tion within GANs. As depicted in Fig.1, we present
a selection of meticulously manipulated face images,
showcasing attribute transformations from one to an-
other. Our pioneering approach leverages convolu-
tional layers within an auxiliary mapping network,
along with the integration of the CG method. These
results vividly demonstrate the precision and control
our method offers in manipulating diverse attributes,
including but not limited to smile, age, glasses, gen-
der, hair, and beard. The seamless transitions from
one attribute to another highlight the strength of our
method in disentangling complex interactions within
the latent space. These qualitative results provide
compelling visual evidence of the versatility and po-
tential of our approach for generating images that ef-
fectively reflect desired attribute changes while main-
taining the essential characteristics of the underlying
latent vectors.
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ages the power of auxiliary mapping to disentangle
latent semantics and achieve precise attribute manip-
ulations. Through extensive experiments on facial at-
tribute editing, we demonstrated the effectiveness and
superiority of our approach, surpassing existing state-
of-the-art methods in manipulation disentanglement
and image quality. The combination of auxiliary map-
ping and CG offers a promising direction for advanc-
ing GAN-based image generation and opens possibil-
ities for more sophisticated applications, such as gen-
erating images with multidimensional information.
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Conjugate Gradient for Latent Space Manipulation