5.3 Limitations
The proposed software stack of the system has few
limitations. Running the proposed system in snowy /
rainy weather conditions may cause the AutoNav in
CLUE system to move very slowly or even make the
system stationary. This is due to the LiDARs detect-
ing rain drops or snowflakes as continuous dynamic
objects moving very close to the test platform.
This paper proposed an autonomous software stack
for AutoNav in CLUE prototype. The system is a
baseline one, with ensured stable performance suited
for close quarter encounters with medium to high den-
sity presence of traffic participants, especially pedes-
trians. The proposed system is based on map-less
navigation and only utilizes two Velodyne LiDAR
sensors. The system is light with a performance range
of 12–15 FPS with dual LiDARs and using Python.
The composition of multiple lightweight modules en-
ables the prototype proposed software stack to nav-
igate dynamically in crowded, unstructured environ-
ments with CPU utilization only. The prototype per-
formed efficiently tackling the predefined use case
with satisfactory results in multiple test cases in dif-
ferent routes.
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AutoNav in C-L-U-E: A Baseline Autonomous Software Stack for Autonomous Navigation in Closed Low-Speed Unstructured