Table 2: Results on Narma-10 dataset.
Model MSE Time Complexity (second)
ESN 0.04 677.48
Hybrid Quanvolutional ESN 0.02 479.52
tive performance. Additionally, the Hybrid Quanvo-
lutional ESN model demonstrated a faster processing
time, making it more efficient in handling the dataset.
In conclusion, the Hybrid Quanvolutional ESN model
shows superiority over the ESN model for both MG
and NARMA-10 datasets. It achieves better predic-
tive accuracy and is more computationally efficient.
These results suggest that the Hybrid Quanvolutional
ESN model could be a favorable choice for modeling
and predicting time series. However, it is important to
note that further analysis and experimentation may be
necessary to confirm these findings and explore the
models’ generalizability to other datasets or scenar-
In this research, we suggested a new method for
time-series prediction using quanvolution filter ap-
plied to ESN. On the Mackey-Glass and NARMA
datasets, we assessed the method’s performance and
contrasted the outcomes with those obtained using
traditional ESN. The results shown that, when com-
pared to the traditional ESN, the suggested technique
outperformed it in terms of MSE and time complex-
ity on both datasets. This suggests that by extracting
more relevant features from the input data, the quan-
tum convolutional filter may enhance the effective-
ness of the ESN. It is crucial to note that the findings
are still in the research stage and that more studies are
required to prove the method’s efficacy across a range
of issues and datasets.
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