tive with learning-based techniques, such as deep re-
inforcement learning. Due to their ability to capture
the complexity of the problem at hand, those meth-
ods would have been an implementable alternative to
the currently used TS algorithm. However, our re-
sults support the choice for the enhancement of our
metaheuristic approach. Moreover, experiments on
benchmark instances demonstrate how sensitive ran-
dom perturbation operators react to crucial parame-
ters, such as the number of non-improving solutions
before triggering a perturbation. Concerning stability,
the MBP operators have shown a significantly better
Most notably, the integration of the MBP oper-
ator leads to significant improvements on the real-
world case study. For both evaluated objective func-
tions, TWT and TWOT, the TS with MBP opera-
tor outperformed the base version without perturba-
tion steps, as well as the random perturbation ap-
proach. In the TWT case, activity tardiness was re-
duced by 29%, while in the TWOT case order tar-
diness was reduced by 40%. This shows, that espe-
cially on large instances the mechanism to preserve
promising solution structures within the perturbation
steps has the potential to increase overall solution per-
formance. Since the presented framework relies on
several different parameters that can be analyzed, we
plan to further investigate the impact of other factors
on the overall solution performance. We will in more
detail evaluate the influence of the neighborhood size,
which determines how many neighbors are evaluated
by the neighborhood operators of the TS. Also other
neighbor selection strategies, such as best improve-
ment, will be compared to the current algorithmic set-
ting. Moreover, we plan to derive additional MBP
operators from the proposed framework, investigating
other evaluation criteria, that could be based, e.g., on
activity starting times, or more sophisticated repair-
The research was supported by the Austrian Research
Promotion Agency (FFG) (grant # FO999907709).
This support is gratefully acknowledged.
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ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems