5.3 Responsiveness
For interactive applications, and in particular video
games, responsiveness is very important to ensure
a good user experience. To evaluate responsiveness
quantitatively, we recorded controller inputs that hold
multiple tight curves for both walking and strafing.
For each curve in the predefined set C, we measure
the responsiveness, R, which corresponds to the delay
between the apex of the joystick T
and the apex of
the resulting motion path T
as defined in:
R =
− T
), ∀i ∈ C , (6)
Qualitatively, Figure 4 shows how the neural con-
troller trained with our augmented dataset has already
completed its turn about 8 frames early while the neu-
ral controller trained with the original dataset is still
in the middle of the rotation.
Evaluating this metric for the phase-based MANN
architecture on our three datasets in Table 1, we can
see a drop in delay from the original dataset for both
augmented datasets. Interestingly, we see a slight im-
provement in the recorded dataset over ours for walk-
ing with 180° turns in Table 1. After the fact, we ob-
served that our recorded dataset had many such turns
using walking and strafing.
For the Learned Motion Matching neural con-
troller, we observe improvement overall shown in Ta-
ble 1. We think this could be due to the blending oc-
curring in Learned Motion Matching, resulting in less
benefit to responsiveness. For foot skating, we have
seen a high improvement as our data augmentation
balanced the dataset and reduced the number of ex-
trapolation errors.
As the original data already well represents walk-
ing forwards, we see less improvements in Walk mo-
tion across the models and the metrics. In contrast,
the originally worse represented Strafe motion bene-
fits significantly for both models. This further high-
lights the need to balance the datasets used for train-
ing neural controllers.
We proposed a new trajectory driven data augmenta-
tion technique for Motion Capture data reducing foot
skating and pose blocking artifacts in Neural Loco-
motion Controllers. The resulting dataset further in-
cludes sharper turns and removes undesirable biases
compared to the original mocap making it more suit-
able for in-game locomotion controllers. We evalu-
ated our approach on trajectory coverage, foot skat-
ing, and responsiveness and showed that we obtain
superior results compared to training on only the orig-
inal dataset.
In this work, we focused on locomotion includ-
ing idling, walking, running, and strafing, and we
leave experimenting with other actions and inter-
actions with the scene as future work. Similarly,
we leave experimenting with more random trajectory
generating solutions as future work as this is not the
main novelty of our work. Using our framework to
extrapolate further away from the original dataset may
require replacing motion matching with a more ro-
bust frame sampling method such as (Bergamin et al.,
2019). If different styles are labeled in the data, mo-
tion matching can be easily modified to produce styl-
ized locomotion. We have also witnessed in recent
years motion matching extended for character-scene
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2021). Using this interaction framework could help
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GRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications