AR Authoring: How to Reduce Errors from the Start?
Camille Truong-Alli
1 a
, Martin Herbeth
and Alexis Paljic
1 b
Centre de Robotique, Mines Paris - PSL, Paris, France
Spectral TMS,
Evry-Courcouronnes, France
Augmented Reality, Task Assistance, AR Authoring Interface, Knowledge Transmission.
Augmented Reality (AR) can be used to efficiently guide users in procedures by overlaying virtual content
onto the real world. To facilitate the use of AR for creating procedures, multiple AR authoring tools have
been introduced. However, they often assume that authors digitize the procedure perfectly well the first time;
this is yet hardly the case. We focus on how AR authoring tools can support authors during the procedure
formalization. We introduce three authoring methods. The first one is a video-based method, where a video
recording is done before procedure digitization, to improve procedure recency, the second one an in-situ
method, where the digitization is made in the procedure environment, to improve context, and the last one
is the baseline method, where AR authors digitize from memory. We assess the quality of the procedures
resulting from these authoring methods with two simple yet underexplored metrics: the number of errors and
the number of versions until the final procedure. We collected feedbacks from AR authors in a field study to
validate their significance. We found that participants’ performance was better with the video-based method,
followed by the in-situ and then the baseline methods. The field study showed the advantages of the different
methods depending on the use case and validated the importance of measuring digitization error.
Augmented Reality (AR), with its ability to over-
lay virtual content to real-world elements, has al-
ready proven its usability and efficiency in instructing
users about procedures they have to perform (Fite-
Georgel, 2011). For example, Head Mounted Dis-
plays (HMDs) enable users to keep their hands free.
With this, users can perform a task while following
AR instructions superimposed to the physical envi-
ronment such as animated 3D models or videos.
A procedure is typically a series of steps that need
to be completed to achieve a goal. In an industrial
context, a procedure is often a description of these
steps which is made available to workers as digital
documents or on paper. A well-written AR procedure
should ensure workers safety and efficiency.
To help virtual content creators (AR authors) to
design these procedures, multiple AR authoring tools
have been proposed. Figures 1 and 2 are examples
of one authoring tool. They enable an AR author with
no programming skills to create a software which pro-
vides AR instructions (Kearsley, 1982). It could be
possible, for example, to type text and arrange pic-
tures or 3D models in 3D space without code. Almost
all of the works about AR authoring tools consider
that the AR authors know perfectly well the proce-
dure, how to explain it best and digitize it perfectly
right the first time - this is often not the case on a
daily basis. Rather, they more likely loop between
authoring the content and reviewing it from the op-
erator view (Scholtz and Maher, 2014; Gerbec et al.,
2017). . It is for instance common to forget a step, or
to realize while following the AR-assisted procedure
that another formulation would have been clearer.
In this work, we are interested in the authoring
tool conditions which can help best AR authors to for-
malize procedures. We propose three methods related
to the moment AR authors plan the procedure digiti-
zation: a method such that they perform the procedure
before digitizing it (video-based method, where AR
authors first capture themselves executing the proce-
dure); a method such that the procedure digitization
is at the procedure location (in-situ method), and a
method where AR authors are left alone when digi-
tizing the procedure (baseline method, where AR au-
thors digitize the procedure off-site, by memory).
We start by reviewing the different authoring tools
Truong-Allié, C., Herbeth, M. and Paljic, A.
AR Authoring: How to Reduce Errors from the Start?.
DOI: 10.5220/0012303200003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 1: GRAPP, HUCAPP
and IVAPP, pages 408-418
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
that we found in the literature, and how they have
been evaluated. Then, we introduce the three author-
ing methods above-mentioned and compare them in a
user study. Finally, we draw conclusions, limitations
and future work.
2.1 Difficulties in Authoring Tools
We are interested in authoring tools specifically de-
signed for procedural tasks, enabling the digitization
of AR procedures as step-by-step instructions. Exist-
ing AR authoring tools focus on easing AR content
creation, AR content placement, or procedure organi-
2.1.1 AR Content Creation
AR content creation can be time-consuming and re-
quire specific skills, for example to create complex
3D models (Gattullo et al., 2019). To help AR au-
thors to create AR content without the need of spe-
cific skills, three main strategies exist. 1. Some au-
thoring tools propose a database of AR content (typ-
ically, 3D models) in which AR authors can pick the
appropriate content (Knopfle et al., 2005; Blattger-
ste et al., 2019). 2. Some authoring tools automat-
ically create the AR content from the capture of AR
author gesture or their environment with computer vi-
sion (Chidambaram et al., 2021; Pham et al., 2021)
or of a product to assemble in the case of assembly
(Zogopoulos et al., 2022). 3. Finally, some AR au-
thoring tools rely on simple AR content which does
not require high skills to be created: video, picture,
text, and simple 3D models like arrows (Lavric et al.,
2021; Blattgerste et al., 2019).
2.1.2 AR Content Placement
Another difficulty when creating AR content is that
it should be integrated into the real-world. Manipu-
lating the AR content and place it accurately is not
an easy task. Multiple works propose to help AR au-
thors in the AR content placement. It is possible to
associate physical markers to virtual representations
that serve as references for the placement of AR con-
tent. These representations represent either directly
the virtual elements to display in AR (Zauner et al.,
2003), either the real environment, in which the vir-
tual content can be placed on a desktop application
(Gimeno et al., 2013). It is also possible to place the
virtual content with 2D interfaces on devices that AR
authors may be familiar with: a computer, with po-
sitioning of the virtual content in a 2D or 3D graph-
ical interface (Zauner et al., 2003; Haringer and Re-
genbrecht, 2002; Knopfle et al., 2005; B
egout et al.,
2020), a mobile phone, in a joystick controller fash-
ion (Blattgerste et al., 2019). Finally, some author-
ing tools automatically position the virtual content,
based on author positioning in the real-world (Chi-
dambaram et al., 2021) or automatic scene analysis
(Pham et al., 2021; Erkoyuncu et al., 2017).
2.1.3 Procedure Organization
Creating and placing the AR content is not enough to
make AR procedures. AR authors need to organize
its structure so that the whole procedure is coherent.
To help AR authors organizing the procedure, some
tools propose an automatic segmentation of the proce-
dure into steps, and one tool proposes a bi-directional
system which enable operators to correct errors AR
authors could have made in the procedure.
In the context of assembly, it is possible to auto-
matically detect the assembly steps as they all have a
similar structure that consists of the addition of parts
to assemble. Step detection can be done from a dig-
ital twin of the final product to assemble (Zogopou-
los et al., 2022) or computer vision (Bhattacharya and
Winer, 2019; Funk et al., 2018). For tasks which
are more complex than assembly, the Ajalon tool en-
ables automatic step detection at the cost of a higher
authoring tool complexity (Pham et al., 2021). This
tool helps AR authors to organize their procedure in a
finite-state-machine from which an adaptive software
is derived. The resulting software automatically de-
tects the step the operator is performing, gives the
corresponding instructions and indicates if the step
is wrongly performed. Finally, ACARS (Authorable
Context-aware Augmented Reality System) helps AR
authors in the creation of AR procedure, not with an
automatic step segmentation, but with a bi-directional
system that enables operators to point errors that have
been made in the procedure (Zhu et al., 2013). This
tool consists of two parts: an offline authoring tool
for AR authors, that enable them to create a context-
aware software from static rules, and an in-situ au-
thoring tool for operators in which they follow the AR
instructions, interact with it and update it. The static
rules enable to elect the right content depending on
the detected input context (i.e. choose level of detail
depending on expertise level).
2.1.4 Conclusion
The related work shows that, while multiple works
propose simple tools for AR content creation and
AR Authoring: How to Reduce Errors from the Start?
placement, fewer works are proposed when it comes
to organizing it in a coherent structure. They are
based on automatic step segmentation, which is today
challenging and limited to simple tasks like assembly,
or specific applications and cannot be generalized. To
the best of our knowledge, ACARS is the only tool
that considers AR authors fallibility and enable oper-
ators to correct their errors. This feature is major yet
underexplored in the literature. In this work, we fo-
cus on an earlier phase of the authoring process. We
aim to prevent these errors from occurring in the first
place, rather than simply correcting them afterward.
We are interested in how AR authoring tools can
be designed to best help AR authors in the procedure
organization. We consider the moment when they for-
malize their procedure, and question how to organize
the authoring tool around this moment. To do so,
we propose tools which can improve memory recall.
Recall is facilitated by practice, recency and context
(what is present in the person’s focus of attention)
(Budiu, 2014). We propose two authoring methods.
One is a video-based authoring method with which
the AR author first captures a first-person video of the
procedure before they formalize it - it is designed to
improve recall by recency. The other is an in-situ au-
thoring method, where the AR author formalizes the
procedure at the location of the procedure, enabling
them to observe the procedure environment and, if
desired, even perform the procedure - it is designed
to improve context.
2.2 Evaluation Methods
Our work focuses on how good the digitized proce-
dure is. We therefore need to understand what a good
procedure means. To answer this, we take interest in
how non AR procedures and AR authoring tools have
been evaluated.
2.2.1 Non AR Procedure Evaluation
Traditional paper procedures can be evaluated in
terms of risk of human error (Kirwan, 1997; Gertman
et al., 1992; Gertman et al., 2005) or complexity (Park
and Jung, 2007).
Human Reliability Analysis methods have been
proposed to evaluate human error probabilities given
a procedure. They all rely on an expert analysis of
the procedure and/or its environment, leading to sub-
jective measures and possible inconsistencies (Jang
and Park, 2022) and a time-consuming analysis for
a large set of procedures. TACOM, which stands
for TAsk COMplexity, is a measure which gives a
score of task complexity from quantifiable measures
(Park and Jung, 2007). The measures require knowl-
edge about the task context and a time-consuming
analysis. For example, for each step of the task,
logic complexity and information complexity should
be evaluated. To palliate the time-consuming anal-
ysis required by Human Reliability Analysis meth-
ods and TACOM scores, machine learning and nat-
ural language processing-based algorithms have been
proposed to evaluate procedures complexity based on
their structures (Sasangohar et al., 2018; McDonald
et al., 2023).
2.2.2 Authoring Tools Evaluation
Works on AR authoring tools propose different meth-
ods for their evaluation. The evaluations mainly con-
sider AR author experience, the quality of the result-
ing AR procedure by considering the operator expe-
rience when following it, and, if the authoring tool
has an automated part, its error rate. AR author ex-
perience is usually measured in terms of procedure
creation time, cognitive load and usability of the tool.
Operator experience is evaluated in terms of perfor-
mance (task completion time and error rate), cognitive
load and usability of the resulting procedure. Table
1 summarizes the different AR authoring tools eval-
uation methods used by the previous work. It only
includes the authoring tools that have been evaluated.
2.2.3 Conclusion
There is no straightforward method to evaluate the
quality of a procedure organization, and the existing
methods focus on whether a procedure is clear rather
than correct.
The evaluation of traditional non AR procedures
aims to clarify an existing procedure which is already
correct. It either requires complex analysis skills, ei-
ther machine learning analysis that can be difficult to
implement. The evaluation of AR authoring tools in-
directly assesses the resulting procedure quality with
operators experience when following it. No metric di-
rectly related to the procedure quality is used. Finally,
at the exception of ACARS, all the existing AR au-
thoring tools start from a finalized procedure, where
the only concern is to be digitized with AR. They do
not consider the process in which the procedure is
created and improved before reaching its final state.
Zhu et al., with ACARS, propose a method to correct
authoring errors, but they did not evaluate how this
method improves the final procedure.
In this work, we propose two simple metrics to
evaluate the quality of a digitized procedure organiza-
tion: the number of authoring errors made by AR au-
thors until they are satisfied with the final procedure,
HUCAPP 2024 - 8th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 1: Existing AR authoring tools and their evaluation: With AR author, operator or tool performances. TCT stands
for Task Completion Time, RT for Reading Time, QMC for Quantity of Manually Created Content, ER for Error Rate, EP
for Error in Positioning, CQ for Custom Questionnaire, SUS for System Usability Scale, UEQ for Usability Experience
Questionnaire, NX for NASA-TLX, R for Recall, P for Precision, IoU for Intersection over Union (for object detection), TT
for Training/Testing Time (for machine learning model).
Eval. AR author Operator Tool
Objective Subjective Objective Subjective Objective
(Blattgerste et al., 2019) SUS, UEQ TCT, ER SUS, NX
(Chidambaram et al., 2021) TCT CQ, SUS, NX TCT, ER CQ, SUS, NX
(Pham et al., 2021) TCT, QMC CQ P, R, IoU
(Erkoyuncu et al., 2017) TCT TCT
(Lavric et al., 2021) TCT, RT, ER CQ, SUS
(Gimeno et al., 2013) TCT, EP CQ TCT
egout et al., 2020) TCT
(Bhattacharya and Winer, 2019) P, R, TT
(Funk et al., 2018) TCT NX TCT, ER NX
(Zhu et al., 2013) CQ
and the number of versions they make to achieve this
final procedure. We used these metrics to compare
three different authoring methods, and gather AR au-
thors feedback in a field study to validate the impor-
tance of these two metrics.
The authoring methods described in this section are
inspired from the idea that recall can be improved by
recency and context. They are all based on the same
two applications: a desktop and an AR applications.
3.1 Baseline
The baseline authoring method consists in alternating
between the desktop application, in which AR authors
set and describe all the elements to constitute the pro-
cedure, and the AR application on HMD, where AR
authors can visualize the elements and place them in
the real-world (Spectral TMS, ).
The desktop application enables to first write the
whole procedure, step by step. Each step can have
a title, a textual description, pictures, videos and 3D
models attached to them. We chose these virtual con-
tent types as they are the most used and preferred ones
in industries (Gattullo et al., 2020).
After writing the procedure, the AR authors can
use the AR application to place the virtual content
within the physical environment. If errors are noticed
during this step, they have to go back to the desktop
application to correct them in a new version. Then,
they use the AR application again to place any new
virtual content and verify that no error is left, etc.
3.2 Video-Based Authoring
The video-based authoring method is such that AR
authors capture themselves performing the task from
a first-view perspective with a HMD. Then, they use
the desktop authoring tool described in the baseline
and the video they just made as a support to write a
first version of the procedure. The authoring steps are
then the same as the ones proposed in the baseline
This method can be extended into realistic author-
ing tools, like Taqtile (Taqtile ), or Ajalon (Pham
et al., 2021), where the expert video is the main
medium to create the whole AR procedure. For ex-
ample, the video can be used for content creation and
placement with automatic object detection and proce-
dure organization can be made even easier with auto-
matic step segmentation.
3.3 In-situ Authoring
With the in-situ authoring method, AR authors are at
the procedure location when writing the procedure on
the desktop application. The steps are then the same
than in the baseline but at the procedure location. This
way, authors can look at the procedure elements and
even perform the procedure to improve their recall.
This method can be extended into more complex
authoring tools that rely on the in-situ location of the
AR author, for example, by making possible to cre-
ate virtual content on the spot, like pictures or videos
(Lavric et al., 2021; Blattgerste et al., 2019).
AR Authoring: How to Reduce Errors from the Start?
4.1 Objective
Each of the methods we proposed aims to represent a
diverse range of authoring tools; we design the meth-
ods and the corresponding authoring tool to be as
generic as possible. What we needed was for the three
methods to be comparable in a way that we are able
to measure the effects of their characteristics alone:
for the video-based method, the effect of adding video
capture before digitization, and for the in-situ method,
the effect of having the AR author physically present
The objective of this experiment is to capture the
effect of such characteristics on participants proce-
dure creation time, number of errors, number of ver-
sions until the final one, and cognitive load.
4.2 Variables
We measured procedure creation time, video capture
included for the video-based authoring method. We
used NASA-RTLX (Byers, 1989) to assess partici-
pants’ cognitive load at the end of the experiment.
The score was calculated from linear scales from 1
to 100. We measured the number of errors and the
number of versions before the final version of the pro-
cedure. A version corresponds to the state of the pro-
cedure after a loop between the edition (mainly on
desktop application) and review of the procedure (on
AR application). The number of errors between two
consecutive versions is the number of changes made
by the participant between the two versions. The total
number of errors is the sum of all the changes between
consecutive versions. This means that each partici-
pant evaluates themselves whether there was an error
in their procedure by correcting it. We deemed this
to be the most effective method for error measure-
ment since the definition of an error is subjective and
therefore tricky to evaluate. For instance, one person
might perceive a step as too simple to mention, while
another might view this same step omission as an er-
ror. By using the number of changes between two
versions, we measured the number of self-detected er-
rors, that is, what participants actually consider an er-
4.3 Participants
30 participants took part in the experiment, 7 women
and 23 men. They came from diverse firms and from
a computer science research lab. They were 29 on
average - std 3. When asked about their familiarity
with AR and the task to perform (make a coffee with a
capsules machine) from 0 to 4, they ranked on average
their familiarity with AR to 1.4 (std 1.7) and with the
coffee machine to 2.6 (std 1.5).
Some participants where not familiar with the cof-
fee machine; they were consequently not given the
baseline condition.
4.4 Experimental Setup
Procedure to Digitize. Participants’ task was to
create a procedure to explain how to make a coffee
with a capsule machine with one of the three author-
ing methods (between-subject study). This task was
chosen because it is relatively common so that many
people can be considered as experts, but still complex
enough for participants to make mistakes. The coffee
machine had its water container empty (that needs to
be filled) and its old capsules container overfilled (that
needs to be emptied) for each participant: those were
the two main causes of errors.
Desktop Application. Because the experiment
does not focus on virtual content creation, we pro-
vided participants with dummy templates for the vir-
tual content they could use if needed: pictures, videos
and 3D models. Those were dummy media with an
icon representing what the actual media should have
been: a camera for the picture, a video camera for the
video and cube in a reference frame for the 3D model
(see what the templates look like in Figure 1). In addi-
tion to these virtual content types, participants could
also indicate physical elements location by placing
3D spheres, as described by Figure 2. The virtual con-
tent and physical elements locations can be created by
clicking on the “Add an equipment” and Adding me-
dia” buttons.
AR Application. On the AR application, all the vir-
tual content can be placed in the physical environ-
ment; Figure 2 shows two examples of virtual content
for two different steps. The title and textual descrip-
tion are displayed on a dashboard that participants can
pin wherever they like. The AR part of the authoring
tool is not evaluated in the experiment and is the same
for all the authoring methods.
4.5 Procedure
Participants were first explained how the authoring
tool worked by creating a very simple procedure
(draw a smiley on a whiteboard). They created
the steps on the desktop application, and then, they
watched a tutorial video explaining how to use the
HUCAPP 2024 - 8th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 1: The authoring tool desktop application, where it
is possible to create procedure steps, describe them with a
title, a text, real-world elements locations, pictures, videos
and 3D models.
Figure 2: Two examples of the virtual content that is dis-
played on the AR application. On the left are indications of
real-world elements with orange spheres. On the right is a
dummy picture that the participant placed as if it were the
actual picture they wanted to use.
AR application. After this, they realized the actual
experiment with one of the three authoring methods.
They created their procedure on the desktop applica-
tion, placed the virtual content and reviewed it on the
AR application, corrected it on desktop in a new ver-
sion if needed, etc. They were asked to stop when sat-
isfied. Finally they answered the NASA-RTLX ques-
tionnaire and were free to leave comments about the
4.6 Data Analysis
When the assumptions for the one-way ANOVA were
met (mainly normality and homoscedasticity), we
used it to analyze the data, otherwise, nonparametric
Kruskal-Wallis test was used. The procedure creation
time and NASA-RTLX data are normal (Shapiro’s
test p-value are respectively 0.7 and 0.9), continu-
ous and homoscedastic (Levene’s test p-value are 0.4
and 0.1). We could perform one-way ANOVA for
these variables. The number of versions and number
of errors are both categorical data; we used Kruskal-
4.7 Results
4.7.1 Effect of Authoring Methods
Participants performed best with the video-based au-
thoring method for all the metrics, as shown in Fig-
ure 3, although no statistically significant results were
found (see Table 2).
Figure 3: Boxplots of participants results between the dif-
ferent authoring methods. Procedure creation time is the
time taken by participants to reach the final version of the
procedure, video recording included for the video-based
method. NASA-RTLX assesses cognitive load (Byers,
1989). The number of versions is the number of versions
participants made before reaching the final procedure. The
number of errors is the number of errors they self-detected
within their procedure before reaching the final procedure.
Table 2: P-Values of the Kruskal-Wallis tests for the effect
of authoring method on procedure creation time, NASA-
RTLX, number of versions and number of errors.
Measure P-value
Procedure creation time 0.74
NASA-RTLX score 0.27
Number of versions 0.67
Number of errors 0.56
4.7.2 Effect of Expertise
In Section 4.7.1, we did not consider the effect of par-
ticipants’ expertise on their performances. Indeed, we
found in a prior analysis that adding participants’ ex-
pertise in the data modeling did not significantly im-
prove it. This result was obtained with the ANOVA
function from the R language, by comparing a model
with participants’ expertise and one without.
Yet, when separating participants between novices
(coffee expertise under 3) and experts, different trends
were observed between the two groups for the proce-
dure creation time. This is the only variable in which
two clearly different trends can be observed. In gen-
eral, novices created the procedure faster with the in-
situ method than with the video-based method, but
AR Authoring: How to Reduce Errors from the Start?
experts created the procedure slower with the in-situ
method than with the video-based and the baseline
methods, as illustrated by Figure 4.
Figure 4: Boxplots of procedure creation times by author-
ing methods and participants’ expertise. Baseline was not
proposed to novices as they were not able to write a proce-
dure without a video or being in-situ.
4.8 Conclusion
Participants’ performances are best (although not sig-
nificantly) for all the metrics with the video-based
authoring method, followed by the in-situ authoring
method and finally the baseline. Novices and ex-
perts have similar trends except for time data, where
novices are faster with the in-situ method than with
the video-based method.
4.9 Discussion and Limitations
Participants had better results with the video-based
method. Even with the video capture time included in
the procedure creation time, participants were faster
with the video-based than with the in-situ method.
This means that enforcing that AR authors, even
experts, perform the procedure before digitizing it
makes them earn time. This is probably due to the
video forcing them to perform the task, while with the
in-situ authoring method, they were free to do as they
pleased. We indeed noticed that only a few partici-
pants actually performed the procedure with the in-
situ method; most of them mimicked it or mentally
reviewed the steps to perform by looking at the en-
vironment. This characterizes well what a real-use
would be, as we told participants to do as they wanted.
On the contrary, novices took more time with the
video-based than with the in-situ method. This can
be explained by the video recording being a learn-
ing moment for novices rather than a reminder. When
recording the video, novices just discovered the task,
this probably was not enough to make a mental ver-
sion of the procedure to perform. Novices might have
started to formalize it only while using the desktop
application. And, there, contrary to the in-situ condi-
tion, they did not have the procedure environment as
a reminder. More work would be required to verify
this hypothesis.
The data was slightly biased because no novice
was assigned the baseline. This should have had only
a limited impact on our results as we shown that ex-
perts and novices shared similar trends most of the
time. Additionally, what interests us most is the dif-
ference between video-based and in-situ, and novices
were equally distributed between these conditions.
4.10 Future Works
An interesting future work would be to improve the
video-based and in-situ methods that we proposed. In
this direction, it could be interesting to better under-
stand the role of recall within the different methods.
In our work, we did not specifically assess how re-
cency and context affected recall. Investigating these
factors could provide insights into why the video-
based method outperformed the in-situ one and guide
the development of AR authoring tools that more ef-
fectively exploit the benefits of recency and/or con-
text. This could be done for instance by varying the
degrees of context and recency provided to partici-
pants when digitizing a specific procedure.
It could also be interesting to analyze the evolu-
tion of participants’ knowledge during procedure dig-
itization. It would enable to identify the moments
when participants formalize the procedure, and com-
pare how fast participants acquire or recall knowl-
edge in the different authoring conditions. Knowl-
edge could be subjectively assessed by grades of par-
ticipants’ confidence in their capacity to digitize the
procedure from memory, or objectively, with ques-
tionnaires about the procedures.
In this experiment, we measured procedure qual-
ity in terms of errors that are self-detected by AR au-
thors and of number of versions they made before be-
ing satisfied with the procedure. These two metrics
have the advantage of being simple to measure and to
straightforwardly represent a limitation of the AR au-
thoring tool, but they do not measure how well a pro-
cedure is organized. It would be interesting to mea-
sure procedure complexity using the metrics and tools
detailed in Section 2.2.1.
Finally, in this work, we focused on recall, but
other cognitive processes that help AR authors for-
malize a procedure could have been considered, e.g.
mental imagery, logical reasoning or analytical think-
ing. They would have led to other possible de-
signs. As an example, mental imagery involves
creating mental representations of concepts, objects,
HUCAPP 2024 - 8th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
or processes (Bronkhorst et al., 2020), and it has
been shown that providing thematic content improves
mental imagery and therefore problem solving skills
(Clement and Falmagne, 1986). Consequently, it
could be interesting to design authoring tools that pro-
pose thematic content (e.g. elements useful for the
procedure) to improve mental imagery and logical
5.1 Objectives
After the experiment described in Section 4, we per-
formed a field study where several AR authors from 7
different industrial sites and 3 firms were interviewed.
The field study had two objectives. The first objec-
tive was related to the authoring methods: we wanted
to make sure that they are viable and represent con-
crete use of AR authoring tools. The second objective
was related to the metrics we used to compare the au-
thoring methods (number of errors and versions): we
wanted to verify their actual interest in the assessment
of the quality of an authoring tool.
5.2 Setup
During the interviews, we asked AR authors how they
digitize their procedure. We asked them the context
and use case for which they digitize a procedure, the
existing materials that they use to digitize the proce-
dure, and their method to digitize the procedure. We
then question them about the video-based and in-situ
methods: if they are interesting for them and in which
conditions. Finally, we asked if they needed multi-
ple versions before reaching the final procedure. AR
authors digitize their procedure using the two appli-
cations described in Section 3.1. To complete digi-
tization, they need: to create AR content (text, pic-
ture, video or 3D model); to organize their procedure
within steps; to place the AR content. During the in-
terviews, we focused on AR content creation and pro-
cedure organization.
5.3 Results
5.3.1 Authoring Process
Digitization Context. AR authors digitize proce-
dures in different contexts and for different reasons.
Two of them are procedure creators: when new prod-
ucts or machines are created, they design and digitize
the AR procedure to assemble or use them. Three
of them digitize existing procedures with the help of
already existing materials (but possibly out-of-date).
Finally, two of them digitize existing procedures but
without any prior material. The summary of how AR
authors use the authoring tool is given by Table 3.
Expert Video Prior Digitization. Three out of
seven AR authors create an expert video prior to pro-
cedure digitization. They use it for two reasons: mak-
ing sure that they digitize an updated procedure (the
expert video is the most recent performance of the
procedure), and creating AR content for the proce-
dure: chunks of the expert video for each step or an-
notated screenshots.
AR Content Creation in-situ. Five out of seven
AR authors go in-situ prior and during procedure dig-
itization to create visual asset; primarily pictures and
5.3.2 Authoring Methods
All of the AR authors use the video-based, the in-situ,
or both methods. Those using the expert video use it
to limit digitization errors and to create AR content.
Those going in-situ do it to create AR content.
Multiple AR authors mentioned that they would
like to use the expert video to create all the virtual
content because it would prevent them from needing
to go in-situ. Yet, they often raised concerns about the
expert video as a good medium for content creation.
Indeed, they said that it required skills and time to cre-
ate a high quality expert video which can be used for
media creation. Making the expert video at the right
angle is difficult. Sometimes, what needs to be cap-
tured is small and would require zooming. The use
of a HMD to make a video requires practice: often,
the camera jitters, the AR authors need to rotate the
head in an unnatural position to capture the right ele-
ments, which can also be hidden from the AR author
The creation of AR content in-situ can be time-
consuming, often because AR authors need several
trials before being satisfied with the content. For ex-
ample, they can realize while editing the expert video
on desktop that the expert forgot to wear the security
equipment and that they need to do the video all over
5.3.3 Numbers of Errors and Versions Metrics
All of the AR authors mentioned high number of er-
rors and versions before reaching the final procedure.
The number of versions is even higher when the AR
AR Authoring: How to Reduce Errors from the Start?
Table 3: Summary of AR authors’ digitization methods gathered during a field study. Each industrial site uses AR for a
specific use case. They can digitize the procedure from existing materials, record an expert’s video of the procedure before
digitizing it, and create AR content (pictures, videos) at the location of the procedure (in-situ).
Site Use cases Existing materials
Expert’s video Media creation
prior digitization in-situ
1 Procedures for new products
2 Procedures for new machines
3 Quality control procedures
4 Assembly procedures
5 Assembly, quality control procedures
7 Format shift, diagnoses procedures
6 Digitization of spreadsheets procedures
authors create a procedure which does not exist yet:
they have to write drafts that they heavily modify at
each new version. The creation of media also induces
multiple versions: AR authors first write the proce-
dure, then go at its location to create media that they
then have to edit. They regularly do this several times,
for example to recapture an unsatisfactory media.
5.4 Conclusion and Discussion
5.4.1 Authoring Methods
This field study validated the video as a tool for AR
authors to do less authoring mistakes because it forces
them to digitize with the the up-to-date procedure in
mind. It additionally highlighted the difficulty of cre-
ating high quality AR content, and suggested two pos-
sibilities to ease the creation of content: either using
the expert video as a base for other assets, either by
privileging in-situ authoring tools. The former has
the drawback of relying on video creation, which re-
quires skills, and the latter has the drawbacks of not
effectively reducing authoring errors, and of poten-
tially disturbing production lines for an undetermined
period for industrial applications.
5.4.2 Number of Errors and Versions Metrics
This field study highlighted that the number of ver-
sions is both due to digitization errors and to AR
content creation. While in this case, the number of
versions represents yet another difficulty of authoring
tool (media creation), it does not enable to capture
procedure quality alone. The number of errors is a
more precise metric to evaluate the procedure quality.
This field study showed that both metrics are rel-
evant and and concern AR authors on a daily basis.
We argue that they should be used in the design of
authoring tools in two aspects. The first aspect is AR
authoring tool evaluation during its design: these met-
rics enable to assess the quality of the procedures re-
sulting from the authoring tool. The second aspect
relates to the design of the authoring tool itself. This
study showed that it is very unlikely that AR authors
digitize their procedure in a single version. Not only
can they make mistakes, but they can also want to im-
prove the quality of the AR content, or the procedure
can change through time and AR authors need to up-
date it. If they create a new procedure, they work it-
eratively until they are satisfied with it. We argue that
AR authoring tools that enable a smooth versioning
and editing would improve AR authors experience.
For example, works could focus on making the edi-
tion of AR content simple, even for assets requiring
high technical skills like video or 3D models.
In this work, we studied how AR authoring conditions
can improve the quality of the resulting procedure. To
evaluate this quality, we measured the number of self-
detected authoring errors and number of versions un-
til AR authors are satisfied with their procedure. We
compared three authoring conditions, a video-based
method, an in-situ method, and a baseline method.
We found that the video-based method outperformed
the other methods in terms of the two metrics above-
mentioned as well as in terms of procedure creation
time and cognitive load. In addition, in a field study,
we gathered AR authors’ feedback about how they
digitize AR procedures and what they think of the au-
thoring methods above-mentioned. Depending on the
use case for which AR is needed, they favoured a dif-
ferent authoring method. They all produced a high
number of versions before being satisfied with their
procedure, highlighting the relevance of self-detected
authoring errors and number of versions metrics.
The authors wish to thank all the participants of the
experiment: thank you for your time, we hope you
enjoyed it.
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