interpret q
. To address the first threat, we imple-
mented classification models using scikit-learn (Pe-
dregosa et al., 2011), a widely used library. To
limit the second threat, we used a grid search to set
the hyper-parameters for classification models on all
datasets without any deterioration and then used these
settings for the rest of the experiments. To limit the
third threat, we selected three widely used datasets,
along with the 114 datasets obtained by injecting con-
trolled percentages of errors.
The 4 external threats are the choice of the datasets
for the evaluation, the choice of classification mod-
els, the generation of errors, and the combination of
errors. We tried to limit the first threat by choosing
datasets that are widely used and have different di-
mensions. We also selected datasets that cover var-
ious applications and ranges of dimensions. We se-
lected a wide range of classification approaches to ad-
dress the second threat. To limit the third one, we
decided to generate errors randomly, with a uniform
distribution. Finally, we decided to study errors sepa-
rately to limit the fourth threat. However, we plan to
extend this work to error combinations in future work.
In this paper, we have introduced a novel metric to
measure data quality. The main advantage of the pro-
posed metric is being independent of learning models
and expert knowledge. Furthermore, it does not re-
quire external reference data. As a consequence, it of-
fers the possibility to compare different datasets. We
have extensively tested and evaluated the proposed
metric and have shown that it is able to characterize
data quality correctly.
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