provides active participation of the birds with their
questions to Hudhud.
If the stories in "One Thousand Nights," "Sab'ai
Sayor," and "Lison ut-Tair" all have the character of
a separate work separated from the molding story, in
"Zarbulmasal," this idea is limited to only three
stories, namely "Monkey with the Najjar," "Teva with
the Bush," and "Tortoise and Scorpion." The
moldable stories in "Zarbulmasal" are not moldable
to each other; they are told by different birds
depending on the context of the story. The same
compositional simplicity is characteristic of the
originals of "Chor Dervish" and "Totinoma." In the
main part of the stories, ideological motives such as
loyalty, generosity, purity, correctness, humanity,
hope, work, creativity, kindness, cooperation, and
effort are glorified, while greed, avarice, inactivity,
muteness, asceticism, ignorance, mutual
disagreement, enmity, corruption are condemned.
Due to the condemnation of vices such as impurity,
both types of images were involved in them.
In mold stories, just as the second story fills in
important aspects of the mold story, so too do the
characters fill in the features of the main characters.
Molding stories are also chosen mainly according to
the spirit and purpose of the molding story. In them,
the ideological content of the molding story is
developed through concrete events and images,
addressing issues such as manners, humanity, love,
mutual trust, loyalty, friendship, unity, and exposing
the negative aspects of human character and views.
The prose version of "Chor dervish" consists of a
prologue, that is, an introductory story, an adventure
of four dervishes, and an ending. The printed copy of
"Totinoma" also consists of one mold and 38
moldable stories. The 38th story has a concluding
character. Such a construction fully corresponds to
the tradition of folklore and folk books. According to
the theme and content of these stories and fairy tales,
creative people later grouped them. Singers and
storytellers told the stories and tales assigned to the
group to the people. Stories and tales that appealed to
listeners were perfected by storytellers or storytellers
and were passed down from generation to generation.
It should be said that the speakers had to
"modernize" them to attract the attention of the
listeners. Molding stories were thought up by the
creators with a certain demand after the molding
stories, thus included in the "framework" of all other
stories and probably imbued with the spirit of the
molding story. It can be proved that the stories that
were created before the stories that were created can
be proved by the fact that they depict the customs of
ancient peoples, religious beliefs, fairies, and jinn.
The stories, fairy tales, and stories in "Chor Darvesh,"
"To'tinoma," "Mahfiloro," "One Thousand Nights,"
"Sabai Sayyor," and "Lison ut-Tayr" were once in a
separate form, and they were created by peoples of
the East. And Alisher Navoi brings exemplary life
paths of prophets, historical figures, saints, and Sufis
in his stories. Gulkhani also created "Zarbulmasal"
based on collecting and modernizing folklore works.
In fact, both the molding story in Gulkhani and the
molding stories were created much earlier.
Hiromi's artistry in this field is evident in his
mastery of the traditions of this method, further
perfecting it, and aligning it with the rules of written
literature. It is clearly seen in the third chapter that
Khiromi's "Chor Dervish" took a creative path. He
first divides one chapter in the original into three
chapters, and then the content of each chapter is
narrated by the protagonist of that chapter. The
separation of some stories in "Totinoma" into two
stories, sometimes turning two stories into one story
(for example, the first and second night), the
development of certain places in the stories in
accordance with the requirements of the
compositional center, and the shortening of some
places also show that the poet seriously pondered
over the construction of this work. We can also find
cases of such arrangement and systematization of
chapters, parts, stories, incidents, and events in the
epic "Rana and Zebo."
It is evident that the composite method of molding did
not appear by itself, but was created as a product of
intelligence and wisdom and was formed over many
centuries. Hazrat Alisher Navoi was one of the first to
pave the way for Uzbek literature, and the creators
after him continued to collect wisdom in this manner.
If we effectively use such methods in today's
educational processes, we will, first of all, preserve
the heritage of our ancestors and, while increasing the
creativity of students, foster characteristics such as
creativity in them.
reating a text using the "molding-formative"
methods impacts the growth of the young generation's
thinking, consciousness, logical thinking, and
spiritual world. When students approach it willingly
and with great interest, every effort will yield positive
results. We can say that great discoveries will be
made not only in literacy but also in the realm of
spirituality, thought, and imagination. Well-crafted
texts will be well received by the readers. The teacher
will carefully plan a text suitable for the time