5. We hypothesized that a higher Hilbert curve order
would enhance model efficiency, resulting in a single
image encapsulating 1024 data points.
The experimental results of using the original net-
work data flow to evaluate the classical ML are shown
in table 2. We applied Classical ML such as logistic
regression (LR), and decision tree (DT) to compare
the single sample training on the network data flow.
In conclusion, the HilxSEED model might be one
of the standards for using visualization in intrusion
detection. It successfully addressed the key chal-
lenges in this field, the need for high accuracy, and the
ability to process complex data patterns effectively.
As cyber threats continued to evolve, approaches like
the HilxSEED model were vital in developing robust
and efficient systems to safeguard digital infrastruc-
In this study, we proposed the intrusion detection
method. The Hilbert curve serves as a flow-to-image
technique and utilizes an image classification model
to detect the network attack. We map the network
data flow following the coordinates of Hilbert’s curve.
Then, we train and evaluate the HilxSEED model,
an integration of the Encoder-Decoder model and the
SENet model comparing with previous methods on
NSL-KDD and CIC-IDS2017. The result of the pro-
posed HilxSEED model achieved higher performance
than recent models, with 0.817 accuracy and 0.835
F1-score on the NSL-KDD, and 0.924 accuracy and
0.931 F1-score on the CIC-IDS2017.
Our results were influenced by our experiment’s
specific conditions. The Hilbert curve order was lim-
ited by our hardware’s robustness, but future studies
could use higher orders. Notably, as we increased
the Hilbert curve’s order, we generally observed en-
hanced efficiency. A limitation was the difficulty
in visually detecting some attack types, though our
method might indicate these patterns. Furthermore,
exploring other filling curves could further enhance
intrusion detection methodologies.
This research is partially funded by the FY2023 Grant
for fundamental research, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology.
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Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection with Image Classification Model Using Hilbert Curve