A POCT to Rapid Detect GBS with Highly Sensitivity
Yang Chen
, Zhi-Rui Xie
and Yao-Gen Shu
Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325000, P.R. China
Oujiang Laboratory (Zhejiang Lab for Regenerative Medicine, Vision and Brain Health),
Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325024, China
Research Center of Quantitative Detection Technology, NMPA Key Laboratory for Quality Monitoring
and Evaluation of Vaccines and Biological Products, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325024, China
POCT, GBS, Spectral Absorption, Chromogenic Culture Media.
Group B streptococcus (GBS) i s a leading cause of invasive neonatal infections and a significant pathogen
in immunocompromised adults. Screening of GB S colonization in pregnant women determines the need for
antibiotic prophylaxis in that pregnancy. Therefore, efficient and rapid determination of the GBS colonization
status of pregnant women is crucial. Here, we set up a PO CT with specific spectral absorption of chromogenic
culture media to replace the traditional visual identity of GBS, which greatly improved the sensitivity of GBS
detection, and decreased the time to identify it.
Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a Gram-positive en-
capsulated bacterium that belongs to the group of pyo-
genic streptococci, and an asymptomatic colonizer of
the digestive and genitourina ry tracts of healthy hu-
man adu lts. However, it can cause severe invasive in-
fections in neonates and immunocompro mised adult
patients. In 1960 s, GBS was identified into a lead-
ing cause of life-threatening neonatal infections(Hood
et al., 1961; Rosa-Fraile and Spellerberg, 2017).
In neonatology, there are two distinguish a ble clin-
ical syndromes: one is c a lled as early-onset disease
(EOD), in which GBS in fection oc curs within the first
week of life (especially within the fir st 24 h); a n-
other is called as late-onset disease (LOD), in which
GBS infection presents after 7 to 90 days postpartum.
EOD is caused by vertical transmission through either
ascending infection from the genital tract or during
labor and birth. Numerous studies have shown that
up to 30% of pregn ant women worldwide are colo-
nized with GBS, and vertica l transmission occurs for
roughly 50% of colonized m others. About 1% of col-
onized newborns develop EOD, which may be in con-
nection with rup tured mem branes because the infec-
tion of the fetus can happen only it exp osed in GBS.
Bacteremia without a focus is the most c ommon clin-
ical syndrome, followed by pneumonia and meningi-
tis. Even today th e case fatality rate for EOD is es-
timated to be 2 to 10%, and fatal outco mes are more
frequent amon g prematur e neonates(Edwards et al.,
Most EOD is due to the contact of the neonate
with GBS during delivery, therefore , intrapartum an-
tibiotic prophy la xis (IAP) administere d to GBS carri-
ers prevents vertical transmission in the vast majority
of cases, and its widespread use has resulted in sig-
nificant reductions in the incidence of EOD. LOD,
however, is most likely acquired fr om breast milk,
or from nosocomial or community sources. Prema-
turity is the m ain risk factor for developing LOD, and
bacteremia without a focus of infection is the most
common presentation. The mortality rate for LOD
is lower, but meningitis and subsequent sequelae are
more frequently associate d with LOD(Verani et al.,
GBS also causes significant maternal morbid ity,
including endometritis, chorioamnionitis, bacteremia,
and postpartum wound infections. GBS urinar y tract
infections are associate d with miscarriages, preterm
births, and low-birth-weight newborns. Although
GBS seldom causes disease in healthy adults, it is re-
sponsible for seriou s infections in diabetics, e lderly
individuals, reside nts in nursing ho mes, and other-
wise immunocompr omised patients. The successful
administration of IAP and the treatment of severe
GBS infections r e ly on efficient and reliable detec-
tion of GBS in clinical samples(Edwards and Baker,