UPSS: the user-centric private sharing system pro-
vides data availability, strong confidentiality and in-
tegrity properties while relying only on untrusted
backend storage (local or remote). Data is encrypted
at rest, named cryptographically and store within a
content-addressable sea of blocks, so no file or direc-
tory structure can be discerned directly from the con-
tents of an encrypted block store. Cryptographic ca-
pabilities are used to authorize access to arbitrarily-
sized DAGs of files and directories without cen-
tralized access control. Convergent encryption en-
ables data de-duplication for large files among even
mutually-distrustful users while avoiding the com-
mon pitfalls of the technique for small, low-entropy
UPSS wraps copy-on-write operations with a con-
ventional filesystem API, accessible directly as a li-
brary or proxied via a FUSE interface. Although
UPSS-FUSE’s performance is lower than that of di-
rect API usage, it exceeds that of comparable cryp-
tographic filesystems and is within an order of mag-
nitude of that of the mature copy-on-write filesys-
tem ZFS. When using remote storage, UPSS’s per-
formance exceeds that of UtahFS, Google’s Perkeep
and even, for some benchmarks, unencrypted NFS.
UPSS demonstrates that it is possible to achieve
both strong security properties and high performance,
backed by untrusted local, remote or global stor-
age. UPSS’s performance is comparable to — or, in
some cases, superior to — mature, heavily-optimized
filesystems. Adoption of UPSS will lay the founda-
tion for future transformations in privacy and integrity
for applications as diverse as social networking and
medical data storage, providing better opportunities
for users — not system administrators — to take con-
trol of their data.
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy