work, we will look into the possibility of improving
these functions with the use of multi-processing or by
vectorizing the computations.
In this paper, we modeled the transformations that
iPSC-ECs undergo in the process of tumor angiogen-
esis in a microfluidics environment. The angiogen-
esis is guided by a gradient of VEGF. The model’s
behaviour was tested in various scenarios. Moreover,
sensitivity analysis and scalability analysis are con-
ducted to evaluate its performance.
The diffusion models were varied to find the most
realistic one for model simulation. The diffusion
approximation through random particle movement
reached results that were very similar to those with
normal diffusion. It suggests that random diffusion
can be used to approximate the VEGF diffusion. The
non-symmetric formation of branches is also more
comparable to the chaotic branching seen in the in
vitro models. However, both approaches have their
drawbacks. Where the normal diffusion is too perfect
to be realistic, the random diffusion may result in too
large ‘jumps’ of particles to be realistic. In addition,
we found that the initial amount of VEGF does not in-
fluence the speed of angiogenesis when using random
diffusion. But it is an essential parameter for regular
diffusion, where, with too low values of initial VEGF,
the angiogenesis does not start at all.
In this work, we used a rather simplified model
for cell movement, which only allows cells to move
upward. Side-way movement of tip cells should be
included in the future to make the model more real-
istic. Furthermore, the direction of motion should be
decided by the concentration of VEGF, while preserv-
ing contact with stalk cells.
Another limitation is the scale of the model with
a grid size 11x15. It is relatively small to indicate the
contribution of parameters to the uncertainty of the
output of the model. A larger grid size is preferred
for the sensitivity analysis. However, in scalability
analysis, we observed that the current implementation
has an exponential increase of running time when the
grid size grows logarithmically. In the future work,
functions with heavy computations should be further
investigated and the limitation on scalability of the
model should be solved using parallel computing.
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