93.7% of the instances, making it also highly imbal-
anced. The synthetic dataset generated by Tab-VAE
preserves this ratio whilst the one without Gumbel-
softmax has 97.5% of this class, again suppressing
the information of the minority class. All this fac-
tored into this very low score on the census dataset in
the ablation analysis.
For the remaining three datasets, the performance
difference is not as significant, as these datasets
rely less on categorical variables for encoding in-
formation. Interestingly, the adult dataset also has
one multi-class categorical column with 41 classes,
whereas the model without Gumbel-softmax gener-
ates only 9 of these columns. Still, the impact of this
column is not as prevalent as in the case of credit
and census datasets. Similarly to these two datasets,
adult is the only other binary classification dataset,
but it has a good ratio of 75%-25% of its two classes.
Therefore, the magnitude of the obtained results high-
lights the importance of Gumbel-softmax in modeling
categorical columns in tabular datasets.
In this paper, we introduced Tab-VAE, which ad-
dresses the challenge of modeling multi-class cate-
gorical variables in tabular data using a VAE gener-
ative model. Our approach is motivated by the belief
that VAEs can generate high-quality synthetic data,
with added benefits of being simpler, more stable,
and more computationally efficient. We corroborated
this claim by comparing our model against a host of
state-of-the-art models using two evaluation frame-
works and an ablation analysis. Tab-VAE continu-
ously showed high-level performance across multiple
datasets by outperforming state-of-the-art models of
both GANs and VAEs. In the future, the model can be
made more robust by incorporating additional encod-
ing methods for different types of data, such as mixed
data. Overall, Tab-VAE represents a significant ad-
vancement in the field of tabular data generation and
has the potential for broad applications in various do-
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Tab-VAE: A Novel VAE for Generating Synthetic Tabular Data