Figure 3: Original images (first column), generated shapes
(second column), and refined final output (third column) ob-
tained from the proposed pipeline.
could be assumed. The method seems particularly
suitable to provide appreciable results while avoiding
heavyweight models, e.g., Transformers (Basak et al.,
2022). Also, more powerful hardware could be ex-
ploited for testing the method with different hyperpa-
rameters and deeper architectures. Furthermore, the
details filling phase could be improved by capturing
finer texture details in the final geometry to provide
a more realistic face model. In conclusion, a com-
parative analysis will be conducted in the future: ex-
ploiting the same procedure to generate the custom
dataset, we will collect results after running different
well-known approaches on it and compare them with
the proposed solution’s ones.
This work was supported by the “Smart un-
mannEd AeRial vehiCles for Human likE moni-
toRing (SEARCHER)” project of the Italian Min-
istry of Defence (CIG: Z84333EA0D) and the re-
search leading to these results has received funding
from Project “Ecosistema dell’innovazione - Rome
Technopole” financed by EU in NextGenerationEU
plan through MUR Decree n. 1051 23.06.2022 - CUP
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