RAMOM: A Reference Architecture for Manufacturing Operations
Management Activities in Industry 4.0
Gonc¸alo Freire
and Andr
e Vasconcelos
INESC-ID, Instituto Superior T
ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Industry 4.0, Enterprise Architecture, Job Profiles, Reference Architecture and Manufacturing Operation
Management Activities.
Industry 4.0 has revolutionized manufacturing by introducing technologies such as Cyber-Physical Systems,
Internet of Things and others that make manufacturing more efficient and dynamic. Despite these benefits,
Industry 4.0 has a high barrier to entry. The complexity of manufacturing systems will inevitably increase,
and it is also necessary to redesign existing manufacturing processes to take advantage of Industry 4.0. In this
paper we use Enterprise Architecture to help companies to deal with the increasing complexity when adopting
Industry 4.0. In our research, we found that many solutions have been developed to help companies make the
technological transition to Industry 4.0, but none helps companies align their newly acquired technological
capabilities with their production processes. To address this gap, we developed RAMOM, a reference archi-
tecture for manufacturing operation management activities in Industry 4.0. RAMOM is composed of several
views, developed in the Archimate language, that provide information on the actors, functions, data types and
how these relate to manufacturing operation management activities, thus guiding organizations in their imple-
mentation. To confirm its validity, we conducted an evaluation of RAMOM based on expert knowledge and
an application of RAMOM in a Portuguese industry case study. We concluded that is useful to use RAMOM
to help organizations adapt their processes to Industry 4.0.
The introduction of the Industry 4.0 concept in the
manufacturing industry has created new challenges
for companies. Industry 4.0 introduces new key tech-
nologies that enable more efficient, personalized and
dynamic production (Lasi et al., 2014). The intro-
duction of Industry 4.0 in a company entails up-
dating technology, production and support systems,
which leads to an increase in complexity and is one
of the main obstacles in the transition to Industry 4.0
(Luthra and Mangla, 2018). We have found that one
possible way to overcome this obstacle is to study
Enterprise Architecture (EA) in the context of Indus-
try 4.0, as this discipline can help organizations align
people, processes, and technology with their business
goals and provide methods for dealing with increas-
ing complexity. EA can provide the aforementioned
values by presenting already proven models that pro-
vide organizations with recommendations on how to
structure themselves (Bernard, 2012). During the de-
velopment of this work, we were part of an Indus-
try 4.0 transition project. In this project, we found
that many problems resulted from a lack of adapta-
tion of production and support processes to the intro-
duced Industry 4.0 technologies. Although we noted
this difficulty in our research on EA in Industry 4.0,
little information was found on this topic. For this rea-
son, we decided to develop a Reference Architecture
(RA) that can help companies adapt their processes in
the transition to Industry 4.0. This paper is organized
in six sections. First we present the theoretical basis
of our proposal; next we described how we realized
a Systematic literature review on the topic of Industry
4.0 job profiles; then we present our proposal address-
ing the problems that we identified RAMOM; after
we apply RAMOM in Portuguese industry case study;
after we provide a theoretical evaluation of RAMOM;
finally we conclude our work and provide a glimpse
of future work that remains to be done.
Freire, G. and Vasconcelos, A.
RAMOM: A Reference Architecture for Manufacturing Operations Management Activities in Industry 4.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0012173700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 595-602
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This section presents all the research and analysis
performed that corresponds to all the knowledge ob-
tained to reach the solution definition.
2.1 Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is a term used to describe the 4th
industrial revolution that brings digitization for-
wards within factories by integrating information and
communication technologies with industrial technol-
ogy (Lasi et al., 2014).
2.2 Enterprise Architecture
ISO 42010:2011 describes architecture as the “pro-
cess of conceiving, defining, expressing, document-
ing, communicating, certifying proper implementa-
tion of, maintaining and improving an architecture
throughout a system’s life cycle” (ISO/IEC, 2022).
Architecture applied at the level of an entire organi-
zation is referred to as EA.
2.2.1 Architectural Description
ISO 42010:2011 (ISO/IEC, 2022) describes an ar-
chitectural description as the “work product express-
ing the architecture of a system from the perspec-
tive of specific system concerns”. An architecture
description shall identify the system of interest and
include supplementary information as determined by
the project and/or organisation” (ISO/IEC, 2022) and
can consist of at least one architectural view or (view).
2.2.2 Architectural Views and Viewpoints
An architectural view frames one or more concerns
from one of the system’s stakeholders, and the view
can frame one or more architectural viewpoints (or
viewpoints). A viewpoint is described as a “work
product establishing the conventions for the construc-
tion, interpretation and use of architecture views to
frame specific system concerns” (ISO/IEC, 2022).
The use of views and viewpoints provides many ad-
vantages to the architecture definition process, includ-
ing the proposed solution. Separating the solution
into distinct descriptions will aid its design, analy-
sis, and communication process by making it possible
to approach different parts of the system individually,
reducing the complexity of the architecture definition
2.3 Reference Architectures
”A Reference Architecture is, in essence, a prede-
fined architectural pattern, or set of patterns, pos-
sibly partially or completely instantiated, designed
and proven for use, in particular, business and tech-
nical contexts, together with supporting artifacts to
enable their use. (Kruchten, 2004). Due to their
usefulness and high coverage of RAs, this tool has
been studied and applied in a variety of fields result-
ing in several different definitions and an increased
number of RAs for other domains (Nakagawa et al.,
2014). RAs can be classified as research-driven or
practical-driven.“Practice-driven reference architec-
tures are defined when sufficient knowledge has been
accumulated in a domain to propose the “best of best-
practices” architecture. Research-driven reference ar-
chitectures provide a “futuristic” view on a class of
systems that are expected to become important in the
future, but by the time of the architecture definition
are seen as hard to build. These architectures aim at
facilitating the design of the first systems from a class
of systems” (Angelov et al., 2008).
2.4 Reference Architectures in Industry
Since Industry 4.0 is a new phenomenon, RAs has an
increased value in this area, since it hasn’t reached a
maturity level where widely practiced standards exist,
for the same reason not many RA have been devel-
oped in this area. In this section, we will go through
the most popular Industry 4.0 to see how these are
built and what topics they cover.
2.4.1 Reference Architecture Industry 4.0
(RAMI 4.0)
Reference Architecture Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) is a
reference architecture model developed by the Ger-
man Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Asso-
ciation (ZVEI) to support Industry 4.0 initiatives. The
RAMI 4.0 Reference Architectural Model gives com-
panies a framework for developing future products
and business models. The model “consists of a three-
dimensional coordinate system that describes all cru-
cial aspects of Industry 4.0” (Hankel and Rexroth,
2.4.2 Industrial Internet Reference Architecture
The Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA)
is a reference architecture to enable the implemen-
tation of IIoT (Industrial Internet of things) archi-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tectures in a wide variety of industries (Moghaddam
et al., 2018). For this purpose, the “architecture de-
scription and representation are generic and at a high
level of abstraction to support the requisite broad in-
dustry applicability” (Consortium, 2019). The IIRA
model consists of four viewpoints, business, usage,
functional and implementation viewpoints, that frame
different concerns of Industry 4.0.
2.5 The ”human element” in Reference
Architectures for Industry 4.0
From our research into reference architectures in
Industry 4.0, we could observe there isn’t enough
detail regarding the human component of Industry
4.0 (Sharpe et al., 2019). In the current literature re-
lating to Industry 4.0 and automation, there is a con-
sensus that despite the technological advances in the
manufacturing industry, humans will still maintain a
relevant role in this industry (Sharpe et al., 2019). So
these should also be considered in system modeling
regarding Industry 4.0. In RAMI 4.0, personnel is
part of the Asset layer, which is then seen as phys-
ical components by RAMI 4.0, such as linear axes,
metal parts, documents, circuit diagrams, ideas, and
archives (Adolphs et al., 2015). While this might be
sufficient for some scenarios, this isn’t enough, as
proven by the article An industrial evaluation of an
Industry 4.0 RA demonstrating the need for the in-
clusion of security and human components. In this
article, the authors try to model three scenarios from
the manufacturing industry that include the human el-
ement using RAMI 4.0 (Sharpe et al., 2019). The
authors found that all scenarios showed uncertainties
when modeling the human part. The authors then con-
clude that a more significant focus is on the human el-
ement in the future of RAMI 4.0 (Sharpe et al., 2019).
IIRA acknowledges that humans can play a role in
the several domains of IIoT systems, briefly describ-
ing what role these can have in the operations, infor-
mation, application, and business domains. Despite
knowing that it is crucial and challenging to under-
stand “what capabilities a given person will provide,
how those capabilities fit into the system design as a
whole and assuring that person is actually providing
those capabilities when needed” (Consortium, 2019)
IIRA, other than what was already mentioned, doesn’t
provide much more details regarding the human ele-
ment in IIoT.
2.6 IEC 62264
IEC 62264, is the international standard for integrat-
ing enterprise and control systems. This standard was
developed to provide a model that end-users, integra-
tors, and vendors can use when integrating new ap-
plications in the enterprise. IEC 62264 defines five
different levels with their respective problems and
challenges when implementing applications using an
SOA-based approach (Delsing et al., 2012). This
work will mainly focus on IEC 62264-3, which cor-
responds to the third part of this standard. This part
defines activity models of manufacturing operations
management that enable enterprise systems to control
system integration and includes a model of the activ-
ities associated with manufacturing operations man-
agement, Level 3 functions, and an identification of
some of the data exchanged between Level 3 activi-
ties (Commission et al., 2016).
The introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies means
that the complexity of the shop floor will increase,
and the organization’s manufacturing operations will
change. This, coupled with the organizational
changes, means that there is a need for new actors
with new roles and the revamp of old ones in Indus-
try 4.0 able organizations. In order to fully explore
these topics an Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
was conducted. For this purpose, the following Re-
search questions were developed.
Research Question 1: What are the main traits of
Industry 4.0 job profiles ?
Research Question 2: What new or updated job
profiles were developed for Industry 4.0?
Research Question 3: What standards or propos-
als exist connecting organizational structure, job
profiles, and the activities they perform in the con-
text of Industry 4.0?
To ensure that our research is conducted properly
we defined a review protocol with the research strings,
the databases used for the research and inclusion cri-
teria such as papers with titles related to our research
strings, with a publishing date after 2011, written in
English and free to access. From our research we re-
covered 774 papers that fit the proposed criteria. Then
we further reviewed these papers and selected 24 to
utilize in the SLR.
From our research, we were able to take the fol-
lowing conclusions.
The key traits that Industry 4.0 job profiles have
are High IT skills, Improved soft skills, More fo-
cus on cognitive skills, and a High focus on mul-
tidisciplinary skills.
RAMOM: A Reference Architecture for Manufacturing Operations Management Activities in Industry 4.0
There has already been some research done in cre-
ating and updating job profiles in Industry 4.0.
Although research on job profiles in Industry 4.0
hasn’t reached maturity, this should be compre-
hensive enough to start architecture, how these
should be organized, and the task these should
carry out.
We have reviewed two proposals by Garc
ıa de
Soto et al. (Garc
ıa de Soto et al., 2019) and Silvia
Fareri et al. (Fareri et al., 2018) that address job
profiles, their roles, and activities. However, we
have found that these proposals are not relevant
enough to our work as they do not emphasize this
topic adequately and fail to develop it effectively.
Considering the open issues identified in the SLR we
propose a research-driven RA, focused on manufac-
turing operation management activities and its actors:
RAMOM. In this work, the choice was made to only
focus on level 3 activities, since this was the only
level where we explicitly found a set of activities (IEC
62264-3). The focus of this RA is to provide organi-
zations a tool to adapt their business side, to be more
in line with Industry 4.0 ways of operating. To guide
the development of RAMOM we followed a method-
ology for the development of RAs named ProSA-
RA (Nakagawa et al., 2014). This is divided into
four stages, Information Source Investigation, Archi-
tectural Analysis, Architectural Synthesis, and Archi-
tectural Evaluation, which we will follow.
4.1 Information Source Investigation
In this phase, the primary sources for constructing the
RA are selected. The chosen sources must provide in-
formation about processes and activities supporting a
system of the target domain (Santos et al., 2013). This
was already done in the Background, Related Work
and Systematic literature review chapter, so instead in
this section, we will organize the recovered informa-
tion in a more digestible way.
4.1.1 Industry 4.0 Job Profiles
During the SLR, we discovered several works that
identified or adapted existing job profiles for Indus-
try 4.0. In this section, we organize the job profiles
that we found in our research. From these we derived
and introduced in RAMOM the following job pro-
files: Data Scientist, Maintenance Operator, Produc-
tion Operator, Production Manager, Logistics Opera-
tor, Supply Chain manager, Production manager, En-
vironmental technician, Quality manager, and Quality
4.2 Architectural Analysis
Following the ProSA-RA methodology, after realiz-
ing an Information Source Investigation an architec-
tural analysis is made. In this the system requirements
are identified, then based on these the architectural re-
quirements of the RA are identified and finally we es-
tablished the set of concepts that must be considered
in this reference architecture.
4.3 Architectural Synthesis
In this step, following the ProSA-RA methodology,
the architectural description of the reference archi-
tecture is built by describing the goals of RAMOM,
its stakeholders, its concerns and the viewpoints and
view that are present in RAMOM.
Goals of the RAMOM: 1. Support the implemen-
tation of Industry 4.0 systems in organizations; 2. Re-
duce the entry barrier for the implementation of In-
dustry 4.0 systems by providing a baseline model of
activities and resources; 3. Allow to detect points of
failure in Industry 4.0 systems; 4. Increase the suc-
cess and effectiveness of the implementation of In-
dustry 4.0 components in organizations;
Stakeholders: Operation managers, Process ar-
chitects, Data architects, Domain architects and Re-
Concerns from the stakeholders: 1.What are the
main manufacturing operation management activities
to support smart factories; 2.What tasks composed
the manufacturing operation management activities;
3.What actors should be responsible for the man-
ufacturing operation management activities; 4.What
characteristics should the actors possess to effec-
tively realize the activities they are responsible for;
5.What data/artifacts are required for the realization
of the manufacturing operation management activi-
ties; 6.What data/artifacts result from the realization
of the activities; 7.What are the required artifacts/data
that the different actors must have access to effec-
tively realize their responsibilities;
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.3.1 Architectural Viewpoints and Views
In this section, we present the viewpoints and views
that will compose RAMOM.
Capability Map Viewpoint. The capability map
viewpoint allows the Business Architect to create a
structured overview of the capabilities of the enter-
prise. A capability map typically shows two or three
levels of capabilities across the entire enterprise.
Stakeholders: Business managers, enterprise,
business architects, recruiters
Concerns: Architecture strategy and tactics, mo-
Purpose: Designing, deciding
Scope: Strategy
Archimate elements: Resources, Capabilities
and Outcome
Business Function, Objects, and Actors/Roles
Viewpoint. The Business function, objects, and
actors/roles viewpoint focus on identifying the ac-
tors/roles that are responsible for executing the busi-
ness functions of the organization as well as the busi-
ness objects that are inputted into the function and that
result from it.
Stakeholders: Operation managers, Process ar-
chitects, Data architects, and Domain architects
Concerns: Identification of execution responsi-
bility and artifacts input and output
Purpose: Designing, deciding, informing
Scope: Single layer/Single aspect
Archimate elements: Actor, Function and Busi-
ness object
Actor’s Business Objects Viewpoint. The actor data
and artifacts viewpoint focuses on what data/artifacts
inside an organization should be available to the ac-
tors for them to be able to effectively exercise their
Stakeholders: Data architects, Domain archi-
tects, and Operation managers
Concerns: Data architecture, security and man-
Purpose: Designing, deciding, informing
Scope: Single layer/Single aspect
Archimate Elements: Actor and Business object
From the viewpoints presented before we derived
five views that adequately represent RAMOM. Each
of the selected views addresses the concerns of the
stakeholders that were raised earlier.
Job Profiles Capabilities View. This view is derived
from the Capability map viewpoint. This view will
display the different job profiles necessary to effec-
tively run manufacturing operation management ac-
tivities in a smart factory as well as the capabilities
that these must have to execute the functions that will
be attributed to them. These job profiles will serve as
the source of information for the actors presented in
the RA. This view will address the fourth raised con-
cern “What characteristics should the actors possess
to effectively realize the activities they are responsi-
ble for”.
Figure 1: Job profiles capabilities view example.
Actor’s Data/Artifacts View. This view is de-
rived from the Actor’s business objects Viewpoint.
This view will display the different data/artifacts that
should be made available to the actors responsible
for the manufacturing operation management activ-
ities, this will facilitate both data and security archi-
tecture. This view will address the seventh raised con-
cern “What are the required data/artifacts that the dif-
ferent actors must have access to effectively realize
their responsibilities”.
Figure 2: Actor’s data/artifacts view example.
Business Function’s Data/Artifact View. This view
is derived from the Business function, objects, and
actors viewpoint. This view identifies both the
data/artifacts that are inputted into the function as well
as the data/artifacts that result from it. This view
addresses the fifth and sixth raised concerns “What
data/artifacts are required for the realization of the
manufacturing operation management activities” and
”What data/artifacts result from the realization of the
Figure 3: Business function’s data/artifact view example.
Business Function Responsibility View. This view
is derived from the Business function, objects, and ac-
tors viewpoint. This view identifies what actors are
responsible for manufacturing operation management
activities. The objective of this actor is to indicate
which activities are mainly the responsibility of the
information system inside organizations instead of the
RAMOM: A Reference Architecture for Manufacturing Operations Management Activities in Industry 4.0
job profiles that have been identified in this work.
Figure 4: Business function responsibility view example.
Business Function General View. This view is de-
rived from the Business function, objects, and actors’
viewpoint. This view has the objective of providing a
more general vision of the system by combining both
data/artifacts and actors of the manufacturing opera-
tion management activities in the same view, facili-
tating the overall communication of the architecture
with stakeholders. This view addresses the first and
second raised concerns “What are the main manu-
facturing operation management activities to support
smart factories” and ”What tasks composed the man-
ufacturing operation management activities.
Figure 5: Business function general view example.
In this section, we described how a use case as used
to show how RAMOM can be used in a real project.
During the development of RAMOM, one of the
possible use cases that we envisioned for it is to vali-
date the architecture of a manufacturing area that has
converted to Industry 4.0. This might be necessary to
evaluate if the architecture meets industry best prac-
tices or to identify why the manufacturing area is not
functioning as intended after the transition. To per-
form this validation a trusted architecture in this topic
is necessary to recognise if the best industry practices
are followed or to pinpoint the issues faced by the cur-
rent architecture. RAMOM would serve as the trusted
architecture that would guide this analysis. The archi-
tecture chosen for this analysis belongs to a Demo-
corp, which faces some issues after starting its transi-
tion to Industry 4.0. The demonstration has two main
phases. First, we modelled the Democorp architec-
ture following the RAMOM views and viewpoints en-
abling its analysis using RAMOM. After this, we start
comparing the Democorp and RAMOM view by view
identifying factors that contribute to the challenges
that Democorp is facing in its transition to Industry
Where we only present the analysis made to the
job profiles capabilities view of the Democorp. Simi-
lar analysis were done to remaining views.
In job profiles capabilities view two main chal-
lenges were found. The first is the lack of profiles
specialized in handling data. During our research on
Industry 4.0, we have found that many of the ben-
efits can only be achieved by handling and process-
ing the large amounts of data obtained from produc-
tion equipment so that it is possible to draw conclu-
sions from this data and make the production process
more efficient (Dalenogare et al., 2018). In the current
Democorp architecture, no profile can perform these
tasks, which means that the transition to Industry 4.0
is not possible. The clear solution to this problem is to
create a profile identical to the RAMOM data scientist
to fulfill the activities of this profile. The second prob-
lem is the lack of capabilities of the operations pro-
files in dealing with technologically advanced equip-
ment. In both the maintenance and production oper-
ator profiles in RAMOM, the emphasis is that they
should be able to interact with digital tools, and the
production operator should be able to use software to
monitor activities and program and interact with au-
tomated systems. Currently, profiles similar to those
in Democorp do not have these skills, which keeps
them from iterating with Industry 4.0 equipment and
makes the transition more difficult. One possible so-
lution would be to train operators in these areas so
they can handle high-tech systems, or hire employ-
ees with these skills. These were the two biggest
challenges we identified in our analysis. In addition,
other issues that, while not as relevant as those pre-
viously mentioned, Democorp should also be aware
of, namely the lack of maintenance profiles equipped
to deal with automation and the fact that they use a
more vertical hierarchical structure. In the Democorp
nothing is mentioned about automation, which may
become a challenge in the transition to Industry 4.0
as it relies heavily on automation. The use of a more
vertical hierarchical structure can be problematic in
the transition to Industry 4.0, as it makes it difficult
to implement various Industry 4.0 values (R
et al., 2015).
From this type of analysis on all of RAMOM
views, we were able to identify the several issues in
the Democorp architecture. In the Job profiles capa-
bilities view we discover a lack of profiles special-
ized in data usage, a lack of capabilities in operational
profiles, a lack of maintenance profiles equipped to
deal with automation and the use of a more verti-
cal hierarchical structure. In the Business function’s
data/artifact view we found that analysis activities
missing and not systematically performed in the De-
mocorp and that maintenance and inventory tracking
activities not performed. Finally in the Business func-
tion responsibility view exist a lack of automatization
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of activities, an unhelpful separation of activities and
that performance analysis activities are not realized
by profiles proficient in data. By identifying these is-
sues we have proven how RAMOM has practical util-
ity since we were able to successfully identify impor-
tant elements that were lacking in the Democorp ar-
chitecture for this to be able to transition to Industry
This section describes how we evaluate RAMOM fol-
lowed by ther conclusions that we took from this pro-
cess. For a RA to be considered fit for purpose it must
be proven that it is built correctly (this means with-
out any architectural flaws) and that its content must
be theoretically correct. For these reasons, there is
an inherent need of evaluating RAs (Angelov et al.,
2008). To evaluate RAMOM we opted to used FERA
methodology as this is a suitable evaluation method-
ology for RAs. FERA was developed as a way to
evaluate RAs for embedded systems but that could
be personalized to fit other subjects. For this pur-
pose, a questionnaire was built based on current lit-
erature available on embedded systems, reference ar-
chitectures, and software architecture and already de-
veloped research on this topic (Santos et al., 2013).
Because FERA focuses on RAs for embedded sys-
tems we removed questions specific to this topic, the
remaining questions were deemed relevant to evaluat-
ing the developed RA. We saw no need to add ques-
tions to the base questionnaire, since the remaining
questions already covered all relevant topics to our
project, since these cover the completeness of the RA,
if its construction is correct, and if the contents pre-
sented in the RA are valid, resulting in a 71 questions
questionnaire with questions such as:
Do the selected viewpoints frame the concerns of
all stakeholders (including domain-specific stake-
Does each view correctly represent its viewpoint?
Is the reference architecture consistent with the
domain’s practices and mandated standards?
The inspection of RAMOM was done by 3 roles,
one specialist in industry 4.0, project management
and familiar with Enterprise Architecture, an indus-
trial engineer working on Industry 4.0 projects, and
an IoT project manager working on Industry 4.0
projects that did not have previous involvement with
RAMOM. The results show that RAMOM is able to
obtain a majority of ”Completely satisfactory” in the
questionnaire with the lowest percentage of ”Com-
pletely satisfactory” responses by a participant be-
ing 71 percent. The main problems identified in
RAMOM are related to the lack of guidelines when
it comes to implementing concrete instances of the
architecture described in RAMOM, some details in
RAMOM that do not comply with international stan-
dards, best practices, and guidelines, and some infor-
mation that was missing in the architectural descrip-
tion of RAMOM.
The criticism of the lack of guidelines is to be ex-
pected due to the fact that RAMOM is a research-
driven RA, i.e., it was developed based on research
done on these topics and not on a concrete archi-
tecture, so the lack of concepts such as guidelines
for its implementation, knowledge of how the vari-
able part interacts with the non-variable part in be-
cause of the architecture, or how to implement the
architecture in instances is normal, since this knowl-
edge is gained only after implementing a concrete
instance of RAMOM. The non-compliance with in-
ternational standards, best practices, and guidelines
was discussed with the experts involved in the evalua-
tion and based on their feedback and further research,
changes were made to RAMOM to correct these non-
compliances. Finally, we also received feedback that
certain aspects of RAMOM lacked information, such
as a version identifier in each model or the lack of ar-
ticulation of open decisions. Based on these results,
we improved the architectural views to provide a more
consistent and complete architectural description of
RAMOM and facilitate its dissemination. After re-
ceiving this feedback we dicussed based on the evalu-
ation carried out and the further discussion and treat-
ment of the problems encountered, we can conclude
that RAMOM is theoretically sound.
In this work, we explored how EA is used in the field
of Industry 4.0 and contributed to this research topic
in several forms. First, we identified a gap in this re-
search topic, by identifying a lack of EA resources on
how organizations could adapt their operational pro-
cesses to the technological innovations originated by
Industry 4.0. We reached this conclusion by look-
ing at the most popular Industry 4.0 RAs’ and how
these dealt with this topic. After determining this we
decided to approach this topic with the development
of a RA that supports organization’s transition to In-
dustry 4.0, leading to the development of RAMOM.
RAMOM is a RA focused on manufacturing opera-
tions management in Industry 4.0 that aids organiza-
RAMOM: A Reference Architecture for Manufacturing Operations Management Activities in Industry 4.0
tion’s adjustment to Industry 4.0 by providing a set of
generic actors, functions and data required for manu-
facturing operations management activities. Despite
considering this work a success there are several lim-
itations of this work that should be considered. The
first is limitation is that Industry 4.0 is a relatively
new phenomenon, meaning that RAMOM should be
qualified as a research-driven RA, meaning that the
best practices described in RAMOM might change
in the future with further developments in the area.
The other relevant limitation is the limited scope of
RAMOM since it only deals with manufacturing op-
eration management activities meaning that the topic
of levels two and four activities aren’t covered. To
deal with this research should be conducted to iden-
tify what activities belong to levels two and four ac-
tivities and then conduct a similar work as the one
done in RAMOM. Finally, further research should be
done on identifying the challenges companies face in
moving to Industry 4.0 in terms of their operating
and business models and how EA can help compa-
nies solve these challenges since the main aspiration
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by European Funds, namely “Recovery and Re-
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para a Inovac¸
ao Empresarial”, included in the
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems