
through the emotional-figurative and mental
imagination of the student, to feel it as a whole, to
strive to know it. As a result, a situation arises when
the understanding of the object and the
implementation process are mutually harmonious in
the same situation. As a result, the external and
internal portrait of a certain object comes to life in the
student's imagination, an image of emotional and
colorful life scenes appears. Conditions are also being
created for comparing and generalizing knowledge
between different disciplines and for a deeper
understanding of the essence of reality.
Figurative analysis mainly consists in drawing an
image reflected in words, signs, figures, real objects,
and determining the relationship between their
symbols. This approach consists in interpreting the
meanings of signs, colors, or shapes; characterization
of symbols; it is focused on the goal of revealing the
reasons why an object is compared with such images.
It is known that the works of Alisher Navoi are
planned to be included in the curriculum of "Liter
When setting tasks typical for the analysis of images
for senior classes, students are invited to identify
science fiction symbols in dastans, study them and
interpret their meaning through graphic images.
For example, students can identify the modern
types of tools used by such masters as the architect
Boni, the painter Moni, and the stone carver Koran in
the dastan "Farhad and Shirin." In particular, students
can be tasked with describing, explaining, and
depicting graphically with what devices the picture of
Navoiy's dreams today is the quarry of Koran, which
melts stones like wax.
To do this, students will need to closely examine
the work, determine the appearance and
characteristics of the details being analyzed, and draw
their shape based on indications of their advantages.
The following words of Koran to Farhad provide
some insight into the form and meaning of the stone-
cutting tool: