create a dynamic and adaptive defense system that
responds proactively to potential intrusions,
mitigating risks in real-time and fortifying the
security posture of their networks.
As it is seen, the literature review helped identify
several significant challenges in using Zero Trust
anonymization to enhance the accuracy and security
of organizational networks. The following research
gaps are identified:
Research Gap 1: The security issues of
outsourcing the IDS tasks to third-party analysts
are not identified, i.e., semantic attacks.
Research Gap 2: Therefore, an effective solution
for this scenario has not yet been proposed
Research Gap 3: The challenges pertaining to
designing such a solution are unknown.
The increase in the tendency to apply cloud
computing, the Internet of Things, and mobile device
use has dissolved traditional network boundaries.
Hardened network perimeters alone are no longer
effective for providing enterprise security in a world
of cloud computing and increasingly sophisticated
The Zero Trust approach combines tight identity-
based verification for every person and device
attempting to access resources on a private network
or the cloud, regardless of whether they are inside or
outside the network perimeter. Zero Trust should be
considered as a holistic framework rather than be
associated with any specific security approach or
method. Indeed, it is based on a variety of principles,
methods, and ideas of cybersecurity integrated to
ensure digital security. Examples include, among
others, the prevention of semantic threats, segmenting
networks, granular user-access management, and
minimization of lateral movement. Zero Trust
Architecture could offer an excellent solution to
organizations seeking to outsource IDS services to
third-party analysts while reducing semantic attack
threats. However, the specific anonymization
mechanisms ensuring a good balance between
privacy and security of such ZTA-based systems are
still being explored.
Based on the reviewed literature, the dominant
anonymization approaches are based on HE systems
which suffer from a number of setbacks, sacrificing
either privacy or analytical data accuracy in the
process of encryption. MV-based systems may offer
a better solution, but they are not sufficiently explored
yet. This review is a part of large-scale research that
proposes and evaluates a comprehensive ZTA for the
IDS system ZTA-IDS. Such a system could offer a
much-needed solution to the edgeless network
security where the trade-off between privacy and data
utility is minimized.
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