and in the form of social influence in the social net-
work of the regulated units. Secondly, to identify un-
der which initial conditions the self-regulated system
can maintain stability, and so establish what could be
called requisite social influence.
The solution proposed in this paper has been to
synthesise ideas from social influence and machine
learning to address the dual problems of requisite in-
fluence and stability in continuous monitoring and
control of a dynamic and non-deterministic system.
Specifically, the contributions of this paper are
• based on ideas from opinion formation, dynamic
social psychology and psychoacoustics, to intro-
duce the 4voices model for regulated units, which
identifies an own voice, expert voice, foreground
noise and background noise as possible sources of
social influence;
• to specify the 4voices algorithm, which com-
bines computation of a signal value for each of
the voices, with reinforcement of attention based
on the experience from past interactions with
the voices for the regulated units, and Deep Q-
learning for the regulator to learn the effect of its
actions; and
• experimental results which show that for control
processes in dynamic and non-deterministic sys-
tems, the 4voices algorithm establishes both the
required relational complexity and the pathways
for requisite influence, so that the systemic stabil-
ity is maintained.
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ity in the regulator. Correspondingly, though, an ethi-
cally regulated unit should try to provide information
to the best of its knowledge and belief. The future
challenge lies in ensuring ethical behaviour with re-
spect to values, especially in systems with multiple
stakeholders with different priorities and preferences
with respect to those values.
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