Table 1: Quantitative performance evaluation.
wasted goods stocked goods
MPC (n
= 8, n
= 4, n
= 6) 14848 4999
MPC (n
= 14, n
= n
= 0) 17782 6318
tion carried by the actual ID yields a more effective
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significant improvement in terms of reduced wasted
and stocked goods.
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insights with both academic and practical relevance:
• As stability and feasibility of the MPC control law
are guaranteed independently of the length of the
prediction horizon, the demand prediction prob-
lem is greatly facilitated;
• The worst-case approach provides the manager
with the security of an effective inventory control
despite the uncertainties;
• In the case of manageable IDs, our study pro-
vides the manager with the information necessary
to define the best organizational policy: equations
(14),(16) show that the waste of goods can be min-
imized synchronizing OP1, OP2 and OP3 at the
beginning of each review period.
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