System Usability Scale) (Brooke, 1995; Gronier,
2021), consisting of 10 questions assessing interface
usability using a 5-points Likert scale, with the value
1 refering to “Strongly disagree” and 5 to “Strongly
agree”. The scale gives a usability score from 0 to
100, reflecting the user-friendliness of the system.
Researchers generally consider an SUS score between
70 and 100 to be an acceptable range. Below this
score, the interface is considered marginally accept-
able for the target population (Bangor, 2008).
The second scale proposed was the NASA-TLX
(Hart, 1988; Maincent, 2001), aimed at assessing sub-
jective workload after a physical or cognitive activity
on six dimensions evaluated by different subscales.
These subscales require rating feelings from 1 to 20
for Mental demand, Physical demand, Time demand,
Performance, Effort, and Frustration. The last mea-
surement realized was the SIMS (Situational Intrinsic
Motivation Scale) (Guay, 2000) to assess participants’
motivation for the tasks. More specifically, the SIMS
assesses whether a session was perceived as stimu-
lating, interesting, and personally rewarding through
four subscales, and involves answering questions us-
ing a Likert scale. While the SIMS is usually adminis-
tered on a 7-points scale, we used a 8-points one (with
1 for “Strongly disagree” and 8 for “Strongly agree”).
This prevents participants to refer to a cut-off value.
The first subscale, Intrinsic motivation, assesses
autonomous motivation. The second one, Internal
Regulation, assesses motivation driven by personal
values, beliefs, or goals. External regulation mea-
sures motivation influenced by external rewards. Fi-
nally, the Amotivation subscale evaluates overall lack
of motivation.
Four extra questions followed the survey, address-
ing post-session feelings. These included an open
question about participants’ post-study emotions and
three questions about their experience with the table.
Using a 10-points scale, where 1 meant ”really bad”
and 10 ”very good”, participants were asked to rate
the interface quality, touchscreen suitability for their
condition, and their ability to use it independently.
4.1 Baseline Characteristics
We collected psychological health data using the
MMSE and mini-GDS. Regarding the MMSE, the re-
sults indicated that 55.81% participants had a score
suggesting the absence of cognitive disorder (27-30),
30.23% presented a mild score (24-26) presenting
normal cognition with some points of vigilance, and
13.95% had a score between 18 and 23 with sus-
pected mild cognitive impairment (Derouesne, 1999).
In terms of psychiatric disorders, 23.25% of partici-
pants presented suggestive signs of depression (mini-
GDS score > 0) (Cl
ement, 1997). Regarding digi-
tal habits, participants evaluated their skills at a mean
level of 6.49 after reporting their response on a scale
from 1 to 10, and primarily engaged in basic activi-
ties like communication, research, and information-
seeking. In addition, 23.25% participants declared
playing regularly video games. Concerning the fre-
quency of use of digital tools, most people (86.05%)
reported using a numerical device on a daily basis.
Apart from that, 4.65% individuals mentioned weekly
use, and 2.33% used them monthly. Finally, it seems
worth mentioning that 11.63% have worked in infor-
mation technologies during their careers.
The results in this section are computed from data
from all participants for the sake of inclusiveness of
osea, and account for variations in physical, cogni-
tive, and psychiatric abilities within the aging popula-
tion intended for using the touch table.
4.2 Usability Study
According to F-SUS, the mean usability score was
91.33/100, suggesting a high acceptability of the ta-
ble (Bangor, 2008). Based on the 10 SUS questions,
8 of them presented a standard deviation of less than
1.00, indicating homogeneous evaluations. The ques-
tion with a higher standard deviation concerned sup-
port in use (mean = 1.98; SD = 1.42) suggesting the
need of a supervisor. We also assessed the subjec-
tive workload of users after using the table. Figure
7 presents the average perceived demand of our par-
ticipants based on the 6 NASA-TLX subscales. Af-
ter scaling to 100 the results of each subscale inde-
pendently, Mental demand on the touch table seems
moderate, with a mean height of 64.77 (SD = 20.79).
The mean levels of Physical (M = 22.44, SD = 18.69)
and Temporal demands (M= 29.42,SD = 23.56) dur-
ing the execution of activities were reported as low
by participants. Moreover, the Effort required was
moderate with a mean score of 52.44 (SD = 27.50).
Participants also reported high auto-evaluated Perfor-
mance on the proposed tasks with a mean score of
78.49 (SD = 12.84), but manifested a strong level of
Frustration during the tabletop sessions, with a mean
score of 86.51 (SD = 9.03). Finally, the mean scores
obtained at the SIMS subscales are depicted in Figure
8. The mean score of 7.26 (SD = 1.19) on Intrinsic
motivation suggests a relatively good motivation dur-
ing the sessions. The score on Internal regulation was
also high, with an average score of 6.85 (SD = 1.53).
Hôsea: A Touch Table for Cognitive and Motor Rehabilitation for the Elderly - A Preliminary Study