This paper proposed the novel method to identify
an opinion of a reviewer and its ground in a cus-
tomer review. First, we newly defined the opinion-
ground classification task that aimed to classify a pair
of clauses whether it contained an opinion and its
ground. To train the classifiers of this task, three het-
erogeneous datasets were constructed: (1) the part of
KWDLC that consisted of pairs of clauses under the
“cause/reason” relation as the positive samples, (2)
the dataset constructed by checking the existence of
the discourse markers, and (3) the augmented dataset
including the clauses generated by ChatGPT. In ad-
dition, the rule-based method, BERT, and the hybrid
of these two methods were emprically compared as
the classification models. Results of the experiments
showed that the use of not only the existing manu-
ally annotated out-domain dataset (KWDLC) but also
the automatically constructed in-domain dataset could
improve the F1-score of the opinion-ground classifi-
cation task. The best F1-score, 0.71, was obtained
when the BERT model was trained by the interme-
diate fine-tuning using three datatsets. It was 0.12
points higher than the model using only KWDLC.
In the future, the in-domain datasets should be en-
larged so that the classifier can trained from a corpus
including a wide variety of linguistic expressions that
represent the opinion-ground relation. In addition, in-
stead of just checking two causality discourse mark-
ers, we will investigate a more sophisticated rule-
based method to extract the opinion-ground clause
pairs from unlabeled reviews more precisely.
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