particle set after resampling is biased. Since the re-
sampling scheme is repeated in the scaling domain,
the skewed particles are discarded completely, al-
though the total variance obtained by our method is
minimized compared to other resampling methods.
Since these sample points are biased when used for
target tracking, it will affect the accuracy of the tar-
get to some extent. Alternatively, if we give a certain
permissible error threshold for target localization and
tracking, we can also try the feasibility of our method
in this threshold, because it will be solved in a shorter
time with the minimum total variance compared to
other methods.
The broader impact of this work is that it can
speed up existing sequential Monte Carlo applications
and allow more precise estimates of their objectives.
There are no negative societal impacts, other than
those arising from the sequential Monte Carlo appli-
cations themselves.
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