The Evolution of Original ERP Customization: A Systematic Literature
Review of Technical Possibilities
Adrian Abendroth
, Benedict Bender
and Norbert Gronau
Chair of Business Informatics, esp. Processes and Systems, University of Potsdam,
August-Bebel-Str. 89, 14482 Potsdam, Germany
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, Customization, Modification, Tailoring, Literature Review.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system customization is often necessary because companies have unique
processes that provide their competitive advantage. Despite new technological advances such as cloud com-
puting or model-driven development, technical ERP customization options are either outdated or ambiguously
formulated in the scientific literature. Using a systematic literature review (SLR) that analyzes 137 definitions
from 26 papers, the result is an analysis and aggregation of technical customization types by providing clear-
ance and aligning with future organizational needs. The results show a shift from ERP code modification in
on-premises systems to interface and integration customization in cloud ERP systems, as well as emerging
technological opportunities as a way for customers and key users to perform system customization. The study
contributes by providing a clear understanding of given customization types and assisting ERP users and ven-
dors in making customization decisions.
According to (Davenport, 1998), an ERP system is
an IT system that enables organizations to map their
business processes holistically and integrate and auto-
mate them with the aid of uniform data management.
The capability of an ERP system is that best prac-
tices of industries are mapped in the form of a soft-
ware package with different modules satisfying dif-
ferent industries. ERP systems, when designed and
implemented well, can improve productivity, provide
reliable information, reduce costs and improve global
reach (Ziani and AlShehri, 2015). Additionally, they
can enable companies to be more agile, flexible and
better equipped to meet market demands, leading to
a competitive advantage (Koh and Simpson, 2007).
Furthermore, they can deliver improved decision sup-
port (Utecht et al., 2004), optimized inventory man-
agement (Goeke and Faley, 2009), and better infor-
mation and knowledge management such as staff ed-
ucation and training (Ram et al., 2014).
Despite extensive research, the successful imple-
mentation of ERP systems remains a challenge (Mah-
mood et al., 2020). For these complex projects to be
successful, critical design issues as well as project ex-
ecution are critical (Ngai et al., 2008). The advan-
tage of packaged enterprise systems is that they have
a wide range of out-of-the-box functionality available.
The challenge of implementation begins at the selec-
tion stage. Given the variety of systems available, se-
lecting an ERP system that best suits the needs of the
company is known to be a critical success factor (Had-
dara, 2018). Once the right system has been selected,
the level and approach of customisation is critical to
the success of the implementation.
From a project perspective, adapting business pro-
cesses to the ERP standard is the simplest approach.
However, companies are not willing or able to fully
adopt system functionality as they strive to main-
tain their competitive advantage through differentia-
tion (Hansen et al., 2023). Adapting the system to
the needs and practices of the business is therefore an
important part of implementation projects.
To address the gap between ERP systems
functionalities and companies requirements, two
approaches of customization can be distinguished.
Companies need to find the right balance be-
tween the approaches (Luo and Strong, 2004;
Rothenberger and Srite, 2009; Davis, 2005).
Abendroth, A., Bender, B. and Gronau, N.
The Evolution of Original ERP Customization: A Systematic Literature Review of Technical Possibilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0012305500003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 17-27
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(i) Process Customization. The company adapts its
procedures to the processes specified in the sys-
tem and thus uses the standard software intended
by the vendor. Often, other technical forms of cus-
tomization are not encouraged.
(ii) Technical Ccustomization. Refers to alter-
ations encompassing both technical adjustments
and configuration changes to the underlying as-
pects of the system. These customizations can
vary in their nature, complexity, and associated
Extensive research is conducted on process cus-
tomization, treating it as a complex multi-criteria
decision-making problem, with the aim of identifying
the right’ ERP system (Singh and Pekkola, 2021).
Moreover, ERP research focuses on success factors
and how to mitigating organisational ERP ’misfits’
(Hustad et al., 2016).
On the other site, heavy technical modification to
the ERP system are often advocated against (Dav-
enport, 1998; Holland and Light, 1999), leading
to increased cost during implementation and post-
implementation (maintenance) phase, software qual-
ity issues (Parthasarathy and Sharma, 2017) busi-
ness operations continuity and long-term ownership
risk (Davenport, 1998; Koch and Mitteregger, 2016;
Khadrouf et al., 2018). Notwithstanding, companies
are using technical customization to gain a competi-
tive advantage over other companies using a similar
ERP system by implementing technical customiza-
tions based on the companies individual processes,
which are not part of ERP vendors intended processes
(Balint, 2017). Other potential reasons are change re-
sistance, ownership type and ERP maturity (Khadrouf
et al., 2018; Zach and Munkvold, 2012).
Despite extensive research on process customiza-
tion, the field of technical customization is still a vi-
brant one. For this reason, a systematization and clear
understanding of technical customization is crucial,
but still lacking. Technical customization is fueled by
an increasing variety of new technologies such as low-
code programming (Picek, 2023)), on-premise as well
as cloud ERP systems (Uppstr
om et al., 2015; Al-
Shardan and Ziani, 2015; Nowak and Kurbel, 2017).
There are numerous different interpretations of tech-
nical customization types in research and practice.
Definitions have evolved over time and are not con-
The goal is to provide a comprehensive under-
standing of technical customization types, focusing
on the evolving definitions and interpretations. Ad-
ditionally, the study provides practitioners with a
decision-making aid into the evolving landscape of
technical customization types hat align with future or-
ganizational needs. Thus, our contributions comprise
(I) an overview about current technical customiza-
tions, and (II) gives concrete guidance for further,
missing technical customization research.
To harmonize these definitions, an aggregation is
conducted to give an overview of common ERP cus-
tomization types in the scientific literature. Taken
together, different understandings and definitions of
ERP customization options exist within the scientific
community, revealing a research gap to aggregate an
overview of the scientific definitions and graduations
of the ERP customization options. To fill this research
gap, the following research questions are formulated,
which will be answered in this study:
RQ1. Which ERP customization options in the scien-
tific community do exist?
RQ2. How do the ERP customization options change
over time?
This paper first introduces and classifies techni-
cal ERP customization types showcasing the exist-
ing diversity. The paper then explains the method-
ology used, which includes defining the scope of the
study, describing the process of searching relevant
databases, selecting the appropriate literature, and an-
alyzing the selected sources. The paper then presents
the findings in the form of aggregated ERP customiza-
tion types and describes the evolution of these. Fi-
nally, the results are discussed and possible limita-
tions of the research are identified and concluded.
Previous research shows, that a distinction can be
made in ERP customization types dealing with tech-
nological advances. In the 2000s, the focus lay on
on-premise ERP system customization in the 2000s.
(Davenport, 1998) is one of the first publications de-
scribing and defining three types of technical cus-
tomization (modules, configuration of tables and
codemodification). The author argues that business
goals are driving the need for customization. (Glass,
1998) defines similar types, adding extensions such as
user exits and bolt-ons. The author raises the question
that customization is maintenance heavy and that ERP
clients will undergo changes in the future. (Brehm
et al., 2001) employ the term ’tailoring’ to encom-
pass both configuration (setting parameters without
altering underlying technical aspects) and modifica-
tion (changing package code and technical elements).
They delineate 7 tailoring types adding extended re-
porting, workflow programming and interfaces by
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
categorizing each type to its layer involved and the
given effort for system maintenance and post imple-
mentation. Further publication adapted customization
types to show level of support (Haines, 2003), cus-
tomization options (Luo and Strong, 2004), strate-
gic alignment (Davis, 2005), likelihood of redoing
customization after upgrade (Rothenberger and Srite,
2009). Moreover, publications combined technical
customization with AHP-techniques to structure cus-
tomization types based on hierarchy levels to show
efforts for used customizations (Sarfaraz et al., 2012;
Parhizkar and Comuzzi, 2015). In the mid 2010s,
technical customization options are adapted to the rise
of cloud ERP systems. One study of (Uppstr
om et al.,
2015) modified the technical customization types of
(Brehm et al., 2001) accordingly to changes to the rise
of cloud ERP systems and suggested the 3 new cus-
tomization options packaged customization, conver-
sion and mobile platforms for on-premise and cloud
ERP. SaaS ERP finding are added by (Al-Shardan
and Ziani, 2015) showing configuration boundaries in
SaaS ERP as well as by (Nowak and Kurbel, 2017)
describing customization approaches adopted by ven-
dors and the resulting level of flexibility for adapt-
ing specific system elements. (Picek, 2023) is de-
scribing the areas where low-code platforms can be
used to create extensions or small apps for improv-
ing ERP systems. It shows the possibilities of low-
code extensions in ERP systems through new techni-
cal advancements, rising business needs, and digital
transformation-based shifts.
In order to address the research question at hand,
we conducted a SLR using the methodology pro-
posed by (vom Brocke et al., 2009). Additionally,
we employed the taxonomy framework developed by
(Cooper, 1988) to provide a comprehensive context
for our study. This framework is depicted in Figure 1,
which aids in delineating the scope of our work.
Figure 1: Taxonomy according to (Cooper, 1988).
The focus of this SLR hereby lies in the identifi-
cation of ERP customization types. The goal of this
SLR is to aggregate the various definitions. This in-
volves organizing this SLR conceptually and from a
neutral perspective. We address specialized scholars
as well as practitioners in the ERP context. In this
SLR, definitions and descriptions of ERP customiza-
tion types are systematically retrieved from the liter-
ature and presented to answer the research question.
An up to date SLR is necessary to explore potentially
new approaches for technical customization as there
seem a lack of up to date general customization op-
3.1 Keyword and Database Definition
To capture a broad spectrum of the literature, a
systematic search of the following 7 bibliographic
databases was conducted: ACM digital library, AIS
electronic library, Ieeeexplore, ProQuest, Sciencedi-
rect, Web of Science and Wiley online library. To
query these databases a search string was developed
and, as required, tailored for each database:
(ERP OR ’Enterprise Resource Planning’) AND
(customization OR modification OR configuration
OR parametrization OR individualization)
The search string was performed at the abstract level
only to find relevant paper dealing with defining of
customization types.
3.2 Inclusion Criteria
Studies were included if they (i) developed or ex-
tended an original definition of ERP customization
types (ii) are reported in English; and (iii) are pub-
lished in a peer-reviewed outlet or conference pro-
3.3 Exclusion Criteria
Studies were excluded when (i) they solely referenced
a prior original ERP customization type definition
without extension and elaboration and (ii) lacked a
clear, detailed description of the customization type
in question.
3.4 Conducting the Search Process
The search was carried over a three-week period be-
ginning at start of 2023. A total of 1542 relevant pa-
pers were obtained from the search process. In this
context, each obtained paper is referred to as a ’hit’.
The final selection consists of hits that met the criteria
for inclusion in the study.
Initially, the database search yielded a set of hits,
where each hit represents a publication found during
The Evolution of Original ERP Customization: A Systematic Literature Review of Technical Possibilities
Phase 1 - Defining Hits
Without Duplicates
Records after reading title
Records after reading abstract
Final Hits after reading full-text
Phase 2 - Filtering Hits and Defining Final Hits
Phase 3 - Backwards Search
Hits 364
Hot Pics
Final Hits
Phase 4 - Forward Search
Hits 1229
Hot Pics 8
Final Hits
Final Hits
Database Hits
ACM digital library
AIS electronic library
Wiley online library
Web of Science
Figure 2: Search process.
the search process across multiple databases. As a
result, the final collection of literature consisted of
1542 hits. After removing duplicates, the remain-
ing records title (n=1255) were scanned, and ineligi-
ble records (n=1055) were removed not dealing with
the topic of ERP systems. After reviewing the ab-
stracts of the remaining records (n=200), ineligible
records (n=128) were removed. This was due to other
adjoining topics dealing with ERP systems such as
success factors or process mining. After reviewing
the full-texts of the remaining reports (n=73), 19 ini-
tial final hits were found. To identify the final selec-
tion of 19 relevant studies, a backwards search was
conducted utilizing the tool citationchaser (Haddaway
et al., 2021). The backwards search yielded 364 af-
ter eliminating duplicate entries and excluding papers
written in languages other than English. a compara-
tive analysis was undertaken to assess the remaining
papers in relation to the articles screened during the
initial search phase. The abstracts of the remaining
364 search results were thoroughly reviewed, leading
to the identification of 14 ’Hot Pics’. After reading
the full-texts, 4 additional papers were included.
Employing the same methodology, a forward
search in Google Scholar with initial 1649 hits was
conducted. After eliminating duplicates (n=420), the
remaining 1229 articles title were screened and 1190
paper eliminated. The remaining 39 articles full-texts
were screened leading to 3 added final hits. The over-
all SLR resulted in 26 final articles.
For the analysis, a table was created with the name of
technical customization type, the given category and
its description. After that, the descriptions of each
ERP customization type was read. If no concrete
description for the customization type was made,
the customization type name was used as a descrip-
tion. Each description was read, and categories were
formed according to (Mayring, 2014). It was possi-
ble, that a given customization type of a hit was given
more than one tagged customization type. The reason
is that the descriptions were not distinctly specified,
so that a description could have more than one cate-
The distribution of years of final hits indicate two
phases, in which ERP customization types were de-
fined (Figure 3). Firstly, the phase in the 2000s, where
ERP systems where research in this areas was grow-
ing and topics in on-premise ERP systems were dis-
cussed; and secondly in the 2015-present, where the
rise of cloud ERP systems rose questions to customiz-
Figure 3: Yearly distribution of final hits.
Out of the 26 definitions, 137 technical customiza-
tion types were identified. The minimum number of
technical customization type per definition is 1, the
maximum 13 and the average 5.27 (SD=2.88). Based
on the technical customization types, an aggregation
took place in the form of a bottom-up procedure to
consolidate and eliminate redundancies. For this pur-
pose, the individual categories of the customization
types with the descriptions were considered and as-
signed to the respective references. A total of 13 tech-
nical customization types (tct) in the area of ERP were
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(tct01) Module selection. Selection of a suitable
module from the ERP provider.
(tct02) Parametrization (table). Setting parameters
in tables.
(tct03) Screen masks. Creating screen masks for in-
put and output of data.
(tct04) Reporting. Programming advanced data out-
put and reporting options.
(tct05) Bolt-ons. Extensions in the form of third-
party packages.
(tct06) User exits. A user exit is a subroutine called
by a software package for a predefined event
when the package is executed.
(tct07) Workflow programming. Creation of non-
standard workflows.
(tct08) ERP-internal programming language.
Programming additional applications with-
out changing the source code (in the vendor’s
computer language, e.g. ABAP from SAP).
(tct09) Code generation. Automatic generation of
program code and/or database schemas based
on an information model.
(tct10) Interfaces. Development of code extensions
that use pre-built system components.
(tct11) ERP-code modification. Modification of the
ERP source code to program additional func-
(tct12) Query customization. Direct modification
of ERP database entities and relationships.
(tct13) Other. Other categories not fitting the previ-
ous mentioned.
Table 1 presents the identified and aggregated cus-
tomization types, along with references that mention
non-unique instances, contrasted with references that
mention uniquely identified references. When look-
ing at the distribution of the aggregated customiza-
tion types, parametrization was tagged the most with
32 times of the 137 identified customization types,
followed by ERP code modification (n=25) and in-
terfaces (n=13). Interestingly, ERP code modifi-
cation was mentioned more when accounting only
unique references (m=22) compared to parametriza-
tion (m=19). The least tagged customization types
were code generation (n=2), query customization
(n=3), followed by the category other (n=6).
Subsequently, the aggregated technical types of
customization were categorized into 3 categories.
Three categories were adapted to (Hansen et al., 2019,
pp.171-172) and (Leimeister, 2021, p. 332) and than
matched to the tcts.
(a) Modularization. Incorporating the vendor’s pro-
gram modules without altering the underlying
technical aspects.
(b) Parametrization. Configuring functions
through standard software parameters, also
known as configuration, without impacting the
underlying technical aspects.
(c) Complementary Programming. Adapting or
replacing components with programming code
that affects the technical aspect of ERP.
Table 1: Count of tagged ERP customization types and
unique references.
Technical customiza-
tion type
Count of
types (n)
Modularization tct01 13 13
tct02 32 19
tct03 5 3
tct04 7 6
tct05 12 12
tct06 5 5
tct07 7 6
tct08 7 7
tct09 2 2
tct10 13 10
tct11 25 22
tct12 3 3
tct13 6 3
Total 137 26
tct01 corresponds to ’Modularization’, tct02 to
tct04 fall under the ’Parametrization’ category, and
tct05 to tct12 are categorized as ’Complementary Pro-
gramming’ with detailed explanations provided in the
accompanying table 2. The distribution of the tcts ac-
cording to the final hits can be found at Table 3 in the
To contribute to the further development of techni-
cal ERP customization, an overview and systemati-
zation is provided. The interplay between customiza-
tion needs and the possibilities offered by technologi-
cal advances brings hope to customization. Especially
for heavy efforts, dependence on system experts and
inflexibility of customization’s.
The Evolution of Original ERP Customization: A Systematic Literature Review of Technical Possibilities
Table 2: ERP customization options matched to tcts.
tct Explanation for Categorization
Selecting a suitable module from the ERP provider, which fits the idea of organizing or modularizing
the ERP system by choosing specific modules.
Setting parameters in tables, which are configurations that can alter the behavior of the ERP system.
Creating screen masks for input and output of data typically involves configuring how data is
displayed and entered, which can be considered a form of parameterization.
It involves programming advanced dataoutput and reporting options, which are often configurable
settings within an ERP system.
Bolt-ons refer to adding external third-party packages to extend ERP functionality, which
is a form of complementary customization.
User exits are used to inject custom code into predefined events in the ERP system,
extending its functionality without modifying the core code.
Workflow programming involves creating non-standard workflows, which is a form of
customizing the ERP system’s behavior.
It involves programming additional applications using the ERP system’s internal
language without changing the core code.
Automatic generation of program code can be a way to enhance the ERP system’s capabilities
without direct manual coding.
It involves developing code extensions that use pre-built system components (interfaces)
to integrate with other systems.
Directly modifying the ERP source code to add additional functionalities is
complementary programming.
Directly modifying ERP database entities and relationships can involve modifying the
code or using custom queries.
5.1 The Start: On-Premise
In the early days (first half of the period), on-premise
ERP systems played an important role, and customi-
sation was mainly achieved through parameterisation,
ERP-internal programming languages or direct mod-
ifications to the ERP code. These methods allow
organisations to tailor the ERP system to their spe-
cific needs, but they often require extensive technical
expertise and are time consuming (Uppstr
om et al.,
2015; Rothenberger and Srite, 2009).
5.2 ERP Customization in the Cloud
The second half of the period witnessed the rise of
cloud ERP systems, which brought about transfor-
mative changes in the ERP landscape. With cloud-
based implementations, organizations could leverage
the flexibility and scalability of the cloud, enabling
access to ERP functionalities through responsive de-
signs that support mobile devices. This shift in fo-
cus towards mobile use opened up new opportunities
for increased productivity, real-time decision-making,
and improved user experience (Hansen et al., 2023;
Nowak and Kurbel, 2017).
As the adoption of cloud ERP systems has grown,
so has the need for customization. Cloud infras-
tructures, especially in newer forms of SaaS archi-
tectures, require different forms of customization, as
vendors are interested in running similar client in-
stances within an infrastructure to achieve efficiency
gains. As a result, parameterization has taken on a
new importance, levelling the configuration possibili-
ties of ERPs. More individual customization has been
done by using interfaces for seamless integration of
external applications. These approaches allowed or-
ganizations to connect their ERP systems with other
systems, portals, or cloud functions through well-
designed APIs (Uppstr
om et al., 2015; Hustad et al.,
2016). Moreover, customization of reporting often re-
quires integration with business intelligence systems,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
as these systems require data from external sources
to generate meaningful insights. Moreover, work-
flow programming utilizes microservices to reconfig-
ure processes, requiring integration capabilities (Ben-
der et al., 2021). The integration aspect becomes
crucial in achieving seamless interoperability and en-
abling efficient reporting customization and workflow
programming. This shift not only facilitated data ex-
change but also enabled the integration of specialized
systems, forming an interoperable ecosystem. The
ERP system acts as the central focal point for orches-
trating and synchronizing processes, ensuring seam-
less collaboration between the ERP system and its
specialized counterparts (Bender et al., 2022; Vyawa-
hare et al., 2018; Arulraj et al., 2016).
5.3 Empowerment of (Key) Users
To address the reliance on vendor experts to perform
customizations, there was a growing interest in en-
abling customers to perform customizations. The
availability of pre-defined application components
simplifies the development process by providing a li-
brary of ready-to-use functionalities. Users can lever-
age these components to assemble and configure ap-
plications according to their specific requirements,
significantly reducing the need for custom program-
ming (Ali et al., 2019).
This is added by the use of model-based code gen-
eration techniques such as low-code (Picek, 2023).
Instead of writing code from scratch, users can cre-
ate models or visual representations of their de-
sired applications. These models capture the de-
sired functionalities, business logic, and data struc-
tures, which are then automatically translated into ex-
ecutable code. This approach reduces the reliance on
manual coding, streamlines the development process,
and enhances the maintainability of the ERP system
(Bender et al., 2021).
5.4 Recommendations Against and for
Customisation Options
Organizations must balance the potential benefits,
such as return on investment (Light, 2001) and com-
petitive advantages (Koch and Mitteregger, 2016),
against the cost drivers of implementation (Brehm
et al., 2001), including higher maintenance (Ng,
2001; Haines, 2003; Koch and Mitteregger, 2016) and
upgrade expenses (Brehm et al., 2001). If the bene-
fits outweigh the disadvantages, customization should
be pursued (Ng, 2001). Strategic alignment should
precede customization (Davenport, 1998), and thor-
ough planning (Rothenberger and Srite, 2009) is es-
sential to understand potential pitfalls. Customiza-
tion should only be undertaken when it adds value to
value-adding processes (Oseni et al., 2013). Stake-
holder engagement enhances the outcomes of cus-
tomization (Huang et al., 2021). Purely technical cus-
tomization is discouraged (Luo and Strong, 2004; Os-
eni et al., 2013). (Parhizkar and Comuzzi, 2015) em-
phasize that making modifications to function code,
data queries, and workflows typically incur higher ex-
penses whereas configuration is least expensive. Mi-
nor adjustments in configuration typically incur lower
costs compared to functional changes (Light, 2001).
Therefore, configuration is often the preferred option
(Davenport, 1998).
(Luo and Strong, 2004) provide nuanced rec-
ommendations regarding customization, which vary
based on the organizational context They suggest
moderate customization when an organization pos-
sesses high technical change capacity but limited
process change capability. It is cautioned against
solely technical-driven modifications that may not di-
rectly impact transformative ERP capabilities. High
customization in the form of code modification is
only advised for companies with both technical high
change capacity and high process change capability.
om et al., 2015) advocate for configuring a
cloud ERP system over modifying it, citing the lack of
custom modification options and the accompanying
high risk. Moreover it is recommended to use new
types of customisation for cloud ERP systems such as
mobile platforms.
Conversely, (Nowak and Kurbel, 2017) propose
the differentiation of various cloud-based architec-
tures and argue that these systems should be dis-
tinguished based on their maturity level or the un-
derlying cloud architecture and maturity. Addition-
ally, they recommend leveraging built-in customiza-
tion tools. They highlight that a development plat-
form with services surrounding the underlying ERP
system enables vendors to substantially extend cus-
tomization capabilities.
The structured literature review highlights the
emergence of new technologies that facilitate modifi-
cations in ERP systems and their processes. These ad-
vancements generally simplify the adoption and cus-
tomization of established protocols, underscoring the
importance of discerning when to implement system
modifications. These innovations reduce the need
for specialists and external collaborators, allowing for
more extensive customization. However, it empha-
sizes the importance of effective governance to pre-
vent the risks associated with the easy adoption of
systems and processes. These findings reveal new op-
portunities for organizations using standard software,
The Evolution of Original ERP Customization: A Systematic Literature Review of Technical Possibilities
emphasizing the dependent nature of their benefits on
careful implementation.
5.5 Implications for Practice
For companies that use or are considering an ERP
system, new customization technologies can be a sig-
nificant enabler, allowing for more precise tailoring
of ERP systems to their operational needs. However,
this capability requires the design and development
of appropriate governance mechanisms, particularly
given that adoption and customization processes were
previously centrally coordinated. The rise of low-
code/no-code platforms presents an opportunity and
a challenge. While they simplify the customization
process, they also require careful oversight to prevent
uncoordinated modifications. Therefore, companies
must evaluate the extent of customization capabilities
within the selected ERP system, including considera-
tions for on-premise, SaaS, or PaaS solutions. Each
option provides varying levels of customization flexi-
bility. Cloud-based ERPs, especially SaaS solutions,
often have limited opportunities for deep customiza-
tion. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly assess
the need for customization upfront and have a well-
defined system landscape architecture to enable seam-
less integration with external systems or services.
For ERP vendors, integrating customization
options and shifting design capabilities to clients
presents a significant challenge that must be consid-
ered in their business model and implementation ap-
proach from the outset. Providing client-side cus-
tomization services, particularly in the cloud mar-
ket, can improve market share. Moreover, exploring
model-based programming options can enable users
to customize standard processes using visual model-
ing tools and predefined templates, eliminating the
need for direct code modifications. This approach not
only facilitates customization but also requires strate-
gic alignment between the vendor’s IT infrastructure
and database approach. In addition, implementing
collaborative strategies can improve the customiza-
tion process, making it more efficient and aligned
with clients’ specific needs.
5.6 Prospects for Future Research
The customization of packaged enterprise systems
(PES) other than ERP, such as CRM or SCM sys-
tems, should be further explored, as the research find-
ings may be generalizable across different types of
enterprise-level applications. The study by (Singh and
Pekkola, 2021), which conducted a systematic litera-
ture review (SLR) on customization topics for PES,
provides a solid foundation for expansion. In addi-
tion, the categorization of the identified customization
technologies (tcts) should be validated in subsequent
research. Emerging trends, including the adoption of
low-code platforms due to technological advances, in-
creasing business needs, and developments spurred
by digital transformation, warrant closer examination
(Picek, 2023). Decision-making tools for selecting
the appropriate deployment type based on customiza-
tion needs, options, and associated costs also merit
further development, with the work of (Parhizkar and
Comuzzi, 2015) serving as a potential starting point
for identifying the costs associated with each tct.
Moreover, there is an urgent need for research
on the management processes involved in govern-
ing system adoptions resulting from the democrati-
zation of such adoptions. This includes exploring
how organizations can effectively oversee the adop-
tion and customization of ERP systems in an environ-
ment where these processes are increasingly accessi-
ble to a broader range of stakeholders. Research on
collaborative implementation strategies, specifically
how companies can work with ERP vendors to fa-
cilitate customization efforts, is crucial. This should
cover mechanisms for ensuring that customization ef-
forts align with both the vendor’s capabilities and the
client’s needs, optimizing the effectiveness and effi-
ciency of the implementation process. This research
would not only address gaps in the literature but also
offer practical insights for organizations and vendors
dealing with the complexities of customizing ERP
systems in the digital age.
5.7 Limitations
The selected keywords are focused on customization
of ERP at abstract level. It is conceivable that the
identification of different types of ERP customiza-
tion might have been omitted during the initial search
based on the title or keyword level such as soft-
ware tailoring. The proposed research aims to ad-
dress this gap by conducting a comprehensive back-
wards and forwards search. Furthermore, it is impor-
tant to acknowledge that the current search strategy,
which specifically focuses on ERP customization,
may not adequately capture emerging customization
paradigms that target areas beyond ERP.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system cus-
tomization is often necessary because companies have
unique processes that provide their competitive ad-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
vantage. A systematic literature review (SLR) is used
to identify and systematize technical customizations.
The study presents the aggregation of 13 unique ap-
proaches of ERP spanning over 20 years of ERP
customization. The shift from on-premises to cloud
systems affects customization approaches. Emerg-
ing technology capabilities enable key users to be
empowered to make changes. The study contributes
by providing a clear understanding of customization
types and assisting ERP users and vendors in making
customization decisions.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Analysis of Final Hits and corresponding technical customization type.
Reference tct01 tct02 tct03 tct04 tct05 tct06 tct07 tct08 tct09 tct10 tct11 tct12 tct13 Total
(Davenport, 1998) 1 1 1 3
(Glass, 1998) 1 1 1 1 4
(Brehm et al., 2001) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 9
(Light, 2001) 1 1 2 4
(Ng, 2001) 1 1
(Haines, 2003) 1 1 1 1 4
(Luo and Strong, 2004) 1 1 1 3
(Davis, 2005) 1 1 2
(Dittrich and Vaucouleur, 2008) 1 1 1 1 1 5
(Sommerville, 2008) 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 9
(Rothenberger and Srite, 2009) 1 1 1 1 2 6
(Zach and Munkvold, 2011) 1 1 1 3
(Sarfaraz et al., 2012) 1 1 1 3
(Oseni et al., 2013) 1 1 1 1 3 7
(Selmeci and Orosz, 2014) 3 1 1 2 7
(Ziani, 2014) 11 1 1 13
(Al-Shardan and Ziani, 2015) 1 1
(Parhizkar and Comuzzi, 2015) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
om et al., 2015) 1 1 1 1 2 1 7
(Hustad et al., 2016) 2 1 1 2 1 7
(Koch and Mitteregger, 2016) 1 1 1 3
(Nowak and Kurbel, 2017) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
(Khadrouf et al., 2018) 1 1 2
(Ali et al., 2019) 1 1 1 1 1 5
(Pestana et al., 2019) 2 3 1 1 1 8
(Huang et al., 2021) 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Total 13 32 5 7 12 5 7 7 2 13 25 3 6 137
The Evolution of Original ERP Customization: A Systematic Literature Review of Technical Possibilities