Identification of Opinion and Ground in Customer Review Using
Heterogeneous Datasets
Po-Min Chuang, Kiyoaki Shirai and Natthawut Kertkeidkachorn
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
1-1 Asahidai Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan
Opinion Mining, Ground of Opinion, Customer Review, Discourse Analysis, Weakly-Supervised Learning.
Online reviews are a valuable source of information for both potential buyers and enterprises, but not all
reviews provide us helpful information. This paper aims at the identification of a user’s opinion and its reason
or ground in a review, supposing that a review including a ground for an opinion is helpful. A classifier to
identify an opinion and a ground, called the opinion-ground classifier, is trained from three heterogeneous
datasets. The first is the existing dataset for discourse analysis, KWDLC, which is the manually labeled but
out-domain dataset. The second is the in-domain but weakly supervised dataset made by a rule-based method
that checks the existence of causality discourse markers. The third is another in-domain dataset augmented
by ChatGPT, where a prompt to generate new samples is given to ChatGPT. We train several models as the
opinion-ground classifier. Results of our experiments show that the use of automatically constructed datasets
significantly improves the classification performance. The F1-score of our best model is 0.71, which is 0.12
points higher than the model trained from the existing dataset only.
As online shopping platforms experience growing
customer reviews are valuable information
sources for customers and enterprises. When po-
tential customers consider purchasing products, they
usually refer to reviews written by other users. Com-
panies also use customer reviews to know what fea-
tures users like or dislike to enhance their products.
However, it is hard for users to find valuable infor-
mation from a vast amount of reviews. Studies to au-
tomatically extract useful information from reviews
or to support users in finding helpful information are
paid much attention.
Previous research has explored various aspects of
analyzing customer reviews such as summarizing re-
views (Hu and Liu, 2004). Especially, the research
on the helpfulness of reviews has attracted much in-
terest (Diaz and Ng, 2018), since some reviews are
useless or meaningless for customers or companies.
Techniques to automatically identify helpful reviews
are crucial, because it is hard and time-consuming to
read a large amount of customer reviews.
The helpfulness of reviews can be defined from
https : / / / stats / amazon -
various points of view. For example, the helpfulness
can be evaluated by the length of a review (a long
review may be more helpful than a short one), detailed
explanation about a product, and so on. Reasons or
grounds for a reviewer’s opinion are also one of the
important features. On the one hand, a review that just
expresses an opinion or sentiment toward a product
such as “It is excellent. and “Too bad. provides not
so useful information to other people. On the other
hand, if a reviewer also writes a reason why she/he
thinks a product is good or not, such as “I like it since
the design is cool,” it can be helpful for both potential
customers and companies.
Our goal is to identify an opinion of a reviewer
and a ground for it in a customer review written in
Japanese in order to select and provide helpful re-
views to users. It is formulated as a kind of discourse
analysis between two clauses where one clause ex-
presses an opinion and the other represents its ground.
A pre-trained language model is used since it has
achieved superior results in many Natural Language
Processing tasks. However, no labeled data, a col-
lection of Japanese reviews annotated with relations
between an opinion and a ground, is available. There-
fore, we use three kinds of datasets for training a
model: (1) an existing out-domain dataset of dis-
Chuang, P., Shirai, K. and Kertkeidkachorn, N.
Identification of Opinion and Ground in Customer Review Using Heterogeneous Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0012307000003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 2, pages 68-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
course analysis, (2) an in-domain dataset automati-
cally constructed by using a discourse marker, and (3)
an augmented in-domain dataset made by a generative
AI. Our research questions are: what datasets are use-
ful for the identification of an opinion and its ground,
and how can those datasets be employed to train an
effective model?
The main contributions of this work are summa-
rized as follows:
We define a new task to identify an opinion and
its ground in a customer review toward retrieval
of helpful reviews.
We propose novel methods to automatically con-
struct labeled datasets for the above task.
We evaluate how the datasets constructed by our
methods can contribute to improving the perfor-
mance of the identification of an opinion and a
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides a brief introduction to re-
lated work. Section 3 describes details of our pro-
posed method to construct the labeled data for train-
ing. Section 4 reports several experiments to evaluate
our methods. Finally, we conclude the paper in Sec-
tion 5.
2.1 Helpfulness of Review
Online consumer reviews can significantly influence
consumers’ purchasing decisions (Zhu and Zhang,
2010) and also give useful information to improve
products. Since not all reviews are useful for cus-
tomers and companies, many studies have been car-
ried out to identify whether a review is helpful or not.
Diaz and Ng carry out a survey of the relevant work
on the prediction of helpful product reviews (Diaz and
Ng, 2018).
Several studies try to discover useful reviews
based on the helpfulness votes given by other review-
ers at an EC website. Kim et al. employ Support
Vector Machine (SVM) regression for prediction of
helpfulness using 5 classes of features (Kim et al.,
2006). Mudambi and Schuff apply Tobit regression
for the prediction of customer review helpfulness, in-
dicating that the extremity, depth, and product type of
reviews affect the perceived helpfulness of the review
(Mudambi and Schuff, 2010). Pan and Zhang utilize a
mixed-effects logistic model with a random intercept
to analyze various factors that influence the helpful-
ness. They show that the valence (rating) and length
of reviews are positively associated with the perceived
helpfulness. In addition, they examine contents of re-
views and reveal a positive correlation between the re-
viewer’s innovativeness and the helpfulness (Pan and
Zhang, 2011).
Some researchers point out that helpfulness votes
are not always good ground-truth indicators due to
voting bias (Liu et al., 2007; Tsur and Rappoport,
2009; Yang et al., 2015). For example, Liu et al re-
veal three kinds of voting biases. The imbalance vote
bias is a tendency in which users value positive opin-
ions rather than negative ones. The winner circle bias
means that reviews that receive a lot of votes tend
to attract more attention, leading them to accumulate
votes at a faster rate than others. The early bird bias
means that the earlier a review is posted, the more
votes it will get.
Due to such biases of the helpfulness votes,
datasets of reviews manually annotated with labels of
the helpfulness are constructed and used for helpful-
ness prediction. Almagrabi et al. annotate user re-
views, which are written for five electronic products
on and, with a binary label of
helpfulness (Almagrabi et al., 2018). Liu et al. pro-
pose a guideline called SPEC that defines four cate-
gories of review quality which represent different val-
ues of the reviews to users’ purchase decision (Liu
et al., 2007). They construct the dataset by annotat-
ing the reviews in following the SPEC,
and then SVM is trained using this dataset as a binary
classifier to determine whether a review is helpful or
not. Tsur and Rappoport implement an unsupervised
algorithm RevRank (Tsur and Rappoport, 2009). The
Virtual Core Review (VC) is made by extracting par-
ticularly important terms from reviews for a specific
book. Then the reviews are ranked by the similar-
ity with the VC as the helpfulness score. Gamzu et
al. construct a collection of review sentences labeled
with continuous scores of helpfulness and use it for a
task to extract one positive and one negative Repre-
sentative Helpful Sentence (RHS) from a given set of
reviews, which is a kind of multiple document sum-
marization (Gamzu et al., 2021). Yang et al. use a
regression model to predict the helpfulness score of a
product review using only the review text (Yang et al.,
2015). They employ two interpretable semantic fea-
tures and use human scoring of helpfulness as ground
truth. The results show the models trained with se-
mantic features are more easily applied to the reviews
in the different product categories.
This study defines the helpfulness of a review in
a different way than the previous work. That is, a re-
view is helpful if it contains the user’s opinion and its
ground. Although this definition is not universal, the
Identification of Opinion and Ground in Customer Review Using Heterogeneous Datasets
Table 1: Example of opinion-ground and non-opinion-ground clause pairs.
Clause1 Clause2
clause pair (Since this book is written
in the form of a conversation with an
(The contents is easy to understand
and convincing.)
clause pair (Masking tape is useful because
it can be used for many purposes.)
(It is nice for me that
it is shipped by the easy mail service.)
clause pair (It is very cute, so I am fully
satisfied with it,)
(but I found that it is on sale
at the near shop much cheaper.)
proposed method enables us to evaluate the helpful-
ness of a review from a new point of view.
2.2 Discourse Relation
Our task is related to the discourse structure anal-
ysis where the relation between two sentences or
clauses is identified. Prasad et al. construct Penn Dis-
course TreeBank (PDTB), a corpus of English news-
paper articles where discourse relation tags are as-
signed to pairs of clauses (Prasad et al., 2008; Prasad
et al., 2018). Among several relation types in PDTB,
“CONTINGENCY.Cause” is the most related to this
study. It means the causal relation, i.e., a clause rep-
resents a cause of an event in another clause. Dis-
course structure analysis using PDTB has got lots of
attention. However, Kim et al. claim that the lack of
consistency in preprocessing and evaluation protocol
poses challenges to fair comparison of results in the
literature (Kim et al., 2020). They propose the stan-
dard label sets and the protocol of the section-based
cross-validation for fair comparison of methods for
implicit discourse relation classification, where there
is no explicit discourse marker between two spans or
arguments, and develop two strong baselines using
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans-
formers (BERT) (Devlin et al., 2019) and XLNet
(Yang et al., 2019).
Kishimoto et al. construct Kyoto University
Web Document Leads Corpus (KWDLC), a Japanese
dataset annotated with discourse relations (Kishimoto
et al., 2020). It consists of a small-scale high-quality
corpus made by experts and a large-scale corpus made
by non-expert crowdworkers. Using KWDLC as
the training and test data, they implement and com-
pare four methods of discourse relation analysis: the
BERT model, a machine learning classifier called
“opal”, a classifier based on discourse markers, and an
ensemble model of the classifier by discourse markers
and the BERT model.
Unlike previous studies on discourse structure
analysis where many types of relations are consid-
ered, our task concentrates on the relation between an
opinion and its ground, which is similar to the causal
relation, on the restricted domain, i.e., customer re-
Our task aims to identify whether a given pair of
clauses contains a reviewer’s opinion and a ground
or reason for that opinion. The input in this task is
not a review or a sentence but a pair of clauses, since
an opinion and its ground are often expressed in two
related clauses. In the example below, the positive
opinion (“fully satisfied”) is expressed in the clause
, and its ground (“purchase ... at a cheap price”) is
in the clause c
I can purchase this high-end model at a cheap
so I am fully satisfied with it.
We call this task the “opinion-ground classifica-
tion task”, and a pair of clauses that contain an opin-
ion and its ground “opinion-ground clause pair”. It
is a new task that can be applied to judge whether a
review is helpful or not. It is also a challenging task
since there is no labeled data for this task.
Examples of an opinion-ground clause pair and
a non-opinion-ground clause pair are shown in Ta-
ble 1. These clauses are excerpted from product re-
views in Japanese. An English translation is shown
in the parentheses. As for the opinion-ground clause
pair in the second row, Clause 2 expresses the opinion
“the book is easy to read”, while Clause 1 shows the
reason why it is. On the other hand, no such a relation
is found between Clause 1 and Clause 2 of the non-
opinion-ground clause pair at the third row. Note that
a clause can be a whole sentence, which is usually
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
short, such as the clauses of the non-opinion-ground
clause pair.
Although we suppose that an opinion and its
ground are in separate clauses, in the preliminary in-
vestigation, we found that an opinion and a ground
were often appeared in one clause. In fact, one clause
expresses both a user’s opinion and its ground in
nearly 60% of the opinion-ground clause pairs. An
example is shown in the last row in Table 1. Clause 1
contains the positive opinion “fully satisfied” and its
ground “very cute”. In our task, whether an opinion
and its ground are in one or two clauses, we aim to
classify a pair of clauses whether it is the opinion-
ground clause pair or not.
4.1 Overview
Figure 1: Overview of proposed method.
Figure 1 shows an overview of our proposed method.
A review that consists of several sentences is given as
an input. It is split into clauses, then pairs of clauses
under a dependency relation are extracted, which is
denoted as (c
, c
) in Figure 1. For each clause pair,
the opinion-ground classifier judges whether it con-
tains an opinion and its ground. This procedure is the
main problem in this paper as denoted in Section 3.
If one of the clauses is classified as “yes”, the input
review is judged as a helpful review.
The opinion-ground classifier is trained from three
datasets. The first is the KWDLC which is the ex-
isting dataset of discourse relations. The second is
the dataset constructed by using a discourse marker,
which is made from unlabeled reviews by a rule-based
method. The third is the dataset augmented by Chat-
4.2 Clause Segmentation
Pairs of clauses are extracted from a given review.
First, a review is split into sentences by using a pe-
riod as a sentence boundary. Second, each sentence
is split into clauses by a comma. Next, each sentence
is analyzed by the Japanese dependency parser KNP
(Kurohashi and Nagao, 1994)
. KNP outputs the de-
pendency between bunsetsu, which is a linguistic unit
similar to a base phrase or a chunk. Since bunsetsu
is a smaller unit than a clause, we convert the depen-
dency between bunsetsu to that between clauses.
Then, pairs of clauses under the dependency rela-
tion are extracted as intra-sentence clause pairs. Inter-
sentence clause pairs are also extracted. Since a head
clause of a sentence in Japanese is the last clause,
the last clauses of two consecutive sentences are ex-
tracted. Figure 2 shows an example of a result of
the dependency parsing, where c
and c
clauses of the first and second sentence, respectively.
We extract (c
), (c
), (c
), (c
) and (c
as the intra-sentence clause pairs, and (c
) as the
inter-sentence clause pair.
Figure 2: Dependency analysis between clauses.
4.3 Training Data
4.3.1 Kyoto University Web Document Leads
The Kyoto University Web Document Leads Corpus
(Kishimoto et al., 2020)
is used as one of our train-
ing datasets. This corpus compiles three sentences
at the beginning of Web documents in a wide vari-
ety of genres. It is annotated with multiple Japanese
discourse relations. A set of seven coarse-grained
Japanese discourse relation tags is defined referring
to that of PDTB 2.0 (Prasad et al., 2008). The tag
most related to this study is “cause/reason”, which is
the same as “CONTINGENCY.Cause” in PDTB 2.0
and PDTB 3.0.
KWDLC includes two datasets. One is the expert
dataset which is a relatively small but high-quality
dataset. It consists of 2,320 clause pairs annotated
by three experts. The other is a large one called
the crowdsourcing dataset, which consists of 40,467
clause pairs. Ten crowdworkers assign the discourse
Identification of Opinion and Ground in Customer Review Using Heterogeneous Datasets
relation tag for each pair of clauses. The final dis-
course relation is determined by the majority voting
of 10 assigned tags. Besides, we define the reliabil-
ity of the relation in the crowdsourcing dataset as the
proportion of the number of majority tags to the total
number of tags (i.e., 10).
The dataset for our task is constructed as follows.
Pairs of clauses labeled with the “cause/reason” tag
are extracted as positive samples. We use all pairs
in the expert dataset and only pairs whose reliability
is higher than or equal to 0.7 in the crowdsourcing
dataset. The same number of negative samples are
chosen from clause pairs annotated with the discourse
relation tag other than “cause/reason”.
It is worth noting that the aforementioned dataset
is not exactly fit for the opinion-ground classification
task. First, KWDLC is the out-domain. Web docu-
ments in various domains are annotated in KWDLC,
while a customer review is the target domain of the
opinion-ground classification task. Second, the defi-
nitions of the target relation are similar but not exactly
the same. The relation “cause/reason” in KWDLC
represents a general causality, while the opinion-
ground concept in our task focuses on a more specific
relation. Table 2 shows an example of a clause pair
annotated with the “cause/reason” tag in KWDLC.
Looking for suppliers (in Clause 1) is the reason to
ask people to contact (in Clause 2), but it is not a re-
lation between an opinion and its ground.
Table 2: Example of cause/relation clause pairs in KWDLC.
4.3.2 Dataset Constructed by Using Discourse
We construct an in-domain dataset, i.e., customer re-
views labeled with the opinion-ground relation tag, by
a rule-based method. First, unlabeled reviews are pre-
pared, then pairs of clauses are extracted as described
in Subsection 4.2. If the clause contains
in Subsection 4.2. If the clause contains ”(
or ”(
‘’(node) that means “because”, this clause
pair is extracted as a positive sample in which an opin-
ion and its ground are included. Both
in Subsection 4.2. If the clause contains ”(
or ”(
‘’(node) are the Japanese discourse mark-
ers that represent the causal relation. Table 3 shows
examples of the extracted positive samples where the
discourse marker is underlined. In addition, pairs of
clauses not including these discourse markers are ex-
tracted as negative samples. To form the dataset, an
almost equal number of positive and negative samples
are excerpted.
Table 3: Example of clause pairs including discourse mark-
The disadvantage of this approach is that the re-
lation indicated by
in Subsection 4.2. If the clause contains ”(
‘’(kara) and
or ”(
‘’(node) is
not exactly the same as the opinion-ground relation.
In addition, the positive samples always contain these
discourse markers, although an opinion and its ground
can often appear without accompanying them. How-
ever, the substantial advantage is that the dataset can
be constructed fully automatically without heavy hu-
man labor. Another merit is that it is the in-domain
dataset, unlike KWDLC.
4.3.3 Dataset Augmented by ChatGPT
Dai et al. and Gilardi et al. show that ChatGPT can
provide high-quality augmentation data (Dai et al.,
2023; Gilardi et al., 2023). This study also uti-
lizes ChatGPT-3.5 for data augmentation toward the
opinion-ground classification task. Especially, we
aim to obtain positive samples that do not contain
the discourse markers, which are not included in the
dataset constructed in 4.3.2.
Figure 3 shows how the dataset is constructed by
ChatGPT. First, 17 single clauses that contain both
an opinion and its ground are excerpted from unla-
beled customer reviews for products of 9 different
product types (genres). For each clause, we give a
prompt to ChatGPT so that ChatGPT generates 40
similar clauses that include an opinion and its ground.
Specifically, the following prompt is used to create
new clauses:
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
1 40
horiginal clausei
(You are a data augmentation generator, gen-
erate 40 similar one-clause product reviews
that include a ground of an opinion. Clause:
horiginal clausei)
Since our task is a clause pair classification and
what we generate is a single clause, the generated
clauses as well as the original clause are coupled with
another clause that is randomly chosen from the re-
view of the same product genre to form a pair of
clauses. A half of the constructed clause pair contains
the clause generated by ChatGPT as the first clause
and another half as the second clause.
The above method only generates positive sam-
ples. Almost an equal number of negative samples
are produced by the same method used in the devel-
opment of the dataset described in 4.3.2.
Figure 3: Data augmentation by ChatGPT.
Table 4 shows an example of augmentation. c
the original clause, while c
and c
are the clauses
generated by ChatGPT. These clauses have almost the
same meaning with the original one, preserving the
opinion and its ground.
Table 4: Example of the augmented clauses by ChatGPT.
was good to buy a good one cheap.)
(I’m delight to find that
this product not only exceeded my expectations
but also comes at an affordable price.)
(I am very satisfied because
the product is good and its price is reasonable
4.4 Opinion-Ground Classifier
We implement four classifiers for the opinion ground
classification task.
4.4.1 Rule-Based Method
A simple rule-based method is implemented. The
Japanese morphological analysis engine Janome
used for word segmentation of input clauses. Then,
this classifier checks whether an input pair of clauses
contains the causal discourse marker
in Subsection 4.2. If the clause contains ”(
or ”(
‘’(node). If an input contains the discourse
marker, it is classified as the opinion-ground clause
4.4.2 BERT
BERT is fine-tuned for the opinion-ground classifica-
tion task. The pre-trained BERT model
that is ob-
tained from the Japanese version of Wikipedia is used.
Two kinds of BERT models called BERT-2C and
BERT-1C are fine-tuned. BERT-2C uses BERT as
a sentence pair classification model where a pair of
clauses are given as the input, while BERT-1C is a
single sentence classification model where the con-
catenation of two clauses is given. The input of each
model is shown as follows:
BERT-2C: CLS Clause1 SEP Clause2 SEP
BERT-1C: CLS Clause1 Clause2 SEP
4.4.3 Intermediate Fine-Tuning
Intermediate fine-tuning (IFT) is the process of fine-
tuning a model using an intermediate dataset before
fine-tuning using the target dataset in order to en-
hance the model performance (Cengiz et al., 2019;
Poth et al., 2021). Cengiz et al. showed that using IFT
improved the performance on the medical NLI task
(Cengiz et al., 2019). IFT on a dataset of the same or
related task transfers more task-specific knowledge to
the model for the target domain.
IFT is applied to train a better classification
model. Two datasets are prepared: one is the out-
domain dataset which is KWDLC, the other is the in-
domain dataset which is the union of the dataset con-
structed by using the discourse marker and the dataset
augmented by ChatGPT. The BERT model is fine-
tuned using the out-domain dataset first. Using the
trained model to provide initial parameters, the BERT
model is fine-tuned again using the in-domain dataset.
4.4.4 Hybrid Model
Rule-based methods are often more interpretable and
transparent than deep learning models like BERT. In
addition, the rule-based method is expected to achieve
Identification of Opinion and Ground in Customer Review Using Heterogeneous Datasets
high precision in compensation for low recall. By
leveraging the strengths of both approaches, we first
use the rule-based method to classify an input clause
pair. If the rule-based method classifies it as a non-
opinion-ground clause pair, we use a fine-tuned BERT
model to classify it again.
5.1 Experimental Setup
5.1.1 Dataset
Following ve datasets are used to train the models
for the opinion-ground classification task.
: KWDLC (Subsubsection 4.3.1). It is the
out-domain dataset.
: Dataset constructed by using the discourse
marker (Subsubsection 4.3.2). It is the in-domain
: Dataset augmented by ChatGPT (Subsubsec-
tion 4.3.3). It is also the in-domain dataset.
: D
+ D
, the union of two in-domain
: D
+ D
+ D
and D
are automatically constructed from
unlabeled reviews. We use reviews in Rakuten Ichiba
(the EC website in Japan) in the Rakuten Data Col-
lection (Rakuten Institute of Technology, 2023). Ta-
ble 5 reveals the number of clause pairs in the train-
ing and validation data of five datasets, where “og”
and “non-og” indicate the opinion-ground and non-
opinion-ground clause pairs, respectively. D
are split into the training and validation data in
the ratio of 80:20. D
are split into the training,
validation, and test data in the ratio of 80:10:10. We
call the test data “KWDLC test data”, whose statistics
are also shown in Table 6.
Table 5: Number of clause pairs in datasets.
Dataset Training Validation
og non-og og non-og
1,044 1,043 131 130
582 560 146 140
558 560 140 140
1,140 1,120 286 280
2,184 2,163 417 410
Another test data is manually constructed to eval-
uate our proposed methods. From unlabeled reviews
in Rakuten Ichiba, 162 reviews are randomly chosen.
Table 6: Test data.
og non-og
KWDLC test data 131 131
Rakuten test data 186 329
These reviews are mutually exclusive with ones used
for the construction of D
and D
. Then, pairs of
clauses are extracted from the reviews by the process
described in Subsection 4.2. If the preceding clause
ends with a comma, we convert it to a period and also
convert a conjugated form of the last verb into its base
form so that the clause becomes a complete sentence.
For each pair of clauses, two human annotators dis-
cuss and judge whether it includes a reviewer’s opin-
ion and ground. We call it “Rakuten test data” whose
statistics are shown in Table 6.
5.1.2 Models
The models described in Subsection 4.4 are com-
pared: the rule-based method (Rule), the BERT model
obtained by the ordinary fine-tuning (BERT), the
BERT model obtained by intermediate fine-tuning
(IFT), and the hybrid method of Rule and BERT or
IFT (Rule+BERT or Rule+IFT). As for the hyperpa-
rameters for fine-tuning the BERT, we simply set the
batch size to 16 and the learning rate to 2e
, but opti-
mize the number of epochs among {1, 2, 3} on the val-
idation data. The AdamW optimizer (Loshchilov and
Hutter, 2019) is used for the optimization, where the
weight decay is set to 0.01. Training and evaluation
of the models are performed only once to shorten the
time for the experiment, although several runs should
be done considering influence of random initialization
of parameters.
The system using ChatGPT-3.5 is also compared.
As a prompt, we give ChatGPT three positive and
three negative samples, which are artificially made,
and ask ChatGPT to judge whether clause pairs in the
test data are the opinion-ground clause pairs or not.
5.2 Result and Discussion
5.2.1 Results of Opinion-Ground Classification
Table 7 shows the results of the several methods
trained on five different datasets. The precision, re-
call, and F1-score of the detection of the opinion-
ground clause pairs and the accuracy of the classi-
fication on the Rakuten test are measured. Each of
them is shown in the individual tables. The suffix
“-2C” or “-1C” in the model names indicates that a
pair of clauses or a concatenated single clause is given
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 7: Results of opinion-ground classification on
Rakuten test data.
(a) Precision
Model D
Rule 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72
ChatGPT 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
BERT-2C 0.43 0.47 0.59 0.52 0.56
BERT-1C 0.40 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.45
IFT-2C 0.67
IFT-1C 0.51
Rule+BERT-2C 0.44 0.49 0.59 0.50 0.58
Rule+IFT-2C 0.63
(b) Recall
Model D
Rule 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47
ChatGPT 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92
BERT-2C 0.94 0.52 0.69 0.82 0.85
BERT-1C 0.95 0.87 0.91 0.91 0.95
IFT-2C 0.75
IFT-1C 0.94
Rule+BERT-2C 0.91 0.65 0.78 0.80 0.82
Rule+IFT-2C 0.76
(c) F1-score
Model D
Rule 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57
ChatGPT 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56
BERT-2C 0.59 0.49 0.64 0.64 0.68
BERT-1C 0.57 0.61 0.61 0.60 0.61
IFT-2C 0.71
IFT-1C 0.66
Rule+BERT-2C 0.59 0.56 0.67 0.62 0.68
Rule+IFT-2C 0.69
(d) Accuracy
Model D
Rule 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74
ChatGPT 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42
BERT-2C 0.52 0.61 0.71 0.66 0.71
BERT-1C 0.48 0.59 0.59 0.56 0.57
IFT-2C 0.77
IFT-1C 0.65
Rule+BERT-2C 0.55 0.63 0.73 0.64 0.72
Rule+IFT-2C 0.72
as the input of BERT.
The performance of “Rule”
and “ChatGPT” is shown as the same for all datasets
since they do not use the labeled dataset, while the
performance of “IFT” and “Rule+IFT” is shown only
for D
since it uses both D
and D
. The
best dataset for each model is indicated in bold, while
The results of Rule+BERT-1C and Rule+IFT-1C
are omitted since their performance was poorer than
Rule+BERT-2C and Rule+IFT-2C.
Table 8: Results of the models trained from D
for the
in-domain (KWDLC) and out-domain (Rakuten) test data.
Method Test data P R F A
Rule KWDLC 0.74 0.40 0.52 0.63
Rakuten 0.72 0.47 0.57 0.74
BERT-2C KWDLC 0.78 0.85 0.82 0.81
Rakuten 0.43 0.94 0.59 0.52
Rule+BERT-2C KWDLC 0.70 0.82 0.76 0.74
Rakuten 0.44 0.91 0.59 0.55
the best model trained on D
is indicated in bold and
The models trained on the in-domain datasets
and D
) achieve better precision than the mod-
els trained on the out-domain dataset (D
), but
less perform with respect to the recall. Thus the en-
semble of these datasets is expected to compensate
each other. As for the F1-score and accuracy, in gen-
eral, the in-domain datasets are better than the out-
domain dataset. It indicates that the effectiveness
of our proposed approach to construct the in-domain
datasets automatically. Comparing D
and D
, the
latter performs better, indicating the adequate ability
of ChatGPT for data augmentation. D
better recall but comparable F1-score compared with
the individual dataset D
or D
. Finally, the F1-
score of the models trained on D
is better than or
comparable to the other datasets. The intermediate
fine-tuning (IFT) further boosts the F1-score and the
accuracy. The best F1-score is 0.71 achieved by IFT-
2C trained on D
, which is 0.12 points higher than
BERT-2C trained on D
. It proves that our ap-
proach to combine the heterogeneous datasets, i.e.,
the manually annotated but out-domain dataset and
weakly supervised but in-domain dataset, is effective
for the opinion-ground classification task. In addition,
the IFT is more appropriate than simple combination
to utilize those heterogeneous datasets.
The findings on the comparison of the different
models are enumerated as follows.
The models that accept a pair of clauses as the in-
put (*-2C) usually outperform the models that ac-
cept a single clause (*-1C). Although an opinion
and ground often appear in one clause, it is better
to separate two clauses when they are entered to
the BERT model.
The hybrid methods do not usually outperform
the BERT models. Especially, the precision of
Rule+IFT-2C is worse than Rule or IFT-2C. This
is because Rule can classify only 23% of the test
data, while IFT-2C performs well on this portion
of the test data (its precision is 0.79). Thus the
ensemble of Rule and IFT does not yield any im-
Identification of Opinion and Ground in Customer Review Using Heterogeneous Datasets
Table 9: Example of opinion-ground classification by IFT-2C trained from D
Gold Pred. Clause 1 Clause 2
#1 og og
(I find no problem on every-
thing including the quality and the pack-
ing, so I am very satisfied.)
(They also responded
politely to my email inquiry.)
#2 og non-og (The
strong points are good design as every-
one thought,)
(and the wheels are attached.)
#3 non-og og
(Since it was my
first time to buy from this shop, I was in
anxiety, but)
(it was delicious.)
The accuracy of the rule-based method is rela-
tively high. This may be caused by the imbal-
ance of the classes in the test data. As shown in
Table 6, the number of the non-opinion-ground
clause pairs is almost twice than that of the
opinion-ground clause pairs. Rule tends to clas-
sify a clause pair as non-opinion-ground since it
judges the input as an opinion-ground clause pair
only when the discourse marker is found. Thus
the accuracy of Rule is estimated high. However,
the F1-score of Rule is inferior to the BERT-based
ChatGPT shows the tendency to classify a clause
pair as positive and achieves the high recall but
low precision. The F1-score is much less than the
BERT-based models.
5.2.2 Domain Difference
A naive approach to solve the opinion-ground classi-
fication task is to use the existing manually labeled
dataset, KWDLC. As discussed in 4.3.1, however,
KWDLC is not fully appropriate for this task due to
the disagreement of the task definition and the do-
main (Web document vs. customer review). To inves-
tigate the influence of such differences in the train-
ing and test data, an additional experiment is car-
ried out. D
is used as the training data, then
the performance on Rakuten test data and KWDLC
test data are compared. The precision (P), recall (R),
F1-score (F), and accuracy (A) of Rule, BERT-2C,
and Rule+BERT-2C are shown in Table 8. The per-
formance of the BERT model on the out-domain test
data (Rakuten) is obviously poorer than that on the in-
domain test data (KWDLC). The performance of the
rule-based method is rather comparable on the two
test data, but the hybrid model also suffers from the
gap of the domains. It indicates the necessity to use
the in-domain dataset to precisely identify an opinion
and ground in a review.
5.3 Case Study and Error Analysis
Table 9 shows examples of the opinion-ground clas-
sification. “Gold” stands for the gold label, while
“Pred. means the class predicted by our best model
IFT-2C. The example #1 is the true-positive. The
model successfully classifies it as the opinion-ground
clause pair although the opinion (“I am satisfied”) and
the ground (“I find no problem”) are in one clause and
there is no explicit discourse marker. The example #2
is the false-negative. The model fails to capture the
opinion (“strong point”) and the ground (“good de-
sign”, “attached wheels”), since there is no explicit
word or phrase to indicate the ground. The example
#3 is the false-positive. Although there is no ground
for the opinion, the model judges it as the opinion-
ground clause pair.
We also carried out error analysis. Among 48
false-negative samples, 39(81%) samples show pos-
itive opinions. The example #2 in Table 9 is such an
example; the user says that the design of the prod-
uct is good. In the dataset, many opinion-ground
clause pairs express user’s positive opinion. The
model might learn irrational relation between a pos-
itive opinion and existence of an opinion and ground.
As for false-positive errors, it was found that the
discourse marker
or ”(
‘’(node) was a major causes of
errors. Among all 70 false-positive samples, 17(24%)
samples include this discourse marker. Although
or ”(
‘’(node) indicates causal relation, it is not al-
ways relation between an opinion and ground. For
example, in the example #3 in Table 9,
or ”(
shows a reason (it was my first time to buy from this
shop) why a user was in anxiety, but it is not reason
for the user’s opinion (it was delicious).
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
This paper proposed the novel method to identify
an opinion of a reviewer and its ground in a cus-
tomer review. First, we newly defined the opinion-
ground classification task that aimed to classify a pair
of clauses whether it contained an opinion and its
ground. To train the classifiers of this task, three het-
erogeneous datasets were constructed: (1) the part of
KWDLC that consisted of pairs of clauses under the
“cause/reason” relation as the positive samples, (2)
the dataset constructed by checking the existence of
the discourse markers, and (3) the augmented dataset
including the clauses generated by ChatGPT. In ad-
dition, the rule-based method, BERT, and the hybrid
of these two methods were emprically compared as
the classification models. Results of the experiments
showed that the use of not only the existing manu-
ally annotated out-domain dataset (KWDLC) but also
the automatically constructed in-domain dataset could
improve the F1-score of the opinion-ground classifi-
cation task. The best F1-score, 0.71, was obtained
when the BERT model was trained by the interme-
diate fine-tuning using three datatsets. It was 0.12
points higher than the model using only KWDLC.
In the future, the in-domain datasets should be en-
larged so that the classifier can trained from a corpus
including a wide variety of linguistic expressions that
represent the opinion-ground relation. In addition, in-
stead of just checking two causality discourse mark-
ers, we will investigate a more sophisticated rule-
based method to extract the opinion-ground clause
pairs from unlabeled reviews more precisely.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence