of the countermeasures employed by the defenders.
As future work, we aim to explore various direc-
tions from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
On the theoretical side, we intend to investigate sce-
narios where the game structure involves multiple at-
tackers. This presents a challenging objective due to
our current approach of transforming Attack Graphs
into interpreted systems. To address multiple attack-
ers, we must consider transforming multiple Attack
Graphs into interpreted systems. Currently, merging
several Attack Graphs has not yet been studied. Ini-
tially, we will delve into the amalgamation of multi-
ple Attack Graphs and subsequently devise a formal
framework for generating an interpreted system. On
the practical side, there is much to accomplish. Pri-
marily, we need to enhance our tool to handle multi-
ple defenders. Additionally, we must expand the ca-
pabilities of AG2IS on the specification side. Our cur-
rent implementation only defines a reachability objec-
tive for the attacker. Nonetheless, as demonstrated in
our work, incorporating more intricate temporal ob-
jectives can enhance the verification process. More-
over, our approach in this study involved utilizing two
existing tools for Attack Graph generation and verifi-
cation. However, since MulVal is an outdated tool
without active maintenance, we are considering de-
veloping a new Attack Graph generator. Furthermore,
MCMAS lacks certain extensions in terms of logics for
strategic reasoning. Thus, we have plans to extend it
with more robust logics that are particularly relevant
within the realm of cybersecurity.
The first author is supported by the PRIN project
RIPER (No. 20203FFYLK).
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence